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Published Date: 15 October 2014

A Review of the Clinical, Economic, and Societal Burden of Treatment-Resistant Depression: 1996–2013


Treatment-resistant depression exacts a heavy price in treatment costs and lost productivity, reaching into the tens of billions of dollars, but its effects on the lives of patients are just as devastating. In this literature review, the authors summarize 62 studies documenting the disease’s toll on quality of life, personal financial resources, and general health. The average patient in the included studies had experienced nearly four earlier episodes of depression, had not responded to 4.7 drug trials, and continued to meet or nearly meet criteria for severe depression.



This literature review assessed the burden of treatment-resistant depression in the United States by compiling published data about the clinical, societal, and economic outcomes associated with failure to respond to one or more adequate trials of drug therapy.


PubMed and the Tufts Cost-Effectiveness Analyses Registry were searched for English-language articles published between January 1996 and August 2013 that collected primary data about treatment-resistant depression. Two researchers independently assessed study quality and extracted data.


Sixty-two articles were included (N=59,462 patients). Patients with treatment-resistant depression had 3.8±2.1 prior depressive episodes and illness duration of 4.4±3.3 years and had completed 4.7±2.7 unsuccessful drug trials involving 2.1±.3 drug classes. Response rates for treatment-resistant depression were 36%±1%. A total of 17%±6% of patients had prior suicide attempts (1.1±.2 attempts per patient). Quality-of-life scores (scale of 0–1, with 0 indicating death and 1 indicating perfect health) for patients with treatment-resistant depression were .41±.8 and .26±.8 points lower, respectively, than for patients who experienced remission or response. Annual costs for health care and lost productivity were $5,481 and $4,048 higher, respectively, for patients with treatment-resistant versus treatment-responsive depression.


Treatment-resistant depression exacts a substantial toll on patients’ quality of life. At current rates of 12%–20% among all depressed patients, treatment-resistant depression may present an annual added societal cost of $29–$48 billion, pushing up the total societal costs of major depression by as much as $106–$118 billion. These findings underscore the need for research on the mechanisms of depression, new therapeutic targets, existing and new treatment combinations, and tests to improve the efficacy of and adherence to treatments for treatment-resistant depression.
Almost 50% of the U.S. population has experienced at least one psychiatric disorder in their lifetime (1). The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder is reported to be as high as 17%, and the 12-month prevalence is 5%−9% (24). The World Health Organization ranks major depressive disorder among the diseases that are most debilitating to society, in part because of its association with increased utilization of health care resources, diminished quality of life, and indirect personal and societal costs (5,6).
More than 50% of patients with major depressive disorder do not reach remission with an initial treatment; of those, 30%−50% also do not respond (4,5,79). The designation “treatment resistant” is used to describe patients who do not respond to antidepressant therapy after one or more adequate trials (911) (duration of at least six weeks and use of appropriate dosages [1215]). A response to treatment is commonly measured as a ≥50% decrease in baseline scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) (7). The Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial studied the effectiveness of different treatments for major depressive disorder among patients who did not become symptom free after one or more treatments. Seventy-two percent of patients did not experience remission after treatment with citalopram, the initial medication used in this study; with each subsequent treatment, failure to remit increased from 79% to 84% to 93% (8,1619).
Patients with treatment-resistant depression contribute a disproportionately high burden of illness compared with patients who respond to treatment. Several studies have documented a subset of outcomes related to treatment-resistant depression, such as societal costs and effects on quality of life, labor force participation, or medical resource utilization, but none has provided a comprehensive, systematic, and rigorous review of the overall burden.
The aim of this systematic review was to assess the aggregate burden of treatment-resistant depression in the United States by compiling the data available from published studies on clinical, societal, and economic outcomes associated with treatment-resistant depression. The review assessed characteristics and comorbid conditions, costs of treatment, mortality, quality of life, severity of symptoms, response rates to subsequent treatments, and adverse events among patients with treatment-resistant depression. This review also investigated factors that contribute most to the societal burden of treatment-resistant depression and identified potential areas for improvement.


