American Journal of Psychotherapy
- Volume 51
- Number 3
- July 1997
Publication date: 01 July 1997
Pages309–316Dr. Albert Ellis is the Founder and President of the Institute of Rational Emotive Therapy in New York City. He began the development of rational-emotive therapy in 1955. He has been the recipient of the Distinguished Professional Contributions to ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages317–328Empathic understanding is reconsidered as an interpersonal process requiring continuous validation and as a phenomenon based on the belief that the inner world of others is ascertainable. The relationship between experiencing patients’ emotions and ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages329–342Psychotherapists in managed-care settings feel increased pressures to accomplish their work more quickly. These pressures can influence the conduct of therapy in a number of ways: by decreasing the therapists’ ability to listen, causing premature closure ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages343–356Inadequacies in object-relations theory become apparent when one attempts to use them to enhance understanding of self-referential affects, notably shame. Proceeding from a discussion of this affect, the author proposes a new “theory of alterity,” ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages357–375Exploitative therapist-patient relationships are examined to derive psychodynamic themes that result from interaction, as well as independent psychopathology in therapist and patient. Several illustrative clinical vignettes** are provided, together with ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages376–386Early childhood memories (EMs) are discussed as a unique psychological product that is capable of revealing basic issues around which the personality is organized. After a survey of the major theoretical approaches to understanding EMs, methods of ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages387–402Surviving multiple AIDS-related losses confronts individuals with a number of challenges to their sense of identity. For gay men especially, identification with HIV as a defining characteristic of self is not uncommon. Developmental stages become jumbled. ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages403–414This study documents that clinicians are inspired by patients (i.e. experience positive emotional, cognitive or behavioral change from work with a patient). Therapists (n = 84) reported a stronger therapeutic alliance with inspiring patients than ... Report
Publication date: 01 July 1997
Pages415–430Residents in psychiatric training, while being the least experienced clinicians, are faced with treating some of the more severely ill patients. This case study presents a complicated patient for whom brief dynamic psychotherapy by a third-year resident ... date: 01 July 1997
Pages431–444Psychotherapy that employs a developmental psychodynamic perspective may help older patients navigate conflicts and challenges that frequently accompany the aging process. The case of A., an 81-year-old widow, is used to illustrate several themes that ...