Page numbers printed in boldface type refer to tables or figures.
Abuse and neglect, as other condition that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 307–314
Access, to medical care,306, 320
Acculturation, and social environment,318
Acute dissociative reactions to stressful events,135
Acute dystonic reaction (ADR),293–295
Acute stress disorder,127–129
Adjustment disorders,129–130
Adjustment-like disorders with delayed onset of symptoms,131
Advanced sleep phase type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
Age-related cognitive decline,322–323
Alcohol, and substance-related disorders,187,
See also Alcohol-related disorders
Alcohol-induced mental disorders,195
Alcohol intoxication,193–194
Alcohol-related disorders,192–195.
See also Alcohol
alcohol-induced mental disorders,195
alcohol intoxication,193–194
alcohol use disorder,192–193
alcohol withdrawal,194
unspecified alcohol-related disorder,195
Alcohol use disorder,192–193
Alcohol withdrawal,194
Alzheimer’s disease.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease
Animal phobia,101
Anorexia nervosa,144–145
Another medical condition, use of term,9
Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome,301–303
Antipsychotic medication- and other dopamine receptor blocking agent-induced parkinsonism,287–291
Antipsychotic medications and other dopamine receptor blocking agents, use of term,287
Antisocial behavior, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,321
Antisocial personality disorder,185, 271–272
Anxiety disorder(s),99–109
anxiety disorder due to another medical condition,108
generalized anxiety disorder,105
other specified anxiety disorder,108–109
panic attack as specifier,103–104
panic disorder,102–103
selective mutism,100
separation anxiety disorder,99
social anxiety disorder,101–102
specific phobia,100–101
substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder,105–108
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified anxiety disorder,109
Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition,108
Anxiolytics, and substance-related disorders,189.
See also Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders
Anxious distress, as specifier,66, 71–72, 92
Appearance preoccupations, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition,117
Arousal symptoms, and acute stress disorder,128–129
Asphyxiophilia, and sexual masochism disorder,280
Assessment, of neurocognitive domains,236–
241Associated features, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,10
Ataque de nervios (attack of nerves),109, 131
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,31–34
Attenuated psychosis syndrome,54
Atypical anorexia nervosa,147–148
Atypical antipsychotics,287
Atypical depression,94
Atypical features, as specifier,75–76, 94–95
Autism spectrum disorder,27–29,
30Autogynephilia, and transvestic disorder,282
Avoidanceacute stress disorder and symptoms of,128
posttraumatic stress disorder and persistent,126
Avoidant personality disorder,274
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder,144
Behavioral disturbance.
See also Antisocial behavior; Suicidal behavior
major neurocognitive disorder,248
mild neurocognitive disorder,250
Beliefs, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,112, 113–114
See also Grief
Binge-eating disorder,146–147, 148
Binge-eating/purging type, of anorexia nervosa,145
Bipolar I disorder,57–61
Bipolar II disorder,62–65
Bipolar and related disorder(s),57–80
bipolar I disorder,57–61
bipolar II disorder,62–65
bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition,69
cyclothymic disorder,66
other specified bipolar and related disorder,70–71
specifiers for,71–80
substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder,66–69
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified bipolar and related disorder,71
unspecified mood disorder,71
Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition,69
Bipolar type, of schizoaffective disorder,47
Bizarre content, delusional disorder with,42
Blood-injection-injury phobia,101
Body dysmorphic disorder,112–113
Body dysmorphic–like disorder with actual flaws,118
Body dysmorphic–like disorder without repetitive behaviors,118
Body-focused repetitive behavior disorder,118
Borderline intellectual functioning,323
Borderline personality disorder,272
Bradykinesia, and medication-induced parkinsonism,289, 291
Breathing-related sleep disorders,154–156
central sleep apnea,155
obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea,154–155
sleep-related hypoventilation,156
Brief illness anxiety disorder,141
Brief psychotic disorder,43
Brief somatic symptom disorder,141
Bulimia nervosa,145–146, 148
Caffeine, and substance-related disorders,187,
See also Caffeine-related disorders
Caffeine-induced mental disorders,196
Caffeine intoxication,195–196
Caffeine-related disorders,195–197.
