Page numbers printed in boldface type refer to tables or figures.
A3 template,383
AACP (American Association for Community Psychiatry),62, 63, 65
See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Academic medical centers,175–177, 277, 297–298
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges,153–154
Accelerated Digital Clinical Ecosystem (ADviCE) Health,468
Access to health care,256–258, 262
“Accident” insurance,247–248
ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education),372–373
Accountability to stakeholders,228, 344, 345–346
Accountable care organizations (ACOs),46, 115, 252–253
Accounting, types of, finances and budget management of programs,235
ACCR (Allegheny County Coalition for Recovery),67,
68, 69
Accreditationfor continuing medical education,372–373
for graduate medical education training,168–169, 177, 300
for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement,177–178, 362–364
through The Joint Commission,362, 364–365, 376
Accreditation Commission for Health Care (formerly HFAP),363
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME),372–373
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),168–169, 177, 300
Accreditation Participation Requirements (APR),367
Accrual accounting,235
ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education),168–169, 177, 300
Acquisitions and mergers as health systems,87–90
ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act, 1990),213, 214, 250
ADAMHS (Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Services),41
ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967),213, 214
Ad Hoc Workgroup on Psychiatrist Well-being and Burnout,279
Adjudicative competence,320
Administration, finances and budget management of programs.
See Burnout; Diversity and inclusion; Governance; Health information technology; Human resource management; Innovation implementation; Institutional accreditation and licensure; Outcome assessment and measurements; Psychiatric administration and leadership; Quality and performance improvement; Talent acquisition; Talent management; Training for leadership
Administrative safeguards,462
Advance directives,311–312
Adverse drug reaction management,369
Adverse medical events,335–336
Advertising,117, 425, 446
Advisory boards,63
Advocacyagainst asylum system,59
against burnout,283
for recovery-oriented services,66–67, 68–69,
68Affinity groups,123
Affordable Care Act.
See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Age differences, in behavioral health landscape,33–36,
35Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA, 1967),213, 214
Age of license,318
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,38, 421
AI (artificial intelligence),426–427
AIMS (Advancing Integrated Mental Health Solutions) Center,116
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS),41
Alcohol use disorder (AUD),66–67, 449, 450
Alcoholics Anonymous,66
Alexa (Amazon),461
Allegheny County Coalition for Recovery (ACCR),67,
68, 69
Altered reality,448
Alternative Payment Model framework,261
Amazon,52, 461
American Association for Community Psychiatry (AACP),62, 63, 65
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy,342, 349, 351
American Association of Medical Colleges,176–177, 271, 301
American College of Physicians,375–376, 420–421
American College of Surgeons (ACS),375–376
American Counseling Association,342
American Hospital Association,375–376
American Law Institute criteria,319
American Medical Association (AMA)app evaluating guidelines,468
on continuing medical education,372–373
Principles of Medical Ethics,342
social media recommendations,446
standards development,375–376
telemedicine guidelines,440
American Medical Informatics Association,421
American Nurses Association,342
American Osteopathic Association,177
American Psychiatric Association (APA)App Advisor,468–469
App Evaluation Model,444, 460, 468–469,
471diversity and health equity guidelines,349, 350–351
diversity leadership pipeline program,298
leadership diversity in,293
Milliman study,115
private practice resources and guidelines,79
on recovery-oriented services,65
social media presence of,446
telepsychiatry implementation guidelines,439
“telepsychiatry toolkit,”442
workforce wellness interventions rubric,279,
281American Psychiatric Nurses Association,349
American Psychological Association,349, 350
American Rescue Plan (2021),49–50
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990),213, 214, 250
American Telemedicine Association,439
AMI (any mental illness),33–36
Animal Welfare Act (1966),177
Antibiotic management,369
Anti-Kickback Statute,182, 183
Antimicrobial stewardship,369
Antitrust laws,221
Anxiety disorders,449
Any mental illness (AMI),33–36
See American Psychiatric Association
App Evaluation Model,444, 460, 468–469,
See Mobile apps
Argyris, Chris,24
Army leadership core competencies,10–13,
11, 98
Artificial intelligence (AI),426–427
Assets,236, 238
Association of American Medical Colleges,176–177, 271, 301
Asylum system.
See also State psychiatric hospitals
advocacy against,59
funding,247, 248–249
historical context,39–40, 248–249
involuntary commitment to,316
A tags,363,
363Attribution theory of leadership,8
AUD (alcohol use disorder),66–67, 449, 450
Augmented reality,448
Augmented virtuality,448
Authority types (theory),19–20, 21
Autocratic leadership style,9
Autonomy (self-determination),343, 344, 349
Bad hire costs,193,
196Baklid-Kunz v. Halifax Medical Center (2013),183–184
Balance sheet,236–238
Balanced Budget Act (1997),48
Base pay,217–218,
219Beacon Health Options,52
Behavioral health applications.
See Mobile apps
Behavioral Health Care and Human Services accreditation,364–365
Behavioral health care landscape,33–53
definitions,33, 60
evolution of,246–247
financing of national behavioral health system,39–49.
See also Financing health care services
future directions for,49–52
health care delivery options,77–93.
See also Organization of psychiatric health care delivery
historical context,247–253
levels of,245
national demographics,33–39,
37, 262
voices of recovery and,59–74.
See also Recovery-oriented services
Behavioral Health Design Guide,179
Behavioral Health Home certification,365
Behavioral Health Network (BHN),117–121,
118Behavioral Science: Concepts and Management Application (The Conference Board),17–18
Behavioral theory,7
Beneficence (nonmaleficence),343,
343Berkshire Hathaway,52
Best practices,139
BHN (Behavioral Health Network),117–121,
118Biofeedback mHealth apps,443
Biopsychosocial model of mental health care,40
Bipolar disorder,64
Blake, Robert,24,
25Bloated notes,421–422
Blockchain,419, 427
Blue Cross hospital plan,248
BMC (Business Model Canvas),96–97, 106–108,
108Boards of directors,97, 123, 134, 174
Bottom-up implementation,134
Boundary violations (malpractice claim),334
Breach of confidentiality (malpractice claim),333–334
Breakthrough projects,139,
140Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI),397
British malpractice law,324
Bruni v. Tatsumi (1976),329
“B-tag” requirements,178, 179
B tags,363,
363Budget cycle,233
Building codes,368–369
Bureaucratic leadership style,9
case example,272–274
contributors to,269, 274, 277, 278, 280,
282, 351–353,
353, 419
defined,268, 269–270
effects of,274–277, 351–353
measurement of,268
mental illness relationship to,269–270
prevalence of,268
wellness initiatives and strategies for,277–285,
282Business associate agreements,463
Business development,111–127.
