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Our Reviewers
Published Online: 1 December 2003

Appreciation to Reviewers

This appreciation to reviewers is unique, in that it is my last in this journal. It gives me the opportunity to look back over 23 years of editing Psychiatric Services and its predecessor, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, and appreciate what a wonderful family of editors, authors, editorial staff, and reviewers support and sustain the journal.
In 1979, when I was interviewed by the search committee to be the first member-editor of H&CP—as it was really known—I had little insight into what made a monthly scientific journal like ours tick. I had experience editing or working editorially on a secondary school newspaper, a college humor magazine, a medical school yearbook, a district branch newsletter, and a psychiatric quarterly, but running this operation was light-years apart.
John Nemiah, the much beloved editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry at the time of my appointment, generously offered me his card file of reviewers, which, as I recall, fit into a shoebox. Over time it grew and became computerized and eventually was transmogrified into our online system, Manuscript Central. From just a few hundred names, it grew to our current database of more than 1,200 reviewers—some self-referred, some invited because they were authors of articles on related subjects, and some recommended by editorial board members, contributors, and other reviewers.
At that time we had one statistical reviewer, Ted Lorei, who was terrific but who saw few of the papers. Today he is at the center of a large panel of statistical and methodological consultants who review about 10 percent of submissions. Ted monitors the quality of these special reviews, settles disputes, and advises us on how statistical results should be presented in the pages of the journal.
I've said it often in this space that the editor's work would be impossible in this day and age without high-quality, selfless, hard-working reviewers—and I'll repeat it. You provide the knowledge and energy that are necessary to control quality, make judicious use of space, and identify exaggeration and fraud. You are what makes editing Psychiatric Services fun.
I want to take this opportunity to thank two other individuals who fit the description above in many ways. They are Teddye Clayton and Connie Gartner, two of the finest people it has been my pleasure to work with. As managing editors, they have had the job of keeping me honest, holding the journal steady, and at the same time ensuring that the quality of the journal improves over time.
On a personal note, I've never done anything as enjoyable as editing this journal over all these years. In addition, I enjoy beyond measure the personal notes to the editor that accompany your reviews and that tell me how you are and let me know, confidentially, what you "really" think about a manuscript. It has been so much more than a job; it's been a wonderful, wonderful journey.
We're lucky, all of us, to have as our new editor someone who brings to the journal as much devotion, experience, and quest for the best as I hope I've been able to bring. I wish him my best, and I think you'll find, as I have for so many years, that he'll be fun and creative to work with.
Adieu, we'll meet again, and thanks for everything.
Note: Because of the publication deadline, the list of reviewers represents those who submitted a review between October 1, 2002, and September 30, 2003.
Karen Abram Ph.D.
David A. Adler M.D.
Jill Afrin
M. Oluwafemi Agbayewa M.B.
Paul R. Ahr Ph.D.
Cheryl S. Al-Mateen M.D.
Daniel Alford M.D.
Edward R. Allan M.D.
Jim Allen Ph.D.
Jon G. Allen Ph.D.
Michael Allen J.D.
Charlene Allred Ph.D.
Kenneth Z. Altshuler M.D.
Paul Ambrosini M.D.
Jambur V. Ananth M.D.
Carol Anderson Ph.D.
Jack R. Anderson M.D.
Diana J. Antonacci M.D.
Paul S. Appelbaum M.D.
Julio E. Arboleda-Flórez M.D.
A. Anthony Arce M.D.
Bernard S. Arons M.D.
Haya Ascher-Svanum Ph.D.
Susan T. Azrin Ph.D.
Victoria L. Bacon Ed.D.
Richard Balon M.D.
William H. Banaka Ph.D.
Steve Banks Ph.D.
Nigel Bark M.D.
David A. Baron M.S.Ed., D.O.
Richard C. Baron M.A.
Steve T. Baron
Kristen Lawton Barry Ph.D.
Mark Bauer M.D.
Lee H. Beecher M.D.
John R. Belcher Ph.D., L.C.S.W.
Carl C. Bell M.D.
