Begun in 1947 by the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, the American Journal of Psychotherapy provides a forum for advancing the theory, science, and clinical practice of psychotherapy. Subscribe now for access to its entire archive, now available for the first time ever.
To submit your paper, please visit the manuscript submission site at Manuscript Central and either create an account or use your existing account. Then follow the instructions to upload your manuscript. All submissions must include a title page and be accompanied by a cover letter and list of suggested reviewers.
Professionals in the mental health disciplines who are qualified to review are invited to contact the Editorial office. Qualifications include prior publication of articles in your specialty area in peer-reviewed journals; current knowledge of recently published research in that area; familiarity with the American Journal of Psychotherapy’s audience and recent publications in your field; and willingness to invest the time needed to thoroughly evaluate the manuscripts you agree to review. In your message, please include a list of representative publications and/or professional activities. Persons who review for the Journal will receive published acknowledgment for reviewing. Learn more.
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