See also Cannabis-related disorders
caffeine-induced mental disorders,196
caffeine intoxication,195–196
caffeine withdrawal,196
unspecified caffeine-related disorder,197
Caffeine withdrawal,196
Cannabis, and substance-related disorders,187,
188Cannabis-induced mental disorders,200
Cannabis-related disorders,197–200
cannabis-induced mental disorders,200
cannabis intoxication,199
cannabis use disorder,197–198
cannabis withdrawal,199–200
unspecified cannabis-related disorder,200
Cannabis intoxication,199
Cannabis use disorder,197–198
Cannabis withdrawal,199–200
Care seeking and care-avoidant types, of illness anxiety disorder,138
Case formulation,3
Cataplexy, and narcolepsy,154
autism spectrum disorder,29
brief psychotic disorder with,43
catatonia associated with another mental disorder,52
catatonia associated with autism spectrum disorder,29
catatonia due to another medical condition,52–53
schizoaffective disorder with,47
schizophrenia with,46
schizophreniform disorder with,44
as specifier for bipolar and related disorders,76–78
as specifier for depressive disorders,95
unspecified catatonia,53
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,6
Central sleep apnea,155
Cheyne-Stokes breathing,155
Childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering),25–26
Chronic and recurrent syndromes of mixed dissociative symptoms,135
Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders,156–157
Clinical judgment, and diagnosis,5–6
Cluster A personality disorders,269–271
paranoid personality disorder,269–270
schizoid personality disorder,270
schizotypal personality disorder,185, 271
Cluster B personality disorders,271–273
antisocial personality disorder,271–272
borderline personality disorder,272
histrionic personality disorder,273
narcissistic personality disorder,273
Cluster C personality disorders,274–275
avoidant personality disorder,274
dependent personality disorder,274–275
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,275
See Recording procedures
Combined presentation, of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,33
Communication disorders,24–27
childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering),25–26
language disorder,24–25
social (pragmatic) communication disorder,26
speech sound disorder,25
unspecified communication disorder,26–27
Comorbidity, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
Comorbid sleep-related hypoventilation,156
Complex attention,236Conduct disorder,183–185
Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation,156
Counseling, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,306, 320
Culture-related diagnostic issues, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
Cyclothymia, and other specified bipolar and related disorder,70–71
Cyclothymic disorder,66
Daytime sleepiness type, of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,162
Decision-making, and executive functions,237Delayed expression, of posttraumatic stress disorder,125
Delayed sleep phase type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
189, 242–247
Delirium due to another medical condition,244
Delirium due to multiple etiologies,245
Delusion(s)psychotic disorder due to another medical condition,51
with significant overlapping mood episodes,54
Delusional disorder,41–42, 71
Delusional symptoms in context of relationship with individual with prominent delusions,54
Dependent personality disorder,274–275
Depersonalization, and posttraumatic stress disorder,125, 127
Depersonalization/derealization disorder,134
Depressed episode, and bipolar II disorder,65
Depressed mood, and adjustment disorders,129
Depressive disorder(s),81–97
depressive disorder due to another medical condition,89–90
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,81–82
major depressive disorder,82–84, 290–291
major depressive episode,59–60, 63–64, 70, 91
other specified depressive disorder,90–91
persistent depressive disorder,84–86
premenstrual dysphoric disorder,86–87
specifiers for,92–97
substance/medication-induced depressive disorder,87–89
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified depressive disorder,91
unspecified mood disorder,92
Depressive disorder due to another medical condition,89–90
Depressive episode with insufficient symptoms, and other specified depressive disorder,91
Depressive episode with mixed features,73
Depressive type, of schizoaffective disorder,47
Derealizationdepersonalization/derealization disorder,134
posttraumatic stress disorder and,125, 127
Developmental coordination disorder,37
Development and course, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,10
See also Assessment; Differential diagnosis
associated with substance class,188–
189case formulation and,3
clinical judgment and,5–6
elements of,3–5
principal diagnosis and,7
provisional diagnosis and,7–8
Diagnostic features, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,10
Diagnostic markers, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
Dietary counseling,320
Differential diagnosisof antidepressant discontinuation syndrome,302–303
information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
of medication-induced acute akathisia,296–297
of medication-induced acute dystonia,294–295
of medication-induced parkinsonism,290–291, 298–299
of medication-induced postural tremor,300–301
of neuroleptic malignant syndrome,293
of substance/medication-induced mental disorders,187
of tardive dyskinesia,298–299
Discrimination, as problem related to social environment,318–319
Disinhibited social engagement disorder,122
Disorders of intellectual development,19
Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders,181–186
antisocial personality disorder,185
conduct disorder,183–185
intermittent explosive disorder,182
oppositional defiant disorder,181–182
other specified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder,186
unspecified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder,186
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,81–82
Dissociative amnesia,133–134
Dissociative disorders,133–141.
