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In Memoriam
Published Online: 20 July 2001

In Memoriam

The deaths of the following APA members were reported to the Association between April 2000 and June 2001. Deceased members are remembered each year at APA’s Business Meeting, held in conjunction with the annual meeting.
Stanley E. Abbott, M.D.
Albert G. Abriel, M.D.
Mehmet Saban Akaydin, M.D.
Louis Chris Alikakos, M.D.
Henry G. Altman, M.D.
Louis Altman, M.D.
Giorgio Ambrosio, M.D.
Camilla M. Anderson, M.D.
Herbert Jack Apfelberg, M.D.
Harold W. Arlen, M.D.
Nolen L. Armstrong, M.D.
Ursula K. Arnsdorff, M.D.
William M. Asher, M.D.
Dorothy M. Baker, M.D.
Eugene J. Balcanoff, M.D.
Robert H. Barnes, M.D.
James W. Bartlett Jr., M.D.
Albert J. Baumann, M.D.
Alfred P. Bay, M.D.
Elizabeth C. Beach, M.D.
Alvin Becker, M.D.
Anne W. Becker, M.D.
Leopold Bellak, M.D.
William A. Bellamy, M.D.
Kathryn C. Bemmann, M.D.
Leo Robert Berberich, M.D.
Richard L. Berkey, M.D.
Leo H. Berman, M.D.
Ruth Virginia Berney, M.D.
Nathaniel Bernstein, M.D.
Harold E. Berson, M.D.
W. Robert Biddlestone, M.D.
Harrie Waldo Bird, M.D.
Sameul Baer Black, M.D.
Milford Blackwell, M.D.
Arnold S. Block, M.D.
Naomi Ruth Bluestone, M.D.
Herman F. Boerner Jr., M.D.
Frances Jones Bonner, M.D.
Sophie Bookhalter, M.D.
Gene Hanon Borowitz, M.D.
Sheldon Boruchow, M.D.
Murray Bower, M.D.
Alan R. Boyd, D.O.
L. Bryce Boyer, M.D.
Estelle P. Boynton, M.D.
Paul H. Brauer, M.D.
Robert A. Braun, M.D.
Kendall A. Breil, M.D.
George J. Breitbart, M.D.
Norman Q. Brill, M.D.
Robert Dewey Brittain Jr., M.D.
Charles M. Brody, M.D.
Walter Bromberg, M.D.
Robert D. Brookes, M.D.
Charles O. Brosius, M.D.
Jack Ross Brown, M.D.
Joseph G. Brown, M.D.
Morris Brozovsky, M.D.
Neil D. Buie, M.D.
David S. Burnet, M.D.
Harold J. Byron, M.D.
Burton Cahn, M.D.
Leah S. Campbell, M.D.
William A. Cantrell, M.D.
Murray S. Caplan, M.D.
Alexander Carlen, M.D.
Pietro Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M.D.
William N. Chambers, M.D.
Daniel Chansky, M.D.
Josephine M. Chapin, M.D.
Edward Peter Chappen, M.D.
Henry Lee Charles, M.D.
George J. Chase, M.D.
Dominick F. Chirico, M.D.
Harry Chovnick, M.D.
Carl W. Christensen, M.D.
Letizia C. Ciaramelli, M.D.
Robert A. Clark, M.D.
William G. Closson Jr., M.D.
Delphos Otto Coffman, M.D.
Julius G. Cohen, M.D.
R. Robert Cohen, M.D.
Kenneth Mark Colby, M.D.
Stephen Adams Cole, M.D.
Ilse Vivien Colett, M.D.
Mary P. S. Coley, M.D.
Jean H. Cooper, M.D.
Melbourne J. Cooper, M.D.
Oscar A. Cordoba, M.D.
Aris W. Cox, M.D.
Homer Chipman Curtis, M.D.
Michael Curtis, M.D.
Helen E. Daniells, M.D.
Eschol Eugene Davis, M.D.
Frederick H. Davis, M.D.
Charles P. De Minico, M.D.
Robert R. Deen, M.D.
Fernando Del Valle, M.D.
James G. Delano, M.D.
Herman C. B. Denber, M.D., Ph.D.
Nicholas Destounis, M.D.
William G. Dewhurst, M.D.
Gero Diels, M.D.
M. Nathalie Dillont, M.D.
Ellen M. Dolganos, M.D.
Stephen Mark Doran, M.D.
Monte Jan Dray, M.D.
Calvin S. Drayer, M.D.
Hyman Joseph Drell, M.D.
Richard B. Drooz, M.D.
Francis A. Dunsworth, M.D.
