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Psychiatric Services

  • Volume 44
  • Number 3
  • March 1993


Publication date: 01 March 1993


Foreword from Dr. Bachracb: Attempts at reaching consensus in service planning and service delivery depend on partisans' ability to listen to, and hear, one another's views. Only then can compromises be forged. Mona Wasow, this month's guest columnist, ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


After extensive discussion, multiple reviews of the literature, data re-analyses, and a field trial, the DSM-IV panic disorder subgroup proposed several changes to improve the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder. The criteria set will emphasize ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Characteristics of schizophrenic patients admitted to state hospitals between 1970 and 1986 were studied to examine changes in the demographic profile of the patient population and in principal sources of payment for hospitalization over the study period. ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Fifty-three state hospital patients discharged to group homes in the community in 1978-79 were followed up at three and 11 years to assess their quality of life and several other dimensions of their community experience. Methods: A structured interview ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Quality of care in three types of facilities in which chronic mentally ill patients reside was examined to determine how it was related to patient functioning and to determine bow patients' dependency on others for self-care moderated relationships ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Most previous research on substance abuse among patients with schizophrenia has not considered the types of substances abused or the confounding influences of polysubstance abuse. The authors' goals were to identify patterns of substance abuse among a ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Objective: The purpose of the study was to identify variables that predicted three different dispositions of patients seen in a psychiatric emergency room: hospitalization, an emergency housing program, and an outpatient crisis program. Methods: Social, ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Objective: The authors' goals were to describe the characteristics of suicides committed by inmates in custody of the New York City Department of Correction between 1980 and 1988. Methods: Data on suicides were collected from records of the jail health ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


The consultative study is one model of academic involvement in public mental health services. However, the effects of consultation and how it acts as a catalyst for change have been poorly documented. The authors describe a consultative study in which a ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


The New York Family Support Demonstration Project was begun in 1984 to translate the results of research on family psychoeducation in the treatment of schizophrenia into general practice. Goals were to compare experimentally a single-family ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Objective: Two locked inpatient units at an inner-city community mental health center were reorganized as a hospitalization service consisting of a 22-bed intensive care inpatient unit, an acutetreatment day hospital for 20 patients, and a 23-bed ...

Publication date: 01 March 1993


Although the results are preliminary, most of the homeless mentally ill patients who agreed to participate in this study and were randomly assigned to the assertive community treatment team successfully moved off the street. However, this change did not ...

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