Psychiatric Services
- Volume 39
- Number 4
- April 1988
Publication date: 01 April 1988
Pages383–388Three criteria—diagnosis, duration, and disability—are gaining currency in efforts throughout the United States to define the concept of chronic mental illness in a precise manner. However, there is presently no consensus on the specific character or ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages389–396In this paper, the second of a two part series on current psychiatric aspects of epilepsy, the authors consider the classification and management of the various kinds of psychoses and other behavior disturbances associated with some cases of epilepsy. ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages398–402A multidisciplinary task force convened by the National Center for State Courts has developed 50 guidelines that contain practical solutions to problems associated with involuntary civil commitment processes; most can be implemented within existing ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages402–405Some assumptions that guided the national task force in developing the Guidelines for involuntary Civil Commitment are identified and discussed. The task force's multidisciplinary membership is seen as enhancing the credibility of the suggested reforms. ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages406–410Two clinicians who helped develop the National Center for State Courts' 50 guidelines for involunatary civil commitment assess how well the guidelines address some of the common problems clinicians face during the commitment process. The guidelines with ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages411–418At three community mental health centers (CMHCs) in Indiana, 167 clients at risk for rehospitalization were randomly assigned to experimental groups receiving assertive case management (ACM) or to control groups eligible to receive all other aftercare ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages418–423Data from a survey of seclusion and restraint practices in New York state hospitals were analyzed to determine if they differed by hospital location. The study included 19 hospitals—five in New York City, four in New York City suburbs, three in large ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages424–429Patients initially admitted to a state hospital under an emergency commitment procedure were studied to identify the variables associated with their later change to voluntary status, release, or judicial commitment, and to compare the hospitalization and ... date: 01 April 1988
Pages429–434A sample of 87 psychiatric inpatients known to have been assaultive while in the hospital was contrasted with a matched group of nonviolent patients to identify the personal risk factors that distinguished the two groups. Data were collected using a ...