Arnold H. Eichert, M.D.
Edward W. Ellis, M.D.
Felice M. Emery, M.D.
Roy Lee Emken, M.D.
Marcus B. Emmons, M.D.
George L. Engel, M.D.
Leon J. Epstein, M.D., Ph.D.
Frederick A. Erskine, M.D.
George B. Ewing, M.D.
Marc Fahami, M.D.
Harry H. Farb, M.D.
Albert Fechner, M.D.
Samuel L. Feder, M.D.
Christa D. Fender, M.D.
Jane S. Ferber, M.D.
Hyman H. Fingert, M.D.
David J. Flicker, M.D.
Douglas E. Fogelman, M.D.
David Fong, M.D.
Roland Foraste, M.D.
Max Forman, M.D.
Colin L. Fox, M.D.
Margit Freund-Klemperer, M.D.
Morton Friedman, M.D.
John William Fries, M.D.
Charles O. Furniss, M.D.
Iago Galdston, M.D.
Morris D. Galinsky, M.D.
Alvaro Gallegos-Chacon, M.D.
Stanley G. Garner, M.D.
William F. Gibbs, M.D.
Lothar Gidro-Frank, M.D.
Margaret C. L. Gildea, M.D.
Nicolai Gioscia, M.D.
Gurston D. Goldin, M.D.
Irvin M. Golding, M.D.
Lothar Goldschmidt, M.D.
Glenn G. Golloway, M.D.
Daniel H. Golwyn, M.D.
Julian R. Gomez, M.D.
Alberto Gonzalez-Acevedo, M.D.
Gustave G. Gordon, M.D.
Warren F. Gorman, M.D.
Nina Bess Goss-Moffitt, M.D.
David I. Gottlieb, M.D.
Gary Jordan Grad, M.D.
John F. Gray Jr., M.D.
Herbert S. Greenspan, M.D.
Leon Groth, M.D.
William C. Groves, M.D.
William L. Gustafson Jr., M.D.
Samuel B. Guze, M.D.
Frank J. Haas, M.D.
Carmer Hadley, M.D.
Carl H. Hamann, M.D.
Frank H. Harris, M.D.
Joe Ben Hayes, M.D.
Max Hayman, M.D.
Robert G. Heath, M.D.
Bruce Edward Hedges, M.D.
Philip H. Heersema, M.D.
Alfred Allen Hellams, M.D.
Conrad Apgar Herr, M.D.
Julio H. Herrero, M.D.
Jan S. Herscovitz, M.D.
James Grayson Hill, M.D.
Lore Hirsch, M.D.
William F. Hoffmann III, M.D.
Leopold Hofstatter, M.D.
Robert E. Holland, M.D.
William L. Holt, M.D.
Lynwood M. Hopple, M.D.
Thomas L. Hoyt, D.O.
John J. Hsu, M.D.
Thomas J. Hurley, M.D.
George W. Jackson, M.D.
Stanley W. Jackson, M.D.
Mary Ebener Jenkins, M.D.
William C. Jenkins Jr., M.D.
Naraindas B. Jetmalani, M.D.
Joy Ruth Joffe, M.D.
Frank K. Johnson, M.D.
Carl H. Jonas, M.D.
Robert S. Jones, M.D.
Louis D. Kacalieff, M.D.
Ilse Kamm, M.D.
Norman W. Karr, M.D.
David M. Keedy, M.D.
William John Kenfield, M.D.
Emmet M. Kenney, M.D.
Judith S. Kestenberg, M.D.
Seymour S. Kety, M.D.
Ismet A. Khan, M.D.
C. Raymond Kiefer, M.D.
Byron Kilgore, M.D.
Peter D. King, M.D.
Helen M. Kipple, M.D.
Jeanne L. Kirkpatrick-Ghene, M.D.
Irving Klapp, M.D.
Edward W. Kloth, M.D.
Tadeusz Kmiecik, M.D.
Renate M. Kniffin, M.D.
Edward H. Knight, M.D.
Stephen Koladich, M.D.
Lawrence Koltonow, M.D.
Leon Konchegul, M.D.
Alan D. Kramer, M.D.
Selma Kramer, M.D.
Henry Kravitz, M.D.
Robert G. Kuehnert, M.D.
Manfred Kydan, M.D.
Jordan H. Lachman, M.D.
Jerald Paul Lane, M.D.
Leonard C. Lang, M.D.
Erich Laury, M.D.
Erna S. Laury, M.D.
Alvin K. Lavender, M.D.
James J. Lawton Jr., M.D.
Moon Chin Lee, M.D.
