- Volume 17
- Number 4
- October 2019
From the Guest Editor
Publication date: 01 October 2019
Pages332–336The major elements of a medical malpractice claim, the litigation process, and the common allegations of negligence that are encountered in such cases are reviewed, and the article provides an overview of the types of malpractice liability insurance and ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages337–342A brief history of medical licensing and regulation is presented along with common causes for medical board complaints and general medical–legal issues to consider if a psychiatrist becomes the subject of a medical board complaint. Synthesis
Publication date: 01 October 2019
Pages343–348The authors provide an overview of malpractice liability for patient violence, violence risk factors, and principles of violence risk assessment. They also offer some practical risk management strategies to reduce clinicians’ risk of liability for violent ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages349–354This article reviews basic elements for the general practitioner of adult psychiatry related to suicide risk factors, firearms and suicide, nonsuicidal self-injury, risk screening and assessment, strategies for risk mitigation, and liability surrounding ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages355–359Youths’ legal status and developmental differences call for approaches to both risk assessment and treatment that can differ from those for adults. In addition to good clinical practice, careful documentation of care in working with youths who pose a ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages360–364Three areas in which rules governing confidentiality have rapidly evolved are examined: the duty to warn or protect potential third-party victims, the establishment of psychotherapist-patient privilege for federal courts; and the codification of ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages365–371Boundary violations are an uncommon but nonetheless important cause of malpractice action against the psychiatrist and include various breaches ranging from sexual liaisons to inappropriate online behaviors. Recommendations for avoiding boundary ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages372–379This article explores malpractice lawsuits against clinicians and clinician liability concerning the use of antidepressants from time of clinical trial to removal from the public domain. the Expert
Ethics Commentary
Communication Commentary
Influential Publications
Publication date: 01 October 2019
Page429The Classification of Violence Risk (COVR®) is an interactive software program designed to estimate the risk that a person hospitalized for mental disorder will be violent to others. The software leads the evaluator through a chart review and a brief ... date: 01 October 2019
Pages435–442Recent events have revived questions about the circumstances that ought to trigger therapists’ duty to warn or protect. There is extensive interstate variation in duty to warn or protect statutes enacted and rulings made in the wake of the California ...
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