See also Dissociative symptoms
depersonalization/derealization disorder,134
dissociative amnesia,133–134
dissociative identity disorder,133
other specified dissociative disorder,134–135
unspecified dissociative disorder,135–136
Dissociative identity disorder,133
Dissociative symptomsacute stress disorder,128
other specified mental disorder due to another medical condition,285
posttraumatic stress disorder,125, 127
Dissociative trance,135
Divided attention,236Domestic violence.
See Spouse or partner physical violence
DSM-5, cautionary statement on forensic use of,15–16
DSM-5-TRmedication-induced movement disorders in Section II,12, 287
online resources on,12–13
other conditions and disorders in Section II,12, 305
types of information in text of,9–11
Economic problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 318
Educational problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 316
Elimination disorders,149–150
other specified elimination disorder,150
unspecified elimination disorder,150
Environmental factorsother conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention and,306, 319
stereotypic movement disorder and,38
as subsection of text on risk and prognostic factors,10
Erotomanic type, of delusional disorder,41
Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder,114
Executive functions,237Exhibitionistic disorder,279–280
Expressed emotion,315–316
Expressive language,239Factitious disorder,139–140, 322
Family, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,315–316
Feeding and eating disorders,143–148
anorexia nervosa,144–145
avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder,144
binge-eating disorder,146–147
bulimia nervosa,145–146
other specified feeding or eating disorder,147–148
rumination disorder,143
unspecified feeding or eating disorder,148
Female orgasmic disorder,168–169
Female sexual interest/arousal disorder,169–170
Fetishistic disorder,282
Food insecurity, and economic problems,318
Forensic settings, cautionary statement on use of DSM-5 in,15–16
Frontotemporal degeneration.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to frontotemporal degeneration
Frotteuristic disorder,280
Functional consequences, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
Functional neurological symptom (conversion disorder),138–139
Gait dysfunction, and medicationinduced parkinsonism,289
Gambling disorder,187, 233
Gender dysphoria,177–179
Generalized anxiety disorder,105
Generalized anxiety occurring less often than “more days than not,”109
Genetic counseling,320
Genetic and physiological factors stereotypic movement disorder and,38
as subsection of text on risk and prognostic factors,10–11
Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder,170–171
Global developmental delay,24
Gnosis, assessment of,240Grammar and syntax, assessment of,239Grandiose type, of delusional disorder,41
Grief,60, 64, 83.
See also Bereavement; Prolonged grief disorder
Hair-pulling symptoms, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition,117
Hallucinations, and psychotic disorder due to another medical condition,51
Hallucinogen(s), and substancerelated disorders,187,
See also Hallucinogen-related disorders
Hallucinogen-induced mental disorders,206–207
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder,205
Hallucinogen-related disorders,201–207.
See also Hallucinogen(s)
hallucinogen-induced mental disorders,206–207
hallucinogen persisting perception disorder,206
other hallucinogen intoxication,205
other hallucinogen use disorder,202–204
phencyclidine-induced mental disorders,206
phencyclidine intoxication,204–205
phencyclidine use disorder,201–202
unspecified hallucinogenrelated disorder,207
unspecified phencyclidinerelated disorder,207
Health care, access to,306, 320
Histrionic personality disorder,273
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection
Hoarding disorder,113–114
Housing problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 317
Huntington’s disease.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease
Hypersomnolence disorder,152–153, 164, 165
other specified hypersomnolence disorder,164
unspecified hypersomnolence disorder,165
Hypnotics, and substance-related disorders,189.
See also Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anyxiolytic-related disorders
Hypocretin deficiency, and narcolepsy,154
Hypomanic episodes,58, 62–63, 65, 70, 72–73
Identity disturbance due to prolonged and intense coercive persuasion,135
Idiopathic central sleep apnea,155
Idiopathic hypoventilation,156
Illness anxiety disorder,137–138, 141
Illness anxiety disorder without excessive health-related behaviors or maladaptive avoidance,141
Immediate memory span, assessment of,238Impairing emotional outbursts,323
Independent mental disorders, use of term,8–9
Inhalant(s), and substance-related disorders,187, 188.
See also Inhalant-related disorders
Inhalant-induced mental disorders,210
Inhalant intoxication,209–210
Inhalant-related disorders,207–210.