See also Organization of psychiatric health care delivery; Planning
affinity groups,123
case example,119–120, 124–125
historical context,112–114
marketing behavioral health,116–121,
122new “value proposition,”114–116
philanthropy and,121–125,
124Business financial reports (formal),235–238
Business Model Canvas (BMC),96–97, 106–108,
108Business plans.
See Planning
California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc. (CPT),212
CALOCUS (child and adolescent version of LOCUS),62
Canadian health care system,51
Canadian Medical Association,375–376
Canadian Psychiatric Association,153
CanMEDS framework,153
Capacity, for decision-making,310–312
Capitation,113, 246, 250
Care Coordination Measurement Framework,421
CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities),376
CARF International,364
CART (Consumer Action Response Team),69
Cash accounting,235
Cash flow statement,237–238
CBOs (community-based organizations),39–42, 79–81, 247, 248
Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality,363
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment,435
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
See also The Joint Commission
accountable care organizations and,46
accreditation requirements,362–363,
363, 366
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments waiver certificate,361, 372
Conditions of Participation and Conditions for Coverage,177–180, 182,
363, 366, 376
HIPAA and,461
hospital value-based purchasing program,376–377
quality standards,376–377
self-referral regulation,182–184
Certification process,362, 363–365
Certified community behavioral health center,80–81
Certified Electronic Health Record Technology,424
21 CFR,459
42 CFR Part 2,466–467
CGI (Clinical Global Impression scale),397
Change, stages of,21–22
Change management,403
Charismatic (transformational) leadership style,9
Charismatic authority,19–20
Child and adolescent version of LOCUS (CALOCUS),62
Childrenbehavioral health demographics,33–34,
35, 36
regulatory and legislative issues,317–319, 441
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)administration of,254
current trends,255, 256
evolution of,247
future directions for,51–52
historical context,251
MACRA and,48–49
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (1998),441
Civil commitment laws and regulations,316–317, 334
Civil Rights Act (Title VII, 1964),214
Civil wrongs (tort claims),323, 328.
See also Malpractice
Client, defined,107, 391.
See also Patients
Clinical communities, quality improvement projects and,386
Clinical decision support,425–426
Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI),397
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waiver certificate,361, 372
Clinician rating scale, defined,400
Clubhouse programs,64, 66, 67
See Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Coach-style leadership,10–13,
11Code of Federal Regulations,363,
363Code of Hammurabi,324
Codification of standard procedures,19
Cognitive-behavioral therapymHealth apps for,443
virtual reality application for,449
Collaborative Care Model,90
Collective bargaining,222
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF),376
Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA),177
Common Ground (computer program),62
Common Rule,177
Community advisory boards,63
Community-based organizations (CBOs),39–42, 79–81, 247, 248
Community-Engaged Faculty,65
Community Mental Health Act (Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Centers Construction Act, 1963),40, 79, 82, 112, 248
Community mental health centers (CMHCs),39–42, 79–81, 247, 248
Community-partnered participatory research,296–297
Compensation (pay),216–220,
219Compensatory selection process,196–197,
197Competence to stand trial,320
Competency (patient),310, 320
Competency (professional),210–212, 344, 402–403
Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP),382–386
“Concierge” mental health services,90
Concurrent validation, for testing of job candidates,198
Conditions for Coverage,177–180
Conditions of Participation (CoPs),177–180, 182,
363, 366, 376
Conference Board,17–18
Confidentialitybreach of,333–334
ethics of,343, 344, 346, 347–348
HIPAA on,180–182.
See also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
of substance use disorder patient records,314, 466–467
Construct validity, for testing of job candidates,198
Consumer, defined,60–61, 107, 391.
See also Patients
Consumer Action Response Team (CART),69
Content validity, for testing of job candidates,198
Contingency theories,7–8
Continuing environmental scanning,99
Continuing medical education accreditation,372–373
Continuous quality improvement process,132–134,
133, 380
Control technologies,449
Coordinated Specialty Care,259
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory,268
CoPs (Conditions of Participation),177–180, 182,
363, 366, 376
Coronavirus pandemicas agent of change,22, 438, 441–443
health care landscape during,36, 43, 44, 49–50, 262
health care landscape following,257–258
The Joint Commission standards during,367, 368
Correctional system of care,438, 444
Cost per hire,193,
196Council on Accreditation,364
County Asylums Act (Great Britain),39
Court-ordered treatment, for minors and families,318
COVID-19 pandemic.
See Coronavirus pandemic
CPT (California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc.),212
Creativity, for effective leadership,14
Crisis services systems,259–260, 438
Criterion-related validity, for testing of job candidates,198
Cue-exposure techniques, with virtual reality,449, 450
Cultural competence education,292
Cultural humility,292–298, 300
Culture of organizations,98, 189
Culture of philanthropy,121–123,
124Culture of safety, The Joint Commission standards during,368
Current assets,236
Current psychiatric landscape.
See Behavioral health care landscape
CUSP (Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program),382–386
CVS (store),52
Cyber security, The Joint Commission standards during,368
Damages (malpractice),329–330
Dangerous to self or others,314–315, 317
Data collection, for work analysis,211
Decade of the Brain,41
Decision-making capacity,310–311
Decision-making theory,7–8
Deeming authority,362–364
Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) framework,29, 380, 385
De-identified protected health information (PHI),461
Deinstitutionalization movement,40, 82, 112, 316
Delivery System Reform Incentive Payments,88
Deming cycle,132–134,
133, 139
Democratic (participative) leadership style,9, 21
Department of Education,460Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),177, 254, 261,
460, 461, 471
Department of Labor,215–216
Departmental quality projects,383–384
Departmental structure of organizations,174–175
Depression, burnout and,269, 274–275
Dereliction of duty,329
Design space,99–100
Design thinking and innovation,105–106,
107Det Norske Veritas Healthcare, Inc. (DNV Healthcare; now called DNV),178
Development process, strategies for leadership diversity,300–301
DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services),177, 254, 261,
460, 461, 471
Diagnosis-related group (DRG) methodology,250
Dietary services, The Joint Commission standards on,371
Diffusion innovation theory,403
Digital cryptocurrency,427
Digital Health Common Application,468
Digital Health Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Program,468
Digital health technology (DHT),435–453
“clinician champions” for,453
coronavirus pandemic and transformation of,438, 441–443
future directions for,425–427
health IT and.