Elissa P. Benedek M.D.
Michael J. Bennett M.D.
Thomas P. Beresford M.D.
Howard L. Berkowitz M.D.
Carol Ann Bernstein M.D.
Leonard Bickman Ph.D.
David E. Biegel Ph.D.
Dan Bilsker Ph.D.
John Blamphin
Dan G. Blazer M.D., Ph.D.
Joseph D. Bloom M.D.
James K. Boehnlein M.D.
Michael P. Bogenschutz M.D.
Gary R. Bond Ph.D.
Roger Boothroyd Ph.D.
Daniel B. Borenstein M.D.
John J. Boronow M.D.
Soo Borson M.D.
Jonathan F. Borus M.D.
Tim Botello M.D.
Charles L. Bowden M.D.
William R. Breakey M.D.
John S. Brekke Ph.D.
Andrew L. Brickman Ph.D.
Clifford R. Briggie M.S.W., Psy.D.
David A. Brizer M.D.
Benjamin B. Brodey M.D., M.P.H.
Donald B. Brown M.D.
Sherwood Brown M.D., Ph.D.
John C. Brust M.D.
Robert W. Buchanan M.D.
Peter F. Buckley M.D.
Todd C. Buckley Ph.D.
Ann W. Burgess D.N.Sc.
Rodney W. Burgoyne M.D.
Gary M. Burk A.I.A.
Barbara J. Burns Ph.D.
John B. Buse M.D., Ph.D.
Robert Butler Ph.D.
Marian I. Butterfield M.D., M.P.H.
John Campbell A.B.
Jose M. Canive M.D.
Kate B. Carey Ph.D.
William T. Carpenter M.D.
William T. Carpenter Jr., M.D.
James H. Carter M.D.
Charles D. Casat M.D.
Carol L.M. Caton Ph.D.
Dev Chowallur Chacko M.D.
Linda Chafetz D.N.Sc., R.N.
Sara C. Charles M.D.
Patricia M. Christopherson A.C.S.W.
Leslie Citrome M.D., M.P.H.
Keith Claypoole Ph.D.
Carl I. Cohen M.D.
Lee Combrinck-Graham M.D.
Robert R. Conley M.D.
Kendon J. Conrad Ph.D., M.P.H.
James W. Conroy Ph.D.
Peter E. Cook M.D.
Patrick Corrigan Psy.D.
Francine Cournos M.D.
Nancy H. Covell Ph.D.
James C. Coyne Ph.D.
Lolafaye Coyne Ph.D.
Robert J. Craig Ph.D.
John F. Crilly M.S.W., M.P.H.
M. Lynn Crismon Pharm.D.
Catherine Chang Crone M.D.
Brian J. Cuffel Ph.D.
David L. Cutler M.D.
Barbara M. D'Orio M.D.
Richard Dalton M.D.
Allen Daniels Ed.D.
Larry Davidson Ph.D.
Jose De Leon M.D.
Francis de Marneffe M.D.
Kevin L. Delucchi Ph.D.
Florence Denmark Ph.D.
Elizabeth Depoy Ph.D.
Rani A. Desai Ph.D.
Daniel A. Deutschman M.D.
Naakesh A. Dewan M.D.
Larry Dewey M.D.
John M. Diamond M.D.
Ronald J. Diamond M.D.
Barbara Dickey Ph.D.
Lisa B. Dixon M.D.
Richard J. Doan M.D.
Richard Dougherty Ph.D.
Mary Dozier Ph.D.
Jeffrey Draine Ph.D.
Robert E. Drake M.D., Ph.D.
Martin J. Drell M.D.
Benjamin G. Druss M.D., M.P.H.
Hinda Dubin M.D.
William R. Dubin M.D.
Steven Dubovsky M.D.
Richard G. Dudley M.D.
Marian Dumaine Ph.D.
Jack Durell M.D.
Joel A. Dvoskin Ph.D.
Robert Eilers M.D.
Susan V. Eisen Ph.D.
Nady El-Guebaly M.D.
Jon D. Elhai Ph.D.
