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Preliminary Program
Published Online: 15 February 2008

Preliminary Program: Monday, May 5

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.

Industry-Supported Breakfast Symposium, Part 1
Residents' Session
Meet the Experts: Sunny-Side Up

7:30 a.m.-5.p.m.

Registration/Course Enrollment Open

8 a.m.-Noon

CME Courses 40-45

9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

Case Conference 1
Robert Ursano, M.D., on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Treatment Across Pharmacology, Psychotherapy, and Collaborative Care
(Open to APA members only)
L2. Carl Bell, M.D., Administrative Psychiatry Award Lecture
L3. Planning, Organization, and Evaluation of Mental Health Services Otto Steenfeldt-Foss, M.D., International Lecture
L4. Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Helen Mayberg, M.D., Frontiers of Science Lecture
Small Interactive Sessions
Laura Roberts, M.D., on Professionalism and Ethics: Q & A Self -Study Guide for Mental Health Professionals (Meet the Author)
Nora Volkow, M.D., on Substance Abuse
Joan Anzia, M.D., on Ethical Issues (Residents Only)
Focus Live
Charles Nemeroff, M.D., on Major Depressive Disorder
New Research Young Investigators' Poster Session 1
Component Workshops
CW1. The Bigger Picture: Psychiatrists as Physician AdvocatesAPA Committee of Residents and Fellows; Chair: Rachel A. Davis, M.D.
CW2. Early Childhood Feeding Disorders: Cross-Cultural Lessons in U.S. and China Collaboration APA Corresponding Committee on Infancy and Early Childhood; Co-Chairs: Jean M. Thomas, M.D., Irene Chatoor, M.D.
CW3. From Bedside to Balance Sheet: The Many Facets of Administrative Psychiatry APA Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Management; Chair: L. Mark Russakoff, M.D.
CW4. The Ripple Effect of Psychiatric Stigma in Medical Education and Strategies to Combat It APA Corresponding Committee on Medical Student Education; Chair: Linda F. Pessar, M.D.
CW5. School Mental Health: Clinical Essentials and Collaborative Interventions APA Corresponding Committee on Mental Health and Schools; Chair: Marcia J. Slattery, M.D.
CW6. Practical Tips on How to Be a Successful Author American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Editorial Board; Chair: Robert E. Hales, M.D.
CW7. Mentoring 101: A Survival Guide for International Medical Graduates APA Committee on International Medical Graduates; Co-Chairs: Antony Fernandez, M.D., Sanjay Dube, M.D.
CW8. Disaster Preparedness and Response: Standards for Care Before, During, and After a Disaster APA Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster; Co-Chairs: Artin Terhakopian, M.D., Albert V. Vogel, M.D.
CW9. Looking for Love and Dodging the Virus APA Committee on AIDS; Co-Chairs: Pamela Y. Collins, M.D., Khakasa H. Wapenyi, M.D.
CW10. The Beginning and the End of Transinstitutionalization APA Council on Social Issues and Public Psychiatry; Co-Chairs: Hunter L. McQuistion, M.D., Tracee M. Burroughs, M.D.
CW11. Psychiatry and Managed Care: Patient Access, Physician Autonomy, and Professional Advocacy APA Committee on Managed Care; Chair: Paul H. Wick, M.D.
CW12. The New Orleans School Recovery District: What Are the Risk, Predictive, and Protective Factors? APA Alliance; Chair: Kay Brada
CW13. Role of International Health Organizations in Promoting Global Child and Adolescent Mental Health APA Council on Global Psychiatry and the APA Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families; Co-Chairs: Siham Muntasser, M.D., Eliot Sorel, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW1. Paraphilias, Personality Disorders, and Pharmaceuticals: Unusual Suspects in Psychiatric Defense Chair: Renee M. Sorrentino, M.D.
IW2. Maintenance of Certification for Diplomates of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Co-Chairs: Patricia W. Tivnan, M.A., Larry R. Faulkner, M.D.
IW3. Malpractice: A Defendant's Primer Co-Chairs: Abe M. Rychik, J.D., Eugene L. Lowenkopf, M.D.
IW4. Cross-Cultural Validation of Self-Report Questionnaires in Non-Western Post-Conflict Settings Co-Chairs: Peter Ventevogel, M.D., Pim Scholte, M.D.
IW5. Making Your Talks More Interactive: The Better Way! Chair: Jon Davine, M.D.
IW6. Treating the Chronically Depressed Patient Using the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy Co-Chairs: Eric Levander, M.D., James P. McCullough, Ph.D.
IW7. Impact of Patient Suicide on Psychiatry Residents: A Workshop Discussion Co-Chairs: Elizabeth S. Harre, M.D., Christina V. Mangurian, M.D.
IW8. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Self-Destructive Borderlines Chair: Eric M. Plakun, M.D.
IW9. Jumping Off a Cliff, or the Road Not Taken: Alternative Career Choices and Where They Lead Chair: Deborah Spitz, M.D.
IW10. Chronic Pain, Prescription Opioids, and Psychiatry: Concepts, Tools, and Risk Management to Help Patients and Improve Outcome Co-Chairs: Alex N. Sabo, M.D., John F. Rogers, Esq.
IW11. The Wrath of God: A Faith-Based Survival Paradigm (video interviews of survivors in the earthquake region of Pakistan) Chair: Samoon Ahmad, M.D.
IW12. Psychopathy and Addiction Among Criminal Justice Populations: New Directions Co-Chairs: Wilson M. Compton III, M.D., Joseph Frascella, Ph.D.
IW13. Psychiatric Services for Girls and Women in Correctional FacilitiesChair: Cassandra F. Newkirk, M.D.

