Page numbers printed in boldface type refer to figures and tables.
Abraham L. Halpern Humanitarian Award,165
Achieving Mental Health Equity (Stewart and Shim 2020),264
Adams, Eric,12
Adams, John,19–20, 230
Adolescents, and media coverage of anti-Black violence,155–156.
See also Children
Adolf Meyer Award,165
Advocacyfor Black mental health by Bell,170–171
Fuller’s career in psychiatry and,259–260
Affective disorders, misdiagnosis of as schizophrenia,188
Affordable Care Act (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010),4, 5, 7
African Americans. See Black AmericansAfrican Diaspora: Psychiatric Issues (conference 2002),203–207, 209
Africa Global Mental Health Institute,210
Afrocentric approach, to emotional competence,115
Age, and median income,43.
See also Adolescents; Children; Older adults
Agnes Purcell McGavin Award for Prevention,165
Alcohol use, and alcoholismBlack people and dysfunctional forms of,63,
64financial stress and,50
Fuller’s research on,259
Alfred, Dewitt C., Jr.,285
All Healers Mental Health Alliance (AMHA),93–108
Alzheimer, Alois,257, 259, 260, 275
Alzheimer’s disease,32–33, 257, 260, 276
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,237
American Association for Social Psychiatry,165
American Civil Liberties Union,76
American Indians/Alaska Natives. See Native AmericansAmerican Journal of Psychiatry,264, 276
American Medical Association,242
American Psychiatric Association (APA).
See also Caucus of Black Psychiatrists; Committee of Black Psychiatrists;
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Solomon Carter Fuller Awards and Lectures
access to mental health care by Black patients and,53
apology for history of racism in mental health care,79, 242–243
Black leaders and elected positions within,245
Fuller as member of,258
McLeod-Bryant’s involvement in,277–281287
Mitchell-Bateman’s career in psychiatry and,245–247
Pierce and leadership of,276
position statement on racism,106, 271
reflections of Norris on,248–250
Spurlock’s career and,237, 240
Stewart as president of,263–265, 266, 268
American Psychological Association,236–237
American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Handbook of 2012,101
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM),79–80
Amos ’n’ Andy (radio and television show),147, 148
Andraka-Christou, Barbara,69, 71
Anslinger, Harry,65
Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1986),72, 76–77
Antipsychotics, and treatment outcomes for Black patients,190, 191
Anti-Racism Task Force (NIMH),244
Anxiety disorders, underrecognition or underdiagnosis of in Black patients,189–190
Asian Americansalcohol use and,63,
64median income of,42rates of diabetes in,24Association of American Medical Colleges,138
Association of Black Psychologists,106
Association of Women Psychiatrists,246
Ayer, James B.,258–259
Bailey, Rahn,277, 279
Baltimore, and racism in law enforcement system,78
Bateman, Mildred,221
Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis,141
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System,12
Being Mary Jane (television show),152
Bell, Anne,249
Bell, Carl C.,163–175, 259, 261, 262, 272, 277, 278, 279, 286
Bell, William Y., Jr.,164, 167
Bell, William Y., Sr.,167
Bennett, Lerone, Jr.,284
“Bent nail” research,169–170
Bernard P. Harrison Award of Merit,171–172
Best Money Moves (2021),51
Beulah (television show),147, 148
Bias, Len,72
Bipolar disorderdiagnosis of in Black patients,187–188, 190
Fuller’s research on,259
media presentation of in Black patient,151–152
Birth of a Nation (film),148
Black Americans.
See also Black communities; Blackness; Diaspora; Nigrescence; Psychiatrists; Race; Racism
access to mental health care by,53alcohol use and,63,
64Bell on disparities of mental health care for,164, 168
COVID-19 pandemic and,25
differential in impact of natural disasters on,94–95
economic disparities on mental health care for,51–53, 55–56
criminal justice system and substance use by,63–65, 71–75, 76–80
diagnostic dilemma in mental health care for,186–190
disparities in public health and mental health care for,26–28, 30
health insurance coverage and,54historical experience of racism and,61–62, 186–187, 191, 192, 198–199, 256
identity formation in,273–275
media images of,145–156
opioid use and,65–71
potential impact of technology on mental health care for,193–194
rates of diabetes in,24Spurlock on social justice for,240–242
substance abuse in veterans and,80–82
treatment outcomes for mental illness in,190–193
Black Caucus. See Caucus of Black PsychiatristsBlack Church, promotion of mental health in Black communities by,141–142
Black Church Project (Connecticut),141
Black communities.