We used PubMed to search MEDLINE for articles published between January 1996 and May 2011 by using terms related to treatment-resistant depression, outcomes, economics, and society. A supplemental search of PubMed using additional terms was conducted for articles published between May 2011 and August 2013. We also conducted a search of the Tufts Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry (20) for articles published from 1996 through 2013 and reviewed the reference lists of articles identified by the searches related to costs of treatment. [A complete list of search terms and a full description of the study methods are available online as a data supplement to this article.]
Two researchers screened each abstract of the retrieved articles. The articles were included if the abstract referred to primary data collection as a part of the design; if endpoints of the study were pertinent to clinical, societal, or economic outcomes; and if the study enrolled adults ages 18 and older. We defined treatment resistance as failure to respond to one or more adequate trials of drug therapy. This definition was intended to conform to accepted criteria of treatment resistance while including heterogeneous definitions. The evidence grade for each study was assessed by using the quality index developed by the Mental Disorders and Illicit Drug Use Expert Group (21). Quality index scores range from 0 to 17, with higher scores indicating that more complete reporting and higher quality methods were used.
We included articles that reported results from the STAR*D trial, even though its definition of treatment resistance as “failure to remit” is more inclusive than the one used in this review, which included patients who failed to respond. However, as the largest and longest study evaluating depression treatment, the STAR*D study provides valuable information for comparing responses to treatment, despite differences in definitions of treatment resistance.
Summary statistics were performed by using Stata, version 9.2, and were weighted by sample size. Unless stated otherwise, results are reported for the treatment-resistant population.


Literature search and study characteristics

The original search identified 442 articles; 62 were included in this review. [The complete list of included articles is available in the online data supplement.] The mean±SD study duration was 7.75±1.75 years. The quality index score varied from 6 to 18 (mean±SD=13±3). Sample sizes in the studies varied from six to 24,415 patients (median=42; Table 1) and, together, enrolled 59,462 patients. Thirteen studies summarized data on outpatients, eight on inpatients, and six on both populations; 22 articles did not specify a population but likely included predominantly outpatients.
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients enrolled in studies of treatment-resistant depressiona
 Treatment-resistant depressionTreatment-responsive depression
 N%Median(%)Minimum(%)Maximum(%)N ofstudiesN%Median(%)Minimum(%)Maximum(%)N ofstudies
Sample size1,2394,756  42624,41549        
Age (M±SD)46.75.3  47.027.474.739        
Age at onset (M±SD)31.56.8  27.72.951.212        
Duration of illness (M±SD years)4.43.3  16.72.526.720        
Previous episodes of depression (M±SD)3.82.1        
 African American292413932183        
Comorbid conditionb                
 Joint, limb, or back pain3,386 73    15,267 70    1
 Cardiovascular disease2,598 56    13,702666499251502
 Malaise and fatigue2,412 52    13,311 44    1
 Anemia3 39    12,633 35    1
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease1,577 34    12,257 30    1
 Alcohol abuse, lifetime1610277281430347 34    1
 Alcohol abuse, current231173625383180116312132
 Avoidant personality disorder182247282030235 33    1
 Asthma974 21    11,354 18    1
 Self-defeating personality disorder11 21    115 14    1
 Chronic pain87825120116152031,1624901932118232
 Substance use disorder, lifetime84181214739330 22    1
 Substance use disorder, current5642314314237 2    1
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder132174181521239 37    1
 Panic disorder483417718725517 12    1
 Delusions and other psychoses77415117213917244480614262
 Personality disorder728142162116162296534043242
 Sleep disorder694252162139162978 13    1
SDs and minimum and maximum percentages are not reported when only one study provided results.
The following list reports percentages of patients with treatment-resistant vs. treatment-responsive depression and other conditions: mixed personality disorder, 14% vs. data not reported (DNR); borderline personality disorder, 13% vs. 13%; paranoid personality disorder, 13% vs. 28%; migraine, 12% vs. 9%; social phobia, 12% vs. 35%; dependent personality disorder, 11% vs. 15%; simple phobia, 11% vs. 14%; generalized anxiety disorder, 10% vs. 16%; agoraphobia, 10% vs. 7%; passive-aggressive personality disorder, 9% vs. 13%; physical abuse, 9% vs. DNR; posttraumatic stress disorder, 9% vs. 4%; soft tissue disorder, 7% vs. 0%; somatoform disorder, 5% vs. 5%; antisocial personality disorder, 5% vs. 7%; eating disorder, 5% vs. 3%; narcissistic personality disorder, 4% vs. 10%; obsessive-compulsive disorder, 4% vs. 3%; acute myocardial infarction persistent, 3% vs. DNR; mood disorders, 3% vs. 1%; dysthymia, 3% vs. DNR; dementia, 2% vs. 2%; gastritis and duodenitis, 2% vs. 4%; schizoid personality disorder, 2% vs. 3%; phobic anxiety disorders, 2% vs. 3%; mild mental retardation, 1% vs. 2%; and histrionic personality disorder, 0% vs. 3%