9 a.m.-Noon

Media Workshops
MP1. “White Light, Black Rain”: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Chair: David Rothstein, M.D.
MP2. “Tsotsi”: Toward an Understanding of the Roots of Violence, Its Maintenance, and Its Transformation Chair: Roslyn Seligman, M.D.
S1. Epigenetic Mechanisms of Depression and Antidepressant Action
Role of Histone Acetylation and Methylation in Social Defeat Stress Eric J. Nestler, M.D.
Antidepressant Activity of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Schahram Akbarian, M.D.
Epigenetic Programming of Gene Expression and Function Via Maternal Care Michael Meaney, Ph.D.
Histone Modifications and DNA Methylation in Learning and Memory David Sweatt, Ph.D.
S2. Buprenorphine for Opioid Dependence: Recent Clinical and Research Findings
Buprenorphine for Detoxification of Opioid-Dependent Patients Laura F. McNicholas, M.D.
Buprenorphine Maintenance for Heroin Addicts Eric C. Strain, M.D.
The Use of Buprenorphine in Patients With Chronic Pain Joseph G. Liberto, M.D.
Differential Patterns of Buprenorphine Use in the U.S. Herbert D. Kleber, M.D.

9 a.m.-4 p.m.

CME Courses 46-51

10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Exhibits Open
APA Member Center Open
Publishers' Bookfair Open

10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Advances in Research
Research Advances in MedicineHerbert Pardes, M.D., David Baron, D.O.

