Psychiatric Services
- Volume 37
- Number 1
- January 1986
Publication date: 01 January 1986
Pages11–16Dr. Eth's Introduction: The potential benefits of technological advances are often tempered by ethical concerns. Although there has been conspicuous progress in direct patient care, as illustrated by the development of sophisticated life support systems, ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages27–33Although biofeedback was developed by psychologists, it has been most widely used in the treatment of psychophysiological and medical disorders and less frequently used to control symptoms of psychopathology and mental disorders. The authors review ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages33–36The presence of a premenstrual tension syndrome (PMTS) should be considered during the clinical assessment of any woman of childbearing age with intermittent or fluctuating psychological symptoms. Appropriate identification of this disorder depends on ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages37–41Repeat visitors to psychiatric emergency services constitute 7 to 18 percent of the total patients and account for up to a third of the visits. This frequently difficult-to-treat group has been described in six controlled and two uncontrolled studies. In ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages42–49The epidemiologic study of mental illness among Afro-Americans has progressed since the antebellum period when the rate of mental illness among free Afro-Americans living in the North was inflated to justify continued slavery. Community-wide surveys ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages50–54Although historically research findings about racial and ethnic issues were all too often used to support prevailing concepts of racial inferiority, in recent years racial and ethnic factors have frequently been ignored. However, current findings suggest ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages55–61Because of racism in the military and racial and social upheaval in the United States during the Vietnam War years, as well as limited opportunities for blacks in the postwar period, black veterans of the Vietnam War often harbor conflicting feelings ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages61–65In this country schizophrenia has been consistently overdiagnosed and affective disorders underdiagnosed, particularly among blacks and lower socioeconomic groups. The general causes of such misdiagnoses include overreliance on the classic thought ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages66–70Studies of self-concept in Afro American children differ in their findings according to whether the research was conducted before or after the civil rights movement of the 1960s. While the earlier studies reported that the Afro-Americans had lower self-... date: 01 January 1986
Pages71–75Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have paid only modest attention to the idea that discriminatory conduct causes emotional suffering for those who are the object of it. However, courts have held that if such racist conduct is willful and ... date: 01 January 1986
Pages78–79We need to reexamine the methods for developing and implementing programs for racial minorities. However, the issue of black mental health care should not surface only as an afterthought. The 1978 report of the President's Commission on Mental Health (10) ...