See also Inhalant(s)
inhalant-induced mental disorders,210
inhalant intoxication,209–210
inhalant use disorder,207–209
unspecified inhalant-related disorder,210
Inhalant use disorder,207–209
Insight, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,112, 113
Insomnia disorder,151–152, 163–164
Insomnia type, of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,162
Intellectual developmental disorder (intellectual disability),19,
23, 24
Intermittent explosive disorder,182
Intermittent major depressive episodes, and persistent depressive disorder,85, 85–86
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM),6, 9
Internet, and online resources on DSM-5-TR,12–13
Intrusion symptoms, and acute stress disorder,128
Irregular sleep-wake type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
Jealous type, of delusional disorder,41
Khyâl cap (wind attacks),109
Language, and neurocognitive domains,239Language disorder,24–25
Learning, and neurocognitive domains,238Legal systemcautionary statement for forensic use of DSM-5,15–16
problems with and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,306, 319
Lewy body disease.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Lewy body disease
Lifestyle, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,319
Limited-symptom anxiety attacks,109
Lithium-induced tremor,300
Maintenance therapyopioid use disorder and,211–212
tobacco use disorder and,226
Major depressive disorder,82–84, 290–291
Major depressive episode,59–60, 63–64, 70, 91
Major and mild neurocognitive disorder(s),235, 247–250,
253, 254–267
substance/medication-induced,251, 259–262
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease,235, 248, 250,
251, 254–255
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition,252, 265
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to frontotemporal degeneration,235,
251, 255–256
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection,251, 262
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease,252, 264–265
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Lewy body disease,235,
251, 256–257
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies,252, 265–266
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease,235,
252, 263–264
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease,251, 263
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury,248, 250,
251, 258–259
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to unknown etiology,252, 266–267
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to vascular disease,235, 251, 257–258
Major neurocognitive disorder,247–248
Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder,171
Manic episodes,57–58, 71, 72–73
Marked stressor(s), and brief psychotic disorder,43
Mathematics, specific learning disorder with impairment of,36
Medication-induced acute akathisia,295–297
Medication-induced acute dystonia,293–295
Medication-induced delirium,244, 246
Medication-induced movement disorders,287–303
antidepressant discontinuation syndrome,301–303
medication-induced acute akathisia,295–297
medication-induced acute dystonia,293–295
medication-induced parkinsonism,287–291, 298–299
medication-induced postural tremor,300–301
neuroleptic malignant syndrome,290, 291–293
other adverse effect of medication,303
other medication-induced movement disorder,301
Section II of DSM-5-TR and,12, 287
tardive akathisia,299
tardive dyskinesia,297–299
tardive dystonia,299
Medication-induced parkinsonism (MIP),287–291, 298–299
Medication-induced postural tremor,300–301
Melancholic features, as specifier,74–75, 93–95
Memory, and neurocognitive domains,238Mild neurocognitive disorder,249–250
Military, and occupation problems,316
Mixed features, as specifier,72–73, 92–93
Mixed type, of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,162
Mood-congruent and incongruent psychotic features, of bipolar and related disorders,61, 76
Motor disorders,37–39
developmental coordination disorder,37
stereotypic movement disorder,38–39
tic disorders,38–39
Muscle dysmorphia, and body dysmorphic disorder,112
Narcissistic personality disorder,273
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),6
Natural environment phobia,101
Negative mood, and acute stress disorder,128
See Abuse and neglect
Neurocognitive disorders,235–267
189, 242–247
major and mild neurocognitive disorders,235, 247–250,
253, 254–267
neurocognitive domains and,235, 236–241
substances associated with,188–
189, 251, 259–262
Neurodevelopmental disorders,19–40
autism spectrum disorder,27–29,
30attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,31–34
communication disorders,24–27
intellectual developmental disorder (intellectual disability),19, 20–23, 24
motor disorders,37–39
other specified neurodevelopmental disorder,40
specific learning disorder,34–36
unspecified neurodevelopmental disorder,40
Neuroleptic, use of term,287
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome,290, 291–293
Night eating syndrome,148
Nightmare disorder,158–159
No diagnosis or condition, code for,286
Nonadherence, to medical treatment,322
Non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders,158
Non-substance-related disorders, and gambling disorder,187, 233
Nonsuicidal self-injury,305, 307
Non-24-hour sleep-wake type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
Obesity, as other condition that may be a focus of clinical attention,322
Obsessive-compulsive disorder,111–112
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,275
Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder(s),111–119
body dysmorphic disorder,112–113
hoarding disorder,113–114
obsessive-compulsive disorder,111–112
obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition,117
other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder,118–119
substance/medication-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder,114–117
substances of abuse associated with,188–
Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition,117
Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea,154–155
Occupational problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 316–317
Olfactory reference disorder,118–119
See also Opioid-related disorders
central sleep apnea comorbid with use of,155
substance-related disorders and,187,
188Opioid-induced mental disorders,214
Opioid intoxication,212–213
Opioid-related disorders,210–214.