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Advances in Medicine
AM01. HIV/AIDS in 2008: Progress and Challenges Anthony Fauci, M.D.
Focus Live
Peter Buckley, M.D., on Schizophrenia
Small Interactive Sessions
4. Eric Hollander, M.D., on Autism and Impulse Control Disorders (Meet the Author)
5. Marcia Goin, M.D., on Career Versus Jobs in Psychiatry
6. Suzanne Vogel-Scibilia, M.D., on Working With Family Members: Shared Advocacy
L5. Mark S. Micale, Ph.D., Benjamin Rush Award Lecture
L6. Neurotransmitters, Drugs, and the Brain: Historical Perspectives Solomon Snyder, M.D., Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture
L7. CRAZY: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health Madness Pete Earley, Patient Advocacy Award Lecture
Component Workshops
CW14. Anxiety, Impulsivity, and Aggression: Diagnostic and Treatment Dilemmas in Intellectual Disability APA Committee on Developmental Disabilities; Chair: Joel D. Bregman, M.D.
CW15. Assessing Suicide Risk in the General Hospital: Implementing the 2007 National Patient Safety Goal APA Committee on Standards and Survey Procedures; Co-Chairs: Steven R. Daviss, M.D., Angelos Halaris, M.D.
CW16. Psychotherapy Update: Psychodynamic Therapy for Panic Disorder APA Committee on Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists; Chair: Eric M. Plakun, M.D.
CW17. On the Brink: Universal Health Insurance and Mental Health Services APA Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing; Co-Chairs: Anita S. Everett, M.D., Frederick J. Stoddard, M.D.
CW18. Evaluating Competency in Psychosomatic Medicine APA Council on Psychosomatic Medicine; Chair: Mary Jane Massie, M.D.
CW19. Reducing Juvenile Delinquency Through Prevention APA Corresponding Committee on Juvenile Justice Issues; Chair: Stephen B. Billick, M.D.
CW20. Methamphetamine Abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Restoring Harmony Through an Integrated Treatment Model APA Committee of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Psychiatrists; Chair: Daniel L. Dickerson, D.O.
CW21. Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice: Ask the Experts APA Ethics Committee; Chair: Wade Myers, M.D.
CW22. I'm Coming Out: Helping Your LGBT Patients Out the Closet Door APA Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues; Chair: Philip A. Bialer, M.D.
CW23. Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? APA Committee of Black Psychiatrists; Co-Chairs: Michele Reid, M.D., Melva Green, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW14. Poets, Psychiatric Treatment, and the Creative Process Chair: Richard M. Berlin, M.D.
IW15. Complexities of Post-Termination Relationships Chair: Malkah T. Notman, M.D.
IW16. Teaching and Learning at the Medical-Psychiatric Interface: A Residency Training Perspective Co-Chairs: Henry W. Weisman, M.D., Kaplan Lawrence, M.D.
IW17. Internet-Associated Mental Health Problems: Designing Treatment Plans Based on Psychiatric Nosology Co-Chairs: Daniel J. Pimstone, B.S., Jeffery Wilkins, M.D.
IW18. Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in Suicidal Patients: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Dilemmas Chair: Stephen M. Soltys, M.D.