Mark Duane Lenger, M.D.
Robert J. Lentz, M.D.
Robert David Lerner, M.D.
Leonard I. Lesser, M.D.
Harry Levin, M.D.
Jeffrey Scott Levin, M.D.
Irving M. Levine, M.D.
Percival P. Levinson, M.D.
Bernard G. Levy, M.D.
Theodore Lidz, M.D.
Nina R. Lief, M.D.
Dominic Lim, M.D.
Charles W. Lindsay, M.D.
Robert Lippert, M.D.
Leslie P. Lipson, M.D.
William B. Long, M.D.
Harold N. Lubing, M.D.
T. John Lukens, M.D.
Young-Soon Lukoff, M.D.
John J. Macbride, M.D.
Frederic Maccabe Jr., M.D.
Thomas Maier, M.D.
J. Herbert Maltz, M.D.
Harry Mandell, M.D.
Joseph R. Manson, M.D.
Rudolf Otto Marburg, M.D.
Thomas A. March, M.D.
Andreas A. Marcotty, M.D.
David A. Marcus, M.D.
Samuel H. Marder, M.D.
Richard A. Markoff, M.D.
Ana R. Marrero, M.D.
Benton Hines Marshall, M.D.
Josephine D. Martin, M.D.
Peter A. Martin, M.D.
Walter Larry Martin, M.D.
Eugene Martinovsky, M.D.
Stanislaw A. Maslanka, M.D.
Stephen C. Mason III, M.D.
James Marion Mathias, M.D.
Arthur Conrad Matthews, M.D.
Youssef K. Mawardi, M.D.
Mark William Maxwell, M.D.
David J. Mc Clure, M.D.
Thomas Lee McConnell, M.D.
Thomas A. McCulloch, M.D.
William C. McKinney, M.D.
William K. McKnight, M.D.
Alan A. McLean, M.D.
Margaret C. McManamy, M.D.
Norman Dugan Meiss, M.D.
Peter Milton Mencher, M.D.
David L. Miller, M.D.
Raymond N. Miller, M.D.
Ellis Mischel, M.D.
Harold L. Mitchell, M.D.
John A. Mitchell, M.D.
Paul Michael Moffett, M.D.
John P. Mohair, M.D.
Julius V. Molnar, M.D.
Alberto L. Montes, M.D.
Donald Floyd Moore, M.D.
Thomas A. Morris Jr., M.D.
Thomas F. Morrow, M.D.
Charles Samuel Mullin, M.D.
John J. Mulvaney, M.D.
Bradford G. Murphey, M.D.
Joseph F. Murphy Jr., M.D.
Rosalind E. Murray, M.D.
Paul G. Myerson, M.D.
Raymond Nadell, M.D.
Venkat Rama Naidu, M.D.
Max Needleman, M.D.
Elaine Davidson Nemzer, M.D.
Robert M. Newhouse, M.D.
Bernard I. Newman, M.D.
C. Janet Newman, M.D.
George L. Nichols, M.D.
Kenneth C. Nickel, M.D.
Victoria Nicolau, M.D.
Patrick F. O’Connell, M.D.
Edward M. Ohaneson, M.D.
Gerald B. Olch, M.D.
Michael V. Osborn, M.D.
Retus W. Osborn III, M.D.
Larry James Otterness, M.D.
Louis Padovano, M.D.
Richard R. Parlour, M.D.
Carroll E. Parrish, M.D.
George E. Peatick, M.D.
Richard P. Perrault, M.D.
Helen Joyce Perrin, M.D.
John B. Peschau Jr., M.D.
Isadore D. Peters, M.D.
Norvell Louis Peterson Sr., M.D.
William W. Pike, M.D.
Irving Pine, M.D.
Harvey Pirofsky, M.D.
Ivan G. Podobnikar, M.D.
W. Ray Poindexter, M.D.
Pio Albert Pol, M.D.
Anna M. Polcino, M.D.
Albert A. Politis, M.D.
Samuel Louis Pollock, M.D.
Seymour C. Post, M.D.
Douglas F. Powers, M.D.
Norbert Preminger, M.D.
Stanley E. Prentice, M.D.
Deborah Ann Price, M.D.
Clifton Lee Quinn, M.D.
Francisco J. Quintana, M.D.
Sherwin S. Radin, M.D.
John D. Rainer, M.D.
David L. Raphling, M.D.
James E. Rappa, M.D.
David Raskin, M.D.
Raymond Lewis Rau, M.D.
Albert I. Reiser, M.D.
George A. Reynolds, M.D.
Leon Reznikoff, M.D.
John W. Rhinehart, M.D.