See also Opioid(s)
opioid-induced mental disorders,214
opioid intoxication,212–213
opioid use disorder,210–212
opioid withdrawal,213–214
unspecified opioid-related disorder,214
Opioid use disorder,210–212
Opioid withdrawal,213–214
Oppositional defiant disorder,181–182
Other adverse effect of medication,303
Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,12, 305–323
abuse and neglect,305, 307–314
access to health care,306
additional conditions or problems,320–323
counseling and medical advice,306, 320
economic problems,305, 318
educational problems,305, 316, 319
environmental problems,306
family environment and,315–316
housing problems,305, 317
legal system,306, 319
nonsuicidal self-injury,305, 307
occupational problems,305, 316–317
personal history,306, 319, 320
psychosocial problems,306, 319
relational problems,305, 314–315
Section II of DSM-5-TR and,12, 305
social environment,305, 318–319
suicidal behavior,305, 306–307
Other hallucinogen intoxication,205
Other hallucinogen use disorder,202–204
Other medical condition, use of term,9
Other medication-induced movement disorder,301
Other medication-induced parkinsonism,287–291
Other specified anxiety disorder,108–109
Other specified attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,33
Other specified bipolar and related disorder,70–71
Other specified delirium,246
Other specified depressive disorder,90–91
Other specified disorder, use of as diagnostic option,4–5
Other specified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder,186
Other specified dissociative disorder,134–135
Other specified elimination disorder,150
Other specified feeding or eating disorder,147–148
Other specified gender dysphoria,178–179
Other specified hypersomnolence disorder,164
Other specified insomnia disorder,163–164
Other specified mental disorder,286
Other specified mental disorder due to another medical condition,285
Other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder,118–119
Other specified paraphilic disorder,283
Other specified personality disorder,276
Other specified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder,54
Other specified sexual dysfunction,175
Other specified sleep-wake disorder,165
Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder,140–14
Other specified tic disorder,39
Other specified trauma- and stressor-related disorder,131
Other (or unknown) substance-induced mental disorders,232
Other (or unknown) substance intoxication,191, 230–231
Other (or unknown) substance-related disorders,228–232
other (or unknown) substance-induced mental disorders,232
other (or unknown) substance intoxication,191, 230–231
other (or unknown) substance use disorder,228–230
other (or unknown) substance withdrawal,191, 231
unspecified other (or unknown) substance-related disorder,232
Other (or unknown) substance use disorder,228–230
Other (or unknown) substance withdrawal,191, 231
Panic attack,103–104
Panic disorder,102–103
Paranoid personality disorder,269–270
Paraphilic disorders,279–286
exhibitionistic disorder,279–280
fetishistic disorder,282
frotteuristic disorder,280
other specified paraphilic disorder,283
pedophilic disorder,281
sexual masochism disorder,280–281
sexual sadism disorder,281
transvestic disorder,282–283
unspecified paraphilic disorder,283
voyeuristic disorder,279
nightmare disorder,158–159
non–rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders,158
rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,159–160
Parasomnia type, of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,162
Parents, and relational problems,314, 315–316
See Medication-induced parkinsonism
Parkinson’s disease,290.
See also Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease
Pedophilic disorder,281
Perceptual disturbancesalcohol withdrawal with,194
cannabis intoxication with,199
opioid intoxication with,213
other (or unknown) substance intoxication or withdrawal with,230
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic withdrawal with,218
stimulant intoxication with,223
Perceptual-motor abilities, as neurocognitive domain,240Peripartum onsetof brief psychotic disorder,43
as specifier for bipolar and related disorders,77–78
as specifier for depressive disorders,95–96
Persecutory type, of delusional disorder,41
Persistent auditory hallucinations,54
Persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder,38
Persistent depressive disorder,84–86
Persistent major depressive episode, and persistent depressive disorder,85
Persistent response to trauma with PTSD-like symptoms,131
Personality change due to another medical condition,275–276
Personal history, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,306, 319, 320
Personality disorders,269–286
Cluster A disorders,269–271
paranoid personality disorder,269–270
schizoid personality disorder,270
schizotypal personality disorder,271
Cluster B disorders,271–273
antisocial personality disorder,185, 271–272
borderline personality disorder,272
histrionic personality disorder,273
narcissistic personality disorder,273
Cluster C personality disorders,274–275
avoidant personality disorder,274
dependent personality disorder,274–275
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,275
general personality disorder,269
other specified personality disorder,276
personality change due to another medical condition,275–276
schizotypal personality disorder,41
unspecified personality disorder,277
Phase of life problem,321
Phencyclidine, and substance-related disorders,187, 188.