IW19. Children and Trauma: Responding to Special Populations Ranging From Military Children to Those Exposed to Natural Disasters and Much More Co-Chairs: Heather L. Shibley, M.D., Niru Nahar, M.D.
Scientific and Clinical Reports
Session 1. Forensic Psychiatry
1. The Validity of Psychiatric Impairment Assessment: A Comparison of Two Systems in Clinical Practice Gordon Davies, M.B.
2. Profile of Perpetrators With Impulsive Violent Behavior Rob Brouwers, M.D.
3. Fathers Who Kill Their Children Sara West, M.D.
Session 2. Women's Health
4. Adverse Effects on Gestational and Neonatal Outcomes: From Depression or Antidepressant Drugs? Katherine Wisner, M.D.
5. Overvaluation of Shape and Weight in Binge-Eating Disorder and Overweight Controls: Refinement of BED as a Diagnostic Construct Carlos Grilo, Ph.D.
6. To Be Announced
Session 3. Psychiatric Genetics
7. Genes, Memes, and an Infection Model of Mental Illness Hoyle Leigh, M.D.
8. Combinatorial CYP450 Genotyping for Depressed Inpatients Gualberto Ruano, M.D.
9. PharmacoEPIgenetics: Therapeutic and Diagnostic Applications of Chromatin Remodeling Agents in Mental Illness David Gavin, M.D.
Session 4. Symptomatic Outcomes of Borderline Personality Disorder
10. Prospective Predictors of Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder Paul Soloff, M.D.
11. Prediction of Time-to-Attainment of Good Psychosocial Functioning for Borderline Patients Followed Prospectively for 10 Years Mary Zanarini, Ed.D.
12. The 10-Year Course of Dissociation Reported by Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Mary Zanarini, Ed.D.
Session 5. Chemical Dependency
13. Patient Selection and Matching for Opioid Maintenance Treatment Ayman Fareed, M.D.
14. Clinical Assessment in Cocaine-Abusing Patients: Association of Alexithymia With Inadequate Parental Attachment Gianmaria Zita, M.D.
15. Difference in Using Wait-and-See Strategy Between Nonchemical and Chemical Addictions on the Stop Signal Performance Pinhas Dannon, M.D.
Session 6. Can Early Symptoms Predict the Course of Schizophrenia?
16. The Predictive Value of First-Rank Symptoms in Patients With Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Linda Grossman, Ph.D.
17. Negative Symptoms and Their Predictors in Schizophrenia Within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Jussi Makinen
18. Negative Features of Psychosis Precede Onset of Psychosis in a Prospective General Population Sample of Adolescents Pirjo H. Maki, M.D.
Session 7. Clinical Dilemmas in Schizophrenia
19. Deconstructing First-Episode Psychosis Cherise Rosen, Ph.D.
20. Pathways Leading to Suicide in Schizophrenia Antti Alaräisänen, M.B.
21. Recovery in a Subgroup of Patients With Schizophrenia Who Discontinue Antipsychotic Medications: A 15-Year Follow-Up Martin Harrow, Ph.D.
Session 8. Metabolic Syndrome and Eating Behavior
22. Developing and Implementing a Psychiatric Clinic-Based Metabolic Screening: Part 1 Catherine Batscha, M.S.N.
23. Initial Pre-Metabolic Risk of 93 Patients on Second-Generation Anti-psychotics: Part 2 Mark Schneiderhan, Pharm.D.
24. A Comparison of the Effects of Modafinil on Olanzapine-Associated Eating Behaviors in Normal Human Subjects James Roerig, Pharm.D.