See Health information technology
implementation of,451–453
measurement-based care and,450–451
mobile health applications,443–445.
See also Mobile apps
social media platforms and,424–425, 445–448
telemedicine and telepsychiatry,257, 369–370, 423–424, 437–443, 452, 454
virtual reality (VR) applications,448–450
Direct cash flow calculation,238
Direct causation,330–331,
331Disaster planning,367
Discharge process, as quality improvement project,385–386
Disciplinary policy, for performance management,203–204,
204Discrimination, equal employment opportunity vs.,212–215
Disease-specific apps,443
Disparate treatment,215
Diversity and inclusion,291–303
in budget and finance management,228
cultural humanity framework for,292–297,
296, 300
ethics and,348–351,
351strategies to increase,298–302,
303structural competence and structural humility for,297–298, 300
threats to,301
training and,155–156, 300
Diversity tax,296
Dividend payments,238
DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) framework,29, 380, 385
DNV (Det Norske Veritas Healthcare, Inc.),178, 363
Donabedian’s components of quality in health care,377–379,
380, 391–392
Downside risk arrangements,261
Drakeford v. Tuomey (2013),183
Drive, for effective leadership,14
Drucker, Peter,26, 28
Drug Enforcement Administration,361
Dually eligible beneficiaries (dual eligibles),255–256
Dusky v. United States (1960),320
Duty (malpractice),328–329
Duty to protect,314–315, 326, 332
Duty to warn,181, 314–315, 326
Dyadic relationship,7
Early adopters and early majority, of innovation,139–141
East Carolina University Center for Telepsychiatry,423
Eating disorders,449
E-behavioral health (telepsychiatry),257, 369–370, 423–424, 437–443, 452, 454
Economic Opportunity Act (1964),248
EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission),212–215
Efficacy, defined,392
Efficiency, defined,392
EHR-2020 Task Force,421
Electronic communication technologies,415–416.
See also Digital health technology
Electronic health information (EHI),467
Electronic health records (EHRs),415–424, 461
Emancipated minors,318
Emergency care, for minors,319
Emergency Management (EM),367
Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA, 1986),178, 180, 257
Emotional health services, defined,60
Emotional intelligence, for effective leadership,14
Empirical cycle,132–133
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA, 1974),249–250
Employeesbenefits for,220
employee engagement,188
recruitment and management of,189,
189, 199–201, 382.
See also Talent acquisition; Talent management
safety for,215–216, 382
socialization of new employees,201
EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, 1986),178, 180, 257
Environment of Care (EC),367
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),212–215
Equal Pay Act (1963),214
E tags,363,
363Ethics in clinical leadership,341–356
accountability to stakeholders,228, 344, 345–346
background,14, 341–342
case examples,348, 350, 353, 355
confidentiality,343, 344, 346, 347–348
core principles,342–345,
343, 349
diversity and inclusion,348–351,
351mentorship for,12–15, 354–355
recommended resources,356
transparency and,346–347, 481–482
well-being and strength-based leadership,351–353,
353Evaluation of services.
See Institutional accreditation and licensure; Outcome assessment and measurements; Quality and performance improvement
Evidence-based practices,260
Exchange theory,7
Execution premium,103–105,
104Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine program,156
Experience-based budget,233
Expert rating scale, defined,400
Exposure therapy,449, 450
Externally motivated monitoring activities,377, 378–379
Facebook,425, 426–427, 446
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA),381, 382, 383
Fairness and justice (ethics principle),15, 343, 344, 349
False Claims Act,182, 183
False imprisonment (malpractice claim),326, 334
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 1974),460, 464–465
Family inclusion, for recovery-oriented services,67–69
Family-to-Family educational program,68, 69
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (Health Level Seven),439
Fayol, Henry,20
See Food and Drug Administration
Federal Accounting Standards Board,236
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act, 1938),445,
460Federal Register,363,
363Federal Trade Commission (FTC),444–445,
460, 468
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs),248, 251
Fee-for-service (FFS),246, 249–250
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 1974),460, 464–465
Fidelity (honorable behavior),343, 344
Fiedler’s contingency theory,7
Finances and budget management of programs,227–243
budget as plan and management tool,232–233, 238–239
business financial reports,235–238
case example,231–235, 238–243
clinical integrity and,233–235
frostbite dilemma,227, 229–231
personal perspective on,481
plan of correction,230–231, 235–243
stakeholder participation and,228
Financing health care services,245–262
accessibility and,256–257
crisis services systems,259–260
current trends,254–256,
evidence-based practices,260
evolution of,246–247
future directions for,261–262
historical context,39–42, 247–253
integrated care,260
of national behavioral health system,39–49, 51–52, 261
state coverage,257–259
state vs. federal oversight,253–254
value-based purchasing,260–261
Finding of deficiencies (requirements for improvement),366–372
Fire safety,367, 368–369
Firing of employees,204
First episode of psychosis,259
Fitness to proceed (legal construct),320
Five Forces Analysis,100
Flexibility, for effective leadership,15
FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis),381, 382, 383
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)app oversight,445, 468, 469, 471,
473Digital Health Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Program,468
FD&C Act,445,
460on social media platforms,425, 446
Waived Testing definition,372
Ford, Henry,18, 27
Forensic patients, in state hospitals,82–83
Fountain House,66
FQHCs (Federally Qualified Health Centers),248, 251
Freeze Framer,443
Frostbite dilemma,227, 229–231
FTC (Federal Trade Commission),444–445,
460, 468
FTC Act (1914),445,
460Gamified software,443–444
Gender differences.
See also Diversity and inclusion
in behavioral health landscape,36
in burnout,270–271, 275, 280–282
in leadership,291–292, 293–295,
294, 298–301
in training,155–156, 300
in undergraduate medical education,295
General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970),215–216
General hospitals with psychiatry services,86–87,
87Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP),236
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (2008),214
Gold standard measurement instruments,401
Goodwill Industries International,98
Google Home devices,461
of academic medical centers,175–177
case example,173–174
components of,174
external regulation by hospitals and health systems,177–184
Graded exposure,449
Graduate medical education,168–169, 176–177, 293–296,
296, 300
Graduate Medical Education Committee,177
Grave disability,317
Great man theory,6
Gross income,237
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Administration and Leadership,156, 402
Group practices,78, 79
Guardian ad litem,318
Guidelines for Recovery Oriented Services (AACP),63, 65
Harm to third parties (malpractice claim),326, 332
Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network (HHCBHN),117–121,
Hawthorne effect,21
Hazardous materials safety,367
Health Breach Notification Rule,445
Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim,113, 269, 277–278
Health care landscape.