Richard Ribner, M.D.
Delilah Riemer, M.D.
Arthur F. Ritchey, M.D.
Alvin L. Robins, M.D.
Gregory Rochlin, M.D.
Nicholas L. Rock, M.D.
David W. Rodgin, M.D.
Edward P. Roemer, M.D.
Linus B. Root, M.D.
Kenneth Paul Rosen, M.D.
H. Michael Rosow, M.D.
Michael B. Rothenberg, M.D.
Elizabeth Rozsa, M.D.
Jesse Rubin, M.D.
Maurice B. Ruland, M.D.
Dennis F. Rupel, M.D.
Andrew Jack Ryan, M.D.
Margaret Ann Ryan, M.D.
Charles F. Samelson, M.D.
Maria Sarrigiannis, M.D.
Victor Paul Satinsky, M.D.
John R. Saunders, M.D.
John B. Sawyer, M.D.
W. Peter Sax, M.D.
Donald W. Schafer, M.D.
Nathan S. Schlezinger, M.D.
Louis Schneidman, M.D.
Charles C. Schober, M.D.
Calvin E. Schorer, M.D.
Sydney O. Schroeder, M.D.
Quinton D. Schubmehl, M.D.
Franklin P. Schuster Jr., M.D.
Barry Jay Schwartz, M.D.
Lester Schwartz, M.D.
Jack L. Scobey, M.D.
Harry Seagal, M.D.
Arthur L. Seale, M.D.
Henry A. Segal, M.D.
Morey M. Segal, M.D.
Leo L. Sell, M.D.
Robert L. Sharoff, M.D.
Vernon H. Sharp, M.D.
James T. Shelton, M.D.
Walter W. Shervington, M.D.
John C. Shields, M.D.
Jay Shorr, M.D.
Antonina Sidorowicz, M.D.
William Einar Sigurdson, M.D.
Doris H. Silverberg, M.D.
Alexander Silverstein, M.D.
Charles E. Simmons, M.D.
John L. Simon, M.D.
Morris A. Sklansky, M.D.
Charles B. Smith, M.D.
Charles E. Smith Jr., M.D.
David H. Smith, M.D.
Julius S. Smith, M.D.
Max M. Smith, M.D.
Maxwell H. Soll, M.D.
H. Gladys Spear, M.D.
Harvey R. St. Clair, M.D.
Hans W. Standow, M.D.
James Starrels, M.D.
W. David Steed, M.D.
Martin Howard Stein, M.D.
Martin Steiner, M.D.
Robert B. Stevenson, M.D.
Mark A. Stewart, M.D.
Alan Stoudemire, M.D.
Clive L. Strauss, M.D.
Charles O. Sturdevant, M.D.
Ralph M. Sutherland, M.D.
Elliott H. Sweetser, M.D.
Martin Symonds, M.D.
Joseph D. Teicher, M.D.
Thomas Thale, M.D.
John B. Thomas, M.D.
Robert E. Thomas, M.D.
Oscar William Thomsen Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Kathleen Ann Thomsen Hall, M.D.
Ellis E. Toney, M.D.
Povl W. Toussieng, M.D.
Kenneth F. Tucker, M.D.
Guy N. Turcotte, M.D.
Michael Edwin Twente, M.D.
Joe Earle Tyler, M.D.
Catherine Lim Uymatiao, M.D.
Alexander L. Van Daele, M.D.
Hewitt I. Varney, M.D.
Nicholas F. Vincent, M.D.
George Volow, M.D.
Karl O. Von Hagen, M.D.
Raymond W. Waggoner Sr., M.D.
Abraham L. Waldman, M.D.
Stephen D. Ward, M.D.
Silas L. Warner, M.D.
Robert W. Webb, M.D.
Maxwell N. Weisman, M.D.
David Weisselberger, M.D.
Walter Horry Wellborn Jr., M.D.
Rita Wetton, M.D.
Reginald P. White, M.D.
Leon J. Whitsell, M.D.
Charles P. Wilson, M.D.
Joseph L. Witkowski, M.D.
Theodore M. Wolff, M.D.
Roy Worthen, M.D.
George J. Wright Jr., M.D.
Glenn E. Wright, M.D.
Stanley F. Yolles, M.D.
Shao-Chen Yu, M.D.
Murat L. Zagoloff, M.D.
Robert H. Zahm, M.D.
Michael R. Zales, M.D.
Clifford John Zeiss, M.D.
Visvaldis Ziedins, M.D.
Alfred M. Zitani Sr., M.D.

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Published online: 20 July 2001
Published in print: July 20, 2001


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