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Preliminary Program
Published Online: 21 February 2003

Preliminary Program: Thursday
 May 22

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Industry-Supported Breakfast Symposia
IS42. Neuropsychiatry in the Age of Polypharmacy (Part 2) Supported by Janssen Pharmaceutica
    A. Polypharmacy in the Treatment of Major Depression Mark H. Rapaport, M.D.
    B. Combination Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: What Are We Waiting for? P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D.
IS43. Treating ADHD Across the Life Cycle (Part 2) Supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
    A. ADHD in Adults: Developmental Issues in Clinical Presentations Thomas J. Spencer, M.D.
    B. Treatment Options: Evolving Treatments for a Changing Disease Joseph Biederman, M.D.
IS44. Insomnia in Today’s Society: Consequences and Treatments (Part 2) Supported by Sanofi-Synthelab Inc.
    A. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia Shari Kohn, Ph.D.
    B. When to Refer a Patient With Insomnia to a Sleep Specialist Laboratory Michael Thorpy, M.D.
IS45. Obesity in Psychiatric Practice: Recognition and Treatment (Part 2) Supported by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
    A. Psychological Treatment of Obesity and Binge Eating Denise E. Wilfley, Ph.D.
    B. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity and Binge Eating Susan L. McElroy, M.D.
Registration/Course Enrollment Open
7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
8 a.m.-Noon
CME Courses 100-102
9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Clinical Case Conference 4.Jayne M. Stevenson, M.D., on Dealing With Diagnostic Ambiguity: When Somatic Memory and Anxiety Symptoms Confuse (Open to APA members only.)
Discussion Group
    25. A. John Rush, M.D., on Relevance of Treatment Algorithms in Clinical Care
    L23. Title to Be Announced Masahisa Nishizono, M.D., APA’s Kun-Po Soo Award Lecture
Component Workshops
    CW39. Never-Taught Dilemmas: When Work and Disability Issues Impact Patient Care APA Corresponding Committee on Psychiatry in the Workplace Co-Chairpersons: Steven E. Pflanz, M.D., Marcia A. Scott, M.D.
    CW40. Summary of the Surgeon General’s Meeting on Health of the Mentally Retarded APA Committee on Children With Mental or Developmental Disorders Chairperson: Roxanne C. Dryden-Edwards, M.D.
    CW41. The Administrative Psychiatry Credential APA Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Management Chairperson: Stuart B. Silver, M.D.
    CW42. Practicing Rewarding Psychiatry in Jails and Prisons: A Practicum APA Caucus of Psychiatrists Working in Correctional Settings Chairperson: Henry C. Weinstein, M.D.
Issue Workshops
    IW89. Teaching Psychiatric Ethics Engagingly, Effectively Association for Academic Psychiatry Chairperson: Laura W. Roberts, M.D.
    IW90. Neurobiology of Learning: Moving From the Ivory Tower Into the Classroom Chairperson: Janet E. Osterman, M.D.
    IW91. The Uses and Abuses of Psychiatric Independent Medical Examinations: An Ethical Dilemma? Chairperson: Landy F. Sparr, M.D.
    IW92. Beyond The Chalkboard: Using Computers to Enhance Psychiatric Education Chairperson: Sudha Prathikanti, M.D.
    IW93. Specific Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Adolescents Chairperson: Eva M. Szigethy, M.D.
    IW94. Psychiatric Treatment and Personal Growth: What About Us? Co-Chairpersons: Michael F. Myers, M.D., Leah J. Dickstein, M.D.
    IW95. A Program to Enhance Cultural Competency in Residency Training Chairperson: Hinda F. Dubin, M.D.
    IW96. Clinical Management of Difficult Schizophrenia Co-Chairpersons: Michael Y. Hwang, M.D., Miklos F. Losonczy, M.D.
    IW97. CD-ROMs for Dummies: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developing Educational CDs Chairperson: Kristi S. Williams, M.D.
    IW98. Making the Media Work for You Chairperson: Nada L. Stotland, M.D.
    IW99. The Empathic Healer: Artist or Scientist? Chairperson: Michael J. Bennett, M.D.
    IW100. Treating Addiction: Meeting New Needs in a New World Chairperson: Richard J. Frances, M.D.