See Behavioral health care landscape
Health care proxies and guardians,311, 312–313
Health coverage, defined,245
Health information exchanges (HIEs),422–424, 461
Health information technology (IT),415–430, 459–473.
See also Digital health technology
architecture of,418, 430
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning,426–427
blockchain,419, 427
case examples,423–424, 429–430
categories of,418clinical decision support through,425–426
clinician attitude and,406,
content drivers of,416–417
419future enabling technologies,425–427
health information exchanges,422–424, 461
health records (EHRs),415–424, 461
health registries,424
implementation of,416–417
interoperability of,376–377, 417, 419–424, 430
patient attitude for implementation of,404–405
privacy and security,459–469,
472, 471.
See also Privacy and security of health IT
Quadruple Aims and,415–416, 418–419, 430
social media platforms and,424–425
strategic planning for,417, 427–430
technology for.
See Digital health technology
telemedicine and telepsychiatry,423–424, 437–443, 452, 454
update planning,428
user training and support for,429–430
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH, 2009),47, 50–51, 52, 423, 452, 459, 462, 463
Health insurance coverage.
See Children’s Health Insurance Program; Medicaid; Medicare; Private coverage
Health Insurance Marketplaces,48
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA, 1996)Breach Notification Rule,460, 464–465
case example,465
on fundraising,123, 124
HITECH and,47
on mHealth apps,445
overview,459, 461
Privacy Rule,180–182, 313–314,
460, 461, 463–464, 465–466
on psychotherapy notes,465–466
Security Rule,180–181,
460, 461–462
on telepsychiatry,441, 452
Health Level Seven,439
Health Maintenance Organization Act (1973),45, 113
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs),45, 113, 246, 249, 250
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS),396–397,
399, 400
Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA),38
Health registries,424
Health systemsgovernance of,177–184
malpractice risk management strategies,335–338
mergers and acquisitions of,87–90
Healthy teams,277–285,
See also Burnout
Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine program,301
Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory,7
Hertzberg, Frederick,23–24
HFAP (Accreditation Commission for Health Care),363
HHCBHN (Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network),117–121,
118Hierarchy of needs,23
HIEs (health information exchanges),422–424, 461
High-value documentation,420–421
HMO Act (1973),249
HMOs (health maintenance organizations),45, 113, 246, 249, 250
Holistic reviews, for diversity in leadership,299–300
Honorable behavior (fidelity),343, 344
HORVAN (HoNOS, OQ Routine Outcome Monitoring Validity in the Netherlands) study,396–397, 403
Hospital Accreditation Program,364–365, 376
Hospital value-based purchasing program,376–377
See Health systems; Private inpatient psychiatry; State psychiatric hospitals
House’s path-goal theory,7–8
Human resource management,209–223
base pay,217–218,
219case examples,212–214
employee benefits,220
equal employment opportunity,212–215
incentives and variable pay,218–219,
219job descriptions,212
labor relations,221–222
safety of staff,215–216, 382
The Joint Commissions standards,367–368
work analysis,210–212
The Human Side of Enterprise (McGregor),22
Humanistic psychology movement,23
Hybrid rounding,442
IMDs (Institutions for Mental Disease),248–249.
See also Asylum system
IMLC (Interstate Medical Licensure Compact),439
Implementation of innovation.
See Innovation implementation
Implicit bias,299–300
Implied consent,311
Improper discharge (malpractice claim),333
Improper treatment (malpractice claim),333
Improving Mood—Promoting Access to Collaborative Treatment (IMPACT) model,115–116
Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions (IOM),377
Incentive (variable) pay,218–220,
219Income statement,236, 237–238
Independent practice association (IPA),46–47
Indian Health Service,254
Indigent Insane Bill (1854; vetoed),39
Indirect cash flow calculation,238
Industry forces,99–100
Infection Prevention and Control (IC),367, 368
Information blocking,467
Information Management (IM),368
Information technology.
See Digital health technology; Health information technology
Informed consent,310–311, 313, 317–318, 333
Innovation implementation,131–150
administrator competency for,402–404
background,14, 131–132
for budget and finance management,228
case study,142–148,
147clinicians’ effect on,139–141, 406,
continuous quality improvement process,132–134,
133dos and don’ts of,148–149
novelty implementation,134
operations management for,146–147,
147patient attitude and,404–405
patients’ effect on,141–142
theory of,134–139,
140Inpatient treatmentfor minors,318
private inpatient psychiatry,85–87,
87regulation of,178–180
state psychiatric hospitals,81–85,
87Insanity defense,319–320
Institute of Medicine (IOM)Committee on Quality of Health Care in America,419–420
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century,377,
379, 387
Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions,377
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System,377
Institutional accreditation and licensure,361–373
accreditation process,168–169, 177–178, 300, 362–364, 372–373, 376
363certification process,362, 363–364
licensure process,361, 364–372
Institutional liability (malpractice claim),334
Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs),248–249.
See also Asylum system
Instructional directive,311
Integrated behavioral health care,90, 260
Integrity (clinical),233–235
Integrity (ethics principle),14,
343, 344
Interaction dimension,448–449
Internal recruitment,194
Internally motivated monitoring activities,377–378
International Association of Peer Supporters,70–71
International Medical Device Regulators Forum,469
International Organization for Standardization,178
Interoperability of health IT,376–377, 417, 419–424, 430
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC),439
Intervention models, for burnout,279,
281Interviews for job candidates,198–199, 299
Involuntary psychiatric commitmentmalpractice and,334
regulation of,180, 316–317
IPA (independent practice association),46–47
Jackson v. Indiana (1972),320
Job analysis,210–212
Job boards,194–195
Job descriptions,212
Job evaluation,218
Job ranking,218
Johns Hopkins Hospital,382–386
Joint Commission.
See The Joint Commission
Jones v. United States (1983),319
J.P. Morgan Chase,52
Judgment, for effective leadership,15
Justice and fairness (ethics principle),15,
343, 344, 349
“Just-in-time production,”27
K tags,363,
363Labor Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act, 1947),221
Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffin Act, 1959),221
Labor relations,221–222
Laboratory licensure,361
Laboratory testing,372
Lack of informed consent (malpractice claim),333.