See also Black Americans; Community
adversarial relationship of with law enforcement,78
partnerships with and racial inequities in mental health care,135, 138–142
public health and mental health care disparities in,3–15
racism in natural disaster response efforts and,97–99
recommended changes on substance use policy and,83–84
Black Lives Matter,10
Black Mental Health: Patients, Providers, and Systems (Griffith et al. 2018),177–178
Blackness, and inequities in mental health care,132–142
Black Panther (2018 film),154
Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA),92, 107, 199, 217–233, 236, 263, 276, 283
Black Psychiatrists and American Psychiatry (Spurlock 1999),238
Black Psychiatrists Think Tank,237
Black Rage (Grier and Cobb 1968),118
Blaxploitation films,149
Boggs Act of 1951,76
Bollinger, Otto,257
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo,286
Bonner, Frances,249
Boston Medical Center (BMC),138
Boston Society of Psychiatry and Neurology,258
Boston University,257–258, 265, 275
Bowman, Karl,266
Boyd-Franklin, Nancy,272, 285
Breland-Noble, Alfiee,152
Brennan Center for Justice,8
Bridgerton (television show),154
Bridges to Care and Recovery (BCR) program,141
Britton, Tolani,78
Brown, Lanette,114
Brown, Michael,106
Brown, Sterling K.,151
Brown, Tony,284
Brown v. Board of Education (1954),236, 237
Buffalo, New York, and mass shooting in 2022,12, 107
Bunch, Lonnie III,122
Buprenorphine, and opioid use disorders,68–70, 82
Bureau of Justice Statistics,77
Butts, Hugh,222, 245
California, and marijuana reform,76
Cancer, and depression,31
Cannon, Alfred,218–219
Caregivers, and AHMHA response to natural disasters,102–103
Carl Bell Memorial Lecture,172–173
Carl C. Bell Community Wellness Scholarship and Award,172
Carter, James H.,285
Cartwright, Samuel,186, 256, 259
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents (Wilkerson 2020),268
Castile, Philando,77–78, 155
Caucus of Black Psychiatrists,217, 218, 219–220, 263, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 283
Celebratory events, and response to natural disasters,103
Center for Youth Advocacy and Well-Being,267
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),20, 21, 22–23, 23–25, 28, 66
Champions of Change,92
Chester (Pennsylvania) race riot of 1917,198–199
Chicago Beyond Health Equity Series,136
See also Adolescents
aspects of mental health in,29–30
Bell and understanding of impact of violence on,171
education during COVID-19 crisis and,105–106, 239
financial stress and,50
McKinley model of health promotion and diet for,27Children’s Television Workshop,199–200
Chisholm, Shirley,146
Christmas, June Jackson,3–4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 222, 245, 285
Church. See Black ChurchCivil Rights Act of 1964,250
Civil rights movement,240, 250
Clark, Cheryl,52
Clark, Frank,280
Clark, H. Westley,285
Clark, Kenneth B.,221, 236–237, 251, 284
Clark, Michelle O.,245, 247–248
Clark University Psychology, Pedagogy and School Hygiene Conference (1909),259–260, 276
Clements, George H.,284
Climate change,98
“Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Obesity in Adults” (National Institutes of Health 1998),22
Clinton, Bill,167
Coalition for the Homeless,6
Cocaine, and substance use policy,64–65, 71–75
Code switching, and medical education,137–138
Colin in Black and White (television show),154
Collaboration, and community engagement approach,139,
140Colonialism, and history of racism,204–205, 263
Colorado, and marijuana reform,76
Columbia University,4
Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005,73
Comer, James P.,217–233, 245, 261, 272, 284
Committee of Black Psychiatrists (APA),240, 247–248, 277, 278, 283
Committee for Concerned Psychiatrists,241
Communication, and AHMHA response to natural disasters,102.
