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Published Online: 1 November 2001

In Appreciation of Our Reviewers

Publication: The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
This issue marks the end of the thirteenth year of publication of The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Whatever success has been achieved in developing a periodical that is useful and of high quality is the result of the extraordinary efforts of many talented and dedicated professionals working together as a team. We thank, in particular, John McDuffie, our managing editor; Roxanne Rhodes, assistant editor; Bessie Jones, editorial assistant; Jane Davenport, pre-press manager; and the rest of the outstanding staff of the American Psychiatric Press, Inc. We thank our preeminent consulting, associate, and features editors, whose names are listed on the masthead of every issue. We express our gratitude to the officers and members of ANPA for their visionary leadership in the field, their loyalty, and their countless contributions to the Journal. We thank the executive secretarial team of the departments of psychiatry at the Baylor College of Medicine, especially Mrs. Paula Medlin, and the University of California-Davis, who never fall behind in the timely management of information between our academic “homes.” Finally, and most critical to the maintenance of the highest scientific and editorial standards, we thank our many peer reviewers who have spent untold hours in the precise and meticulous review of the manuscripts submitted to the Journal. As a small measure of gratitude, we list their names below.
—S.C.Y, R.E.H.
Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D. Gerard Addonizio, M.D. Thomas Ala, M.D. Renato D. Alarcon, M.D., M.P.H. Eileen Alexander, M.D. Gene E. Alexander, Ph.D. Murray Alpert, Ph.D. Lori Altshuler, M.D. Donna Ames Wirshing, M.D. Jambur V. Ananth, M.D. Robert B. Aranow, M.D. Stephan V. Arndt, Ph.D. Bonnie R. Aronowitz, Ph.D. Gregory M. Asnis, M.D. Joseph H. Atkinson, Jr., M.D. Robert W. Baker, M.D. Jeffery S. Barkin, M.D. Miron Baron, M.D. Marsha E. Bates, Ph.D. Lewis Rhea Baxter, Jr., M.D. James H.L. Beeghly, M.D. Wade Berrettini, M.D., Ph.D. Marcelo L. Berthier, M.D. Robert M. Bilder, Ph.D. Boris Birmaher, M.D. Daryl Bohac, Ph.D. William Bondareff, M.D., Ph.D. Mark W. Bondi, Ph.D., ABPP/CN Breck Borcherding, M.D. James Alan Bourgeois, O.D., M.D. Nashaat N. Boutros, M.D. Charles Bowen, M.D. Elizabeth E. Bowman, M.D. James A. Boydstun, M.D. John Paul Brady, M.D. Kathleen T. Brady, M.D., Ph.D. David L. Braff, M.D. Todd Braver, Ph.D. Jon Brillman, M.D. Ruth Dowling Bruun, M.D. Earl Allen Burch, M.D. Ann W. Burgess, R.N., D.N.Sc. Rodney W. Burgoyne, M.D. Jack Denning Burke, M.D. William J. Burke, M.D. Juan R. Bustillo, M.D. Merlin G. Butler, M.D., Ph.D. Randall Douglas Buzan, M.D. Frederic W. Bylsma, Ph.D. Robert J. Cabot, M.D. Remi J. Cadoret, M.D. Eric D. Caine, M.D. Michael P. Caligiuri, Ph.D. Maria T. Caserta, M.D., Ph.D. Geraldine Cassens, Ph.D. Ranjit C. Chacko, M.D. Praful C. Chandarana, M.B.Ch.B. Umapathy Channamalappa, M.D. Stephen T. Chen, M.D. Tiffany Chow, M.D. C. Edward Coffey, M.D. Kenneth Cohen, M.D. Steven A. Cole, M.D. Peter Como, Ph.D. Ruth Condray, Ph.D. C. Keith Conners, Ph.D. Philip Coons, M.D. Jeremy D. Coplan, M.D. Jody Corey-Bloom, M.D., Ph.D. Lino Covi, M.D. Rex W. Cowdry, M.D. David E. Creasey, M.D. John G. Csernansky, M.D. Jeffrey L. Cummings, M.D. Bruce Cuthbert, Ph.D. Gregory Dalack, M.D. Denis F. Darko, M.D. Krishna Dasgopta, M.D. Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Hasker P. Davis, Ph.D. Jose de Leon, M.D. Lynn E. De Lisi, M.D. John R. De Quardo, M.D. Raymond F. Deicken, M.D. Kenneth B. Dekleva, M.D. Joel E. Dimsdale, M.D. Shreenath V. Doctor, M.D. Rachelle S. Doody, M.D., Ph.D. P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D. Richard Douyon, M.D. Jennifer I. Downey, M.D. Ranjan Duara, M.D. Richard M. Dubinsky, M.D. Steven L. Dubovsky, M.D. James D. Duffy, M.D. Terrence S. Early, M.D. Michael H. Ebert, M.D. Burr S. Eichelman, Jr., M.D. C. Neill Epperson, M.D. Louis F. Fabre, M.D., Ph.D. Ahmed D. Faheem, M.D. Jesse R. Fann, M.D., M.P.H. J. Paul Fedoroff, M.D. Sherman C. Feinstein, M.D. Anthony Feinstein, M.D., Ph.D. Wayne S. Fenton, M.D. Frank Fernandez, M.D. Gary S. Figiel, M.D. Max Fink, M.D. Seth P. Finklestein, M.D. L. Jamie Fitten, M.D. Laura A. Flashman, Ph.D. Michael A. Flaum, M.D. Pierre Flor-Henry, M.D. Barry S. Fogel, M.D. David L. Fogelson, M.D. Marshal F. Folstein, M.D. David V. Forrest, M.D. Yitzchak Frank, M.D. Frances Frankenburg, M.D. Michael D. Franzen, Ph.D. Thomas W. Freeman, M.D. Melissa Frumin, M.D. Daryl E.M. Fujii, Ph.D. William C. Fuller, M.D. Abby J. Fyer, M.D. John Gabrieli, Ph.D. Pierre W. Gagne, M.D. Gerard Gallucci, M.D. Rohan Ganguli, M.D. H Jordan Garber, M.D. James C. Garbutt, M.D. E. Jane Garland, M.D., FRCPC Mark S. George, M.D. Robert H. Gerner, M.D. Thomas E. Gift, M.D. Andrew Goddard, M.D. Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., ABPP, ABCN Lynn R. Goldin, Ph.D. Larry S. Goldman, M.D. David J. Goode, M.D. Wayne K. Goodman, M.D. Cheryl L. Grady, M.D. Igor Grant, M.D. Jack Alan Grebb, M.D. Joanne Green, Ph.D. Ronald L. Green, M.D. David A. Gross, M.D. C. Thomas Gualtieri, M.D. Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D. Barry H. Guze, M.D. Florence Hackerman, M.A. Uriel M. Halbreich, M.D. Richard C.W. Hall, M.D. Mark H. Halman, M.D., FRCPC Harold H. Harsch, M.D. Philip D. Harvey, Ph.D. Keith A. Hawkins, Psy.D. Robin Henderson, Ph.D. George R. Heninger, M.D. Nathan Hermann, M.D., FRCPC Robert Hierholzer, M.D. Charles Hinkin, Ph.D., ABPP Nobutsugu Hirono, M.D. Ralph Hoffman, M.D. Daniel A. Hoffman, M.D. Eric Hollander, M.D. W. Michael Hooten, M.D. Richard W. Hudgens, M.D. Wayne B. Hunter, Ph.D. William B. Hunter, M.D. Matti O. Huttenen, M.D. Michael Y. Hwang, M.D. Loring J. Ingraham, Ph.D. William J. Jagust, M.D. George E. Jaskiw, M.D. William Jeanblanc, M.D. Dilip V. Jeste, M.D. Russell T. Joffe, M.D., FRCPC Sterling C. Johnson, Ph.D. Ricardo E. Jorge, M.D. Laurence P. Karper, M.D. Craig N. Karson, M.D. L. D. Kartsounis, M.D. Tadafumi Kato, M.D. Paul E. Keck, Jr., M.D. Charles H. Kellner, M.D. Jacob Kerbeshian, M.D. Matcheri S. Keshavan, M.D. Robert M. Kessler, M.D. Clinton Kilts, Ph.D. Edward Kim, M.D. Deborah A. King, Ph.D. Robert Kohn, M.D. Lili C. Kopala, M.D. Irwin J. Kopin, M.D. Lois Elaine