American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 150
- Number 5
- May 1993
Publication date: 01 May 1993
Pages695–704OBJECTIVE: The authors reviewed both clinical data and selected laboratory research related to withdrawal from alcohol, opiates, and stimulants in order to draw a conclusion about whether the phenomenon of protracted withdrawal exists and should be ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages705–712OBJECTIVE: The author considers current knowledge about the stresses of HIV-related care and assesses available evidence for the presence of major occupational, physical, and psychiatric morbidity in health care providers involved in intensive HIV-related ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages713–719OBJECTIVE: The authors explored the question of whether acute, transient changes in mood are reflected in activation of discrete neuronal systems in the human brain. METHOD: Using positron emission tomography, they measured the regional cerebral blood ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages720–727OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to determine the scope, severity, and persistence of psychosocial impairment arising from bipolar and unipolar affective disorder. METHOD: Patients with bipolar (N = 148) or unipolar (N = 240) major affective disorder were ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages728–733OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the effects of physical health and social support on 6-month outcome of a major depressive episode in 67 patients who were less than 60 years old and 46 patients who were 60 years old or older. They hypothesized that ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages734–741OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the effect of patients' style of clinical presentation on primary care physicians' recognition of depression and anxiety. METHOD: The subjects were 685 patients attending family medicine clinics on self-initiated visits. ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages742–747OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the stage and the subtype models of disease progression in Alzheimer's disease. The authors address the issue of whether the overall rate of clinical decline is different in Alzheimer's disease patients ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages748–751OBJECTIVE: Patients with probable Alzheimer's disease often deny or underestimate the severity of their memory impairment. The authors examined the relationships between denial and severity of cognitive impairment and between denial and the presence of ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages752–757OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to determine the prevalence and effects of medical and psychiatric comorbidity on initial outcome in a group of patients experiencing a first episode of psychosis. METHOD: Patients with a first episode of psychosis who were ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages758–762OBJECTIVE: Unrecognized stimulant use could lead to the misdiagnosis of schizophrenia or the misunderstanding of its course and prognosis. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of unrecognized stimulant use among patients with a clinical ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages763–769OBJECTIVE: The authors compared the efficacy of a multicomponent behavioral treatment and drug abuse counseling for cocaine-dependent individuals. METHOD: The 38 patients were enrolled in outpatient treatment and were randomly assigned to the two ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages770–774OBJECTIVE: The authors used an individual change model to examine the clinically significant effect of pharmacotherapy with fluoxetine on the attitudes and beliefs characteristic of bulimia nervosa. METHOD: Three hundred eighty-two women meeting DSM-III-R ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages775–779OBJECTIVE: The authors were interested in the psychiatric effects of serological testing for HIV and what information feasibly available at intake might predict more severe psychiatric symptoms 1 year later. METHOD: HIV testing in a private office setting ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages780–785OBJECTIVE: Continuing the long history of interest in the relation of anxiety disorders to cardiovascular function and symptoms, this study investigated the level of anxiety and prevalence of panic disorder in cardiac patients and the possible ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages786–792OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the relative order of appearance of symptoms in alcohol dependence. METHOD: The age at which 21 alcohol-related major life events first occurred was investigated in 636 male alcohol-dependent inpatients ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages793–800OBJECTIVE: The authors examined differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in individuals who did or did not have alcoholic parents. METHOD: They used data from the National Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area project, ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages801–805OBJECTIVE: This study investigated reasons for missed psychiatric appointments, rescheduling of appointments, adverse outcomes, and the association of specific diagnoses and treatments with missed appointments. METHOD: A prospective survey covering all ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages806–809Nine depressed subjects and nine comparison subjects completed a study of abnormalities in adrenal androgen and cortisol metabolism. Serum levels of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) at 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. revealed hypercortisolemia and loss ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages810–812Ketoconazole, an antiglucocorticoid drug, was administered to 10 hypercortisolemic depressed patients for up to 6 weeks. Three patients dropped out because of side effects or intercurrent illness. The remaining seven had significant ketoconazole-... date: 01 May 1993
Pages813–815Some depressed patients may suffer from restricted central hypothyroidism, which could occur if levels of the thyroid hormone transport protein transthyretin were low. CSF transthyretin was measured in eight inpatients with refractory major depression and ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages816–818The authors compared 25 treated and 58 untreated subjects with simple phobia uncomplicated by other lifetime anxiety disorders. The treated individuals reported more phobias involving dogs and cats, elevators, and transportation; most had multiple phobias;... date: 01 May 1993
Pages819–821In a double-blind, crossover study, 13 fluoxetine-treated patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder were given adjuvant buspirone and placebo for 4 weeks each. There were no significant differences between buspirone and placebo in obsessive-compulsive, ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages822–824Sociodemographic, toxicologic, and psychopathologic characteristics of 22 buprenorphine addicts and 45 heroin addicts admitted for inpatient detoxification were compared. Although the buprenorphine addicts were older, clinically significant differences ... date: 01 May 1993
Pages825–826The authors conducted a controlled, prospective 4-month study of 10 male inpatients with chronic schizophrenia and polydipsia. The five men who were treated with group psychotherapy drank significantly less fluid than the five men not given this therapy. ...
Publication date: 01 May 1993
Page848In the review of Chronic Anxiety: Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Mixed Anxiety-Depression in the Book Forum (March 1993 issue, p. 518), the first reviewer's name was misspelled. The correct spelling is Martin Guerrero, M.D. date: 01 May 1993
Pages848-a–848Beryl Lawn, M.D., is to be included in the list of diplomates who were certified in Psychiatry at the ABPN November 1992 examination ("The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc.: Report on the 1992 Examinations," March 1993 issue, pp. 533-542).
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