See also Informed consent
Laissez-faire leadership style,9–10, 21
Landrum-Griffin Act (Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 1959),221
Langley cycle,139
Late Career Practitioner Policy,213
Late majority, of innovation,140–141
LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education),176–177
LDRSHIP (loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage),98
Leader-member exchange theory,7
See also Ethics in clinical leadership
attributes of,3, 4–5,
5, 13–15
in community settings,81
competencies for,5,
7, 10–15,
defined,3, 5, 210
in health systems,88–90
mentorship and,12–15.
See also Mentorship
organizational theory and,21–22, 24, 25–26
in state psychiatric hospitals,84–85
styles of,8–13,
11, 21–22, 24, 478
The Joint Commission standards on,368
theories of,5–8
wellness initiative implementation and,284–285
Lean principles and processes,27, 28, 29, 381, 383
Legal and regulatory issues,309–321.
See also specific acts and lawsbackground,309–310
for burnout,283
competence to stand trial,310, 320
duty to warn or protect,181, 314–315, 326, 332
health care proxies and guardians,311, 312–313
HIPAA violations,313–314
informed consent,310–311, 313, 317–318, 333
insanity defense,319–320
involuntary civil commitment,180, 316–317
minors, special considerations for,317–319
of national behavioral health system, historical context,39–40
psychiatric advance directives,311–312
for referrals,182–184
regulatory compliance training of employees,200
substance use disorder record disclosures,314, 466–467
violence risk assessment,315–316, 332
wellness advocacy to combat burnout,283
Legitimate authority,19–20
Lessard v. Schmidt (1972),315
Level of Care Utilization System (LOCUS),62
Lewin, Kurt,21–22
LGBTQ+ physiciansburnout and,270
strategies for increasing leadership opportunities for,298–301
undergraduate medical education demographics,296
Liabilities,236, 237–238
Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME),176–177
Licensure process,361, 364–372
Life Safety (LS),368
Ligature risk,178, 179–180
Liker, Jeffrey K.,27,
27Likert, Rensis,25–26
Line item budget,233
“Linking pin” concept,25
Littleton v. Good Samaritan Hospital Health Ctr (1988),332
Lived values,98
Local law, on privacy,182
Location, in virtual reality,449
LOCUS (Level of Care Utilization System),62
Long patient stays, as quality improvement project,385
Machine learning,426–427
MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, 2015),48–49, 376
burnout and,274, 277
demographics of claims,326–328
dereliction of duty,329
direct causation,330–331,
historical context,324–326
legal aspects of,328–331
risk management,334–338
types of claims,326, 331–334
Managed behavioral health organizations (MBHOs),45
Managed careevolution of,246–247
historical context,249–253
Management, defined, finances and budget management of programs,5, 20.
See also Burnout; Diversity and inclusion; Governance; Human resource management; Innovation implementation; Talent acquisition; Talent management; Training for leadership
Management by objective (MBO),26
Managerial grid,24,
25Market forces,99
Marketing behavioral health,116–121,
122, 425
Marriage and family therapists,342, 349, 351
Maslach Burnout Inventory,268
Maslow, Abraham,23–24
Master of business administration (M.B.A.),125
Master of medical management,125
Mayo, Elton,21
MBHOs (managed behavioral health organizations),45
MBO (management by objective),26
McGregor, Douglas,22–23
McKinsey 7-S model,102
Mead, Shery,70
Measurement-based care.
See Outcome assessment and measurements
Measurement instrument implementation,404–405, 406
MedicaidACA and,48,
49, 50, 252, 254, 255–256, 258–259, 261–262
accreditation requirements for reimbursement,362,
363administration of,254
CMHC funding,80
Conditions of Participation and Conditions for Coverage,177–178
coronavirus pandemic and,43
crisis services systems funding,260
demographics,36–37, 43, 255–256,
255dual eligibility,255–256
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment benefits,259
evolution of,246–247
federalism and,253–254
first episode of psychosis health care funding,259
future directions for,51–52
historical context,40, 113, 248–251
integrated managed care financing model,260
managed care arrangements,44–45
as managed care plan,246
overview,42–43, 255–256
recovery services funding,258
referral regulation,183
residential programming and housing funding,259
trauma-informed care funding,259
value-based purchasing arrangements,260–261
Medical errorsburnout and,274
malpractice and,323.
See also Malpractice
risk management of,336–338
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey,38
Medical home,246
Medical Leadership Competency Framework,154
Medical model, of health care financing,247
Medical recordselectronic health information,467
electronic health records,415–424, 461
privacy and security of,313–314.
See also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
for substance use disorder patients,314, 466–467
The Joint Commission standards on,371
think tanks and scholars on,377
Medical Staff (MS), The Joint Commission standards on,369–370
Medical staff office, of academic medical centers,176
Medicareaccreditation requirements for reimbursement,362,
363administration of,254
CMHC funding by,80
Conditions of Participation and Conditions for Coverage,177–180, 182,
363, 366, 376
demographics,36–37, 44, 254, 255–256,
255dual eligibility,255–256
evolution of,247
future directions for,51–52
historical context,40, 113, 248, 249, 250, 252–253
MACRA and,48–49
Meaningful Use Stage 2 regulations,424
Medicare Advantage providers,253
overview,43–44, 254
quality standards and reimbursement incentives,376–377
referral regulation for,182–183
value-based purchasing arrangements and,260–261
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA, 2015),48–49, 376
Medicare for All,51
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003),50–51
Medication Management (MM),369, 370
Mental Health Association,59
Mental Health Block Grants (MHBGs),41–42, 247, 248
Mental Health First Aid,120
Mental Health Parity Act (1996),251
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA, 2008),47, 52, 252
Mental Health Services Block Grants (MHBGs),41–42, 247, 248
Mental Health Study Act (1955),82
Mental Health Systems Act (1980),40–41
Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Centers Construction Act (Community Mental Health Act, 1963),40, 79, 82, 112, 248
Mentorshipfor diversity and inclusion,155–156
for ethical leadership development,12–15, 354–355
for leadership training,12–15, 155, 158,
167, 168, 169, 354–355
for philanthropy,123–124,
125Mergers and acquisitions as health systems,87–90
Merit-Based Incentive Payment System,376, 387
Message Carriers,67
MHBGs (Mental Health Services Block Grants),41–42, 247, 248
MHealth apps.