Richard L. Elliott M.D., Ph.D.
James M. Ellison M.D.
John R. Elpers M.D.
Spencer Eth M.D.
Rahel Eynan-Harvey M.D.
William E. Fann M.D.
Norman L. Farberow Ph.D.
David Fariello L.C.S.W.
Kathleen J. Farkas Ph.D.
Larry R. Faulkner M.D.
William O. Faustman Ph.D.
Armando R. Favazza M.D.
Eugene B. Feigelson M.D.
Michael B. Feil D.Sc.
Jacqueline M. Feldman M.D.
Wayne Fenton M.D.
Paul J. Fink M.D.
Patrick R. Finley Pharm.D.
Michael B. First M.D.
William A. Fisher M.D.
Jacquelyn H. Flaskerud Ph.D.
Mark H. Fleisher M.D.
Sandra L. Forquer Ph.D.
Sandy Forrest Ph.D.
Lori Frank Ph.D.
Frances Frankenburg M.D.
Alfred M. Freedman M.D.
Joshua E. Freedman M.D.
Frederick J. Frese Ph.D.
Robert O. Friedel M.D.
Robert Friedman Ph.D.
Linda K. Frisman Ph.D.
B. Christopher Frueh Ph.D.
Russell Gardner Jr., M.D.
Jeffrey L. Geller M.D., M.P.H.
Tony George M.D.
Gary J. Gerber Ph.D.
Paulette Marie Gillig M.D.
Leslie Hartley Gise M.D.
Stuart Gitlow M.D., M.P.H.
Martin Gittelman Ph.D.
William M. Glazer M.D.
Shirley M. Glynn Ph.D.
Paula N. Goering R.N., Ph.D.
Marcia Kraft Goin M.D., Ph.D.
Paul Gold Ph.D.
Joel Goldberg Ph.D.
Lawrence Goldberg M.D.
Richard W. Goldberg Ph.D.
Stephen Mark Goldfinger M.D.
Jacqueline M. Golding Ph.D.
Charles R. Goldman M.D.
Howard H. Goldman M.D., Ph.D.
Larry S. Goldman M.D.
Marion Z. Goldstein M.D.
Benjamin C. Grasso M.D.
Kyle L. Grazier Ph.D.
Rex S. Green Ph.D.
Greg A. Greenberg Ph.D.
William M. Greenberg M.D.
Robert Gregory M.D.
Christine Grella Ph.D.
Bruce Greyson M.D.
Ezra E. H. Griffith M.D.
R. Kevin Grigsby D.S.W., L.C.S.W.
J. Thomas Grisso Ph.D.
Bruce H. Gross J.D., Ph.D.
Joshua Grossman M.D.
Frederick G. Guggenheim M.D.
Trevor R. Hadley Ph.D.
John J. Haggerty Jr., M.D.
Robert G. Hall Ph.D.
Katherine A. Halmi M.D.
Michael J. Hannon M.A.
Thomas E. Hansen M.D.
Lars Hansson Ph.D.
William A. Hargreaves Ph.D.
D. Scott Hargrove Ph.D.
James L. Harris D.S.N., R.N.
Stephanie Hartwell Ph.D.
Joe Hebel M.S.W.
Robert L. Hendren D.O.
Michael Hendryx Ph.D.
Kevin Hennessy Ph.D.
Daniel B. Herman D.S.W.
Richard C. Hermann M.D., M.S.
Alfred Herzog M.D.
Thomas R. Hibbard M.Ed.
Donald M. Hilty M.D.
John P. Hirdes Ph.D.
Kim Hoagwood Ph.D.
Martha Hodge M.S.
Rani A. Hoff Ph.D., M.P.H.
Ann Hohmann Ph.D., M.P.H.
Gilbert Honigfeld Ph.D.
Robin Hornstra M.D.
Joseph P. Horrigan M.D.
Ewald Horwath M.D.
Abram M. Hostetter M.D.
Robert H. Howland M.D.
James I. Hudson M.D.
Charles Huffine M.D.
Douglas H. Hughes M.D.
