We discuss a case of takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the setting of ECT in a severely depressed patient who had not previously responded to extensive trials of pharmacotherapy but who had responded to a previous course of ECT. Further complicating this case is the fact that the patient’s depression was refractory to medication trials after the onset of takotsubo cardiomyopathy, leading to the decision to embark on a second course of ECT after consultation with the cardiology and anesthesiology services.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, first described in Japan in the 1990s, is a condition in which the shape of the left ventricle during systole resembles an octopus fishing trap, or takotsubo(1) . Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is characterized by an acute coronary syndrome-like event in which a patient can experience chest pain and shortness of breath acutely (2, 3) . These symptoms generally occur in the setting of severe emotional stress, often after the sudden death of a loved one—hence the alternative term “broken heart syndrome” (4) . The patient may have ECG changes, typically T wave inversions and prolonged QT interval, but ST elevations have also been reported (5) . A characteristic apical ballooning and hypokinesis developing in the left ventricle are often seen on echocardiography. A small proportion of patients (2.5%) may develop intracavitary thrombus in the affected ventricle, with 0.8% of those having embolic complications, including stroke, renal infarction, and popliteal artery thrombosis (6) . Initially the left ventricular ejection fraction diminishes dramatically, causing the symptoms of heart failure; however, recovery of cardiac function is often complete within the first week following the insult. Cardiac enzymes may be mildly elevated, but on cardiac catheterization there is usually no evidence of coronary artery disease, or only “mild luminal irregularities” may be noted (7) . Contraction band necrosis may be seen on biopsy in the more serious cases. The cause of takotsubo cardiomyopathy is unknown, but several mechanisms have been suggested, including ischemia from coronary artery spasm, microvascular spasm, and direct myocyte injury (5) .
Case Presentation
This case describes a second course of ECT in an elderly female patient 2 months after the diagnosis of ECT-induced takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Dr. Heyer (Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Clinical Neurology and Director of Neuroanesthesia, Columbia University Department of Anesthesiology), Dr. Sherman (Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Cardiology), and Dr. Prudic (Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry) were integrally involved in the case and participated as discussants at the case presentation.
Dr. Heyer:
The catecholamine surge that we propose caused the takotsubo cardiomyopathy following the first administration of ECT in this case was iatrogenic. Given at least in part the iatrogenic etiology, it is key in this setting to carefully examine the options for limiting the body’s exposure to excess catecholamines.
Typically, medications used for induction and paralysis in ECT include methohexital and succinylcholine. Blood pressure and heart rate usually increase after ECT administration, and it is reasonable to administer beta-blockade to limit the increases. Generally, the beta-blocker used is esmolol because it is easily titratable and has a short half-life. In this case, not only was esmolol used extensively as a drip before and after the procedure, but a longer-acting beta-blocker, labetalol, was also used to manage blood pressure during the time surrounding the procedure and metoprolol was used on a more long-term basis to ensure tighter blood pressure control over time.
Beta-blockers are the traditional medication of choice for achieving hemodynamic stability in this and many other perioperative settings. Several alternatives were discussed in this case but ultimately were not tried given the known and respected cardioprotective qualities of beta-blockers. (Interestingly, pindolol has even been shown to enhance response to ECT in depressed patients when given during the first six ECT treatments [8] .)
Another general question that arises is whether there is a correlation between cardiac effects and ECT electrode placement. To date, there is limited evidence that electrode placement affects cardiovascular responses. A study by Prudic et al. (9) compared heart rate and blood pressure in bilateral versus unilateral ECT and found no difference. In a small study of 11 patients, Lane et al. (10) found that during the postictal phase, heart rate during bilateral ECT significantly exceeded that during right unilateral ECT despite no differences in peak heart rate (10) . Another study (11) found that the magnitude of postictal rate pressure product, an index of myocardial oxygen demand, was greater in bilateral ECT compared to right unilateral ECT. One possible explanation for why bilateral ECT increases postictal heart rate compared to right unilateral ECT is that bilateral ECT releases more circulating catecholamines than right unilateral ECT, although there is no direct evidence that this occurs. It should be emphasized that Ms. H had her cardiac event following one right unilateral ECT treatment and that she subsequently tolerated bilateral ECT.