Baseline patient characteristics

Patients’ baseline characteristics varied by study (Table 1). The mean age was 46.7, and illness duration was 4.4 years. Women represented 71% and non-Hispanic whites represented 89% of the study populations. Patients had 3.8 prior depressive episodes (range .8–7.2). On average, patients had not responded to 4.7 drug trials (range 1–10) and 2.1 drug classes (Table 2).
Table 2 Baseline measures of symptom severity among patients with treatment-resistant depressiona
       Scale range
VariableMSDMedianLowestHighestN of studiesRemissionor mildSevere ormarkedly illReference
Failed drug trialsb4.   
Failed drug classesb2.1.322.03.06   
Depression-specific scale score         
 IDS-C-3035.4    10–2337–8422
 QIDS-C-1614.4    10–1016–2722
Other scale score         
 SF–36 MCS22.52.721.619.423.72100028
 SF–36 PCS37.53.136.534.038.92100028
 BAI14.1    10–1526–6329
 MMSE27.7    124–300–2330
 SQ-SS6.6    101831
 SQ-SWB1.4    16031
 POMS52.5    1020032
SDs and minimum and maximum scores are not reported when only one study provided results. HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale; CGI-S, Clinical Global Impression–Severity; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; IDS, Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology; SR, Self-Report; C, Clinician Rated; QIDS, Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology; GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; Q-LES-Q, Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; HAMA, Hamilton Anxiety Scale; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; SF-36, Short-Form Health Survey Questionnaire; MCS, mental composite score; PCS, physical composite score; SQ, Symptom Questionnaire; SS, somatic subscale; SWB, somatic well-being; POMS, Profile of Mood States.
Excluded studies that reported the number of failed drug trials and classes as ranges.

Symptom severity

The scales used to assess symptom severity varied greatly. Commonly used scales included the HAM-D, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale (MADRS), the Clinical Global Impression–Severity (CGI-S) scale, and the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–Clinician Rated (QIDS-C). The average scores at baseline on the HAM-D-17, the MADRS, the CGI-S, and the QIDS-C indicated that symptom severity was within or close to the scoring range used to classify conditions as severe or markedly ill (Table 2) (2232). At the end of the studies, severity scores had improved by an average of 35%±8% (improvements of 12.8±4.1, or 42%, on the HAM-D-17; 23.2±7.7, or 27%, on the MADRS; and 3.0±1.4, or 36%, on the CGI-S). Scores at the end of the studies were not reported for the QIDS-C.

Comorbid conditions

Comorbid conditions were relatively common among patients with treatment-resistant depression, as indicated in Table 1. Comorbid conditions included joint, limb, or back pain (73%); hypertension (67%); and dyslipidemia (61%) (33,34). Some psychiatric conditions, such as malaise or fatigue, anxiety, and personality disorder, were more prevalent among patients with treatment-resistant versus treatment-responsive depression (15,3337). Suicidal ideation was reported for 15%±8% of patients with treatment-resistant depression, 6% of patients with treatment-responsive depression, and 1% of the general population (33,38,39). Approximately 17%±6% of patients with treatment-resistant depression had a history of suicide attempt, with an average of 1.1±.2 prior suicide attempts each (8,15,33,3944).
Mortality rates (deaths per 1,000 patient-years) were similar among patients with treatment-resistant (46.2) and treatment-responsive (46.8) depression in a Medicare population and were about 4% lower than the rate for individuals in the general population (48.2). (33) No articles summarized associations between treatment-resistant depression and other outcomes, such as crime rates, incarceration, social services’ utilization, or caregivers’ quality of life.