See also Telehealth
See also Black communities
AHMHA approach to postdisaster aid for,99–108
School Development Program and,224, 227
treatment for overweight and obesity,22
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) framework,139, 142
Community engagement and planning (CEP) intervention,139, 141
Community Healing Network,106–108
Community Mental Health Council,164, 172
Community Partners in Care (CPIC),139, 141
Conceiçao, August,205
Conferences, and AHMHA response to natural disasters,103–104
Confidentiality, and emotional competence,123
“Consequences of Financial Stress for Individuals, Families, and Society, The” (Davis and Mantler 2004),49
Considered response, and emotional competence,117
Consultation, and community engagement process,139,
140Controlled Substances Act (1970),69, 76
Coogler, Ryan,154
Cosby Show, The (television show),146, 148, 149
See also Economic disparities
Alzheimer’s disease and societal,33
of insulin during COVID-19,33
COVID-19cost of insulin and,8
differences in health care by race,5
digital technologies and,194
education of Black children and,231, 239
emotional competence and,119, 124–125
hospitalization of Black patients during,9–10
impact of on Black communities,13–14, 79, 193
impact of economic disparities on mental health and,45
opioid overdose deaths among Black people and,68
public health and,25–26
response of Black community to,104–106
Crenshaw, K.W.,206
Cress Welsing, Frances,261, 262
Crime, mental health care and prevention of,31.
See also Criminal justice system
Crime Bill (1994),238
Criminal justice system, substance use and racism in,75, 76–80.
See also Law enforcement; Police
Crisis counselors, and AHMHA response to natural disasters,102
Cromartie, Devin,141–142
Cross, William,272–273, 274–275
Culturecompetence and humility in mental health care,134–135
ethnicity and,133
response to natural disasters and,101–102
Curtis, James,222
Cyrus, Kali,261
Dash, Julie,149
Davis, Allison,284
Davis, Elizabeth,222
Davis, Viola,149
Deaths, from drug overdose,66, 68.
See also Violence
Debnam, Pearl,164
Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (United Nations),240
Deep-level response, to inequities in mental health care,135
Deepwater Horizon oil spill,97
Defensive mechanisms, and microaggressions,200
Deinstitutionalization,192, 210
Delaney method of dream interpretation (DIM),125–126
Depressionfinancial stress and,49,
50media portrayals of anti-Black violence and,156
prevalence of in chronic diseases,31
underdiagnosis and undertreatment of in Black patients,30, 190
Developmental response, and emotional competence,117–118
Diabetes,8, 22–26, 31
Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS),189
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (American Psychiatric Association 2022),187, 244
Diaspora, Africanconcept of Blackness and,133
Pierce on global engagement of Black psychiatrists and,203–207
Diet, and McKinley model of health promotion,27.
See also Food insecurity; Obesity
Different World, A (television show),146, 148, 149
Disability, mental illness as cause of,30, 31
Disaster Distress Helpline,102
Discrimination, and Black Diaspora communities,205–207.
See also Racism
Double consciousness, and media portrayals of Black characters,153
Douglass, Frederick,63
Dream interview method (DIM),116, 125–126
Dred Scott decision,98
Drug Addicts are Human Beings: The Story of Our Billion-Dollar Racket, How We Created It and How We Can Wipe It Out (Williams and Smith 1938),65
DuBois, W.E.B.,153, 272–273
Dunham, Edward K.,257
DuVernay, Ava,149, 154
Dymally, Mervyn M.,284
Dysaestheia aethiopis,186
Earls, Felton,245
East Carolina University,100
Economic disparities.
See also Income; Poverty
concept of inequities and,38, 40–41
impact of on mental health of Black people,48–56
link between mental health and,41, 45–46
use of term,37–38
Edelman, Marian Wright,285
EducationBlack people and medical school,83, 84, 251
inequities of mental health care for Black people and,136–138, 170
professional training programs for emotional competence,127
relationship of to income,39,
44, 46,
48school systems during COVID-19 crisis,105–106, 239
Elam, Lloyd,222
Ellison, Ralph,255
Emergency management, and natural disasters,95
Emotional competence (EC)curriculum outline and,116–117
definition of framework approach,113
development of,114–115
implications of,126–128
interdependent levels of response to events,117–118
preventive psychiatry and,113–114
racism and,118–126
terminology and,115–116
Emotional Emancipation Circles,106
Emotional Empowerment,115
Emotional logic,119
Empire (television show),151–152
Employment, economic sustainability and loss of,46,
See also Unemployment
Empowerment, and community engagement process,139,
140Encounter, and identity formation,273–274
Entitlement dysfunctions,202
Environmental racism,13, 98
EQDynamics (EQD),115
Ethnicity, and cultural identity,133
Ethnicity and Disease (Satcher and Rust 2006),26
Everyday Health (journal),49
Everyday racism, and microaggressions,201
Extreme environments, and racism,98
Falk Foundation,219
Fanon, Frantz,263
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),100, 101
Feelings, and emotional competence,116, 117, 120, 121, 126
Feminism, and intersectionality in systems of oppression,206.
