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Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice (PRCP) is committed to keeping the field of psychiatry vibrant and relevant by publishing wide-ranging information on all aspects of mental and behavioral health; building upon the psychiatric knowledge base through features that bring research findings closer to clinical utility; and enhancing APA’s leadership role in scientific publishing in Psychiatry by expanding the amount of research, clinical practice, and systems of care content available to the field.

PRCP articles are published in accordance with open-access principles under a Creative Commons License. There are three possible Creative Commons licenses available to PRCP authors: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, and CC-BY-NC-ND. The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY) is the least restrictive of the three; PRCP authors may use this license only if it is specifically required by their funder. This license allows users to copy the article; to create extracts, abstracts, and new works from the article; to alter and revise the article; and to make commercial use of the article (including reuse and/or resale of the article by commercial entities).

If a CC-BY license is not required by the funder, authors may choose between a CC-BY-NC and a CC-BY-NC-ND license. The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Public License (CC-BY-NC) is identical to the CC-BY license, but does not allow users to make commercial use of the article. The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Non-Derivative Public License (CC-BY-NC-ND) includes this stipulation on commercial use, and adds one further restriction: if users remix, transform, or build upon the material, they may not distribute that altered material. All three licenses give users these rights with the understanding that they will:

  1. give appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication);
  2. provide a link to the license;
  3. indicate if changes were made; and
  4. indicate that the licensor is not represented as endorsing the subsequent work.

PRCP publishes in accordance with the terms of these licenses through funding from article publication charges paid by authors’ institutions and/or funding agencies, with payment due at article’s acceptance.

The standard article publication charges are $2,500.00 for direct submissions and $2,000.00 for submissions previously reviewed at other titles, provided said reviews are submitted with the manuscript. This leveraging of the value already added to the paper by nature of previous peer review potentially reduces both time to eventual publication and peer-review burden. Article publication charges for Letters to the Editor are reduced to $1,250.00; article publication charges will be waived for Replies.

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