June R. Husted Ph.D.
Peter Huxley Ph.D.
Joseph A. Infantino Jr., M.S.
Jeffrey S. Janofsky M.D.
Peter S. Jensen M.D.
Keith H. Johansen M.D.
Jay Johnson Ph.D.
Kristine Jones Ph.D.
Wolfgang Kaiser Dipl.Psych.
Thomas P. Kalman M.D.
Edna Kamis-Gould Ph.D.
Marshall B. Kapp J.D., M.P.H.
Nick Kates M.D.
Steven E. Katz M.D.
Stuart L. Keill M.D.
Andrew Keller Ph.D.
Kevin V. Kelly M.D.
Martin S. Kesselman M.D.
Edward Kim M.D.
Steven J. Kingsbury M.D., Ph.D.
J. David Kinzie M.D.
Mary Ellen Kondrat Ph.D.
Renee Kopache
Alex Kopelowicz M.D.
Lorrin M. Koran M.D.
James P. Krajeski M.D.
Barry A. Kramer M.D.
Abraham D. Krems M.D., Ph.D.
Julie Kreyenbuhl Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Zeno Kupper Ph.D.
Joyce Laben M.S.N., J.D.
H. Richard Lamb M.D.
Michael Lambert M.D.
Nancy Langman M.S., M.P.H.
Jennifer Lauby Ph.D.
Michael Lavin M.D.
William B. Lawson M.D., Ph.D.
Tania Lecomte Ph.D.
Stephen Leff Ph.D.
Harriet P. Lefley Ph.D.
Walter A. Leginski Ph.D.
Anthony F. Lehman M.D.
Laurent S. Lehmann M.D.
Timothy Lesaca M.D.
Richard L. Levenson Jr., Psy.D.
Leon A. Levin M.D.
Michael J. Levine M.D.
Robert P. Liberman M.D.
Alice A. Lieberman Ph.D.
Louis Linn M.D.
John R. Lion M.D.
Alan A. Lipton M.D., M.P.H.
Benjamin Liptzin M.D.
Barry I. Liskow M.D.
Richard L. Livingston M.D.
Steven Lopez Ph.D.
Theodore W. Lorei M.S.W.
Miklos Losonczy M.D.
John Louks Ph.D.
Raymond C. Love Pharm.D.
Anne M. Lovell Ph.D.
John S. Lyons Ph.D.
Paul Lysaker Ph.D.
Avram Mack M.D.
Sally J. Mackain Ph.D.
Kathryn M. Magruder Ph.D.
David S. Mandell Sc.D.
Ronald W. Manderscheid Ph.D.
Peter Manoleas M.S.W.
Steven C. Marcus Ph.D.
Stephen R. Marder M.D.
James A. Margolis M.D.
John C. Markowitz M.D.
Elizabeth W. Markson Ph.D.
Andres Martin M.D., M.P.H.
Ralph E. Matkin Ph.D.
Loren McCarter Ph.D.
Dennis McCarty Ph.D.
David R. McDuff M.D.
Joseph P. McEvoy M.D.
John H. McGrew Ph.D.
Scot W. McNary Ph.D.
George McNeil M.D.
John F. McRae Ph.D.
Hindi T. Mermelstein M.D.
Erick Messias M.D.
Mark Meterko Ph.D.
Arthur T. Meyerson M.D.
Robert Michels M.D.
Delwyn D. Miller M.D., Pharm.D.
Jeanne Miranda Ph.D.
Theresa M. Miskimen M.D.
Kathleen M. Mogul M.D.
John Monahan Ph.D.
Edward P. Monnelly M.D.
Joseph P. Morrissey Ph.D.
Carol T. Mowbray Ph.D.
Madhusudhan Mudiam M.D.
Kim T. Mueser Ph.D.
Matt Muijen M.D.
John F. Muldoon Ph.D., M.P.H.
Mark R. Munetz M.D.
Richard L. Munich M.D.
Rodrigo A. Muñoz M.D.
Michael F. Myers M.D.
Carol C. Nadelson M.D.