See also Sexism
Fentanyl,66, 68
Fetal Alcohol Exposure in the African-American Community (Bell 2018),165
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, underdiagnosis of in Black patients,168, 172
Firearms, and Spurlock on racism as systemic,238
Flint, Michigan, water crisis,13, 103
Florence (hurricane 2018),98, 100
Flowers, Loma Kaye,286
Floyd, George,11, 77, 106, 107, 118, 155, 242, 244
Followership, and leadership,166–167
Food insecurity, and poverty during COVID-19 pandemic,10
“For us, by us” approach, to disaster response,108
Fractionation, and Pierce on racism,200
Franklin, John Hope,284
Freedman, Alfred,241, 245
Freedom Riders,240
Freud, Sigmund,221, 259
Fuller, John Lewis,256, 275
Fuller, Solomon Carter,93, 221, 255–262, 265–268, 275–276.
See also Solomon Carter Fuller Awards and Lectures
Gara multisite study (2012),188
Garner, Eric,106, 155
Gaston, John O.,278, 286
Get Out (2017 film),153
Global Burden of Disease Study (1990),207
Global mental health, and African Diaspora,203–211
Gone With the Wind (1939 film),148–149
Goodwin, Ericka,280
Gordon, Joshua,244
Gordon, Kimberly,280
Great man theory, of leadership,167
Great Migration,198
Green-Paden, Lisa,277
Grey’s Anatomy (television show),152, 154
Grief, emotional competence and phases of,124
Grier, William,261
Griffin, Junius,149
Griffith, D.W.,148
Griffith, Ezra E.H.,279, 281, 285
Group conversation method, and emotional competence,115
Gullattee, Alyce,261
Gureje, Oye,204–205
Hairston, Danielle,261, 280
Harris, Hiawatha,222, 245
Harrison Narcotics Tax Act,69
Harrison-Ross, Phyllis,91–93, 94, 96, 99, 103, 108, 245, 272, 285
Hart, Dionne,280
Hartmann, Lawrence,241
Harvard University,199, 242, 266
Harvey (hurricane 2017),101
Health care.
See also Cancer; COVID-19; Diabetes; Heart disease; HIV/AIDS; Hypertension; Insurance; Mental health care; Polio; Public health; Smallpox
financial stress and,50, 52
need for new partnerships,33
scarcity of physicians of color,170
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,70
Health People 2010,22
Heart disease, and financial stress,50, 52
Help, The (2011 film),149
Henderson, David C.,285
Heroes of Healing celebrations,103
Heston, Charlton,250
Hickling, Frederick,205, 263
Higgins, Napoleon,277, 280
Hinton, Elizabeth,76
Hispanic Americans.
See also Ethnicity; Race; Racism
alcohol use and,63,
64drug use and,67, 74
health insurance coverage and,54impact of COVID-19 on,193
median income of,42rates of diabetes in,24HIV/AIDS,20, 172, 193, 206–207
Hollar, Milton C.,285
Hollywood Diversity Report (UCLA 2020),150
Homelessness, of Black Americans with mental illness,5–6
Hospitality House (Washington, D.C.),224
Hospitalization, of mentally ill Black patients,192
Howard University,103
How to Get Away With Murder (television show),152, 154
Hypertensionincreased risk of in Black patients,191
stress of racial discrimination and,8
team approach to care of,33
Identityemotional competence and,121–122
nigrescence and formation of,273–275, 280
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,172
Illinois State Psychiatric Institute,164
Imprisonment rate,77
See also Economic disparities
age and,43as core determinant of access to resources,39
education and,44impact of on mental health,41, 45
median by race,42Indian Health Service,23
Inequities, and economic disparities,38, 40–41
Instant response, and emotional competence,117
Insuranceaccess to mental health care by Black patients and,53,
54opioid use disorders and,71
Integration, and emotional competence,116
Intergenerational trauma, and history of racism,61–62, 83
Internalization, and identity formation,274–275
Internet access, and education during COVID-19,106
Intersectionality, and systems of oppression,206
Irma (hurricane),102
Isom, Jessica,261, 280
Jackson, Jacquelyne J.,284
Jackson, James S.,286
Jackson Heart Study,52
Jamaica,205, 210
January 6, 2021 riot (U.S. Capitol),11, 124
Jeanne Spurlock Congressional Fellowship, and Jeanne Spurlock, M.D. Minority Fellowship Achievement Award,237
Jencks, Christopher,236
Jenkins, Barry,149
Jensen, Arthur,236
Jeste, Dilip,279
John Hopkins University,266
Johnson, Bankole A.,285
Johnson, Lyndon,76
Jones, Billy,222
Jones, Camara,99
Jones, Jabari,116
Jordan, Ayana,141, 261, 280
Journal of Adolescent Health,11
Journal of the National Medical Association,258
Journaling, and emotional competence,126
Justice, Ledro,278
Kaplan, Mary,255, 257
Katrina (hurricane 2005),93–94, 95–97, 101, 102
Kennedy, John F.,167
Kennedy, Robert,242
King, Martin Luther, Jr.,219, 225, 240
King, Rodney,118, 148
Kraepelin, Emil,221, 257
Ku Klux Klan,148
Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development,32, 207–208
Law enforcement.