    IW101. Psychodynamics in Treatment-Refractory Depression Co-Chairpersons: Eric M. Plakun, M.D., Edward R. Shapiro, M.D.
    IW102. Bridges for Healing: Integrating Family Therapy and Psychopharmacology Chairperson: Roy O. Resnikoff, M.D.
    IW103. Making Telepsychiatry Work for You Co-Chairpersons: Debra A. Katz, M.D., Rob Sprang, M.B.A.
    IW104. Dysmorphologies: Recognition and Treatment Co-Chairpersons: Syed S. A. Naqvi, M.D., Jeremy E. Revell, M.D.
    IW105. Psychiatric Disability: The Role of Psychiatric Assessment Chairperson: Edward A. Volkman, M.D.
    IW106. The Meaning of the Pacific Rim for World and American Psychiatry Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: Francis G. Lu, M.D., Bruce Singh, M.D.
    IW107. An Update on Management of Suicide Attempts: A Review for Clinicians Co-Chairpersons: Jose de Leon, M.D., Maria A. Oquendo, M.D.
    IW108. Adherence to HIV Medications in the Psychiatrically Ill: New Findings Chairperson: Dan H. Karasic, M.D.
    IW109. Inpatient Violence Lessons From the Inner-City Psychiatry Hospital Chairperson: Jeffrey M. Levine, M.D.
    IW110. Psychiatric Care of Muslim Patients: A U.S. Perspective Co-Chairpersons: Arif M. Shoaib, M.D., Pedro Ruiz, M.D.
9 a.m.-Noon
Continuous Clinical Case Conference 2. Britta Ostermeyer, M.D., Thomas G. Cobb, M.D., Renee M. Sorrentino, M.D., Steven J. Zuchowski, M.D., Richard P. Kluft, M.D., and Phillip J. Resnick, M.D., on A Case of Murder and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Real or Malingered Mental Illness (Part 2) (Open to APA members only.)
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Discussion Groups
    26. Carol A. Bernstein, M.D., on Careers in Psychiatric Education: Challenges and Opportunities
    27. Larry E. Tune, M.D., on Delirium and Dementia
    L24. Title to Be Announced James H. Carter, M.D., APA’s Solomon Carter Fuller Award Lecture
Medical Update 4. David Smith, M.D., on Club Drugs: A Primer for Mental Health Professionals
Research Consultation 3. Ming T. Tsuang, M.D.
Scientific and Clinical Report Sessions
Session 29. Secondary Outcomes in ADHD
    86. Consistency of ADHD Parent/Teacher Symptom Reports: Results of OROS MPH Studies Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.
    87. Patient and Parent Satisfaction of Once-Daily OROS MPH Formulation for ADHD Mark A. Stein, Ph.D.
    88. Driving Performance Among Adolescents With ADHD: Medication Effects Daniel J. Cox DEGREE
Session 30. Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Psychosis
    89. Factors Associated With Determining Competence to Consent in Acute Psychoses Nicholas A. Keks, M.D.
    90. Ethical Challenges of Managing Pregnant Patients Who Have Schizophrenia John H. Coverdale, M.D.
    91. Schizophrenia and Suicide in the Managed Care Era Bentson H. McFarland, M.D.
Session 31. Alcohol- and Drug-Related Disorders
    92. Impulsivity, Sensation Seeking, and Coping Styles Among Substance Abusers Kevin P. Hill, M.D.
    93. Substance Abuse Disorders and History of Childhood Sexual Abuse in a Population of U.S. Veterans Jehangir B. Bastani, M.D.
