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Psychiatric Services

  • Volume 34
  • Number 10
  • October 1983


Publication date: 01 October 1983


Recently more and more families have assumed the role of primary caregiver for their schizophrenic relatives. The author enumerates the needs of caregiving families and reviews the work of researchers involved in family therapy approaches to the treatment ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


The role assigned to the family in the treatment of the mentally ill has varied over the last 150 years; in some eras families were excluded from the patients' care and assigned a major share of blame for their illness. With more recent trends such as the ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


In the aftermath of deinstitutionalization, when current public policy dictates greater community management of schizophrenia, patients and their families play an increasing role in the treatment of the illness. Since mental health professionals often ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


Clinicians, theorists, and researchers have for many years debated the issue of if, and how, psychotherapy can be abbreviated. It is only in recent years, however, that economic, social, and political factors have converged in a manner that makes it ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


Italy's mental health law of 1978 brought dramatic changes in mental health care to Italy by immediately closing large state hospitals to new patients. The law mandated a trend begun 20 years earlier by a group of professionals dedicated to dismantling ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


Using data from computerized patient records, the authors attempted to identify characteristics of first admissions to state psychiatric facilities who would later become recidivists. In an examination of 22,062 first admissions to all state hospitals in ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


Did we achieve our training objectives? The written test suggested that significant learning did occur. However, these results should be viewed with caution. We attempted to do a three-month follow-up posttest, but our rate of return was too small to ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


Letters from readers are welcorned. They will be published at the discretion of the editor as space permits and will be subject to editing. They should be a maxirnurn of 500 words with no more than five references and should be submitted in duplicate, ...

Publication date: 01 October 1983


The date of the painting "Battle of Lights, Coney Island" by Joseph Stella, which appeared on the cover of the August issue, should have been 1914.

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