American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 142
- Number 4
- April 1985
Publication date: 01 April 1985
Pages417–424A review of theories of traumatic neurosis or posttraumatic stress disorder reveals a relative neglect of the role of posttraumatic imagery. The broad range of imagery has not been recognized, nor its role in the disorder adequately formulated. A two-... date: 01 April 1985
Pages425–429The obligation to protect potential victims of one's patients, as first described in the California Tarasoff case, is being endorsed by an increasing number of jurisdictions. Although problematic in many respects, it has become a factor that must be dealt ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages430–436The authors investigated the pharmacological treatment of delusional depression by assigning patients on a random double-blind basis to amitriptyline alone, perphenazine alone, or a combination of the two. Fourteen (78%) of the 18 patients assigned to ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages437–440To assess the impact of malpractice litigation on physicians' personal and professional lives, the authors surveyed a random sample of the Chicago Medical Society membership. Although both sued and nonsued physicians reported changes in professional ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages441–446Fibromyalgia is a form of nonarticular rheumatism characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain. To investigate the relationship between fibromyalgia and major affective disorder, the authors evaluated 31 patients with fibromyalgia and 14 patients with ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages447–455Morbidity risks for mental illness were determined in 750 first-degree relatives of chronic schizophrenic and normal control probands. Psychiatric disorders that were more frequent in relatives of schizophrenic probands than in relatives of normal control ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages455–459State-dependent learning refers to a failure of learning mastered under one drug condition to be remembered when tested under another drug condition. Previous studies of state-dependent learning in hyperactive children receiving stimulants have yielded ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages460–463A women's psychiatric clinic, incorporated within a university teaching general hospital and staffed entirely by women, was opened in March of 1980. The authors studied a sample of 100 women who came to the clinic and characterized them by demographic ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages464–468Review of the records of 191 nongeriatric state hospital inpatients showed that 50 (26%) of the patients had engaged in some form of fire- setting behavior; half of this group had engaged in a single episode. As a group, persons who had engaged in fire-... date: 01 April 1985
Pages469–476This report represents the consensus of a panel of representatives from psychiatry, psychology, pharmacology, epidemiology, internal medicine, and the general public regarding the use of pharmacologic agents to prevent recurrences of mood disorders. The ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages479–482Using cross-sectional evaluations 40 years after index admissions, the authors compared depressed patients with mood-congruent and those with mood-incongruent psychotic features. These patients were then compared with patients with nonpsychotic major ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages482–485The authors present data on 275 patients who met DSM-III criteria for bulimia. The mean age of the patients was 24.8 years, and the average duration of illness was approximately 7 years. These patients reported a variety of abnormal eating-related ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages486–488A 21-item questionnaire eliciting features of hysteroid dysphoria was administered to 51 depressed outpatients. Of the 47 patients who completed a 6-week double-blind study comparing the efficacy of amitriptyline and phenelzine, 14 had questionnaire ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages491–492The combination of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tryptophan--a recognized antidepressant regimen--has been reported to cause behavioral or neurologic toxicity. The authors present eight cases of delirious syndromes apparently attributable to this ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages493–495The authors measured RBC choline level, plasma choline level, and renal concentrating ability in 26 lithium-treated patients, seven psychiatric control subjects, and seven normal control subjects. An analysis of variance revealed no significant ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages495–496Osteoporosis with pathologic fractures occurred in three patients with chronic anorexia nervosa. The authors discuss the pathophysiology of this rarely reported complication and advise clinicians to thoroughly investigate complaints of bone or back pain ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages497–499Distractibility and reaction time were measured in 25 clinically stable chronic schizophrenic subjects receiving psychotropic medications. Higher serum neuroleptic levels were associated with lessened distractibility. Extrapyramidal side effects and level ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages499–501The authors report two cases of impulsive suicide attempts associated with akathisia. In both cases, suicidal ideation appeared suddenly, concurrent with neuroleptic-induced akathisia, and disappeared when the akathisia was treated. date: 01 April 1985
Pages501–503Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and two groups instructed to fabricate its symptoms completed the MMPI. A discriminant function analysis of selected scale scores and an empirically derived decision rule successfully classified over 90% ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages504–505Cerebral blood flow was measured in a patient with multiple personality during two different personalities, the same patient after recovery, and three control subjects. Personality change was associated with no significant alterations in cerebral blood ...
Publication date: 01 April 1985
Pages526-a–526In the letter to the Editor "The Potential Toxicity of Ipecac" by Richard A. Romig, M.D., on page 1639 of the December 1984 issue, the sentence beginning on the 17th line of the right-hand column should read: "Knowing that this patient frequently abused ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages526-b–526In the article "Oral Physostigmine Treatment of Patients With Alzheimer's Disease" by Richard C. Mohs, Ph.D., et al., in the January 1985 issue, in table 1 on page 30, the replication ADAS score during placebo administration for patient 3 should have been ... Issues
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