Noon-1:30 p.m.

The World Association of Young Psychiatrists and Trainees Chair: Victor Buwalda, M.D.
Competence in Treating Patients With Addictions and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders Chair: John Renner, M.D.
Research Planning for DSM-V Chair: Darrel Regier, M.D.
Music and Mood Disorders: TchaikovskyChair: Richard Kogan, M.D.

12:30 p.m.-2 p.m.

New Research Young Investigators' Poster Session 2

1 p.m.-5 p.m.

CME Courses 52-59

2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

Focus LiveJohn Griest, M.D., on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
L8. Should Psychiatry Embrace a Psychospiritual Approach to Patient Care? Albert C. Gaw, M.D., George G. Tarjan Lecture
L9. C. Thomas Caskey, M.D., Frontiers of Science Lecture
L10.Tipper Gore (tentative)

2 p.m.-5 p.m.

International Symposium: The Emergence of Subthreshold Psychiatry Chair: Ahmed Okasha, M.D.
S3. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adolescents/Young Adults With Substance Use Disorders
Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Utilization in Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders Oscar G. Bukstein, M.D.
Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents With Opioid Use Disorders (OUD) Versus Marijuana/Alcohol Use Disorders Geetha Subramaniam, M.D.
Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) for Adolescent Drug Abusers: A Multisite Clinical Trial Michael S. Robbins, Ph.D.
Buprenorphine Treatment in Opioid-Addicted Adolescents/Young Adults George E. Woody, M.D.
Evidence-Based Behavioral Pharmacological Treatment for Opioid-Dependent Adolescents Lisa A. Marsch, Ph.D.
S4. Traumatic Stress, Hormones, and Depression
Persistent CSF Oxytocin Reduction After Childhood Abuse Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D.
Stress Sensitivity in Metastatic Breast Cancer: Analysis of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function David Spiegel, M.D.
Stress, Cortisol, the Serotonin Polymorphism Transporter, and Cognitive Decline Ruth O'Hara, Ph.D.
The Effects of Depression Type, Length, and Comorbidity on HPA Function Craig B. Taylor, M.D.
Mindfulness Meditation Alleviates Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Reduces the Cortisol Awakening Response Sandra E. Sephton, Ph.D.
S5. The Social Responsibility of Universities for the Mental Health of Students and Community Safety
The Challenges of College Mental Health Jerald Kay, M.D.
Legal and Ethical Issues in Campus Violence Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D.
Why Are College Mental Health Crises So Difficult to Manage? An Examination of the Challenges to Providing Mental Health Care on College Campuses Victor I. Schwartz, M.D.
Active Minds: Involving Students in Ensuring the Mental Well-Being of Their Peers on Campus Alison Malmon.
The University as a Social Structure Beverly J. Fauman, M.D.
S6. Recent Advances in Prevention Science: Implications for Practice and DSM-V
Recent Progress In Preventing Schizophrenia Thomas H. McGlashan, M.D.
Prevention of Depression in Youth and Families: Recent Findings and Future Directions William R. Beardslee, M.D.
Prevention of Substance Abuse: Evidence From Controlled Trials J.D. Hawkins, Ph.D.
Are Prevention Concepts Appropriate for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V)? Wilson M. Compton III, M.D.
S7. Medical Conundrums: A Guide for the Treating Psychiatrist
Treatment of IBS: A Brain-Gut Disorder Douglas A. Drossman, M.D.
Update on Mechanisms and Management of Fibromyalgia Daniel J. Clauw, M.D.
Chronic Lyme Disease: Helping the Patient Despite the Controversies and Uncertainties Brian A. Fallon, M.D.
A Randomized Trial of Three Psychosocial Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Arthur J. Barsky, M.D.
S8. Externalizing Disorders of Childhood: A DSM-V Research Agenda
Research Opportunities for ADHD: Is There a Need to Reformulate Criteria in DSM-V? Luis Augusto L. Rohde, M.D.
Research on Key Questions Regarding Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder: Current Status and Recommended Next Steps Jeffrey D. Burke, Ph.D.
How Cardinal Are Cardinal Symptoms in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder? Joseph Biederman, M.D.
Should Youth With Chronic Irritability Be Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder? Ellen Leibenluft, M.D.