    94. Attachments for In-Treatment Alcoholics and Teens Predicted to Be Addicts Marc A. Lindberg, Ph.D.
Session 32. AIDS and HIV-Related Disorders
    95. Psychiatric Effects Associated With Efavirenz: A Retrospective Study Talia Puzantian, Pharm.D.
    96. PTSD and Acute Stress Reactions to Recent Life Events Among HIV-Positive Persons Cheryl Koopman, Ph.D.
    97. Use of Marijuana to Manage Distress Symptoms Among HIV-Infected Persons Diane Prentiss, M.A.
Session 33. Adjunctive Treatments in Schizophrenia
    98. Modafinil for Fatigue Due to Antipsychotic Medications Used for Treating Schizophrenia Serge M. Sevy, M.D.
    99. Rivastigmine and Glantamine Treatment for Schizophrenic Cognitive Impairment Mohammad Z. Hussain, M.D.
    100. Modafinil as Adjunct Treatment in Schizophrenia: An Open-Label Study Murray H. Rosenthal, D.O.
Session 34. Women’s Health
    101. Sertraline Prevents Postpartum Depression Katherine L. Wisner, M.D.
    102. Depressed Women Have Elevated Coagulation Factors in Mid-Life Ruby Castilla-Puentes, M.D.
    103. HRT With Androgens as a Strategy to Treat Postmenopausal Depression Rodrigo Dias, M.D.
Session 35. Bipolar Disorders
    104. Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Critical Synthesis of Guidelines and Algorithms Heinz C. Grunze, M.D.
    105. Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder: Focus on Treatment Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.
    106. Mood Stabilizers: Standard, New, and Putative Eduard Vieta, M.D.
Session 36. Violence, Trauma, and Victimization
    107. Treatment Outcome for Sexually Abused Children at One-Year Follow-Up Judith A. Cohen, M.D.
    108. Psychological Symptoms Six Years After a Plane Crash Christoffel J. Yzermans, Ph.D.
    109. San Francisco Third Graders After 9/11: Three Windows to Healing Lenore C. Terr, M.D.
Session 37. Issues in the Treatment of Depression and Sexual Dysfunctions
    110. Maintaining Compliance and Remission in MDD With Sildenafil Prescription for SSRI-SD H. George Nurnberg, M.D.
    111. Efficacy and Safety of Sildenafil Citrate in Men With Serotonergic-Antidepressant-Associated Erectile Dysfunction: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Maurizio Fava, M.D.
    112. Pretreatment Characteristics of Placebo Response in Major Depression Andrew F. Leuchter, M.D.
Session 38. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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113. A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Hypochondriasis Arthur J. Barsky III, M.D.
    114. The Effective Delivery of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder: An International Multicenter Justin A. Kenardy, Ph.D.
    115. Efficacy of Self-Administered Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Sertraline in Panic Disorder Jacques Bradwejn, M.D.
Session 39. Outcomes in Depression
    116. Problem-Solving Ability and Comorbid Personality Disorders in Depressed Outpatients Rebecca Harley, Ph.D.
    117. A Comparison of Weight Changes Associated With Different Augmentation Strategies Christina M. Dording, M.D.
    118. Depression Disease Management Improves Depression and QOL Ron Aubert, Ph.D.
Session 40. Sleep Disorders
    119. Modafinil Improves Cognition in Narcolepsy Patients With Excessive Sleepiness Jonathan R. L. Schwartz, M.D.
    120. Modafinil as Adjunctive Therapy Improves Quality of Life in Sleep Apnea Milton K. Erman, M.D.
    121. Modafinil Improves Quality of Life as Adjunct Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Mary B. O’Malley, M.D.
Component Workshops
    CW43. Biracial or Bicultural Americans: Issues and Insights for Therapy APA Caucus of Asian-American Psychiatrists and Northern California Psychiatric Society’s Committee on Asian-American Issues Chairperson: Jacquelyn B. Chang, M.D.
    CW44. Transition Into the Postresidency Period New York County District Branch Co-Chairpersons: Dinu P. Gangure, M.D., Scott R. Masters, M.D.
    CW45. Combined Residency Training: Now What Are You Doing? Central California Psychiatric Society Chairperson: Shannon T. Suo-Chan, M.D.
    CW46. Update on Practice Guidelines: PTSD/Acute Stress Disorder APA Steering Committee on Practice Guidelines Chairperson: John S. McIntyre, M.D.
    CW47. Daddy and Papa: A Psychosocial Profile of Gay Parenting APA Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Chairperson: Jack Drescher, M.D.
Issue Workshops
    IW111. The Power of Healing: Spirituality Group Work With Psychiatry Staff Chairperson: C. Paul Yang, M.D.
    IW112. Harm Reduction: A Critical Review Co-Chairpersons: Jeffrey N. Wilkins, M.D., Jack Kuo, M.D.
    IW113. Parenting With the Brain in Mind: Attachment and Self-Understanding Chairperson: Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
    IW114. Service Integration and Continuity in California: Programs From Harbor-UCLA Chairperson: Mary E. Read, M.D.