See Mobile apps
MHPAEA (Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, 2008),47, 52, 252
Milliman study,115
Minimum-cutoff (multiple-hurdle) selection process,196–197,
197Minimum qualifications,212
Minority tax,296
Minors, regulatory and legislative issues for,317–319
Misalignment of organizations,102
Misdiagnosis (malpractice claim),332–333
Mismanagement of medical conditions (malpractice claim),326, 333
Mission statements,97, 98, 174, 175, 189
Mixed implementation process,134
Mixed model, of organizational theory,24
M’Naughten criteria,319
Mobile appsevaluation and regulation of,444, 445, 460, 467–469,
472, 471
overview,116, 443–445
types of,443, 449, 450
Moral injury,351
Moral treatment,247
“Motivation-hygiene” theory,23–24
Mouton, Jane,24,
25Multiple-hurdle (minimum-cutoff) selection process,196–197,
197Mutual support organizations,66–67
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,256
National Academy of Medicine,428
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI),68–69
National Association for Physician Leadership,125
National Association of Social Workers,342
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors,182
National Committee for Mental Hygiene,59
National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R),33, 37
National Council on Behavioral Health,80
National Dialogue on Mental Health series,119
National Fire Protection Association,368–369
National Football League,300
National health care (single-payer systems),39–49, 51–52, 261
National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA),38
National Health Services Institute for Innovation and Improvement (United Kingdom),153–154
National Institute of Mental Health,40
National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (NIAHO),178
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act, 1935),221–222
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),221–222
National Mental Health Act (1946),40, 41, 82
National Panel for Psychiatric Mental Health NP Competencies,351
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG),182, 370
National Suicide Hotline Designation Act (2020),260
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH),34
NCS-R (National Comorbidity Survey Replication),33, 37
NC-STeP (North Carolina Statewide Telepsychiatry Program),423, 440
Negligent tort,328.
See also Malpractice
Net income,237–238
Next Accreditation System,168–169
NHEA (National Health Expenditure Accounts),38
NIAHO (National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations),178
NLRB (National Labor Relations Board),221–222
Noncurrent assets,236
Nonmaleficence (beneficence),343,
343North Carolina Statewide Telepsychiatry Program (NC-STeP),423, 440
Note bloat,421–422
“Notice of Privacy Practices” (NPP),464
NPSG (National Patient Safety Goals),370
NSDUH (National Survey on Drug Use and Health),34
Nursing (NR), The Joint Commission standards on,370
Nursing programs, accreditation resources for,364
See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Observer rating scale,400
Obsessive-compulsive disorders,67–69
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970),215–216
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),216
O’Connor v. Donaldson (1975),317, 326
Office for Civil Rights (OCR),461, 468
Office for Human Research Protections,177
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP),214
Office of the Inspector General,183–184
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology,181–182, 421, 461, 468
Oldenburg Burnout Inventory,268
Olmstead v. L.C. (1999),250
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1981),41
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1989),250–251
Onboarding employees,201
Open-door policies,204
Operating expenses,237
Operations management,146–147,
147Optimal work environments,18–19, 24,
25Organization of psychiatric health care delivery,77–91
business plans for,96.
See also Business development; Planning
community-based clinics,39–42, 79–81, 248
emerging trends,90
mergers and acquisitions as health systems,87–90
private inpatient psychiatry,85–87,
87private practice,78–79
state hospitals,81–85,
87, 247
Organizational objectives training, of employees,200
Organizational standards,462
Organizational theory,17–30
change stages and,21–22
historical context,18–23
leadership and sociological aspects,21–22, 24, 25–26
process improvement systems and research,26–29
recommended readings,30
work satisfaction and,23–24
ORYX initiative,366
Osheroff v. Chestnut Lodge (1985),326
Outcome assessment and measurements,391–407
case study,396–397,
399, 401
evidence for,394–395
historical context,391–394,
393implementation of,395–396, 402–405
psychometric characteristics and sensitivity to change,400–401
The Joint Commission standards on,371–372
Outcome Questionnaire (OQ),396–397
Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45),397,
399, 400
Outcome Rating Scale (ORS),397
Outpatient access, as quality improvement project,384–385
Outpatient commitment,317
Owners’ equity,236–237
Pain management stewardship,369
Parens patriae,180
Parham v. J.R. (1979),318
Parity legislation,251
Participative (democratic) leadership style,9, 21
Participatory dialogue,64–65
Patient-centered care,60
Patient-driven care,61–62, 419–421
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, 1963)accountable care organizations and,46
coverage demographics,255False Claims Act triggers by,183
on health IT,459
historical context,252
hospital value-based purchasing program of,376
Medicaid and,48,
49, 50, 252, 254, 255–256, 258–259, 261–262
overview,47–48, 52, 113
repeal attempts,50
value-based care and,50–51
See also Recovery-oriented services
alternative terminology for,60–61
patient safety and malpractice,335–336, 370
Pay for performance,19, 218–219
Pay structure,19, 218
Pay surveys,218
PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle,132–134,
133, 139
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) cycle,139,
140, 402
“Peer advisor” program,65
Peer review,336, 429–430
Peer Support and Advocacy Network (PSAN),67
Peer support programs,67, 69–72
People in recovery.
See Recovery-oriented services
Performance anxiety,449
Performance Improvement (PI), The Joint Commission standards on,371
Performance management,189,
189, 201–204,
See also Talent management
Performance review, The Joint Commission standards on,369–370
Permanent Doc Fix,48–49
Person-driven care,61–62
Personal health records (PHRs),416, 422
Personal recovery plan,62
Personnel expenditures,240–241
Perspectives publication (The Joint Commission),365, 366
Pharmacy licensure,361
PHI (protected health information),460, 461–467
Physical safeguards,462
Physician leaders,175
Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark Law),182–184
Pipeline programs, for diversity leadership,298–299
Plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle,402
alignment of,101–103,
for budget and finance management,230–231, 235–243
business and strategic plan development,96, 97–105.