See also Hallucinogen-related disorders
Phencyclidine-induced mental disorders,206
Phencyclidine intoxication,204–205
Phencyclidine use disorder,201–202
Physical abuse,308, 313–314
Posttransition, and gender dysphoria,178
Posttraumatic stress disorder,123–127
Poverty, and economic problems,318
Praxis, assessment of,240Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation, of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,33
Predominantly inattentive presentation, of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,33
Premature (early) ejaculation,172
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder,86–87
Prevalence, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,10
Primary mental disorder, use of term,8
Principal diagnosis (reason for visit),7
Prion disease.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease
Prognostic features, of schizophreniform disorder,44
Prolonged grief disorder,130–131
Prosocial emotions, and conduct disorder,184
Provisional diagnosis,7–8
Provisional tic disorder,39
Psychological abuse,309–310, 312–313
Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions,139
Psychosocial problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,306, 319
Psychotic disorder(s).
See Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders
Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition,51
Psychotic features, as specifier,76, 95
Pure dysthymic syndrome, and persistent depressive disorder,85
Purging disorder, and other specified feeding or eating disorder,148
Rapid cycling, as specifier for bipolar and related disorders,61, 73–74
Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,159–160
Reactive attachment disorder,121–122
Reading, specific learning disorder and impairment of,35
Recent memory, assessment of,238Receptive language, assessment of,239Recording procedures, and codingof abuse and neglect,307
of autism spectrum disorder,29
clinical use of ICD-10-CM system,6–7
of delirium induced by substance intoxication or withdrawal,245–246
of factitious disorder imposed on another,140
guidelines for in DSM-5-TR,9–10
of hypersomnolence disorder,153
of insomnia disorder,152
of major or mild neurocognitive disorders,251–
253of nightmare disorder,159
no diagnosis or condition,286
of premenstrual dysphoric disorder,87
principal diagnosis and,7
provisional diagnosis and,7–8
of specific learning disorder,36
of stereotypic movement disorder,38
of substance intoxication and substance withdrawal,190
of substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder,107–108
of substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder,68–69
of substance/medication-induced depressive disorder,89
of substance/medication-induced mental disorders,191
of substance/medication-induced neurocognitive disorder,261–262
of substance/medication-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder,116–117
of substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder,50–51
of substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction,174–175
of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,163
of substance use disorders,190
of suicidal behavior,306
use of subtypes and specifiers,4
of wandering associated with a mental disorder,321
Recurrent brief depression,90–91
Relational problems, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 314
Religious or spiritual problem,321
Remission, as specifier,79, 97
Residential institutions, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,317
Restless legs syndrome,160–161
Restricted to nonrestorative sleep insomnia disorder,164
Restricting type, of anorexia nervosa,145
Rigidity, and medication-induced parkinsonism,289, 290
Risk and prognostic factors, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,10–11
Rumination disorder,143
Schizoaffective disorder,47–48
Schizoid personality disorder,270
Schizophrenia,45–46, 291
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders,41–55
brief psychotic disorder,43
delusional disorder,41–42
major depressive episode superimposed on,91
manic episodes,71
other specified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder,54
psychotic disorder due to another medical condition,51
schizoaffective disorder,47–48
schizophreniform disorder,44–45
schizotypal personality disorder,41
substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder,48–51
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder,55
Schizophreniform disorder,44–45
Schizotypal personality disorder,271
Seasonal pattern, as specifier,61, 78–79, 96–97
Sedative(s), and substance-related disorders,189.
See also Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mental disorders,219
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic intoxication,217
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder(s),215–219.
See also Anxiolytics; Hypnotics; Sedative(s)
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mental disorders,219
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic intoxication,217
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,215–217
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic withdrawal,218
unspecified sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,219
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,215–217
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic withdrawal,218
Selective attention,236Selective mutism,100
Self, factitious disorder imposed on,139–140
Self-injurious behavior, and stereotypic movement disorder,38.