    IW115. Bridging the Gap Between Mental Health and Primary Care for Asian Americans Co-Chairpersons: Francis G. Lu, M.D., Henry Chung, M.D.
    IW116. Computer-Assisted Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice Chairperson: Jesse H. Wright, M.D.
    IW117. Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Bias in Psychotherapy Chairperson: Edmundo J. Ruiz, M.D.
    IW118 Essential Skills 101: Writing Manuscripts for Publication Chairperson: Laura W. Roberts, M.D.
Noon-2 p.m.
New Research Poster Session 10
2 p.m.-5 p.m.
S83. The Effect of Personality Disorders on the Treatment of Axis I Disorders Association for Research in Personality Disorders
    A. The Anxious Personality Disorder Cluster and Outcome of Treatment of Axis I Disorders James H. Reich, M.D.
    B. The Effect of Axis II Diagnosis and Treatment of Axis I Disorders Cesare Maffei, M.D.
    C. Interventions for Axis II Patients With Comorbid Axis I Disorders David P. Bernstein, Ph.D.
    D. Personality Disorders Predict Completion of Substance Abuse Treatment Per Vaglum, M.D.
    E. Dialectic Behavior Therapy in Borderline Substance Abusers Wim Van Den Brink, M.D.
    F. Emotional Dysregulation and Treatment of Axis I Disorders John Livesley, M.D.
S84. The Difficult-to-Treat Psychiatric Patient
    A. The Difficult-to-Treat Eating-Disordered Patient Katherine A. Halmi, M.D.
    B. Working With the Difficult-to-Treat DID Patient Richard P. Kluft, M.D.
    C. The Difficult-to-Treat PTSD Patient Randall D. Marshall, M.D.
S85. Quality Measurement in a Canadian Inner-City Academic Environment
    A. Quality Measurement in Mental Health Care Ian C. Dawe, M.D.
    B. Evaluation of a Mobile Crisis Service in the Inner City Nancy E. Read, M.S.C.
    C. Promoting Systems Evaluation of Inner-City Community Mental Health Programs Margaret Gehrs, R.N.
    D. Reduction in Mental Health Services Use in Severe and Persistant Mental Illness Clients With Assertive Community Treatment and Intensive Case Management Donald A. Wasylenki, M.D.
    E. Using Outcome Data to Plan Mental Health Systems in the Inner City Lorne A. Tugg, M.D.
S86. The Veterans Affairs Experience: Treating Comorbid Hepatitis C and Substance Use Disorders/Psychiatric Illness
    A. Patterns in Hepatitis C: Prevalence and Comorbidities in Northwest Veterans Kevin L. Sloan, M.D.
    B. Assessment and Management of Substance Use Disorders in Hepatitis C Patients Mark L. Willenbring, M.D.
    C. Evaluation and Management of Depression in Patients With Hepatitis C Eric W. Dieperink, M.D.
    D. PTSD and Hepatitis C Comorbidity and Implications for Interferon-Based Treatments Kristy A. Straits-Troster, Ph.D.
S87. Children at Risk for Mental Illness in Latin America
    A. Correlates of Serious Suicidal Ideation Among Central-American Youths Lenn Murrelle, Ph.D.
    B. Phenomenology and Treatment of Psychosis in Children Rosa E. Ulloa, M.D.
    C. Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With ADHD: A Chilean Experience Arturo Grau, M.D.