Response and remission rates

Therapeutic options for treatment-resistant depression consisted of deep brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct-current stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, group psychoeducation, cognitive therapy, and a variety of drugs, most commonly lamotrigine, lithium, olanzapine, and venlafaxine. Sixteen studies reported rates of remission and response (Table 3) (8,9,17,38,4354). Response rates for different treatment groups varied between 0% and 80%, for an average of 36%±1%. Remission rates varied from 8% to 80%, for an average of 20%±1%. The lowest average response and remission rates were reported in the STAR*D trial: scores on the QIDS–Self-Report–16 indicated that only 15% and 10%, respectively, had responded to treatment or were in remission (8). One study found cognitive therapy to be effective; patients averaged a significant 9-point decline in the Beck Depression Inventory score, and 26% had a “sustained recovery” at 26 weeks (55).
Table 3 Rates of response and remission among patients with treatment-resistant depression, by studya
StudyRatingscalebLengthof study(weeks)N ofpatientsTreatment with lowest rate of response or remissionTreatment with highest rate of response or remissionResponse (%)Remission (%)
Inoue et al., 1996 (50)HAM-D-1766Bromocriptine 67     
Shelton et al., 2001 (51)MADRS834OlanzapineOlanzapine and fluoxetine25060   
Papakostas et al., 2003 (35)HAM-D-17692Nortriptyline; patients with comorbid avoidant personality disorderNortriptyline; patients without comorbid avoidant personality disorder421749   
Seidman et al., 2005 (49)HAM-D-17623PlaceboTestosterone2354   
Corya et al., 2006 (52)MADRS7483OlanzapineVenlafaxine (response); olanzapine and fluoxetine combination (remission)382550231430
Fava et al., 2006 (8)QIDS-SR-1614235MirtazapineNortriptyline15131710812
Fava et al., 2006 (8)HAM-D-1714235MirtazapineNortriptyline   161220
Doree et al., 2007 (46)HAM-D-17820LithiumQuetiapine655080604080
Doree et al., 2007 (46)MADRS820LithiumQuetiapine655080553080
Mahmoud et al., 2007 (48)HAM-D-176258PlaceboRisperidone3046251125
Schindler and Anghelescu, 2007 (45)HAM-D-17834LithiumLamotrigine474153211823
Avery et al., 2008 (17)MADRS9158Sham, then transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)Extended TMS403445251831
Avery et al., 2008 (17)MADRS6158Sham, then TMSExtended TMS352642161120
Avery et al., 2008 (17)HAM-D-246158Sham, then TMSExtended TMS373242221627
Avery et al., 2008 (17)HAM-D-249158Sham, then TMSExtended TMS393246291937
Bares et al., 2008 (9)MADRS425Venlafaxine 48     
Karp et al., 2008 (47)HAM-D-176.920Duloxetine 50     
Lozano et al., 2008 (53)HAM-D-172620Deep brain stimulation 60     
Lozano et al., 2008 (53)HAM-D-175220Deep brain stimulation 55  35  
Bewernick et al., 2010 (23)HAM-D-285211Deep brain stimulation 46  9  
Kopell et al., 2011 (44)HAM-D-289111Epidural cortical stimulation 46  36  
Taneja et al., 2012 (54)MADRS61,034Meta-analysis: antidepressant 302039   
Taneja et al., 2012 (54)MADRS6540Meta-analysis: aripiprazole with antidepressant 494160   
Taneja et al., 2012 (54)MADRS6309Meta-analysis: quetiapine 150 mg with antidepressant 342840   
Taneja et al., 2012 (54)MADRS6312Meta-analysis: quetiapine 300 mg with antidepressant 383244   
Taneja et al., 2012 (54)MADRS6200Meta-analysis: olanzapine and fluoxetine 453264   
Average±SD (weighted)c 6±20176±234  36±126±145±120±113±125±1
For studies that assessed only one treatment, the treatment is listed under lowest response or remission rate, and results are listed under average response or remission rates.
HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale; QIDS-SR, Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–Self-Report
Weighted by inverse-variance method. Excludes patients on placebo

Medication-related adverse events

Twenty-seven studies reported on the incidence of adverse events among patients with treatment-resistant depression. Rush and others (56) found that 53% of patients experienced at least one adverse event, of which 81% were mild or moderate. The most frequent mild or moderate drug-related adverse events were decreased sexual desire (33%), orgasmic dysfunction (26%), and blurred vision (15%). The most frequent severe drug-related adverse events were dissociative reactions (13%), ataxia (13%), mixed states (dysphoric mania or agitated depression) (10%), and tremor and nausea (10%). The most frequent procedure-related adverse events were swollen eye (55%), headache (38%), and erythema (36%); no severe procedure-related adverse events were reported. Only four studies that reported adverse events had a placebo arm. Adverse events that occurred in more than 5% of the placebo groups were blood pressure change (40%), headache (15%), dissociative reaction (in a study utilizing ketamine) (13%), and manic reaction (13%) (10,48,54,57).