See also Nonsuicidal self-injury
Separation anxiety disorder,99
See also Specifiers; Subtypes
of autism spectrum disorder,30of bipolar and related disorders,79–80
of depressive disorders,97
of intellectual developmental disorder,20–
23Sex counseling,320
Sex development, gender dysphoria and disorder/difference of,177, 178
Sex- and gender-related diagnostic issues, and information in text of DSM-5-TR,11
Sexual abuse,308–309
Sexual dysfunctions,167–176
delayed ejaculation,167
erectile disorder,167–168
female orgasmic disorder,168–169
female sexual interest/arousal disorder,169–170
genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder,170–171
male hypoactive sexual desire disorder,171
other specified sexual dysfunction,175
premature (early) ejaculation,172
substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction,173–175
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified sexual dysfunction,175
Sexual masochism disorder,280–281
Sexual sadism disorder,281
Shift work type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
Short-duration cyclothymia, and bipolar and related disorders,70–71
Short-duration depressive episode, and other specified depressive disorder,91
Short-duration hypomanic episodes, and bipolar and related disorders,70
Short-term insomnia disorder,164
Situational phobia,101
Skin-picking symptoms, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition,117
Sleep-related hypoventilation,156
Sleep terrors,158
Sleep-wake disorders,151–165
breathing-related sleep disorders,154–156
central sleep apnea,155
obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea,154–155
sleep-related hypoventilation,156
circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders,156–157
hypersomnolence disorder,152–153
insomnia disorder,151–152
other specified hypersomnolence disorder,164
other specified insomnia disorder,163–164
other specified sleep-wake disorder,165
nightmare disorder,158–159
non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders,158
rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,159–160
restless legs syndrome,160–161
substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,161–163
substances of abuse associated with,188–
189unspecified hypersomnolence disorder,165
unspecified insomnia disorder,164
unspecified sleep-wake disorder,165
Social anxiety disorder,101–102
Social cognition, as neurocognitive domain,241Social environment, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention,305, 318–319
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder,26
Somatic symptom disorder,137
Somatic symptom and related disorders,137–141
factitious disorder,139–140
functional neurological symptom disorder,138–139
illness anxiety disorder,137–138
other specified somatic symptom and related disorder,140–141
psychological factors affecting other medical conditions,139
somatic symptom disorder,137unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder,141
Somatic type, of delusional disorder,42
Specific learning disorder,34–36
Specific phobia,100–101
See also Severity; Subtypes
definition of,10
diagnostic specificity and use of,4
for bipolar and related disorders,71–80
for depressive disorders,92–97
panic attack as,103–104
Speech sound disorder,25
Spouse or partner physical violence,310–311
Stereotypic movement disorder,38–39
Stimulant(s), and substance-related disorders,189.
See also Stimulant-related disorders
Stimulant-induced mental disorders,224–225
Stimulant intoxication,222–223
Stimulant-related disorders,220–225.
See also Stimulant(s)
stimulant-induced mental disorders,224–225
stimulant intoxication,222–223
stimulant use disorder,220–222
stimulant withdrawal,224
unspecified stimulant-related disorder,225
Stimulant use disorder,220–222
Stimulant withdrawal,224
Substance abuse, diagnoses associated with substance class,188–
189Substance-induced disorders,187,
189, 190–191
Substance-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder,260
Substance intoxication,188–189, 190–191
Substance intoxication delirium,188–
189, 242–243
Substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder,105–108
Substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder,66–69
Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder,87–89
Substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder,251, 259–262
Substance/medication-induced mental disorder,8, 187, 191
Substance/medication-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder,114–117
Substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder,48–51
Substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction,173–175
Substance/medication-induced sleep disorder,161–163
Substance-related and addictive disorders,187–233
alcohol-related disorders,192–195
alcohol-induced mental disorders,195
alcohol intoxication,193–194
alcohol use disorder,192–193
alcohol withdrawal,194
unspecified alcohol-related disorder,195
caffeine-related disorders,195–197
caffeine-induced mental disorders,196
caffeine intoxication,195–196
caffeine withdrawal,196
unspecified caffeinerelated disorder,197
cannabis-related disorders,197–200
cannabis-induced mental disorders,200
cannabis intoxication,199
cannabis use disorder,197–198
cannabis withdrawal,199–200
unspecified cannabis-related disorder,200
gambling disorder,187, 233
hallucinogen-related disorders,201–207
hallucinogen-induced mental disorders,206–207
hallucinogen persisting perception disorder,206
other hallucinogen intoxication,205
other hallucinogen use disorder,202–204