Adult ADHD James J. McGough, M.D.
S9. Continuation Treatments to Prevent Relapse Following ECT
Effectiveness of ECT in Suicide Risk Reduction in Patients With Major Depression Joan Prudic, M.D.
Continuation ECT and Continuation Pharmacotherapy for Relapse Prevention in Major Depression Charles Kellner, M.D.
Does Psychosis Predict ECT Response in Major Depression? Georgios Petrides, M.D.
Continuation Pharmacotherapy in Preventing Relapse Following ECT Harold A. Sackeim, Ph.D.
S10. Safety Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Research Update and Clinical Implications
Assessing Safety Outcomes of Treatment of Adolescents With MDD Graham Emslie, M.D.
Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Treatment on Early-Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Linmarie Sikich, M.D.
Stimulants and Risk of Vascular Events Mark Olfson, M.D.
Long-Term Effects of Stimulants in Children With ADHD James M. Swanson, M.D.
S11. Depression and Generalized Anxiety: Research Planning for the DSM-V
MDD and GAD: Background and Genetic Relationship Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D.
Biological and Treatment Aspects David J Kupfer, M.D.
Neurobiological Validators Applied to MDD and GAD Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D.
Comorbidity Between DSM-IV Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression in the National Comorbidity Survey Follow-Up Ronald C. Kessler, Ph.D.
Cross-Cultural Aspects of Anxiety and Depression Dan J. Stein, M.D.
S12. Psychiatric Genetics: New Discoveries Knocking at the Clinic Door
Genes Can't Read DSM: Dissecting Genotype-Phenotype Correlations Thomas G. Schulze, M.D.
A Systematic Approach to Association Studies of Schizophrenia Pablo V. Gejman, M.D.
Searching High and Low for Bipolar Disorder Genes James B. Potash, M.D.
High-Resolution Analysis of Genome Copy Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorders Jonathan L. Sebat, Ph.D.
S13. Psychopharmacology in the Athlete
The Use of Neuroleptic Medication in Professional Athletes Douglas L. Geenens, D.O.
Lithium in the Athlete Antonia L. Baum, M.D.
Psychostimulant Use During Athletic Competition; What Are the Risks and Benefits? David O. Conant-Norville, M.D.
S14. Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders
The Association of Specific Somatic Syndromes With One Another Simon Wessely, M.D.
Biological Substrate for Somatoform Disorders Joel E. Dimsdale, M.D.
Differential Response to Treatment for Somatoform Disorder Subtypes Kurt Kroenke, M.D.
Rethinking Somatoform Disorders in DSM-V: A View From Cultural Psychiatry Laurence J. Kirmayer, M.D.
Clinical Course and Treatment of Somatoform Disorders Winfried Rief, Ph.D.
S15. Global Gaps in Psychiatry: The Mental Health Needs of Child Soldiers
Child Soldiers in Mozambique Jon A. Shaw, M.D.
Mozambican Child Soldier Life Outcome Study Neil G. Boothby, Ed.D.
The Reinteg ration of Former Girl Soldiers in Uganda Jeannie Annan, Ph.D.
A Long Way Gone: War, Redemption, and Hope Through the Eyes of a Child Soldier Ishamael Beah, B.A.
Interventions for Depression Symptoms Among Adolescent Survivors of War and Displacement in Northern Uganda Judith Bass, Ph.D.
S16. European and American Psychiatry: Identity and Priorities
World Psychiatry: European Contributions Wolfgang Gaebel, M.D.
Current European Perspectives on the Concept of Schizophrenia Mario Maj, M.D.
Clinical and Theoretical Psycho-pathology in the Education of the Future Psychiatrist Michael Musalek, M.D.
S17. Women's Health: Straight Talk About Tangled Problems—Pregnancy-Related Psychiatric Issues
Dilemmas Concerning Miscarriage and Genetic Terminations Gail E. Robinson, M.D.
Antenatal Maternal Mental Health: Blissful Care Gisèle Apter-Danon, M.D.
The Myth of the Abortion Trauma Syndrome Nada L. Stotland, M.D.
Postpartum Depression: Effects on the Development of Mother and Child Alexandra M. Harrison, M.D.
S18. The Application of Translational Affective Neuroscience to the Understanding of Anxiety Disorders
Generalization of Conditioned Fear as a Pathogenic Marker of PTSD Samuel Lissek, Ph.D.
Violence and Victims: Dissociable Dysfunctions in Amygdala-Cortical Interactions in PTSD and Psychopathy Abigail Marsh,Ph.D.
Translating Developmental Models of Anxiety to Children Daniel Pine, M.D.