Quality of life and costs

Quality-of-life data were taken from published models that used data sources ranging from reviews of prior literature to original trials (5863). The studies measured quality of life with a continuous scale, with 0 indicating death and 1 indicating perfect health. Average baseline scores were .552±.120 for patients with major depressive disorder (5861), .826±.065 for patients in remission (5963), .673±.031 for patients who responded to therapy without remission (61,62), and .417±.126 for patients who did not respond to therapy (6163). Adverse events caused a further loss of .01 to .12 quality-of-life units (59).
Five studies provided detailed information about annual per-patient costs for treatment-resistant depression, one from Medicare and four from databases of national employers and private payer claims (Table 4) (33,36,54,64,65). Annual claims for visits to a medical facility were relatively common among patients with treatment-resistant (N=28.3 claims) versus treatment-responsive depression (N=15.1 claims) (64). Fifty-two percent of patients with treatment-resistant depression were hospitalized over their lifetimes (39).
Table 4 Costs per patient-year for patients with treatment-resistant and treatment-responsive depression, by resource categorya
CategoryMSDbMedianLowestHighestN ofstudies
Treatment-resistant depression      
 Health care (direct costs)      
  Depression drugs2,6671,0263,7361,3467,5684
  Nondepression drugs2,5561412,5802,2162,9633
   Emergency care3921
   Nonpsychiatric medical care2,5087862,9862,2533,7192
   Psychiatric visits5933247904881,0922
  Physician visits4,8292,4313,3511,0855,6182
 Productivity (indirect costs)      
 Total direct and indirect costs20,120     
Treatment-responsive depression      
 Health care (direct costs)      
  Depression drugs8981625613859393
  Nondepression drugs1,407751,3691,0941,4223
   Emergency care2241
   Nonpsychiatric medical care1,4381191,4181,3321,5052
   Psychiatric visits992395791122
  Physician visits1,7081,8642,0216663,3762
 Productivity (indirect costs)      
 Total direct and indirect costs10,592     
Costs are for private payers and are reported in 2012 dollars.
An SD and other data were not reported when only one study provided results.
May include other costs that are not listed
Among private payers, the mean annual direct health care costs per patient for management of treatment-resistant depression ($13,196) were $5,481 higher than for management of treatment-responsive depression ($7,715) (Table 4) (36,64,65). These comparisons were from the same studies, so observed differences were not an artifact of sample heterogeneity. Annual direct medical costs for persons in the general population were $3,997 (64). Total costs in productivity per patient-year were $4,048 higher among patients with treatment-resistant depression ($6,924) than among patients with treatment-responsive depression ($2,876) (36,64) (Table 4). For the general population, annual productivity costs were $1,098 (64). The total annual direct and indirect costs per patient-year were $20,120 for patients with treatment-resistant depression and $10,592 for an age-matched population with treatment-responsive depression (Table 4) (36,64,65). These costs were $5,095 in the general population (64).
Annual direct medical costs among Medicare patients were $20,736 for patients with treatment-resistant depression, $14,098 for patients with treatment-responsive depression, and $10,380 in the general population of Medicare patients (33). These differences in cost in the Medicare population reinforce the considerable health care benefit that could be obtained from more effectively treating major depressive disorder.