See also Criminal justice system; Police
adversarial relationship of Black community with,78
criminalization of mental illness and,206
racism in treatment of Black people,11, 12–13
Lawrence, Margaret,222
Lawson, William B.,277, 279, 285
Leadershipelimination of disparities in public health and,28
legacy of Bell and,165–169, 174
sex-based discriminatory stereotypes and,246
Lead poisoning,103
Lee, James,277
Lee, Spike,149
Lieberman, Jeffrey,279
Lightfoot, Orlando,249
Livingstone College,258, 275
Lythcott, George I.,284
Maass-Robinson, Saundra,277
Mack, Dominic,96
Mallory, George,245, 261
Mandela, Nelson,241
March on Washington (1963),240
Maria (hurricane),102
Marijuana,66, 76
Marriage, and financial stress,50
Marshall, Thurgood,236
Maryland. See BaltimoreMassachusetts General Hospital,203
Matthew (hurricane 2016),98, 100
McDaniel, Hattie,148–149
McKinlay model of health promotion,26–28,
27McLeod-Bryant, Stephen A.,271–281, 286
McMullin, Mae,222
McQueen, Steve,149
MediaAHMHA response of natural disasters and,102
images of Black people in,145–156
Medicaid,5, 6, 14, 32–33, 71, 191–192
Medical schools. See EducationMedical University of South Carolina (MUSC),62
Medication, and dosages prescribed for Black patients,190–191
Medlock, Morgan,261, 280
Meharry Medical College,172
Menninger, Karl,266
Mental health.
See also Advocacy; Anxiety disorders; Bipolar disorder; Depression; Mental health care; Posttraumatic stress disorder; Psychosis; Schizophrenia
current prevalence of disorders,38depictions of in media,146
economic disparities and,39, 41, 45–46, 48–51
homelessness and,5–6
impact of COVID-19on in Black communities,13–14
impact of repeated trauma on Black Americans,11–12
media images of Black mental health,150–156
Mental Health America,6, 80
Mental health care.
See also Hospitalization; Medication; Mental health; Psychiatrists
Bell on disparities of for Black patients,164, 168
Blackness and addressing inequities in,132–142
diagnostic dilemma for Black patients,186–190
disparities of in Black communities,3–15
potential impact of technology on Black patients,193–194
public health and access to,29–32
quality of care and access to by Black patients,52–53
response to natural disasters and,101–102
treatment outcomes for Black patients,190–193
Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (Office of the Surgeon General 2001),131, 243
“Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General” (Centers for Mental Health Services 1999),29, 131
Mentally Healthy Nation (2021 podcast),127
Mentoring, and legacy of Carl Bell,165–166, 169–170, 174–175
Methadone,69, 82
MeToo movement,117
Metropolitan Hospital (New York),92
Meyer, Adolf,266
Micheaux, Oscar,148
Microaggressions, and Pierce on racism,200–201, 243, 262–263, 276
Million Little Things, A (television show),152
Ministry of presence, and AHMHA response to natural disasters,100
Minority Group Center (NIMH),220, 223, 228
Minority Service Award (APA Foundation),171
“Minority tax,” on successful African American professionals,127–128
Minstrelsy, and images of Black people in media,147
Mitchell-Bateman, Mildred,245–247, 285
Moore, Evelyn K.,284
Morehouse School of Medicine (Georgia),96
Motivation, and emotional competence,124
Motley, Constance Baker,284
Movie industry. See MediaMoynihan, Daniel Patrick,236
NAACP, and boycott of television networks,148
Naltrexone,69, 70
National Academy of Sciences Board on Children, Youth, and Families,165
National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors,80
National Association of Black Social Workers,100
National Commission on Correctional Health Care,172
National Council for Mental Wellbeing,80
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,81
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,22
National Institute on Drug Abuse,68
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH),165, 208, 219, 220, 227, 228, 237–238, 244
National Institutes of Health,22, 84, 165, 208
National Medical Association,172, 236
National Nutrition Summit (2000),22
National Research Group,153
National School Breakfast Program,27National School Lunch Program,27National Science Foundation,84
National Survey on Drug Use and Health,82
Native Americans.
