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Mental Health Care for Veterans

August 2024

Mental Health Care for Veterans

Mental health conditions, such as mood disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are common among veterans. Because of the unique demographic characteristics, experiences, and needs of this population, several models of care and psychosocial interventions have been adapted. Despite recent developments allowing veterans to use their health benefits outside of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), a large proportion of veteran mental health care continues to be delivered directly by the VHA, which is indicative of general challenges in accessing mental health services nationwide as well as the VHA’s expertise in addressing mental health problems common to veterans. With some veterans choosing to receive mental health services outside of the VHA, broad competence and best practices in the care of this vulnerable population must extend to all clinicians providing care to them.

This Editor’s Choice collection highlights findings from several recent studies that describe mental health conditions among veterans and discuss novel prevention and treatment services. The first group of articles examines mental health service utilization among veterans, and the second group specifically focuses on racial and ethnic disparities. The third section examines suicide outcomes and interventions, and the fourth examines outcomes associated with occupational or vocational interventions. Additional research is needed to guide best practices across the range of mental health and other social issues prevalent among veterans, including homelessness, PTSD, and substance use disorders.

Andrew D. Carlo, M.D., M.P.H., and Lisa B. Dixon, M.D., M.P.H.

Browse all Editor’s Choice collections


Mental Health Care Use Among U.S. Military Veterans: Results From the 2019–2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Alexander C. Kline, Ph.D., Kaitlyn E. Panza, Ph.D., Brandon Nichter, Ph.D., Jack Tsai, Ph.D., Ilan Harpaz-Rotem, Ph.D., Sonya B. Norman, Ph.D., Robert H. Pietrzak, Ph.D., M.P.H.
2022, Volume 73, Issue 6, pp 628–635

Characteristics of Veterans With Depression Who Use the Veterans Choice Program of the Veterans Health Administration
Andrew D. Carlo, M.D., M.P.H., Ryan A. Sterling, Ph.D., Johnny Mao, M.P.H., Richard P. Fiorella, Ph.D., John C. Fortney, Ph.D., Jürgen Unützer, M.D., M.P.H., Edwin S. Wong, Ph.D.
2024, Volume 75, Issue 4, pp 349–356

Benzodiazepine Prescriptions for Homeless Veterans Affairs Service Users With Mental Illness
Katherine A. Koh, M.D., M.Sc., Dorota Szymkowiak, Ph.D., Jack Tsai, Ph.D., M.S.C.P.
2024, Volume 75, Issue 4, pp 316–325


Racial Disparities in Prescription of Antidepressants Among U.S. Veterans Referred to Behavioral Health Care
Jocelyn E. Remmert, Ph.D., Gabriella Guzman, Psy.D., Shahrzad Mavandadi, Ph.D., Dave Oslin, M.D.
2022, Volume 73, Issue 9, pp 984–990

Sociodemographic Differences in the Impacts of Video-Enabled Tablets on Psychotherapy Usage Among Veterans
Kritee Gujral, Ph.D., James Van Campen, M.S., Josephine Jacobs, Ph.D., Jeanie Lo, M.P.H., Rachel Kimerling, Ph.D., Daniel M. Blonigen, Ph.D., Todd H. Wagner, Ph.D., Donna M. Zulman, M.D., M.S.
2024, Volume 75, Issue 5, pp 434–443

Racial Disparities in Clinical Outcomes of Veterans Affairs Residential PTSD Treatment Between Black and White Veterans
Georgina M. Gross, Ph.D., Noelle Smith, Ph.D., Ryan Holliday, Ph.D., David C. Rozek, Ph.D., Rani Hoff, Ph.D., Ilan Harpaz-Rotem, Ph.D.
2022, Volume 73, Issue 2, pp 126–132


Suicide Mortality Among Veterans Health Administration Care Recipients With Suicide Risk Record Flags
Tyler C. Hein, Ph.D., Talya Peltzman, M.P.H., Juliana Hallows, M.S., Ed.S., Nicole Theriot, L.C.S.W., John F. McCarthy, Ph.D., M.P.H.
2022, Volume 73, Issue 3, pp 259-264

Impact of Implementation Facilitation on the REACH VET Clinical Program for Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Sara J. Landes, Ph.D., Bridget B. Matarazzo, Psy.D., Jeffery A. Pitcock, M.P.H., Karen L. Drummond, Ph.D., Brandy N. Smith, B.A., JoAnn E. Kirchner, M.D., Kaily A. Clark, Psy.D., Georgia R. Gerard, L.C.S.W., Molly C. Jankovsky, L.C.S.W., Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D., Mark A. Reger, Ph.D., Aaron E. Eagan, R.N., M.P.H., Rebecca Raciborski, Ph.D., Jacob Painter, Pharm.D., M.B.A., James C. Townsend, D.H.Sc., M.B.A., Susan M. Jegley, M.S.W., Rajinder Sonia Singh, Ph.D., Jodie A. Trafton, Ph.D., John F. McCarthy, Ph.D., Ira R. Katz, M.D.
Published online March 6, 2024, Volume ^, Issue ^, pp ^-^

Using Financial Incentives to Increase Safe Storage of Firearms and Medications Among Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Gabriela Khazanov, Ph.D., Michelle Gordon, M.P.H., Joseph Simonetti, M.D., M.P.H.
2023, Volume 74, Issue 6, pp 670-671


Association of Inpatient Occupational Therapy Utilization With Reduced Risk for Psychiatric Readmission Among Veterans
Adam R. Kinney, Ph.D., O.T.R./L.,Molly E. Penzenik, M.P.H., Jeri E. Forster, Ph.D., Frederica O'Donnell, O.T.D., O.T.R./L., Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D.
Published online May 29, 2024

Associations of Mortality Outcomes With Employment Status at Discharge from VA Vocational Rehabilitation Service Programs
Kristen M. Abraham, Ph.D., M.A., Kallisse R. Dent, M.P.H., Sandra G. Resnick, Ph.D., M.S., John F. McCarthy, Ph.D., M.P.H., Kara Zivin, Ph.D., M.A.
Published online May 2, 2024

Comparing Service Use and Costs of Individual Placement and Support With Usual Vocational Services for Veterans With PTSD
Neil Jordan, Ph.D., Kevin T. Stroupe, Ph.D., Joshua Richman, M.D., Ph.D., Terri K. Pogoda, Ph.D., Lishan Cao, M.S., Stefan Kertesz, M.D., Tassos C. Kyriakides, Ph.D., Gary R. Bond, Ph.D., Lori L. Davis, M.D.
2022, Volume 73, Issue 10, pp 1109-1116

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