Our review of literature shows that among the many burdens of patients with treatment-resistant depression, they experience only a 20% probability of achieving remission in the course of treatment, a 17% prevalence of prior suicide attempts, substantially lower quality-of-life scores than patients whose depression remits, and direct and indirect annual costs among private payers that are $9,529 higher than those of patients with treatment-responsive depression. Patients with treatment-resistant depression had 28.3 annual general medical visits, more than three times as many as the general population average of 8.7, whereas patients with treatment-responsive depression had less than twice as many annual general medical visits as the general population (64).
Although response and remission rates for patients with treatment-resistant depression varied widely among studies, average improvements on the CGI-S (36%), the HAM-D-17 (42%), and the MADRS (27%) were similar. The STAR*D study found particularly low rates of response (15%) and remission (10%), possibly because this study consisted of patients who did not respond to up to three well-monitored treatments, whereas many other studies used nonresponse to just one or two naturalistic treatments as their criterion for treatment resistance.
Among adults in the United States, the 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder in 2012 was 6.7% (3), or 16 million individuals. Assuming that 12% of these patients had treatment-resistant depression, which was the lowest estimate reported by studies in this review (64), a total of 1.9 million adults in the United States had treatment-resistant depression in 2012. If annual costs of treatment per patient-year for private payers totaled $20,120, as estimated, the total costs for treatment of this population in 2012 was $38 billion. Adding in the annual cost of treatment of the 14 million patients with treatment-responsive depression ($10,592 each; $148 billion total), the societal burden of major depressive disorder for the United States in 2012 was $188 billion. By comparison, the societal cost for cancer was $131 billion (66), and in 2007, the societal cost for diabetes in 2012 dollars was $173 billion (67).
Corey-Lisle and colleagues (64) stated that treatment resistance among patients with depression might actually be as high as 20%. When this higher estimate was used, the estimated societal burden of major depressive disorder in the United States reaches $200 billion per year and the burden of treatment-resistant depression alone reaches $64 billion per year. A prior study estimated that the societal cost of major depressive disorder was $124 billion per year, in 2012 dollars (2). This estimate may be lower than our estimate of $188–$200 billion because of temporal changes in unit service costs, for example, increasing wages, and the possible exclusion of costs for patient visits that were not reported as being primarily for depression (36,64).
The burden of major depression can also be calculated as an increase in costs above those of the general population. If 12% of patients with depression are resistant to therapy, the costs of depression above general population costs are $29 billion for patients with treatment-resistant depression, $77 billion for patients with treatment-responsive depression, and $106 billion for all major depression. If 20% of depressed patients are resistant to therapy, the estimated costs are $48 billion for patients with treatment-resistant depression, $70 billion for patients with treatment-responsive depression, and $118 billion for all major depression. Conversely, if 70% more patients respond to antidepressant therapy, the costs for the 3.6% of patients who remain treatment resistant would decrease to $8.6 billion, and costs for patients with treatment-responsive depression would be $84.3 billion. The aggregate $93 billion annual cost of major depression above general population costs would save $13 billion, a 12% reduction in the annual cost of treating all patients with major depressive disorder.
Gillum and colleagues (68) recently compared 29 common conditions and diseases in terms of incidence, prevalence, and disability-adjusted life years. Depression ranked first in populationwide burden by disability-adjusted life years. The next four most impactful conditions or disorders were injuries, ischemic heart disease, alcohol abuse, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. The low quality-of-life scores (.417 on a scale of 0 to 1) reported by patients with treatment-resistant depression who did not respond to therapy fell within the range of scores reported for metastatic cancer, chronic moderate-to-severe pain, or acquired blindness (20). Although these quality-of-life measures may be confounded by patients’ current mood and depressive symptoms (69), the estimates amount to one million quality-adjusted years lost due to treatment-resistant depression in the United States. Treatment-responsive depression accounts for an additional loss of more than 1.5 million quality-adjusted years.
The small numbers and heterogeneity that characterized the study populations and treatments described in the articles summarized here may limit the general applicability of some findings. For example, only a few studies included information about comorbid disorders and adverse events. Our summaries of the five studies that reported costs per patient-year for depression treatment and our extrapolation of the data to determine nationwide costs can be combined with results of future studies to more accurately calculate the monetary impact of treatment-resistant depression. Other limitations of this analysis included the heterogeneity of methods and the degree to which complete findings were reported, the relatively short periods of patient follow-up, and a focus primarily on clinical endpoints during follow-up.
The burden of treatment-resistant depression was likely underestimated because there is limited published research, or none at all, on the incidence of crime rates, incarceration, and use of social services among persons with depression and on costs and quality-of-life burden for family members and caregivers. The burden might also have been underestimated because we excluded studies with adolescent populations, which have similar prevalence rates for depression as adults but lower treatment rates (7072). Among patients with treatment-resistant depression, adolescents experienced a greater burden with regard to suicide attempts compared with adults, and their rate of substance use disorders (54%) was higher than the current (3%) and lifetime (18%) rates for adults (73).
In response to these challenges, personalized medicine technologies are finding increasing application in reducing the burden of major depression. One such approach, pharmacogenomics, matches the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of antidepressant medications to the genetic profile of individual patients. Pharmacogenomic test results can identify variability in psychiatric drug response and, when applied clinically, can increase antidepressant responses by 70% (7478). Identifying the right medication and dose for patients will shorten patients’ treatment odyssey, thereby decreasing the proportion that become treatment resistant. The resulting savings would diminish annual health expenditures and increase productivity. Psychiatric pharmacogenomics and other innovations may also improve the classification of major depressive disorder subtypes; define more individualized and earlier, potentially prodromal treatments; and reduce adverse event rates (79,80).