See also Race; Racism
alcohol use and,63,
64drug use among,67, 74
rates of diabetes in,22–25, 28
Natural disasters,94–99.
See also Katrina (hurricane)
Ndote, Omar,205
New England Journal of Medicine,258
Newman, Paul,250
Newton, Patricia A.,261, 272, 286
New York (state), and department of corrections,92
New York City Department of Health,5
New York City and response to natural disasters,100
New York Society for Ethical Culture,92
Nigrescence, theory of,271–281
No Child Left Behind legislation (2001),230–231
Normative economics,40
Norris, Donna M.,245, 248–250, 278, 279, 286
North Carolina,98, 100
Norton, Eleanor Holmes,284
Obama, Barack,146
Obesity, and public health,21–22
Ocoee massacre (Florida),198
Offensive mechanisms, and microaggressions,200–201
Office for Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health (ORDGMH),208
Office of the Surgeon General,165
Okeechobee hurricane (1928),199
Okereke, Kalaya,277
Older adults, and disability due to mental illness,31.
See also Age; Alzheimer’s disease
Opioids, and opioid use disorder,65–71, 81.
See also Pain management
Oquendo, Maria,279
Other-awareness, and emotional competence,123
Pain managementopioid use by Black people and,65, 66
stereotypes about Black peoples and,9, 81–82
Parkinson’s disease,31
Peace Corps,199
Pennsylvania. See Chester; PhiladelphiaPennsylvania Hospital (University of Pennsylvania Health Systems),237
Perez, Lucille Norville,94
Pernicious anemia,259
Perry, Tyler,149
Pharmacies, and buprenorphine,70
Philadelphia, and yellow fever pandemic of 1796,19–20
Phillips, Joseph,220
Pierce, Chester M.biography of,199–200
Black Psychiatrists of America and,218–219, 276
concept of microaggressions and,200–201, 243, 262–263, 276
leadership of APA and issues of race and racism,245, 249–250, 251
legacy of as Black psychiatrist,200–203, 262–263, 272, 276–277
role of in conference on African Diaspora and in global mental health,203–210
Solomon Carter Fuller Award Lecture by,284
Stone’s memory of college and,242
structural racism in psychiatry and,261
Pierce, Samuel and Hettie,199
Pinderhughes, Charles,222, 240, 241, 249, 284
Plummer, Betty,256
Police, and violence against Black people,11, 77–78, 155, 279.
See also Criminal justice system; Law enforcement
See also Substance abuse; Voting
impact of economic disparities on Black community,55
impact of political and judicial systems on health care,7–9
Polio, and disease eradication,20
Positive economics,40
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)media portrayals of anti-Black violence in,156
underdiagnosis and undertreatment of in Black patients,190
veterans and,81
Poussaint, Alvin,146, 149, 222, 249, 261, 263, 272, 285
Poverty, and race during COVID-19 pandemic,10, 240.