Madeline A. Naegle Ph.D., R.N.
Scott H. Nelson M.D.
Charles B. Nemeroff M.D.
Frederick L. Newman Ph.D.
Joanne Nicholson Ph.D.
Olav Nielssen M.B.B.S., F.R.A.N.Z.C.P.
James Nininger M.D.
Melissa Nishawala M.D.
Douglas L. Noordsy M.D.
Michael A. Norko M.D.
Russell Noyes Jr., M.D.
Christopher O'Keefe M.D.
Kimberly J. O'Malley Ph.D.
John M. Oldham M.D.
Douglas P. Olsen R.N., Ph.D.
Irene E. Ortiz M.D.
Fred C. Osher M.D.
Deborah K. Padgett Ph.D., M.P.H.
Kathleen A. Pajer M.D.
Atul C. Pande M.D.
Herbert Pardes M.D.
Vince Parrish L.C.S.W.
Maxine Patel M.R.C.Psych.
Ashwin Patkar M.D.
Paul J. Perry Ph.D.
Ethel S. Person M.D.
Bernice Pescosolido Ph.D.
Daniel J. Pesut Ph.D., R.N.
Paul D. Peterson Ph.D.
Nancy M. Petry Ph.D.
Theodore A. Petti M.D., M.P.H.
Richard G. Petty M.D., M.R.C.Psych.
Herbert S. Peyser M.D.
Betty Pfefferbaum M.D., J.D.
Ronald Pies M.D.
Debra A. Pinals M.D.
Diane Pinchoff M.A.
S. Michael Plaut Ph.D.
David A. Pollack M.D.
Jay Pomerantz M.D.
Sherry Pomerantz Ph.D.
Harrison G. Pope M.D.
A. Carter Pottash M.D.
Cynthia A. Pristach M.D.
Frederic M. Quitkin M.D.
Fred Raleigh Pharm.D.
Jules M. Ranz M.D.
Beverley Raphael M.D.
Maurice Rappaport M.D.
William H. Reid M.D., M.P.H.
Paul Retzlaff Ph.D.
Michelle B. Riba M.D.
Audrey S. Rice Ph.D.
M. Susan Ridgely M.S.W., J.D.
Richard K. Ries M.D.
Arthur Rifkin M.D.
Lisa J. Roberts Ph.D.
Arthur J. Robins Ph.D.
Cynthia S. Robins Ph.D.
Robert P. Roca M.D.
Ethan S. Rofman M.D.
Joseph A. Rogers
Barbara M. Rohland M.D.
Damaris J. Rohsenow Ph.D.
Stephen Rojcewicz M.D.
Thomas D. Romeo M.Ed.
Stanley Rosenberg Ph.D.
Robert A. Rosenheck M.D.
Erik Roskes M.D.
Ellen Rothchild M.D.
Susan E. Roush Ph.D.
Peter P. Roy-Byrne M.D.
Marshall Rubin M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Pedro Ruiz M.D.
Paul Ruskin M.D.
James M. Russell M.D.
William G. Ryan M.D.
James E. Sabin M.D.
Daniel J. Safer M.D.
Kemal Sagduyu M.D.
Shadi S. Saleh M.P.H.
Michelle P. Salyers Ph.D.
Sally L. Satel M.D.
Aaron Satloff M.D.
Fred Sautter M.D.
Daniel M. Savin M.D.
Andrew J. Saxon M.D.
Leslie J. Scallet J.D.
William E. Schlenger Ph.D.
Alan D. Schmetzer M.D.
Gary R. Schoener Ph.D.
Steven M. Schwar Ph.D.
Joseph Schwartz M.D.
Jack Scott Sc.D.
Marcia Scott M.D.
C. Simon Sebastian M.D.
Mary V. Seeman M.D.
Steven P. Segal Ph.D.
Deborah M. Selke M.P.A.
Virginia Selleck Ph.D.
Jay A. Sevin M.A.
Steven S. Sharfstein M.D.
Verinder Sharma M.B., B.S.
Jon A. Shaw M.D.
Ronald A. Shellow M.D.