The studies reviewed here reveal that the personal and societal burdens of depression are disproportionately greater among patients who do not respond to antidepressant therapies. Contributory factors to this extra burden include more unsuccessful drug trials; more comorbid disorders, such as malaise, fatigue, and anxiety; and increases in suicidal ideation. The far greater personal financial burden of treatment resistance is likely to compound anxiety, depression, and comorbid disorders as financial hardships mount.
Despite multiple treatment options available to clinicians, treatment resistance remains highly prevalent and exacts a substantial toll on patients’ quality of life and on society. The burden of treatment-resistant depression is on a par with or is greater than that of other chronic conditions such as cancer and diabetes, yet depression ranks only 15th among conditions or disorders that receive National Institutes of Health research funds (68).
Improvements in technology are likely to diminish treatment resistance and mitigate its extra costs. These include pharmacogenomic tests that incorporate additional DNA variants and DNA methylation status; new medications that are based on nonmonoaminergic approaches, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism; and refinements in transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Disparities in care also need to be addressed so that innovations can achieve a broad societal impact. Certain racial or ethnic groups and unemployment are associated with underdetection of mental illness and inadequate mental health care access or quality (8184). Solutions include more social programs, better patient education, quality improvement programs, and increased resources for indigent care clinics (8184). Consistent processes for assessing regulatory and reimbursement implications of new therapeutic and diagnostic practices are also needed (79). Expanded treatment alternatives, augmented with pharmacogenomic decision support, have the potential to improve outcomes and help patients retain productive lives. Along with decreases in health care costs and increased global productivity, there is much to achieve—and expect—by decreasing the individual and societal burdens of treatment-resistant depression.

Acknowledgments and disclosures

This study was supported by Assurex Health through a research contract with Cedar Associates.
Dr. Mrazek developed intellectual property that was licensed by Assurex Health and received research funding from Assurex Health to create and maintain a bibliographic system designed to regularly curate scientific literature. The other authors report no competing interests.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material (977_ds001.pdf)


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Cover: Deep Cove Lobster Man, by N. C. Wyeth, ca. 1938. Oil on gessoed board (renaissance panel). Accession number 1939.16. Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Joseph E. Temple Fund.

Psychiatric Services
Pages: 977 - 987
PubMed: 24789696


Published in print: August 2014
Published online: 15 October 2014



David A. Mrazek, M.D.
At the time of this research, Dr. Mrazek, who is deceased, was with the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Hornberger and Ms. Degtiar are with Cedar Associates, L.L.C., Menlo Park, California. Dr. Hornberger is also with the Department of Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Dr. Altar is with Assurex Health, Mason, Ohio. Send correspondence to Dr. Hornberger (e-mail:
John C. Hornberger, M.D., M.S.
At the time of this research, Dr. Mrazek, who is deceased, was with the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Hornberger and Ms. Degtiar are with Cedar Associates, L.L.C., Menlo Park, California. Dr. Hornberger is also with the Department of Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Dr. Altar is with Assurex Health, Mason, Ohio. Send correspondence to Dr. Hornberger (e-mail:
C. Anthony Altar, Ph.D.
At the time of this research, Dr. Mrazek, who is deceased, was with the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Hornberger and Ms. Degtiar are with Cedar Associates, L.L.C., Menlo Park, California. Dr. Hornberger is also with the Department of Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Dr. Altar is with Assurex Health, Mason, Ohio. Send correspondence to Dr. Hornberger (e-mail:
Irina Degtiar, B.A., B.S.
At the time of this research, Dr. Mrazek, who is deceased, was with the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Hornberger and Ms. Degtiar are with Cedar Associates, L.L.C., Menlo Park, California. Dr. Hornberger is also with the Department of Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Dr. Altar is with Assurex Health, Mason, Ohio. Send correspondence to Dr. Hornberger (e-mail:

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