See also Business development
business model innovation and design,96, 105–109,
design thinking and innovation,105–106,
107execution of,103–105,
104for health IT updates and investments,427–428
industry analysis and continual environmental scanning,99–100
mission, vision, values, and strategies,97–100
for recovery-oriented services,62–63
SWOT analysis,99, 100,
101for workforce,189,
189, 190–191,
192Point factor method,218
Police powers,180, 316
Population health,424
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),275, 335, 348, 449
Power imbalances,293–296
Power of attorney,312–313
Predictive validation, for testing of job candidates,198
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs),246
Preferred qualifications,212
Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978),214
President’s Commission on Mental Health,40–41
President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health,41, 60
Previsit questionnaires,62
Primary Care Medical Home certification,364–365
Privacy and security of health ITbackground,459–461,
460business associate agreements and,463
case examples,467, 469
for consumer apps and websites,467–469,
472, 471
HIPAA on,441, 445, 452, 459,
460, 461–466
HITECH on,47, 50–51, 52, 423, 452, 459, 462, 463
for substance use disorder patient records,466–467
21st Century Cures Act on,181–182, 467
Private coveragebackground,245
255enrollment with,78
evolution of,246–247
future directions for,52
historical context,112–113, 247–248
managed care and,44–45
mental health care spending by,44–45
private practice participation in,78
Private inpatient psychiatry,85–87,
87Private practice, organization of,78–79
Private sector’s role in health care,52
Process, defined,392
Process improvement systems and research,26–29
Process management,403
Process of care,392,
393“Produce or perish” leadership style,24
Professional attitude, defined,404
Professional boundary violation (malpractice claim),334
Professional ethics codes.
See Ethics in clinical leadership
Professional practice evaluations,176
Protected health information (PHI),460, 461–467
Provision of Care (PC),370–371
PSAN (Peer Support and Advocacy Network),67
Psychiatric administration and leadershipbasic concepts.
See Behavioral health care landscape; Leadership; Organizational theory; Recovery-oriented services
evaluation of psychiatric services.
See Institutional accreditation and licensure; Outcome assessment and measurements; Quality and performance improvement
information technology for.
See Health information technology
law and ethics.
See Ethics in clinical leadership; Legal and regulatory issues; Malpractice
management, finances and budget management of programs.
See Burnout; Diversity and inclusion; Governance; Human resource management; Innovation implementation; Talent acquisition; Talent management; Training for leadership
organizational challenges.
See Business development; Organization of psychiatric health care delivery; Planning
personal perspective on,477–482
Psychiatric advance directives,311–312
Psychiatric interview previsit questionnaires,62
Psychology interns, accreditation resources for,364
PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder),275, 335, 348, 449
Public asylum system.
See Asylum system
Public speaking, fear of,449
Quadruple Aims,277–278, 415–416, 418–419, 430
Quality and performance improvement,375–388
accountable care organizations and management of,46
case studies in,382–386
continuous quality improvement process,380
externally motivated monitoring activities,377, 378–379
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA),381, 382, 383
internally motivated monitoring activities,377–378
Lean principles and processes,381, 383
regulation and accrediting bodies,375–377,
380root cause analysis for,379–380, 382, 383
Six Sigma,380, 383, 385
Toyota production system,381
treatment plan and,387–388
Quality Chasm’s 10 rules,377,
379, 387
Quality of care,392,
393Queen v. M’Naughten (1843),319
Quest Diagnostics,426–427
Questionnaire implementation,141–142, 370
Qui Tam relator,183
R3 (requirements, rationale, references) report,365
Racial and ethnic minority physicians.
See also Diversity and inclusion
burnout and,271–272, 280–283
in leadership positions,291–292, 293–295,
294strategies for increasing leadership opportunities for,298–301
undergraduate medical education and,295–296,
296Rating scales, for digital health technology,450–451
Real reality,448
Reasonable accommodation,215
Reconciliation of net worth statements (statement of changes),238
Record of Care (RC), The Joint Commission standards on,371
Recovery Inc.,66
Recovery-oriented services,59–73
administrative, planning, and quality activities,62–63
advocacy and,66–67, 68–69,
educational activities,63, 68–69
family inclusion for,67–69
funding for,258–259
implementation challenges,72
intervention points for,61–72
peer and mutual supports,66–67, 69–72
people in recovery as educators,64–66
as person-driven care,61–62
personal experiences and,64–70
state psychiatric hospitals and,83
Recovery Oriented Services Evaluation (AACP),63
Recovery to Practice curriculum,65
See also Talent acquisition
Referrals, regulation of,182–184
Regulatory compliance training of, employees,200
Regulatory issues.
See Legal and regulatory issues
Rehabilitation Act (1973),214
Relationship leadership theories,8
Relative value units,19
Reliability, for effective leadership,14
Requirements, rationale, references (R3) report,365
Requirements for improvement (finding of deficiencies),366–372
Research, regulation of,177
Residency programsaccreditation resources for,364
burnout and,274–275
leadership training,13–15, 153–154, 155, 158,
167, 168–169
unions and union membership,221
Residential programming and housing funding,259
Respect for human dignity and rights,343,
343Restraint policies, The Joint Commission standards on,371
Return on investment (ROI),89–90
Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual (RI), The Joint Commission standards on,371–372
Risk arrangements,261
Risk assessment through mHealth apps,444
Risk management,334–338, 370
Roethlisberger, Fritz,21
ROI (return on investment),89–90
Rooney Rule,300
Root cause analysis (RCA),379–380, 382, 383
Rounding, with digital health technology,442
Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) system (case study),142–148,
147Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,153
Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act (2008),452
Safeguards (administrative),462
Safetyfire safety,367, 368–369
hazardous materials safety,367
patient safety and malpractice,335–336, 370
as quality improvement task,382
of staff,215–216, 382
The Joint Commission standards on,367, 368
Transplant Safety (TS),372
Sales (total) billing,237
SaMD (Software as a Medical Device),469, 471,
473SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration),34, 38, 65, 71, 259
Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre,119
Scalar chain,20
Seclusion policies,336, 371
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),235–236
Security of the premises,367
Security Rule,180–181
Selection interview,198–199
Self-awareness, for effective leadership,14
Self-care, as ethical practice,344–345
Self-determination (autonomy),343, 344, 349
Self-examination and -reflection, for cultural humility,293
Self-funded employer plans,249–250
Self-rating scales, defined,400
Self-referrals, regulation of,182–183
Self-report measures, defined,400
Sensory dimension,448
Serious emotional disturbance, defined,34
Serious mental illness (SMI) demographics,33–36,
37Service lines of organizations,174–175
Sexual contact between psychiatrist and patient,334
Sharfstein, Steven S.,477–482
Sheppard Pratt Health System,88, 381–382, 478–481
SiMD (Software in a Medical Device),471
Simulator Sickness Questionnaire,450
Single-payer systems,39–49, 51–52, 261
Single-specialty group practices,78, 79
Six Sigma,28–29,
29, 380, 383, 385
SMART Plan of Implementation,137–138
SMHAs (State Mental Health Authorities),258–259
SMI (serious mental illness) demographics,33–36,
37Smith, William B., Jr.,28
Social determinants of health,247, 253
Social media platforms,424–425, 445–448
Social psychology,21
Social Security Act (1935),362
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI),40, 43–44
Socialization, of new employees,201
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD),469, 471,
473Software in a Medical Device (SiMD),471
Solo practitioners,78
Specialty psychiatry hospitals,85–86,
87SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance),40, 43–44
SSI (Supplemental Security Income),40
Stakeholders, accountability to,228, 344, 345–346
Standardization of procedures,19, 27
Standard of caredefined,329
for suicide risk,331–332, 370
Standards and Interoperability Framework,421
State health coveragefederalism and,253–254
historical context,247–249
state psychiatric hospitals,81–85,
87, 247
State law, on privacy,181, 182
State Mental Health Authorities (SMHAs),258–259
State psychiatric hospitals,81–85,
See also Asylum system
Statement of changes (reconciliation of net worth statements),238
Statement of earnings,237
Statement of operations,237
Statutory benefits,220
STEM Outreach Out of School Time programs,298
12-step programs,66, 67
Stop the Stigma campaign,120
Strategy and strategic planning,99–100.
