Psychiatric Services
- Volume 42
- Number 8
- August 1991
Publication date: 01 August 1991
Pages797–801Practical solutions to the issues troubling public mental health systems must be developed within the constraints of existing political structures. A key enabling factor is the inclusion of a broad range of reimbursable mental health benefits within ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages802–807With the aging of the U.S. population, an increase in the use of the psychiatric emergency room by elderly persons is expected. In this study of 118 elderly persons seen in a general hospital psychiatric emergency room, half bad a history of psychiatric ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages807–813American former prisoners of war (POWs) are an aging group who seek health care with increasing frequency. To examine the prevalence of long-term physical and emotional consequences of captivity in this population, the authors analyzed medical and ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages814–817Because of the trend toward a marked decrease in length of psychiatric hospitalization, clinicians need to improve the organization of the therapeutic milieu so that behavioral changes can be effected more rapidly. A university general psychiatric unit ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages818–823The authors studied court-ordered inpatient evaluations of competency to stand trial at two Massachusetts state hospitals for the period from 1972 to 1987, with particular attention to the effects of a 1978 federal court consent decree that created an ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages823–828Each year in the U.S. more than 130,000 children are hospitalized for psychiatric reasons. The decision to hospitalize a child is based on a complex set of factors. In this study, a 12-item checklist of criteria for hospitalization adapted by the authors ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages829–833In 1988 New York State imposed a moratorium on the development of new psychiatric beds for children because the state's certificate-of-need law lacked objective criteria for evaluating applications. The following year the department introduced revised ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages834–838Substance abuse and mental disorders increase the health care needs of homeless persons, whose primary source of care is often the emergency room. In this study, associations between substance abuse and mental health problems and use of emergency rooms ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages838–842Fifty-two young adults with severe psychiatric disabilities were selected to participate in a university-based supported education program aimed at helping them develop the skills to choose and implement a career plan. Thirty-five of the subjects ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages851–853The current study has important implications in the South African context. The team acted as a bridge between the department of education and the school and community systems, establishing links for future negotiations between them. The ecological systems ... date: 01 August 1991
Pages853–855At this urban, university-affiliated CMHC, 20 percent of the variance in length of stay was accounted for by specific clinical and social characteristics of patients, some of which indicate areas of potential intervention in managing hospital utilization. ...