Psychiatric Services
- Volume 43
- Number 2
- February 1992
Publication date: 01 February 1992
Pages102–104Today clinical psychiatry in America is under pressure from employers, insurance companies, and government to compromise patient care. That such a conflict is inherent in our work should not surprise us. Administrators of public and private funds are ... date: 01 February 1992
Page104In the November 1991 issue, the brief report "A System for Improving Psychiatric Record Keeping," pages 1163-1166, contained an editorial error. In Table 1, for the item "reason for referral" the value of t should have been 3.7, and the p value should ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages107–108Clinicians who treat patients with comorbid substance abuse and psychiatric disorders need both the expertise involved in treating each of the patient's individual disorders and the specialized knowledge required to help the patient cope with having more ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages109–110Foreword from Dr. Perry: In psychoanalytic jargon, we refer to people as objects. As Dr. Schwartz, our guest expert, describes, sometimes people are objects—or at least they are manipulated by patients as if they were. Dr. Schwartz outlines the treatment ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages123–127Erroneous beliefs and questionable scientific evidence have led over the past two decades to a loss of enthusiasm about psychotherapy with schizophrenic patients. Recent information from course and outcome studies and from new approaches to understanding ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages127–131A patients' rights advocacy system was developed in 1986 by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to serve patients hospitalized in 12 state facilities. The system includes a four-level appeal program that attempts to resolve grievances ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages132–136The Hopkins Competency Assessment Test (HCAT), a brief instrument for evaluating the competency of patients to give informed consent or write advance directives, consists of a short essay and a questionnaire for determining patients' understanding of the ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages136–139Many families provide mentally ill relatives with a residence and other support. Although professionals increasingly acknowledge the importance of the supportive role families play, families continue to report that they receive too little information from ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages140–144Results of a survey of 253 psychiatric inpatients on the day of discharge from a short-stay hospitalization indicated that more than half did not know the name and dosage of the psychiatric medications prescribed for them and why they were taking them, ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages145–149Clinical data were gathered on 627 homeless Vietnam veterans evaluated in a Department of Veterans Affairs clinical program for homeless mentally ill veterans. More than two-fifths (43 percent) of the 627 veterans showed evidence of combat stress that was ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages150–155Data from three cross-sectional samples of inmates in the New York City correctional system (N= 299, 236, and 151) were analyzed to determine the prevalence of homelessness among detainees. One-fourth to one-third of each sample had been homeless at some ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages155–159One hundred fifty clents of a shelter for homeless youths in New York City were interviewed to obtain information about their backgrounds and the incidence of behavioral and emotional disorder. Most of the respondents came from backgrounds characterized ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages160–165Differences between 24 female and 35 male clients were assessed at entry into an intensive case management program serving homeless shelter residents and again nine months later. Both men and women were socially isolated, with small social networks and ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages166–168The prevalence of drug abuse among homeless people in New Haven, Connecticut, was examined using questionnaire data collected from 80 percent of all homeless persons (N= 181) residing in the city's five emergency shelters during a four-week study period ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages175–176In addition to being the first reported case of self-amputation of the breasts by a male, Mr. M's case is unusual because the patient did not have symptoms of the diagnoses usually associated with self-mutilation, such as borderline and antisocial ... date: 01 February 1992
Pages179–180We need to bring current knowledge to bear on the treatment of persons with mood disorders and to expand knowledge of treatment and rehabilitation of chronic schizophrenic patients. To meet these priorities, mental health professionals need to establish ...