See also Planning
Stratton v. Swanlond (England; 1375),324
Strength-based leadership,351–353
Strike contingency plan,222
Structural competence,297–298
Structural humility,297–298, 300
Structure, defined,392
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),34, 38, 65, 71, 259
Substance use disorders (SUDs)confidentiality of records on,314, 466–467
demographics,34, 35,
35support and advocacy for,66–67
virtual reality application for,449, 450
Succession planning,191
Suicideburnout and,275
crisis services for,260
malpractice claims and,331–332, 336, 370
Supplemental Security Income (SSI),40
Surveysby CMS,363
by The Joint Commission,362, 364, 365–366, 376
for state licensure,364
The Joint Commission findings of deficiency guide,366–372
SWOT analysis,99, 100,
101Symptom Checklist–90 (SCL-90),397,
399, 401
Taft-Hartley Act (1947),221
Talent acquisitionbackground,189,
189, 192–193
cost per hire,193,
196selection process,193, 195–199,
199telepsychiatry as alternative to,437–438
Talent management,187–208
189future trends and challenges,204–205
performance management,189, 201–204,
204The Joint Commission standards on,369–370
training and employee development,189, 199–201
workforce planning,189, 190–191,
192Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California (1974, 1976),181, 315, 326, 332
Targeted recruitment,193–194
Task specialization,18–19
Taylor, Frederick W.,18–19, 20, 26–27
Telehealth,257, 369–370
Telehealth Modernization Act (2015),440–441
Telemedicine and telepsychiatry,257, 369–370, 423–424, 437–443, 452, 454
Testing of job candidates,197–199,
199Texas Risk Assessment System (TRAS),444
Texas State Mental Health Agency,42
The Conference Board,17–18
The Joint Commissionaccreditation by,362, 364–365, 376
application process,365–366
certification by,362, 364–365
deeming authority of,362–364
documentation requirements by,179
historical context,376
human resource standards,367–368
licensure vs. accreditation,364
ligature risk points and,179–180
overview,82, 178, 182
standards development by,365
surveyor’s findings guide,366–372
Theory X and Theory Y,8, 22
Think tanks,377, 402
Third-party payers, quality standards development by,376–377
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System (IOM),377
Top-down implementation,134
Tort claims (civil wrongs),323, 328.
See also Malpractice
Total (sales) billing,237
Total quality management,380
Toyota production system (Toyota Way),27,
27, 381.
See also Lean principles and processes
Traditional authority,19–20
Training for employee development,189,
189, 199–201
Training for leadership,153–169.
See also Talent management
accreditation for health care providers,364
accreditation of,168–169
challenges of,154–155
content of,156,
157current state of,153–154
diversity spotlight,155–156, 300
formatting of,156–158,
167, 168
future directions for,169
for health IT use,429–430
for measurement instruments,400
measuring quality or outcomes of,168
with mentorships,12–15, 155, 158,
167, 168, 169, 354–355
personal perspective on,480
philosophy of,154
regulatory compliance,200
Trait theory,7
Transactional leadership (exchange theory),7
Transactional leadership style,10
Transformational (charismatic) leadership style,9
Transformational leadership theories,8
“Transinstitutionalization” of patients,316
Transparency,346–347, 481–482
Transplant Safety (TS),372
TRAS (Texas Risk Assessment System),444
Trauma-informed care,259
Treatment-resistant schizophrenia,449
TRICARE,254, 256
Triennial surveys,365–366
Triple Aim,113, 269, 277–278
Trustworthiness and truthfulness (veracity),343, 344, 482
21st Century Cures Act (2016),181–182, 467
Twitter,425, 447
U.K. National Health Services,51
Undergraduate medical education,176–177, 295–296,
296, 364
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures,198
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (1994),214–215
Union avoidance,222
Unions and union membership,221–222
United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI),467
Universal health care coverage,39–49, 51–52, 261
Universal Health Services,86
Upside risk arrangements,261
U.S. Army,10–13,
11, 98
Utilities management,367
Value-based care,50–51, 98, 114–116,
380, 387–388
Value-based purchasing arrangements,260–261
Value Proposition Canvas (VPC),96–97, 108
Values, of organizations,98
Variable (incentive) pay,218–220,
219Veracity (trustworthiness, truthfulness),343, 344, 482
Vertical dyad linkage theory (exchange theory),7
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS),214
Veterans Health Administration,28, 254, 256
Violence risk assessment,315–316, 332
Virtuous cycle,120–121
Vision statements,98, 174, 189, 230–231, 478–479
Voices of recovery.
See Recovery-oriented services
“Volume to value” health care system shift,50–51
Voluntary benefits,220
VPC (Value Proposition Canvas),96–97, 108
Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act, 1935),221–222
Waived Testing (WT),361, 372
Watson AI system,426–427
Weber, Max,19–20
Wellness initiatives and strategies, for healthy teams,277–285,
282Wellness management apps,443
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP),62
White fragility,293
“Whole is greater than the sum of the parts,”21–23
Wild Divine,443
Woodlands Psychiatry and Counseling Company,213
Work analysis,210–212
Work satisfaction,23–24
Workplace Violence Prevention Program (Veterans Health Administration),28
World Health Organization (WHO),115, 116, 439
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan),62
Wrongful death (malpractice claim),331–332
Wyatt v. Stickney (1972),326
Yale New Haven Hospital,213
Yale University Department of Psychiatry,156
Youngberg v. Romeo (1982),326
Zero-based budget,233