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Bibliometrics for Psychiatric Services

Journal Citation Reports

The current Impact Factor for Psychiatric Services is 3.3, according to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2024). Of the journals included in the Health Policy & Services category, Psychiatric Services is the highest ranked mental health journal. Psychiatric Services is also the highest ranked mental health journal in the Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health category. Impact Factor is a bibliometric calculation that describes the level of importance a journal’s published output has on the scientific literature by measuring how much the work it publishes is cited by others. The score can be interpreted as an average, where every article that Psychiatric Services published in the reporting period (2021 and 2022) was cited by more than three articles.

Psychiatric Services’ number of Total Citations is 12,044. This number indicates the total number of times that a journal has been cited by all journals included in the Journal Citation Reports® database within the studied year (2022).

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