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Psychiatric Services

  • Volume 35
  • Number 5
  • May 1984


Publication date: 01 May 1984


Discussing treatment planning for a depressed child this month is Dr. Theodore Petti, associate professor of child psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh (Pa.) Medical Center. Dr. Petti is also director of the child and youth section of the office of ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Retrospective cost-based reimbursement, incorporated into Medicare from the outset, has been the dominant mode of finincing for health and mental hospital services. However, steadily rising health care costs led to the 1983 enactment of a prospective ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Under the new federal prospective payment system, 15 of the 467 diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) cover mental disorders, including alcohol and substance abuse. The authors compare these 15 DRGs with some criteria of an ideal patient classification system. ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


The authors report on a study of the impact of a prospective pay-ment method on hospital charges and mix of services provided to a group of Medicare patients treated for mental disorders in general acute care hospitals in Maryland. The study focused on ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Can prospective payment control the cost of Medicare treatment without seriously affecting the quality of care? The authors pose this question and then explore the new system's implications for the mental health field. Because psychiatric diagnoses do not ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Twenty members of an independent urban black church who frequently attended a midweek service were interviewed to determine the nature of their experiences during the service and to assess its psychological impact. The majority were relatively young, ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


The somatoform disorders were included as a new category of mental disorders in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The authors review the major features of somatization disorder, conversion disorder, ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Recent cutbacks in private insurance benefits and publicly funded health programs are threatening the access of Americans, particularly the poor and the disabled, to private psychiatric care. The authors present the findings of three surveys that assessed ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


The authors describe a nine-year collaboration between the American Psychiatric Association and CHAMPUS to ensure quality psychiatric treatment in residential treatment centers (RTCs). After discussing the development of RTCs and the effects of early peer ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


Antipsychotic drug use may be associated with clinically signficant cardiovascular side effects and rare instances of sudden death. The authors review case reports of patients who suddenly died while taking these drugs and examine possible mechanisms ...

Publication date: 01 May 1984


The ideas column features brief notes about interesting or unusual programs, novel approaches to therapy, and useful resources in the mental health field. Contributions to ideas are welcomed. items, not exceeding 200 words, should be sent to the Editor, ...

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