Dr. Sherman:
One of the most remarkable aspects of this case is that a second attempt at ECT, given known and demonstrated risks, proved to be successful in terms of cardioprotection and safety. The protective elements included close cardiac monitoring, stabilization of blood pressure and heart rate with beta-blockade prior to the procedure, and generous use of beta-blockade during the procedure to further control the known acute physiologic effects of ECT, that is, elevated heart rate and blood pressure. This case suggests that ECT can be successfully administered in a patient who has recently (in this case 2 months prior) had a cardiac event such as takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Given the stressors involved in ECT, it is interesting that takotsubo cardiomyopathy has not been observed more often in this setting. Perhaps the syndrome is quite rare or presents in difficult-to-recognize subclinical forms. While this manuscript was in revision, O’Reardon et al. published a case of takotsubo cardiomyopathy following ECT (12) . A sustained course of congestive heart failure has been described in some patients undergoing ECT (13, 14), the pathogenic mechanisms for which have not been elucidated. Based on what is known, it is intriguing, and within reason, to consider takotsubo cardiomyopathy as a possible source of myocardial dysfunction in these patients. Common to both groups of patients is the heightened catecholamine release, induced by emotional trauma and other factors, in the setting of ECT. While the intermediate (and long-term) outcome of patients with takotsubo cardiomyopathy is of recovery of left ventricular function, a small percentage of patients may not recover and as a result emerge from the process with congestive heart failure. In this population, early and serial assessment of left ventricular function would shed light on the mechanisms underlying the chronic condition.
Dr. Prudic:
One question arising from this case is why this course of ECT was not more effective, given the previous successful treatment of the patient’s psychotic depression with ECT 4 years earlier. One possible explanation is the extensive use of beta-blockers as well as other psychopharmacology during the second course of ECT.
The consequences of relying heavily on beta-blockade are unknown. Particularly concerning is the relationship between beta-blockers and depression (15 – 17) . In a comprehensive review, however, propranolol was concluded to be problematic only after long-term use (18) . Depression after myocardial infarction in the setting of beta-blocker use has also been described. It has been observed in post-myocardial infarction patients that both beta-blocker use and the incidence of depression is high (19) . Although van Melle (20) described little depressive effect in patients who used beta-blockers after myocardial infarction, his work focused predominantly on men, and the phenomenon of beta-blocker-induced depression is observed more frequently in women. The lipophilicity of the beta-blocker does not seem to make a difference, as the most extensive review of beta-blockade and depression reported no difference between lipophilic and nonlipophilic agents (21) .
In this case, however, the quantity of beta-blocker that the patient received may have been a factor in the outcome of ECT. Not only did the patient take standing metoprolol daily, but she also received a large esmolol bolus and drip immediately surrounding the ECT procedure as well as labetalol for blood pressure management. One study that examined the effect of esmolol on seizure duration determined that it shortened the duration of the motor convulsion and degraded the quality of the ictal regularity, a factor that may have contributed to the patient’s lack of response (22) .
The literature describes a phenomenon of decreased ejection fraction by up to 30% in patients after one ECT treatment (23) . It is unknown how this occurrence might be related to a syndrome such as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which is also defined by a decreased ejection fraction. It is also unknown how the significant doses of beta-blockers used in this case might affect that phenomenon, perhaps worsening the ejection fraction to the point of causing symptoms and producing the takotsubo syndrome. Cardiac complications in ECT are well described, however (24) .
Another question that arises in this case is whether the patient’s baseline brain chemistry was significantly different during this second course of ECT. Perhaps the catecholamines, thought to be a causative factor in takotsubo cardiomyopathy, play a role in treatment of the depression and by blocking them so extensively with beta-blockers, we are depriving the patient of a potentially helpful component of ECT. Cases have been described in the literature where catecholamines were depleted in formerly depressed patients in remission. In one study, catecholamine depletion was found to result in an increase in depressive and anhedonic symptoms (25) .
Particularly concerning in the second ECT course was the development of significant cognitive impairment. Saber and Cain (26) described impaired learning and performance of spatial skills in rats in the setting of beta-blocker use concomitantly with anticholinergic agents. Perhaps the use of a different cardioprotective agent, with an altogether different mechanism, might have less cognitive effect. One alternative is remifentanyl, a derivative of fentanyl, a very-short-acting opioid that serves effectively as a cardiac depressant, thus helping to lower heart rate. Its opioid qualities have also been useful in providing analgesia, and it has not been shown to have any adverse long-term cognitive effects but has been shown to prolong seizure time, which may be advantageous (27) . High doses of naloxone administered immediately before ECT have been shown both to diminish anterograde amnesia and to improve performance on an attention task (28) .