Differentiating Generalized Social Phobia From Generalized Anxiety Disorder at the Neurocognitive Level Karina S. Blair, M.D.
S19. Comparing Notes: International Experiences in Evaluating Residents' Skills
Workplace-Based Assessments in Psychiatric Resident Training in the U.K.: The Developmental Experience Amit Malik, M.D.
In-Training Assessment of Resident Interviewing and Case Presentation Skills in Canada: The McMaster University Approach Priyanthy Weerasekera, M.D.
Whither Goest We: Supervisors, Residents, and Annual Clinical Skills Exams John Manring, M.D.
From ABPN to Psychiatry Residency: Taking on the Challenge of Clinical Skills Examination Richard F. Summers, M.D.
Trainees' Assessment at Workplace: The U.K. Experience Dinesh Bhugra, M.D.
S20. The Psychoses Fused: The Kraepelinian Dichotomy, a Continuum or One Disorder: Clinical, Genetic, and Cognitive Comparisons
The Psychoses Dissected or Fused: A Correct Diagnosis Is Critical for Correct Treatment Charles R. Lake, M.D.
Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia From Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Perspectives Jon-Kar Zubieta, M.D.
Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia: Shared Genetic Susceptibility Wade H. Berrettini, M.D.
S21. Pharmacogenetics of Tamoxifen and Other Chemotherapeutic Agents and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Drug Interactions and Alterations
SSRI/SNRI for the Treatment of Menopausal Hot Flashes Vered Stearns, M.D.
Mood Disorders and Cancer: Implications for Treatment John F. Greden, M.D.
Influence of Drug Interactions and Germline Pharmacogenomics on the Efficacy, Side Effects, and Compliance With Tamoxifen David A. Flock-hart, M.D.
Pharmacogenetics in Management of Depression in Cancer Patients Melvin Melunis, M.D.
Teaching Pharmacogenetics: Finding Space in Our Already Overcrowded Medical School Curriculum Tamara L. Gay, M.D.
S22. Moments of Change in Psychotherapy: What Can We Learn From the Positive Turning Points Observed in Adult and Child Treatments
Change Moments in Therapy Daniel Stern, M.D.
Magical Moments in Psychotherapy Lenore C. Terr, M.D.
Change Moments in Therapy Ethel S. Person, M.D.
S23. The Relationships Between the APA Annual Meeting and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Historical and Current Perspectives and Issues
Balancing Science and Support at the APA Annual Meeting David A. Baron, D.O.
Differentiating Advertising From Educational Support: A Role for Both James Scully, M.D.
Pharmaceutical Support of t he Annual Meeting: Does the Dog Wag the Tail? Philip R. Muskin, M.D.
The Industry-Supported Symposia and New Research Poster Sessions: A Critical Interface of APA's Scientific Sessions and the Pharmaceutical Industry Anthony J. Rothschild, M.D.
The History of the Relationship Between Academia and the Pharmaceutical Industry: What Can APA Learn? Kenneth R. Silk, M.D.
S24. The Changing Face of Terrorism: Suicide Terrorism and Radicalization in Émigré Populations
The Path to Paradise: The Inner World of Suicide Bombers and Their Dispatchers Anat Berko, Ph.D.
Why Women Kill Farhana Ali
Intergroup Relations, Prejudice Reduction, and the Threat of Jihadi Violence Jeff Victoroff, M.D.
The Risk of Radicalization and Terrorism in Muslim Émigré Communities Jerrold M. Post, M.D.
Psychiatric Responses to Losing the Hearts and Minds of Muslim Youth Stevan M. Weine, M.D.
S25. Homosexuality and Therapy: The Religious Dimension
Practice Framework for Managing Sexual Identity Conflicts Warren Throck-morton, Ph.D.
A Pastoral Approach for Gay and Lesbian People Troubled by Homosexuality Richard A. Mohler, Jr., Ph.D.
The Psychosocial Bases of Theologies that Compel Efforts to Change Sexual Orientation: The Psychiatric Ethical Response David L. Scasta, M.D.

2 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Advances in (APPI Series)
Advances in the Treatment of Substance Use DisordersMarc Galanter, M.D.

3 p.m.-5 p.m.

New Research Poster Session 3

5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Convocation of Distinguished Fellows
L11.Oliver Sacks, M.D., William C. Menninger Memorial Lecture

7 p.m.-10 p.m.

Industry-Supported Symposia

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Published online: 15 February 2008
Published in print: February 15, 2008


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