Psychiatric Services
- Volume 39
- Number 12
- December 1988
Publication date: 01 December 1988
Pages1253–1255Nonformulary drug regulation in psychiatry can lead to increased cost-effectiveness and rational prescribing practice. Choice and implementation of methods are ethically tinged because of the impact on the psychiatrist's autonomy and on the doctor-patient ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1269–1275Depressive syndromes that occur during the course of schizophrenia are not clearly understood but have important implications for the treatment of the schizophrenic patient. In this review of the literature on depression secondary to schizophrenia, the ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1276–1280Records of service contacts made over a six-month period by 44 chronic mentally ill patients served by a private case management agency in Washington, D.C., were analyzed to assess the accuracy of common assumptions held by mental health professionals ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1281–1286Data from a survey of 851 mentally ill residents of 210 board-and-care homes in seven states were used to assess the extent to which facility characteristics such as size, rate of resident turnover, operation for profit, cost of care, staffing ratios, and ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1286–1290Quality assurance activities, in place at all institutions accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and many other agencies, are sure to play an increasing role in the mental health care field. This paper ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1291–1295Despite impressive biological advances in the treatment of hospitalized patients, many inpatients do not respond to conventional somatic therapies. For these treatment-resistant patients with axis I disorders, as well as for characterologically disturbed ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1296–1300Eighty-six family caregivers participated in small group interviews about their experience of burden in caring for mentally ill relatives. Families experienced profound burdens as a result of their interactions with the mental health care system, ... date: 01 December 1988
Pages1301–1305Chart data on emergency room visits by elderly patients and a younger control group were examined in an exploratory study of utilization of psychiatric emergency services by the elderly and factors predictive of their subsequent admission to a psychiatric ... Issues
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