Richard C. Shelton M.D.
David L. Shern Ph.D.
Theresa I. Shireman Ph.D.
Miles F. Shore M.D.
Milton F. Shore Ph.D.
Robert Short Ph.D.
Martha Shumway Ph.D.
Stuart B. Silver M.D.
Steven M. Silverstein Ph.D.
Gregory Simon M.D., M.P.H.
Celeste G. Simpkins A.A.
George M. Simpson M.D.
Cliff Singer M.D.
Samuel G. Siris M.D.
Andrew E. Slaby M.D., Ph.D.
Gary S. Solomon Ph.D.
Phyllis Solomon Ph.D.
Susan D. Solomon Ph.D.
Barbara R. Sommer M.D.
Stephen M. Sonnenberg M.D.
David Spiegel M.D.
Robert L. Spitzer M.D.
Shoba Sreenivasan Ph.D.
Gordon St. Michel M.P.H., O.T.R./L.
Henry J. Steadman Ph.D.
Bruce L. Stegner Ph.D.
Catherine Stein Ph.D.
Joseph Steinfeld M.S.W., C.S.W.
Theodore A. Stern M.D.
Madeline R. Stoner Ph.D.
Nada L. Stotland M.D.
Jeffrey G. Stovall M.D.
Mary S. Stowell Ph.D.
Mark G. Stringer M.A., L.P.C.
Beth A. Stroul M.D.
Margaret L. Stuber M.D.
Roland Sturm Ph.D.
Richard T. Suchinsky M.D.
Greer Sullivan M.D., M.S.P.H.
Marvin S. Swartz M.D.
Chester P. Swett M.D.
Bonnie Szarek R.N.
Tero Taiminen M.D., Ph.D.
Terri L. Tanielian M.A.
Mary P. Taugher Ph.D, O.T.R.
Greg B. Teague M.D.
Christiane Tellefsen M.D.
Purushottam B. Thapa M.B.B.S., M.P.H.
Mary Durand Thomas R.N., Ph.D.
James W. Thompson M.D.
E. Fuller Torrey M.D.
Darold A. Treffert M.D.
Jacques Tremblay M.D.
Charlotte Trotter Dr.P.H.
Gary J. Tucker M.D.
Douglas Turkington M.B.Ch.B., F.R.C.Psych.
John C. Urbaitis M.D.
Ann Vander Stoep Ph.D.
Vikki Vandiver M.S.W., Ph.D.
Russell G. Vasile M.D.
Jennifer Vasterling Ph.D.
Dawn I. Velligan Ph.D.
Michael J. Vergare M.D.
Jan Volavka M.D., Ph.D.
Richard Warner M.B., D.P.M.
Bertram Warren M.D.
Stephen L. Washburn M.D.
Bruce B. Way Ph.D.
Danny Wedding Phd, M.P.H.
Peter Weiden M.D.
Henry C. Weinstein M.D.
Arnold Werner M.D.
Joseph J. Westermeyer M.D., Ph.D.
Howard C. Wetsman M.D.
Pamela Whitten Ph.D.
Norman A. Wieseler Ph.D.
Mark L. Willenbring M.D.
Carol Williams D.S.N.
Charmaine C. Williams M.S.W., C.S.W.
John W. Williams Jr., M.D.
Daniel R. Wilson M.D., Ph.D.
Donna Ames Wirshing M.D.
Aron S. Wolf M.D.
Scott A. Wowra B.A.
Joel Yager M.D.
Philip T. Yanos Ph.D.
Kimberly A. Yonkers M.D.
John L. Young M.D.
James H. Zahniser Ph.D.
Mark Zetin M.D.
Penelope P. Ziegler M.D.
Anthony M. Zipple Sc.D., M.B.A.
Deborah M. Zuskar Ph.D.
Sam H. Zuvekas Ph.D.

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Go to Psychiatric Services
Go to Psychiatric Services
Psychiatric Services
Pages: 1577 - 1579


Published online: 1 December 2003
Published in print: December 2003



John A. Talbott, M.D.

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