Krahn, M.D. Barry Alan Kramer, M.D. Stephen I. Kramer, M.D. Marilyn F. Kraus, M.D. K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, M.D. Ziad Kronfol, M.D. Andrew Darrell Krystal, M.D. Lara Kunschner, M.D. Samuel Kuperman, M.D. Roger Kurlan, M.D. Joseph A. Kwentus, M.D. Raymond W. Lam, M.D. Edward C. Lauterbach, M.D. Wendy A. Law, Ph.D. William B. Lawson, M.D., Ph.D. Lawrence W. Lazarus, M.D. James F. Leckman, M.D. Gregory P. Lee, Ph.D. Hoyle Leigh, M.D. Jon Alan Levenson, M.D. Jonathan M. Levin, M.D. Douglas F. Levinson, M.D. Morgan L. Levy, M.D. Peter Francis Liddle, M.D. Keh-Ming Lin, M.D. Steven Lipper, M.D., Ph.D. Marco Locatelli, M.D. James B. Lohr, M.D. Peter T. Loosen, M.D. Amy D. Lott, M.D. Mark R. Lovell, Ph.D. R. Bruce Lydiard, Ph.D., M.D. Constantine Lyketsos, M.D. Linda Mah, M.D. Brendan Maher, Ph.D. Roderick Mahurin, Ph.D. Susan M. Maixner, M.D. Dolores Malaspina, M.D., M.S.P.H. Gabe J. Maletta, M.D. Paul F. Malloy, Ph.D. Robert L. Mapou, Ph.D. Stephen R. Marder, M.D. Robert S. Marin, M.D. Rocco F. Marotta, M.D. Eileen Martin, Ph.D. Alex Martin, Ph.D. Greg Mattingly, M.D. Jeffrey E. Max, M.D. Thomas W. McAllister, M.D. P. Anne McBride, M.D. Barbara McCann, Ph.D. Robert W. McCarley, M.D. John Stephen McDaniel, M.D. Susan R. McGurk, Ph.D. Alice Medalia, Ph.D. Mario F. Mendez, M.D., Ph.D. Matthew A. Menza, M.D. Arnold Merriam, M.D. Christina A. Meyers, Ph.D. Alexander P. Miano, M.D. David H. Mielke, M.D. Euripedes Constantino Miguel, M.D., Ph.D. Edwin Jens Mikkelsen, M.D. Sarah L. Minden, M.D. Jack G. Modell, M.D. Richard C. Mohs, Ph.D. Harvey Moldofsky, M.D. Lawrence H. Moore, Ph.D. Phillip L.P. Morris, B.Sc., MBBS, Ph.D., FRANZCP Douglas Mossman, M.D. P. David Mozley, Jr., M.D. Nathan Allen Munn, M.D. William Musser, M.D. David Naimark, M.D. D. Neary, M.D. Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D. Vernon M. Neppe, M.D., Ph.D. Antonia S. New, M.D. Thomas F. Newton, M.D. Thomas C. Neylan, M.D. Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D. Eric A. Nofzinger, M.D. John I. Nurnberger, Jr., M.D. Barbara E. O'Connell, M.D. Sean O'Connor, M.D. Brian F. O'Donnell, Ph.D. Gregory J. O'Shanick, M.D. Lewis Alan Opler, M.D., Ph.D. William Orr, M.D., Ph.D. David W. Oslin, M.D. Geoffrey Ott, Ph.D. Brian R. Ott, M.D. Fred Ovsiew, M.D. Anand Pandurangi, M.D. Michael J. Panzer, M.D. Scott Burton Patten, M.D., Ph.D. Steven G. Pavlakis, M.D. Arthur Peck, M.D. Jay W. Pettegrew, M.D. Kemuel L. Philbrick, M.D. Katherine A. Phillips, M.D. R.T. Pivik, Ph.D. Richard R. Pleak, M.D. Neil H. Pliskin, Ph.D., ABPP Michael K. Popkin, M.D. Anton P. Porsteinsson, M.D. Peter Powchik, M.D. Trevor R.P. Price, M.D. Bruce Price, M.D. Isak Prohovnik, Ph.D. Joan Prudic, M.D. Frederic M. Quitkin, M.D. Rajamannar Ramasubbu, M.D., FRCPC Neal G. Ranen, M.D. Vani Rao, M.D. Murray A. Raskind, M.D. John J. Ratey, M.D. Scott L. Rauch, M.D. C. Lewis Ravaris, M.D., Ph.D. Stephen L. Read, M.D. Anthony Reder, M.D. William T. Regenold, M.D. Eric M. Reiman, M.D. Barry Reisberg, M.D. Victor Ivar Reus, M.D. Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D. Irene Hegeman Richard, M.D. Arthur Rifkin, M.D. Charles E. Riordan, M.D. Samuel Craig Risch, M.D. Nicholas L. Rock, M.D. Daniel Rogers, M.D. Maria A. Ron, Ph.D., FRCPsych Raymond Roos, M.D. Jules Rosen, M.D. Marc I. Rosen, M.D. Paul B. Rosenberg, M.D. A. Rosenblatt, M.D. Robert Alan Rosenheck, M.D. Walton T. Roth, M.D. Johannes C. Rothlind, Ph.D. Anthony J. Rothschild, M.D. Stephen L. Ruedrich, M.D. Teresa A. Rummans, M.D. Marwan N. Sabbagh, M.D. Perminder Sachdev, M.D. Stephen P. Salloway, M.D. Richard D. Sanders, M.D. Paul Sandor, M.D. Philip J. Santora, M.D. Sally L. Satel, M.D. Andrew Satlin, M.D. Silvio Scarone, M.D. Randolph B. Schiffer, M.D. Franklin Richard Schneier, M.D. Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D. Carol Schramke, Ph.D. Stephen R. Schroeder, Ph.D. Susan Schultz, M.D. Thomas F. Scott, M.D. John Seibyl, M.D. Michael J. Serby, M.D. Mark Servis, M.D. Steven Sevush, M.D. Margaret C. Sewell, Ph.D. Victoria Anne Shea, M.D. Stephen R. Shuchter, M.D. Benjamin V. Siegel, Jr., M.D. Larry J. Siever, M.D. Lorraine D. Siggins, M.D. Stephen Fortus Signer, M.D. Edward K. Silberman, M.D. Jonathan M. Silver, M.D. Archie A. Silver, M.D. George M. Simpson, M.D. Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D. Andrew E. Skodol II, M.D. Andrew E. Slaby, M.D. Dodge A. Slagle, D.O. James Slaughter, M.D. Gary W. Small, M.D. Joyce G. Small, M.D. Stephen L. Snyder, M.D. Jair C. Soares, M.D. Paul H. Soloff, M.D. Gary S. Solomon, Ph.D. George F. Solomon, M.D. Eugene Somoza, M.D., Ph.D. Steven M. Southwick, M.D. John Sramek, Pharm.D. Craig A. Stockmeier, Ph.D. Frederick J. Stoddard, Jr., M.D. Peter E. Stokes, M.D. David L. Sultzer, M.D. Conrad M. Swartz, M.D., Ph.D. Susan E. Swedo, M.D. Robert A. Sweet, M.D. N. R. Swerdlow, M.D. Herman V. Szymanski, M.D. Pierre Tariot, M.D. Michael Alan Taylor, M.D. Stephan Taylor, M.D. Martin H. Teicher, M.D., Ph.D Michael E. Thase, M.D. Allen Y. Tien, M.D. Daniel Tranel, Ph.D. Alexander I. Tröster, Ph.D. Paula T. Trzepacz, M.D. Luke Y. Tsai, M.D. Gary J. Tucker, M.D. Frederick W. Unverzagt, Ph.D. Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D. Wilfred G. van Gorp, M.D. Christiaan D. VanderVelde, M.D. N.P.L.G. Verhoeff, M.D., Ph.D. Eric Vermetten, M.D. W. Victor R. Vieweg, M.D., FACP, FAC, FAPA Jan Volavka, M.D., Ph.D. Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Merilyne Waldo, Ph.D. Deborah Warden, M.D. Stephen L. Washburn, M.D. Rafiq Waziri, M.D. Robert Mark Webb, M.D. Richard D. Weiner, M.D., Ph.D. Myron F. Weiner, M.D. James M.A. Weiss, M.D. Susan R.B. Weiss, M.D. John B. Welch, M.D., Ph.D. Ronald A. Weller, M.D. Roberta F. White, Ph.D., ABPP Peter J. Whitehouse, M.D. Timothy E. Wilens, M.D. Frances L. Wilkie, Ph.D. William H. Wilson, M.D. Thomas N. Wise, M.D. Michael G. Wise, M.D. Bryant T. Woods, M.D. Richard H. Workman, Jr., M.D. Jose A. Yaryura-Tobias, M.D. Jerome Yesavage, M.D. David H. Zald, M.D. Frank A. J. Zelko, Ph.D. Ben Zimmer, M.D. Charles F. Zorumski, M.D. Joel P. Zrull, M.D. George S. Zubenko, M.D.

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Go to The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Go to The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Pages: 544 - 546


Published online: 1 November 2001
Published in print: November 2001


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