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Psychiatric Services

  • Volume 28
  • Number 9
  • September 1977


Publication date: 01 September 1977


While the deinstitutionalization movement in both urban and rural areas has been plagued by problems, the author feels that they are exaggerated in rural communities and are complicated by such factors as the essentially urban nature of the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


The control of health care programs for American Indians is shifting slowly from the federal government to the tribes. In 1 971 the Apaches began operating a community mental health center on a reservation in northeastern Arizona. The tribal council ...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


The author uses the case study of a Chicana patient who believes in witchcraft and soul loss to Illustrate the importance of understanding alternate theories of disease causation. He describes the patient's unsuccessful attempts to find treatment ...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


The Child Mental Health Specialist Training Program was established in 1970 at Camarillo State Hospital to train personnel specifically for work with mentally disturhed and delinquent children in a variety of settings. In collaboration with local colleges,...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


In 1974 the authors undertook an evaluation of the children's program at Marshall I. Pickens Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina. The program, based on the Re-ED model, accepts only boys of normal intelligence between the ages of six and 12; most are ...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


Volunteers in the division of child psychiatry of Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago are interviewed and given a general orientation by the volunteer department, which is headed by a paid employee, and are given specific, task-oriented, on-the-job ...

Publication date: 01 September 1977


The authors report a study of utilization of services based on data obtained on two patient groups at an urban mental health center: a one-year applicant population, consisting of an unduplicated count of all adults applying for psychiatric care during a ...

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