phencyclidine-induced mental disorders,206
phencyclidine intoxication,204–205
phencyclidine use disorder,201–202
unspecified hallucinogen-related disorder,207
unspecified phencyclidine-related disorder,207
inhalant-related disorders,207–210
inhalant-induced mental disorders,210
inhalant intoxication,209–210
inhalant use disorder,207–209
unspecified inhalant-related disorder,210
non-substance-related disorders,187, 233
opioid-related disorders,210–214
opioid-induced mental disorders,214
opioid intoxication,212–213
opioid use disorder,210–212
opioid withdrawal,213–214
unspecified opioid-related disorder,214
other (or unknown) substance-related disorders,228–232
other (or unknown) substance-induced mental disorders,232
other (or unknown) substance intoxication,191, 230–231
other (or unknown) substance use disorder,228–230
other (or unknown) substance withdrawal,191, 231
unspecified other (or unknown) substance–related disorder,232
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders,215–219
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mental disorders,219
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic intoxication,217
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,215–217
sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic withdrawal,218
unspecified sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,219
stimulant-related disorders,220–225
stimulant-induced mental disorders,224–225
stimulant intoxication,222–223
stimulant use disorder,220–222
stimulant withdrawal,224
unspecified stimulant-related disorder,225
substance-induced disorders,190–191
substance use disorders,190
tobacco-related disorders,225–228
tobacco-induced mental disorders,228
tobacco use disorder,225–227
tobacco withdrawal,227
unspecified tobacco-related disorder,228
Substance use disorders,187,
189, 190
Substance withdrawal,188–
189, 190–191
Substance withdrawal delirium,188–
189, 243–244
Subsyndromal delirium,246
See also Severity; Specifiers
definition of,10
diagnostic specificity and use of,4
Suicidal behavior,11, 305, 306–307
Sustained attention,236Taijin kyofusho,119
Tardive akathisia,299
Tardive dyskinesia,297–299
Tardive dystonia,299
Temperamental factors, as subsection of text on risk and prognostic factors,10
Terminology, use of in DSM-5-TR,8–9
Theory of mind,241Tic disorders,38–39
Tobacco, and substance-related disorders,189Tobacco-induced mental disorders,228
Tobacco-related disorders,225–228
tobacco-induced mental disorders,228
tobacco use disorder,225–227
tobacco withdrawal,227
unspecified tobacco-related disorder,228
Tobacco use disorder,225–227
Tobacco withdrawal,227
Tourette’s disorder,38
Transvestic disorder,282–283
Trauma- and stressor-related disorders,121–132
acute stress disorder,127–129
adjustment disorders,129–130
disinhibited social engagement disorder,122
other specified trauma- and stressor-related disorder,131
posttraumatic stress disorder,123–127
prolonged grief disorder,130–131
reactive attachment disorder,121–122
unspecified trauma- and stressor-related disorder,132
Traumatic brain injury.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury
Tremors, and medication-induced parkinsonism,290, 291.
See also Medication-induced postural tremor
Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder),114
Uncomplicated bereavement,321
Unknown etiology.
See Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to unknown etiology
Unspecified alcohol-related disorder,195
Unspecified anxiety disorder,109
Unspecified attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,34
Unspecified bipolar and related disorder,71
Unspecified caffeine-related disorder,197
Unspecified cannabis-related disorder,200
Unspecified catatonia,53
Unspecified communication disorder,26–27
Unspecified delirium,246–247
Unspecified depressive disorder,91
Unspecified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder,186
Unspecified dissociative disorder,135–136
Unspecified elimination disorder,150
Unspecified feeding or eating disorder,148
Unspecified gender dysphoria,179
Unspecified hallucinogen-related disorder,207
Unspecified hypersomnolence disorder,165
Unspecified inhalant-related disorder,210
Unspecified insomnia disorder,164
Unspecified intellectual developmental disorder (intellectual disability),24
Unspecified mental disorder,4–5, 286
Unspecified mental disorder due to another medical condition,285–286
Unspecified mood disorder,71, 92
Unspecified neurocognitive disorder,267
Unspecified opioid-related disorder,214
Unspecified other (or unknown) substance-related disorder,232
Unspecified paraphilic disorder,283
Unspecified personality disorder,277
Unspecified phencyclidine-related disorder,207
Unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder,55
Unspecified sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder,219
Unspecified sexual dysfunction,175
Unspecified sleep-wake disorder,165
Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder,141
Unspecified stimulant-related disorder,225
Unspecified tic disorder,39
Unspecified tobacco-related disorder,228
Unspecified trauma- and stressor-related disorder,132
Unspecified type, of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,157
Vascular disease.
See Major and mild neurocognitive disorder due to vascular disease
Visual perception, assessment of,240Voyeuristic disorder,279
Wandering, associated with a mental disorder,320–321
Working memory,237Written expression, specific learning disorder with impairment of,35