Psychiatric Services
- Volume 45
- Number 9
- September 1994
Publication date: 01 September 1994
Pages859–869Dr. Sabins Introduction: This column will address clinical, managerial, and ethical issues in the rapidly evolving area of managed care. Forpurposesofthecolumn, the term "managed care"—which is used so broadly that it verges on losing all specificity—will ... date: 01 September 1994
Page871Shortly after his election in 1992, President Clinton appointed a health care reform task force to develop a proposal for providing health care benefits for all American citizens and legal residents, Between Februay and May 1993 the Interdepartmental ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages877–882Lack of adequate insurance coverage is one reason that the percentage of children who currently utilize mental health services is significantly lower than the estimated percentage of childnen with serious mental disorders, Pninciples of a reformed health ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages883–887This paper reviews problems that the Medicaid program poses for health care reformers and how the Clinton plan would deal with them. The Clinton plan represents a compromise between preserving or expanding the Medicaid program and eliminating it. The plan ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages888–892The creation of an effective coalition of mental health organizations was integral to the mental health community's early success in furthering coverage for mental health services in national health care reform. A unified coalition was able to establish ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages893–897To implement the proposed Clinton mental health benefit for the year 2001 requires a capacity to manage aflexible, comprehensive benefit, If fragmentation of services and discontinuity of care are to be reduced, mechanisms must be developed to coordinate ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages898–905Implementation of the Clinton Administration's proposed Health Security Act could significantly increase the number of seriously mentally ill persons enrolled in health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Studies of the mental health status and outcomes of ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages906–910Current health care reform proposals will expand coverage and alter the delivery of mental health services, Much of the debate has focused on the cost of coverage rather than on the question "Who will pay?" This paper analyzes the consequences of ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages911–913State mental health systems have undergone dramatic changes in the last 40 years, including decreases in state hospital capacity and increases in the proportion of mental health care provided in ambulatory settings and in general hospital units and ... Care Reform Based on an Empowerment Model of Recovery by People With Psychiatric Disabilities
Publication date: 01 September 1994
Pages913–915People witb psycbiatric disabilities have articulated a model of recovery that encourages their empowerment by emphasizing consumerdefined goals, liberty, self-control of symptoms, peer support, elimination of discrimination, and provision of adequate ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages916–919Health care reform proposals based on a single-payer system of health care insurance were introduced in the U. S. Congress in 1992 and 1993 but were superseded by the Clinton Administration's health care reform proposal, which was based on managed ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages919–924Objectives: The authors examined the extent to which health maintenance organizations (HMOs) enroll and provide services to people with severe mental illness. Methods: The automatedpharmacy system of a large HMO identified members who bad received a ... date: 01 September 1994
Pages925–928Objective: The author's goal was to review current published literature on the psychiatric hospitalization of adolescents with a diagnosis of conduct disorder. Methods: The English-language literature from 1980 to 1991 cited in the MEDLINE database was ...