As the current cohort of psychiatric administrators and leaders approach the end of their careers, the continued success of the behavioral health care system requires that a future generation of leaders be equipped to advocate on behalf of providers and ...
The context in which an individual is born, grows, lives, and works has a profound impact on their mental health—this is beyond doubt. What is often less clear is how to affect these social determinants of mental health in actionable ways.Struggle and ...
The internet, social media platforms, new digital technologies—for all their promise of greater interconnectivity and social connection, loneliness remains an issue for millions of individuals around the world. Recent studies have demonstrated a ...
With a mix of theory, practical advice, and illustrative clinical material, The Object Relations Lens is a compelling and indispensable resource for any clinician interested in applying the object relations model to their clinical or academic work.As ...
When it was originally published in 2009, the Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry was the first comprehensive guide to hit the market in more than a decade. This updated edition includes new material in each of the chapters, with a focus on treatment, ...
Discussion and implementation of measurement-based care (MBC) is often beset by misconceptions: it's too time intensive; it's too expensive; it may serve to undermine a practitioner's clinical judgment.The Clinician's Handbook on Measurement-Based Care ...
To practice psychotherapy in a correctional setting is to encounter a range of cultural issues reflecting the various ethnic, class, gender, and physical subgroups of the prison population—as well as to navigate the culture of the prison, staff, and ...
Graduate of Harvard Medical School, president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, founding national chair of the Black Psychiatrists of America: the list of Chester Pierce's accomplishments alone cement him as a luminary in the field—and ...
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope offers an updated vision of psychoanalytic object relations theory, revealing its application to transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), a treatment approach derived from, and related to, psychoanalysis.Collecting previously ...
Accounts of hoarding behaviors stretch back thousands of years—most recently depicted in popular reality television series—but it wasn't until the publication of DSM-5 in 2013 that hoarding was classified as a disorder in its own right rather than as a ...
The new edition of The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders shares a title with the previous edition, but little else. Three of the four editors are new to the volume, as are three of every four contributors, and this new ...
For nearly three decades, the Concise Guide to Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology has helped many clinicians treat patients with neuropsychiatric and neurobehavioral syndromes with insight and kindness.This third edition of the seminal guide picks ...
In this current, comprehensive, definitive resource of information on antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), two highly recognized authorities bring together contributions from an international group of experts to review the best knowledge available on ...
Designed for interviewers at all levels of experience, The Pocket Guide to the DSM-5-TR Diagnostic Exam is the clinician's companion for using DSM-5-TR in diagnostic interviews. Beginning with an introduction to the diagnostic interview, the Pocket Guide ...
More than 40 years after the official recognition of infantile autism in DSM-III, advances continue to be made in our understanding of the possible causes, assessment and evaluation, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). With contributions by ...
What if how medication was prescribed was as important as what was prescribed? This is the central tenet of Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology, a new guide that emphasizes integrating research on evidence-based prescribing processes with psychodynamic ...
Late-Life Depression and Anxiety empowers health care professionals to accurately identify and diagnose anxiety and depression in older adult patients and help them find relief, stay independent, and lower their risk of suicide.Experienced physicians, new ...
Our remedies are only as good as the way in which we dispense them.That is the central premise of Thinking About Prescribing. In this new, thought-provoking volume, more than two dozen experts make the case for an ongoing alliance between ...
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