    D. A Study of Risperidone in the Treatment of Children With Tourette’s Syndrome Carolina Remedi, M.D.
    E. Anxiety, Depression, and Somatic Complaints in Traumatized Children Ruby Castilla-Puentes, M.D.
S88. Polypharmacy: Evidence Basis Versus Clinical Experience
    A. Polypharmacy: Extent of the Problem and the Massachusetts Response Annette Hanson, M.D.
    B. The Placebo Effect in the Assessment of Polypharmacy Walter A. Brown, M.D.
    C. Coprescribing Antidepressants: Dual or Dueling Treatment? James M. Ellison, M.D.
    D. Combination Treatment in Schizophrenia Donald C. Goff, M.D.
    E. Treatment of Insomnia in the Psychiatric Patient John W. Winkelman, M.D.
S89. Truth and Expectations in Psychopharmacology Research
    A. Psychotherapy and Informed Consent Harold I. Eist, M.D.
    B. New and Old Products in Psychiatric Practice Rodrigo A. Muñoz, M.D.
    C. Truth and Expectations in the Changing Global Market Place Debra R. Lappin, J.D.
    D. Therapeutic Options in Periods of Ambiguity Rosemary Quigley, J.D.
S90. Model Psychiatry Residency Programs on Religion and Spirituality
    A. Teaching Spirituality at George Washington University James L. Griffith, M.D.
    B. University of California at Davis’s Enhanced Curriculum in Spirituality and Psychiatry Mark E. Servis, M.D.
    C. Tulane University’s Curriculum on Spirituality and Mental Health Janet E. Johnson, M.D.
    D. The University of Washington’s Curriculum on Spirituality and Culture in Psychiatry Lorin D. Gardiner, M.D.
    E. Religion, Mental Health, and Culture: The Harvard Longwood Course Five Years Later John R. Peteet, M.D.
S91. Conceptualizations of Jeong and Its Application to the Healing Process
    A. Attachment and Jeong: Are They Connected? David S. Rue, M.D.
    B. A Comparative Analysis of Jeong of Korea and Amae of Japan Byung Kun Min, M.D.
    C. Restoring of Jeong Through the Use of Healing Rituals in Bereavement Periods Soo Kyung Chang, M.D.
    D. From We-Ness Perspectives: Dynamics of BPD and Hwabyung Christopher K. Chung, M.D.
    E. Psychotherapeutic Applications of Jeong and Haan Luke Kim, M.D.
S92. Boundaries Education: An Expert Update on Diverse Approaches and Settings
    A. Effective Boundaries Education Gregg E. Gorton, M.D.
    B. Tools for Preventive and Remedial Boundaries Training Gary R. Schoener, Psy.D.
    C. Supervision of Intense Affective Reactions to Patients and Construction of Optimal Boundaries Nancy A. Bridges, L.C.S.W.
    D. Teaching Boundaries to Physicians of All Kinds Werner Tschan, M.D.
S93. Schizophrenia With Comorbidity: Diagnoses or Dimensions?
    A. Clinical and Research Evidence for Comorbidity in Schizophrenia Michael Y. Hwang, M.D.
    B. Toward a Dimensional Approach to Psychiatric Nosology Robert F. Krueger, Ph.D.
    C. Using Symptom Dimensions to Guide Treatment Lewis A. Opler, M.D.
    D. Diagnostic Models and Subjectivity John S. Strauss, M.D.
S94. Delirium Subtypes: Diagnosis and Treatment
    A. Delirium After Post-Traumatic Brain Injury Paula T. Trzepacz, M.D.
    B. The Delirium Experience William Breitbart, M.D.
    C. Motoric Subtypes of Delirium: The Limerick Delirium Study David J. Meagher, M.D.
    D. Cholinesterase Inhibitors in the Intervention and Treatment of Delirium Benjamin Liptzin, M.D.
S95. A Terrorist’s Competency to Stand Trial: Assessing Amnesia
    A. A Historical Approach to Assessing Recollection of an Alleged Terrorist Stuart B. Kleinman, M.D.
    B. Prosecuting and Defending an Amnesic Individual Accused of Participating in Terrorism Andrew A. Rubin, J.D.
    C. Competency in a Defendant Who Claims Amnesia Eric D. Goldsmith, M.D.
    D. Assessing Competence to Stand Trial in an Alleged Terrorist: The Role of Psychological Testing Barry D. Rosenfeld, Ph.D.
S96. New Evidence on Exposure and Present-Focused Treatments for Complex PTSD
    A. Trauma-Focused Versus Present-Focused Group Therapy for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Catherine Classen, Ph.D.
    B. Emotional Regulation and Interpersonal Skill as a Prerequisite to Emotional Processing of Traumatic Marylene Cloitre, Ph.D.
    C. Development and Initial Evaluation of Brief Integrative Therapy for PTSD in Female Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors Annmarie McDonagh-Coyle, M.D.
