Psychiatric Services
- Volume 35
- Number 2
- February 1984
Publication date: 01 February 1984
Pages115–122As the over-65 age group increases, so do the numbers of elderly people seen by health care specialists in institutional settings and private practice. Beginning with this issue, H& CP offers a bimonthly column of practical information directed to the ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages127–132Widespread reduction of financia! resources has created a growing concern about the survival of community mental health services and their inherent concepts and ideals. To survive and, in some ways, grow, community mental health centers have used ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages132–142Group psychotherapy in the 1980s is a dynamic discipline characterized by increasingly refined techniques, expanded applicability, and greater rigor in evaluating outcome. The author provides a brief history of group therapy during the past three decades ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages143–147When a professional trainee has been involved in the care of a patient who claims to be physically or emotionally injured as a result of that care and files a lawsuit, the trainee, his clinical supervisors, the school in which the trainee is enrolled, and ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages147–151Despite the growing emphasis on treatment in the least restrictive environment, states rarely use commitment to outpatient treatment as an alternative to involuntary hospitalization. The authors studied the effects of changes in North Carolina commitment ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages152–156Many families of patients with Alzheimer's disease seem to undergo an intense five-stage reaction process and to face several specific problems when coping with the onset andprogression of this debilitating illness. Mental health professionals must ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages156–160Many elderly patients have psychiatric and medical needs that are not met by the traditional care offered at state hospitals, acute psychiatric services, or nursing homes. At Garfield Geropsychiatric Hospital, a program of intensive evaluation and ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages160–163The authors describe a computer assisted psychiatric treatment planning system developed at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Hospital in Loma Linda, California. Using the File Manager, a VA-developed data base management system, they have developed a ... date: 01 February 1984
Pages164–167Restrictive procedures are frequently used in residential facilities for the mentally illand developmentally disabled despite bumanitarian, professional, and legal concerns. Administrators in a regional residential facility for the developmentally ...