American Journal of Psychotherapy
- Volume 44
- Number 3
- July 1990
Publication date: 01 July 1990
Pages321–339New empirical advances in psychotherapy research and in the neurosciences and biological psychiatry are steadily occurring. But the workers in these endeavors tend to go in parallel lines rather than converge and build bridges of communication and ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages340–347This paper examines a relationship between hypochondriasis and obsessivecompulsive personality disorder in the light of their shared clinical characteristics, but also in terms of significant structural differences. In some important respects and in a ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages348–356Multiple personality disorder has been diagnosed with increasing frequency during the 1980s. However, it is still viewed with extreme skepticism by many mental health professionals. This skepticism is founded in part on twelve cognitive errors about the ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages357–368Eating disorders are not an uncommon form of psychopathology in adolescents and young adults in the United States. Yet, the effectiveness of treatment modalities is far from the desired outcome. This paper calls attention to a special subgroup of patients ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages369–380Supervising trainees conducting psychoanalytic psychotherapy with eating-disorder patients presents special problems and opportunities. The authors explore specific countertransference issues in the long-term therapy of patients with anorexia and bulimia, ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages381–395A group treatment of combat-related chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is delineated, taking into account basic principles of group therapy and the particularities of the relevant population. This paper was written after three years of experience with ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages396–404A review of the literature shows that placebo effects are not related to hypnotizability. Clinical outcome studies make it clear that results of hypnotherapy are related to hypnotizability in the treatment of anxiety, pain, and psychophysiological ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages405–413Significant signs of split self-representation were found in 27 patients receiving psychodynamic therapy for various personality disorders. Relaxation exercises and a merging intervention were used to reduce the amnesic barriers maintaining this ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages414–422Splitting and projective identification are demonstrated among patients with normal and neurotic character structures. The utility of these concepts in once-weekly psychotherapy with healthier individuals is illustrated. These patterns of thinking and ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages423–432In cases where smiling, laughter, and a humorous attitude are salient aspects of a patient’s presentation, analysis and correction of attendant dysfunctional thoughts may lead to an improvement in the patient’s condition. This paper will demonstrate that ... date: 01 July 1990
Pages433–444Children’s separation-anxiety stories are popular and may serve as a guide to aiding children in the mastery of separation anxiety. The link is made between adult-panic-disorder-with-agoraphobia patients and a history of childhood separation problems. ...