    D. Outcome of Trauma Treatment With Comorbid Substance Abuse Julian Ford, Ph.D.
S97. The Neuropsychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS: Evaluation and Treatment, (Part 2)
    A. Evaluating the Neuropsychiatric Patient Karl Goodkin, M.D.
    B. Six Things You Need to Know: Drug-Drug Interactions Marshall Forstein, M.D.
    C. Managing Depression and Anxiety: Assessment and Treatment Warren M. Liang, M.D.
S98. New Research in the Biology and Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
    A. Impaired Satiety in Bulimia Nervosa: State Versus Trait David C. Jimerson, M.D.
    B. Disturbances in Satiety in Bulimia Nervosa B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.
    C. Alterations of 5HT 1A and 2A Receptors Persist After Recovery From Bulimia Nervosa Walter H. Kaye, M.D.
    D. Pharmacotherapy of Bulimia Nervosa: A Review of Established Medications and Promising New Agents Allan S. Kaplan, M.D.
    E. New Models for Disseminating Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders James E. Mitchell, M.D.
S99. Terrorism and Political Violence in the 21st Century: New Forms and Responses
    A. The Violent True Believer: Homicidal and Suicidal States of Mind J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D.
    B. The Psychology of Murder-Suicide: Relation to Suicidal Terrorism Melvyn M. Nizny, M.D.
    C. Differentiating the Motivations and Constraints for Weapons of Mass-Destruction Terrorism Jerrold M. Post, M.D.
    D. Terror and War: Literary Perspectives Tvrtko Kulenovic, Ph.D.
    E. Paths and Obstacles to Reconciliation in Kosovo Stevan M. Weine, M.D.
S100. Bipolar Spectrum or Borderline Personality: A Relevant Distinction?
    A. Borderline Personality or Bipolar II? Hagop S. Akiskal, M.D.
    B. Borderline, Bipolar, and Beyond: Affective Illness as Precursor to Borderline Personality Michael H. Stone, M.D.
    C. Dimensional Versus Categorical Psychopathology: Genetic Correlates Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.
    D. Differential Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Spectrum and BPD S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.
    E. Nosology and DSM-V: Lessons From the Bipolar-Borderline Controversy Paul R. McHugh, M.D.
S101. New Intravenous Treatments: A New Tool to Overcome Difficulties and Resistance
    A. Intravenous Antidepressants: A Pharmacokinetic Perspective on Response and Resistance in Major Depression and OCD Emanuela Mundo, M.D.
    B. Intravenous Citalopram and Clom-ipramine in Major Depression: A Double-Blind Study Stefano Pallanti, M.D.
    C. Intravenous Antidepressant Therapy With Mirtazapine and Citalopram Siegfried Kasper, M.D.
    D. Pulse-Loaded Intravenous Clomipramine for Refractory OCD Lorrin M. Koran, M.D.
    E. Intravenous Clomipramine in Adolescents With Treatment-Resistant OCD and Depression Floyd R. Sallee, M.D.
S102. Interests and Vulnerabilities of Health Care Practitioners
    A. Beneficence and Nonreciprocity in Contemporary Health Care John O. Beahrs, M.D.
    B. Psychiatry’s Internal Dissension Michael T. McGuire, M.D.
    C. Duties to Others: Medicolegal Aspects Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D.
    D. Managed Care and the Dilemmas of Psychiatric Education Seymour L. Halleck, M.D.
S103. Comorbidity With Substance Abuse
    A. Substance Abuse and Depression Edward V. Nunes, M.D.
    B. Substance Abuse and PTSD Kathleen T. Brady, M.D.
    C. Substance Abuse and ADD Timothy E. Wilens, M.D.
    D. Substance Abuse and Social Phobia Hugh Myrick, M.D.
S104. Love From Pathology to Normality: French and American Style (Part 2)
    A. Broken Hearts, Heavy Hearts: Narrative, Distress, and Compliance After an Infarct Danielle Groleau, Ph.D.
    B. From Erotomania to Stalking Francois C. Petitjean, M.D.
    C. The Love Life of Melancholics Peter D. Kramer, M.D.
    D. The Medical Marriage Michael Myers, M.D.
    E. The Clinical Meaning of Love Richard Rechtman, M.D.
    F. Transcultural Aspects of Love James K. Boehnlein, M.D.

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Go to Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News
Pages: 66 - 83


Published online: 21 February 2003
Published in print: February 21, 2003


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