American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 119
- Number 11
- May 1963
Publication date: 01 May 1963
Pages1017–1020A case has been presented which illustrates some of the psychological, ethical, and possibly legal problems associated with the use of the polygraph examination (lie detector) in commercial establishments. The polygraph technique only provides measures of ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1021–10261. As in Manhattan the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in the general population of this rural area is higher than one might expect, with only 17% of adults free of all symptoms of psychiatric significance. About a third of the population shows ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1038–1044Since 1959, interrelated programs were evolved at the 7 medical schools and training centers in Chicago, and the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute with its affiliated teaching facilities which have: (1) motivated and prepared residents for service in ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1049–1054A description of 5 years' experience involving a cooperative effort is presented. The chief cooperating agencies involved are the State and City governments, a community general hospital, and the Department of Psychiatry of a large university. This ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1062–1068Since it had been noted that in the desensitization treatment of phobias the number of presentations of a scene required to bring the anxiety level down to zero is not uniform but tends to increase or decrease on the way up a hierarchy, an attempt was ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1069–1075The review and analysis of 100 patients aged 60 and older, examined and treated in private psychiatric practice, has served to clarify a number of important questions regarding geriatric patients. An impoverished social life and retirement from the job ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1076–1081A retrospective study of a long stay population from 1952-58 shows the patients chosen for tranquillizers in the long stay group are those with the best outlook as far as discharge is concerned. Nevertheless, tranquillized long stay patients when compared ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1082–1086Medical education in the military setting requires sound principles of modern teaching. The planning and curriculum of the residency in psychiatry at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif., are reviewed to encourage a critical appraisal of such ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1091–1092A preliminary clinical investigation of a new MAO inhibiting antidepressant, phenoxypropazine, is reported. Of 20 cases, 14 were improved, and in 12 cases the response was highly satisfactory after 6 weeks. Side effects were comparatively few, and with ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1092–1093One-hundred and thirty-seven hospitalized schizophrenic patients received amitriptyline-perphenazine for periods seldom exceeding 90 days with a remission rate of about 86%. A possible rationale for the treatment is offered. date: 01 May 1963
Pages1095–1096The patient's acceptance of EST is greatly facilitated by twilight sleep premedication. Light twilight sleep is readily induced by scopolamine and a barbiturate, which are administered about one hour before EST. date: 01 May 1963
Page1097The Ames rotating trapezoidal window was demonstrated to 110 acute schizophrenics, 251 chronic psychotics, and 25 controls. The ratio of subjects experiencing the visual illusion was found similar in each group : 97%, 90%, and 96% respectively. It is ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1098–1099A patient is reported who showed similar attacks of mania separated by an interval of 30 years associated on each occasion with the use of a drug which causes marked C.N.S. stimulation. It would seem, for this patient, at least, that the profound ... date: 01 May 1963
Pages1100–1102A patient with Turner's syndrome (ovarian dysgenesis) and anorexia nervosa is reported; available data from birth to age 18 are summarized. Issues
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