Appropriate cardiac management in this case required a close working relationship between the cardiology, anesthesiology, and psychiatry teams. Furthermore, treatment of this patient required thorough consideration of her medication regimen from the perspective of all three disciplines, including weighing the risks of using high doses of beta-blockers and more cardio-neutral psychiatric medications (risperidone and quetiapine). In addition to describing a second course of ECT in a patient who had sustained takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the setting of ECT only 2 months earlier, this case serves as a nidus for several complex questions, as detailed by our discussants.
Received Aug. 27, 2008; revision received Nov. 25, 2008; accepted Dec. 29, 2008 (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08081278). Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Kent, New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Dr., P.O. Box 49, New York, NY 10032; lk2129@columbia.edu (e-mail).
The authors report no competing interests.
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Wittstein IS, Thiemann DR, Lima JA, Baughman KL, Schulman SP, Gerstenblith G, Wu KC, Rade JJ, Bivalacqua TJ, Champion HC: Neurohumoral features of myocardial stunning due to sudden emotional stress. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:539–548
de Gregorio C, Grimaldi P, Lentini C: Left ventricular thrombus formation and cardioembolic complications in patients with Takotsubo-like syndrome: a systematic review. Int J Cardiol 2008; 131:18–24
Dec GW Jr, Stern TA, Welch C: The effects of electroconvulsive therapy on serial electrocardiograms and serum cardiac enzyme values: a prospective study of depressed hospitalized inpatients. JAMA 1985; 253:2525–2529
Shiah IS, Yatham LN, Srisurapanont M, Lam RW, Tam EM, Zis AP: Does the addition of pindolol accelerate the response to electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression? a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2000; 20:373–378
Prudic J, Sackeim HA, Decina P, Hopkins N, Ross FR, Malitz S: Acute effects of ECT on cardiovascular functioning: relations to patient and treatment variables. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1987; 75:344–351
Lane RD, Zeitlin SB, Abrams R, Swartz CM: Differential effects of right unilateral and bilateral ECT on heart rate. Am J Psychiatry 1989; 146:1041–1043
O’Reardon JP, Lott JP, Akhtar UW, Cristancho P, Weiss D, Jones N: Acute coronary syndrome (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy) following electroconvulsive therapy in the absence of significant coronary artery disease: case report and review of the literature. J ECT 2008; 24:277–280
Fuenmayor AJ, el Fakih Y, Moreno J, Fuenmayor AM: Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on cardiac function in patients without heart disease. Cardiology 1997; 88:254–257
Stoudemire A, Brown JT, Harris RT, Blessing-Feussner C, Roberts JH, Nichols JC, Houpt JL: Propranolol and depression: a reevaluation based on a pilot clinical trial. Psychiatr Med 1984; 2:211–218
Schleifer SJ, Slater WR, Macari-Hinson MM, Coyle DA, Kahn M, Zucker HD, Gorlin R: Digitalis and beta-blocking agents: effects on depression following myocardial infarction. Am Heart J 1991; 121:1397–1402
van Melle JP, Verbeek DE, van den Berg MP, Ormel J, van der Linde MR, de Jonge P: Beta-blockers and depression after myocardial infarction: a multicenter prospective study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48:2209–2214
Ko DT, Hebert PR, Coffey CS, Sedrakyan A, Curtis JP, Krumholz HM: Beta-blocker therapy and symptoms of depression, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. JAMA 2002; 288:351–357
McCully RB, Karon BL, Rummans TA, Black JL, Andreen KM, Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ: Frequency of left ventricular dysfunction after electroconvulsive therapy. Am J Cardiol 2003; 91:1147–1150
Hasler G, Fromm S, Carlson PJ, Luckenbaugh DA, Waldeck T, Geraci M, Roiser JP, Neumeister A, Meyers N, Charney DS, Drevets WC: Neural response to catecholamine depletion in unmedicated subjects with major depressive disorder in remission and healthy subjects. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008; 65:521–531
Saber AJ, Cain DP: Combined beta-adrenergic and cholinergic antagonism produces behavioral and cognitive impairments in the water maze: implications for Alzheimer disease and pharmacotherapy with beta-adrenergic antagonists. Neuropsychopharmacology 2003; 28:1247–1256
