American Journal of Psychotherapy
- Volume 39
- Number 2
- April 1985
Publication date: 01 April 1985
Pages159–174The authors provide a critical review of the evidence from psychotherapy outcome research for and against the assumption that specific techniques produce specific effects. They describe the refinement in research and methodology that will be necessary to ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages175–186Giving a patient therapeutic tasks to fulfill as a precondition for his acceptance in therapy facilitates the therapeutic process. Patients’ commitment to therapy is increased, initial functioning level is raised and morale is boosted. The setting of ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages187–192Sexual abuse of women by husbands or long-term lovers is emerging as a significant problem in our society. Identification and treatment of this problem by the psychiatric community may be constricted by a value system that condones secrecy and tolerates ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages193–205This paper examines the psychotherapeutic treatment of two preadolescent boys who presented with recurrent episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis. The diabetic ketoacidotic episode is interpreted as a developmentally primitive response to stress in emotionally ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages206–214Two cases of insect phobia are presented in which constructs and strategies from psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral approaches were combined with hypnotic interventions. Flexibility and integration of approaches may be advantageous and hypnosis, ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages215–227A review of the literature revealed only three cases of long-term psychotherapy of young children in which significant I.Q. gains were reported. A series of ten children is presented who received intensive long-term psychotherapeutic treatment and who ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages228–235The psychiatric literature contains contrasting opinions about the wisdom of public exposure by a therapist. This issue has become more relevant because of the recent acceptance of advertising and solicitation by professionals. Most of the current ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages236–246Overconcern with bowel junction has been prevalent throughout history. Overuse of laxatives is persisting for a certain segment of the population even today. This paper attempts to put this practice into perspective by presenting a review of mankind’s ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages247–252This article reports on the phenomenon of contagious hysteria in a village in West Bengal. The psychosocial and psychodynamic aspects are discussed. date: 01 April 1985
Pages253–262Although communal and new religious groups are said to provide quasi-therapeutic experiences for relatively healthy individuals in our society, there is little information about how this occurs. This study examines the lifestyle and social structure of a ... date: 01 April 1985
Pages277–281Gilles de al Tourette’s syndrome with its vocal and motor tics has been treated successfully with haloperidol and in some cases with massed negative practice. Two additional cases of successful treatment with massed negative practice are presented, one ... Report
Publication date: 01 April 1985
Pages263–276This paper describes the complex psychotherapy of a young man involved with white witchcraft and a coven of white witches during crucial phases of therapeutically activated processes of separation-individuation. Psychoanalytic concepts are applied toward ...