American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 150
- Number 3
- March 1993
Publication date: 01 March 1993
Pages399–410The author traces the history of the development of DSM-III within the larger context--intellectual, economic, scientific, and ideological--of the development of American psychiatry since World War II. Data were obtained through a literature review, ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages411–416The author presents a biological hypothesis of incest avoidance. Pertinent literature from evolutionary biology, ethology, anthropology, and clinical research is reviewed. Secure early bonding to immediate kin predicts later adaptive kin-directed ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages417–422OBJECTIVE: Changes in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-benzodiazepine receptor function have been implicated in alcohol tolerance, withdrawal, and dependence. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether recently detoxified alcoholic subjects had ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages423–428OBJECTIVE: The authors delineate the clinical characteristics of mood state changes that occur in stable opioid-dependent patients undergoing therapeutic detoxification from methadone maintenance treatment. METHOD: Twenty-four patients participated in a ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages429–434OBJECTIVE: This study compared the relation between negative mood states and memory in young and elderly subjects. METHOD: Forty-five normal, healthy young volunteers (ages 19-35 years) and 45 normal, healthy elderly volunteers (ages 60-78 years) were ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages435–442OBJECTIVE: The possible heterogeneity of the schizophrenia-related personality disorder traits associated with DSM-III criteria for schizotypal personality disorder was investigated using the family history method. A familial relationship to schizophrenia ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages443–448OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to compare the symptoms and family history of seasonal affective disorder with those of nonseasonal mood disorders. METHOD: From a subspecialty mood disorders clinic, 34 patients with major depression, seasonal pattern (... date: 01 March 1993
Pages449–453OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to establish if a mutation in D1 dopamine receptor locus (DRD1), or one genetically close to it, could cause Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. METHOD: DRD1 and linked markers (D5S36, D5S61, and D5S62) were studied in a ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages454–459OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that schizophrenia involves altered cholinergic tone in the pons, the authors studied post-mortem brain tissue from subjects with schizophrenia. METHOD: The authors used Western immunoblot to measure the concentration of ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages460–464OBJECTIVE: Because the central administration of somatostatin to experimental animals produces behaviors with some similarities to the compulsions of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and because serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been reported ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages465–469OBJECTIVE: The authors investigated the prevalence and clinical characteristics of panic disorder among African-Americans and whites in a community study. METHOD: A total of 4,287 African-American and 12,142 white subjects were interviewed at five sites ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages470–473OBJECTIVE: The study's goal was to determine the ability of risk factors determined before migration to predict future levels of anxiety and depression in a group of Vietnamese Amerasian immigrants. METHOD: In a cohort of 161 randomly selected Vietnamese ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages474–478OBJECTIVE: This study systematically evaluated the psychological reactions of a nonclinical population to the October 1989 earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area. METHOD: A representative group of about 100 graduate students from two different ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages479–483OBJECTIVE: The authors used data collected before military service to assess predictors of combat-related lifetime symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). METHOD: The subjects were 131 male Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans who had taken the MMPI ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages484–488OBJECTIVE: This study examined the longitudinal course of patients known to have had a previous episode of transient hypochondriasis. METHOD: Twenty-two transiently hypochondriacal patients and 24 nonhypochondriacal patients from the same general medical ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages489–494OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe the phenomenology of multiple personality disorder as presented in a group of Dutch patients. METHOD: Seventy-one patients with multiple personality disorder were interviewed with the Dutch version of the ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages495–497The authors administered 48 mg of intravenous cocaine or placebo to eight abstinent cocaine users in a double-blind, crossover design and examined blood flow using single photon emission computed tomography. Cocaine produced significant decreases in ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages498–500Clinical characteristics of 15 consecutively referred patients with tardive dystonia are reported. The onset of tardive dystonia occurred in all age groups and in both sexes, with some preponderance in men. There was considerable overlap with tardive ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages501–504This study measured hospital utilization and residential status of 51 patients with chronic psychoses before and after a 1-year program of assertive community treatment. Time hospitalized was reduced by 94%, and 82% of the patients previously living in ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages505–507The authors examined the effects of zidovudine on neuropsychiatric measures, at three assessment points separated by 6 months, in 25 HIV- positive men who took zidovudine for at least 6 months and a comparison group of 25 HIV-positive men with similar CD4+... date: 01 March 1993
Pages508–510The authors assessed the lifetime history of major depression in 16 subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism and 15 subjects whose thyroid function was completely normal. The lifetime frequency of depression was significantly higher in the subjects who ... date: 01 March 1993
Pages511–513Eight weeks after the death of a parent, children from stable families (N = 38) were compared to depressed inpatients (N = 38) and normal children (N = 19). School behavior, interest in school, peer involvement, peer enjoyment, and self-esteem were ...
Publication date: 01 March 1993
Pages532-a–532In the article "A National Study of Psychiatrists' Professional Activities" by Robert A. Dorwart, M.D., M.P.H., et al. (November 1992, pp. 1499-1505), the last author's name was misspelled. The correct spelling is Richard Winkelmayer, M.D. Issues
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