Prudic J, Fitzsimons L, Nobler MS, Sackeim HA: Naloxone in the prevention of the adverse cognitive effects of ECT: a within-subject, placebo controlled study. Neuropsychopharmacology 1999; 21:285–293
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Figure 1. Images From Contrast Left Ventriculography Suggesting Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy a
a In panel A, a normal-appearing left ventricle in diastole. In panel B, ventricular contraction demonstrating apical ballooning (“octopus trap”) consistent with takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Wittstein IS, Thiemann DR, Lima JA, Baughman KL, Schulman SP, Gerstenblith G, Wu KC, Rade JJ, Bivalacqua TJ, Champion HC: Neurohumoral features of myocardial stunning due to sudden emotional stress. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:539–548
de Gregorio C, Grimaldi P, Lentini C: Left ventricular thrombus formation and cardioembolic complications in patients with Takotsubo-like syndrome: a systematic review. Int J Cardiol 2008; 131:18–24
Dec GW Jr, Stern TA, Welch C: The effects of electroconvulsive therapy on serial electrocardiograms and serum cardiac enzyme values: a prospective study of depressed hospitalized inpatients. JAMA 1985; 253:2525–2529
Shiah IS, Yatham LN, Srisurapanont M, Lam RW, Tam EM, Zis AP: Does the addition of pindolol accelerate the response to electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression? a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2000; 20:373–378
Prudic J, Sackeim HA, Decina P, Hopkins N, Ross FR, Malitz S: Acute effects of ECT on cardiovascular functioning: relations to patient and treatment variables. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1987; 75:344–351
Lane RD, Zeitlin SB, Abrams R, Swartz CM: Differential effects of right unilateral and bilateral ECT on heart rate. Am J Psychiatry 1989; 146:1041–1043
O’Reardon JP, Lott JP, Akhtar UW, Cristancho P, Weiss D, Jones N: Acute coronary syndrome (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy) following electroconvulsive therapy in the absence of significant coronary artery disease: case report and review of the literature. J ECT 2008; 24:277–280
Fuenmayor AJ, el Fakih Y, Moreno J, Fuenmayor AM: Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on cardiac function in patients without heart disease. Cardiology 1997; 88:254–257
Stoudemire A, Brown JT, Harris RT, Blessing-Feussner C, Roberts JH, Nichols JC, Houpt JL: Propranolol and depression: a reevaluation based on a pilot clinical trial. Psychiatr Med 1984; 2:211–218
Schleifer SJ, Slater WR, Macari-Hinson MM, Coyle DA, Kahn M, Zucker HD, Gorlin R: Digitalis and beta-blocking agents: effects on depression following myocardial infarction. Am Heart J 1991; 121:1397–1402
van Melle JP, Verbeek DE, van den Berg MP, Ormel J, van der Linde MR, de Jonge P: Beta-blockers and depression after myocardial infarction: a multicenter prospective study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48:2209–2214
Ko DT, Hebert PR, Coffey CS, Sedrakyan A, Curtis JP, Krumholz HM: Beta-blocker therapy and symptoms of depression, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. JAMA 2002; 288:351–357
McCully RB, Karon BL, Rummans TA, Black JL, Andreen KM, Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ: Frequency of left ventricular dysfunction after electroconvulsive therapy. Am J Cardiol 2003; 91:1147–1150
Hasler G, Fromm S, Carlson PJ, Luckenbaugh DA, Waldeck T, Geraci M, Roiser JP, Neumeister A, Meyers N, Charney DS, Drevets WC: Neural response to catecholamine depletion in unmedicated subjects with major depressive disorder in remission and healthy subjects. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008; 65:521–531
Saber AJ, Cain DP: Combined beta-adrenergic and cholinergic antagonism produces behavioral and cognitive impairments in the water maze: implications for Alzheimer disease and pharmacotherapy with beta-adrenergic antagonists. Neuropsychopharmacology 2003; 28:1247–1256
Prudic J, Fitzsimons L, Nobler MS, Sackeim HA: Naloxone in the prevention of the adverse cognitive effects of ECT: a within-subject, placebo controlled study. Neuropsychopharmacology 1999; 21:285–293
Figure 1. Images From Contrast Left Ventriculography Suggesting Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy a
a In panel A, a normal-appearing left ventricle in diastole. In panel B, ventricular contraction demonstrating apical ballooning (“octopus trap”) consistent with takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Reference #1
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