See also Economic disparities
Powell, Dionne,280
Powell, Gloria Johnson,284
Pre-change, and identity formation,273
Prevalencecurrent status of mental disorders,38of PTSD in female veterans,82
of substance use by race,66,
67, 73,
75Preventive psychiatry, and emotional competence framework,113–114
Primm, Annelle,222, 278, 279
Protective factors, for communities in natural disasters,99
Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease, The (Metzl 2010),193
Prothrow Smith, Deborah B.,285
Prudhomme, Charles,221, 237, 261
See also Association of Women Psychiatrists; Black Psychiatrists of America; Caucus of Black Psychiatrists; Committee of Black Psychiatrists; Mental health care
Fuller as role model for,255–262, 267–268
legacy of notable Black American psychiatrists,275–277
Pierce on constant problem of racism and,197–198
Pierce on global mental health and,203–207
Psychiatry. See Deinstitutionalization; Education; Medication; Mental health care; Psychiatrists; ResearchPsychoanalysis, and Spurlock’s career in psychiatry,239
Psychological effects, of financial stress,50Psychosis, misdiagnosis of in Black patients,168, 171
Public healthaccess to mental health care and,29–32
Alzheimer’s disease and,32–33
Bell’s advocacy for,169
COVID-19 and,25–26
criminal justice system and substance abuse,77
disparities of in Black communities,3–15, 26, 28
history of,19–20
overweight and obesity as issues in,21–22
Pierce on racism and sexism,203
smoking and,21
Public Health Service (PHS),19–20
See also Asian Americans; Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans; Racism
education in emotional competence and,128
health care and scarcity of physicians of color,170
health insurance coverage by,54impact of COVID-19and,25–26
income by,42opioid use disorders and,68–71
rates of diabetes by,24as social construct,133
substance use by,66,
67, 73,
75Racial politics, and profession of psychiatry,250–251
See also Black Americans; Environmental racism; Microaggressions; Race; Structural racism; Systemic racism
African Diaspora and,205–207
apologies of professional associations for,79–80, 242–244
as core problem in social structure,232
definition of,132
emotional competence and,118–126
historical context of,61–62, 186–187, 191, 192, 198–199, 256
impact of on health,8–9
mega plans and strategy to address,232–233
in military and in military medicine,81
Pierce on sexism, devalued identities, and,201–203
response to natural disasters and,97–99
Spurlock’s view of,239
Ralph, James,220, 228
Rapprochement, and identity formation,275
Reagan, Ronald,72
Reconstruction, and racial oppression,256
Reflections, and emotional competence,117
Regional Coordinating Center for Hurricane Response,96
Relationships, and emotional competence,117, 123
Religion. See Black Church; Zen BuddhismResearch.
See also Tuskegee syphilis study
“bent nail” approach to,169–170
community-based participatory research framework and,139
exclusion of Black people from,136
Resources for services (RS), and community engagement approach,139
Rhimes, Shonda,154
Rice, Tamir,155
Rivers, L. Mendel,224
Robbins, Lionel,39
Roberts, Dorothy E.,286
Robinson, Luther D.,284
Rock, Chris,145
Rockefeller Foundation,229
Rush, Benjamin,61, 259
Rust, George,26, 256
Sabshin, Melvin,263, 264, 271–272, 281
Sanity of Survival: Reflections on Community Mental Health and Wellness, The (Bell 2004),164
Satcher, David,26, 131, 285
Satcher Health Leadership Institute,28
Schizophreniamedia depictions of in Black patients,153
misdiagnosis or overdiagnosis of in Black patients,30, 171, 187, 188–189, 190
perception of violence in Black people and,193
Schmaus, Hans,257
School(s), and COVID-19,105–106, 239.
See also Education
School Development Program (SDP),223–233
Scott, Walter,155
Scully, James,278
Segregation, and medical professionals,186
Self-awareness, and emotional competence,116, 120–121
Self-development, and emotional competence,121–122, 123–124
Self-esteem, and financial stress,49
Self-responsibility, and emotional competence,122–123
Selznick, David O.,148
See also Feminism; Women
discriminatory stereotypes of leadership and,246
Pierce on devalued identities as sources of stress,201–203, 207
Spurlock as critic of,238
Sexual trauma, and female veterans,82
Shadow and Act (Ellison 1964),255
Sharpley, Robert,221
Shim, Ruth,261, 271
Simmons, Dorothea,249
Simon, Kevin,261
Simpson, Sherri,277
Sims, James Marion,9, 61–62
Singleton, John,149
Situational leadership,167–168
Slavery, and history of racism,61–62, 186, 191, 192, 232, 256, 259
Smallpox,20, 25, 28
Smith, Jamil,154
Smith, Will,145
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (Washington, D.C.),122
Smoking, and public health,21, 28
Smoking and Health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2021),21
Social justiceBlack Lives Matter movement,10–13
Spurlock on Black Americans and,240–242
Social networks, and stigma resistance,207
Social Skills Curriculum for Inner-City Children (SSCICC),223, 227–228, 229
Social structure change, and Black Psychiatrists of America,229–230
Soloist, The (2009 film),153
Solomon Carter Fuller Awards and Lectures,4, 93, 163, 165, 197, 200, 203, 220, 221, 236, 238, 245, 247, 249, 265, 267, 268, 272, 283–286
South, and police violence against Black people,11
South Africa,172, 240–241
Special Presidential Commendation,165
Spencer, Octavia,149
Spiegel, John,241
Spurlock, Jeanne,211, 237–242, 261, 262, 284
Starks, Steven,280
See also Law enforcement; South;
specific statesfunding for Medicaid and,6, 71
mental health and economic inequities by,45,
47Stereotypesdisparities in health care and,9–10
images of Black people in media,147–148
Sterling, Alton,155
Stewart, Altha J.,217–218, 247, 263–265, 278, 279, 286
Stigmaas barrier to mental health care,30
Black Diaspora communities and,205–207
Stone, Alan A.,240, 241–242, 245
Storytelling, and response to natural disasters,103
Streaming platforms, and television,154–155
Stresseffects of racial discrimination on health,8
impact of economic disparities on mental health,46, 48–53
Pierce on racism and sexism as sources of,201–203
Structural racismComer on Black Psychiatrists of America and,220, 221
definition of,132–133
impact of on Fuller’s life and career,260, 261, 268
mental health inequities and,134–135
Substance abuseimpact of drug laws on Black people,63–65, 71–75
recommended changes on drug policy and,83–84
veterans and,80–82
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),63, 66, 71, 134
Suicidefinancial stress and,50
as public health problem,30–31
Suicide and Homicide Among Adolescents (Holinger et al. 1994),164
Summergrad, Paul,279
Superstorm Sandy,100
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),10
Surface-level response, to inequities in mental health care,135
“Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity, The” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2001),21
Symonds, Allie,264
Syndemic, and COVID-19,14
Systemic racism, and Fuller’s life and career,260
Taylor, Breonna,77, 106, 155
Technology, potential impact of on mental health care for Black patients,193–194
Telehealth, for mental health services,92, 96, 102
Television. See MediaTennessee Valley Authority,232
Terry, Luther,21
This Is Us (television show),151
Thomas-Squance, Ruth,115
3-1-3 program,115
Tip sheets, and natural disaster response,102
Transformational leadership,168–169
Transition, and identity formation,274
In Treatment (television show),152
Truman, Harry S,167
Trussell, Elizabeth Davis,237
Tuskegee syphilis study,61, 79, 106, 193
Tweedy, Damon S.,286
Underrepresented in medicine (URiM),138
See also Employment
rate of by education and income level,48substance abuse and,78
U.S. Arctic Research Commission,200
U.S. Census,132, 155
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,5
U.S. Department of Justice,165
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA),80
United States Medical Licensing Examination,136
United States Public Health Service (USPHS),220
U.S. Sentencing Commission,77
U.S. Supreme Court,7, 98
U.S. Virgin Islands,102
Unity in Disasters,101
University of Cincinnati,199
University of Munich,257, 275
University of Oklahoma,199
University of Rochester,274
University of Tennessee Health Science Center,267
Vaccine, and COVID-19,14, 25, 105
Veterans, and substance abuse,80–82
Veterans Health Administration,266
Videoconferencing, and disaster response,96, 108
Vietnam War, and PTSD in veterans,81
Vinson, Sarah,261, 280
See also Police
AHMHA and response to,106–108
Bell and advocacy for mental health in Black community,171–172
media coverage of anti-Black violence,155–156
perception of mental illness in Black patients and,193
social justice and Black Lives Matter movement,10–13
Voting, and efforts to disenfranchise Black people,7–8
Waggoner, R.W., Sr.,250
Walker, George,147
Walker, Sandra,277
Washington (state),76
Washington, Kerry,154
Washington Post (newspaper),260
Weinstein, Jack,240
Wellness champions, and Black Church community,141
Westborough State Hospital (Massachusetts),260, 275
West Virginia,246
When They See Us (television show),154
White, O.C.,277
White nationalism, and violence against Black people,10–11
White savior complex, and emergency management,95
Whole Child development perspective,223
Wilkerson, Isabel,268
Wilkinson, Charles,221
Williams, Bert,147
Williams, Edward H.,64–65
Willis, Howard,115
Wills, Cheryl,280, 281
Wills, Marketa,277
See also Sexism
as Black veterans,82
media depictions of Black women,154
World Federation for Mental Health’s Call to Action (2020),210
World Health Organization (WHO),20, 207, 240
World Health Report (2001),207
Yale Child Study Center,220, 223
Yale School Development Program,224
Yellow fever pandemic (1796),19–20
Young, Andrew,284
Zen Buddhism,175
Zitouni, Mohamed,205