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Annual Meeting
Published Online: 16 February 2001

Preliminary Program: Thursday May 10

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Industry-Supported Symposia
IS40. Clinical Challenges in Anxiety (Part 2) Supported by Pfizer Inc.
A. Clinical Challenges: Anxiety and Substance Abuse Kathleen T. Brady, M.D.
B. PTSD: Phenomenology and Treatment Approaches Naomi M. Simon, M.D.
C. Integrated Psychosocial Strategies With Pharmacotherapy Michael W. Otto, Ph.D.
IS41. A New Era for Managing Psychosis: Rebuilding Lives for Patients and Families (Part 2) Supported by Janssen Pharmaceutica
A. Consumer Organizations Improve Medication Compliance Ira D. Glick, M.D.
B. Enhancing Outcomes With Atypical Antipsychotics: Weight, Akathisia, Affect, and Insight S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.
IS42. Treatment of Depression in Women: From Acute Remission to Sustained Recovery (Part 2) Supported by Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
A. The Neuroendocrinology of Maternal Depression and Stress During Pregnancy Donald J. Newport, M.D.
B. Role of Hormonal Therapies for Depressed Perimenopausal Women Hadine Joffe, M.D.
IS43. Depression: Gender, Age, and Special Populations (Part 2) Supported by Eli Lilly and Company
A. Depression and the Treatment-Resistant Patient Richard Shelton, M.D.
B. The Depressed Patient With Comorbid Illness Wayne J. Katon, M.D.
7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Registration/Course Enrollment Open
8 a.m.-Noon
CME Courses 95-99
9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Discussion Groups
22. Silvia Hafliger, M.D., on Hepatitis C: What Every Psychiatrist Needs to Know
23. Linda L.M. Worley, M.D., on Life Balance as a Psychiatrist. . .Easier Said Than Done!
L22. Gut Sensation: Serotonin and Brain-Bowel Crosstalk: Michael Gershon, Ph.D., Frontiers of Science Lecture Series
L23. Why We Will Spend Most of Our Time in Virtual Reality in the 21st Century: Ray Kurzweil
Master Education Clinical Consultations
18. Howard J. Osofsky, M.D., on BPD: Considerations of the Cultural Context in Evaluation and Treatment (Open to APA members only.)
19. Don R. Lipsitt, M.D., on Patients Who Somatize (Open to APA members only.)
20. Nyapati R. Rao, M.D., on Crucial Issues in Training of International Medical Graduates as Psychiatrists (Open to APA members only.)
Component Workshops
CW46. Responses to the Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health APA Council on Psychiatric Services, American Association for Social Psychiatry, American Association of Community Psychiatrists, and American Orthopsychiatric Association Co-Chairpersons: Zebulon C. Taintor, M.D., and Kenneth S. Thompson, M.D.
CW47. Finding Common Ground: Gays and Lesbians Together APA New York County District Branch’s Committee on Gay and Lesbian Issues Co-Chairpersons: Steven T. Wozniak, M.D., and Julie K. Schulman, M.D.
CW48. Risk Management Issues in Psychiatric Practice APA Psychiatrists’ Purchasing Group Inc. Co-Chairpersons: Alan I. Levenson, M.D., and Ellen R. Fischbein, M.D.
CW49. The Use of Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids in HIV Disease APA Commission on AIDS Chairperson: Marshall Forstein, M.D.
CW50. Treatment of Child and Adolescent Victims of Crime: New Guidelines From California APA Committee on Family Violence and Sexual Abuse Co-Chairpersons: Graeme Hanson, M.D., and Michele Winterstein, Ph.D.
CW51. Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Quality Indicators: APA Initiatives APA Council on Quality Improvement Chairperson: Sara C. Charles, M.D.
CW52. Psychiatric Discharge in the Criminal Justice System APA Consortium on Special Delivery Settings Chairperson: Cassandra F. Newkirk, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW97. Mobile Computing in Psychiatry With Personal Digital Assistants Chairperson: John Luo, M.D.
IW98. Domestic Violence in the Psychiatric Emergency Department Chairperson: Satyanarayana Chandragiri, M.D.
IW99. Mental Health in a Jail Chairperson: Ole J. Thienhaus, M.D.
IW100. Prospering: Market Dynamics in the New Political Crucible Chairperson: Stuart B. Silver, M.D.
IW101. Teaching Psychopharmacology to Residents Using Evidence-Based Algorithms Chairperson: David N. Osser, M.D.
IW102. If Therapy Is Needed but Not Available, What Should We Do? Chairperson: Theodor Bonstedt, M.D.
IW103. Implementing Outpatient Commitment in New York City: A Forensic Perspective Co-Chairpersons: A. Sasha Bardey, M.D., and Deborah S. Rose, Psy.D.
IW104. Memory Screening Program for Community-Dwelling Elders: A Practical Approach Co-Chairpersons: Janet M. Lawrence, M.D., and Donald A. Davidoff, Ph.D.
IW105. Administrative Psychiatry: How to Prepare to Meet the Challenge Chairperson: Paul Rodenhauser, M.D.
IW106. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training for Residents: How to Teach, Measure, and Attain Resident Competency Chairperson: Donna M. Sudak, M.D.
IW107. How to Give a More Effective Lecture: Pith, Punch, and Polish Chairperson: Phillip J. Resnick, M.D.
IW108. Biobehavioral Integration of Addiction Treatment Chairperson: Richard J. Frances, M.D.
IW109. Achieving Comprehensive Care for Chronically Suicidal Individuals Chairperson: Ian C. Dawe, M.D.
IW110. Teaching the Clinical Essentials: The Role of the Psychiatrist Chairperson: David C. Lindy, M.D.
IW111. The Importance of Psychiatric Management for Inpatient Care and Treatment Chairperson: Roger Peele, M.D.
IW112. Group Psychotherapy With Substance Abusers American Group Psychotherapy Association Co-Chairpersons: David W. Brook, M.D., and Henry I. Spitz, M.D.
IW113. Asperger’s Disorder: From Quandary to Quagmire Chairperson: Donna L. Londino, M.D.
IW114. Psychiatric Disability: The Role of Psychiatric Assessment Chairperson: Edward A. Volkman, M.D.
IW115. Personal and Interpersonal Difficulties in Organizational Settings Chairperson: Stewart Gabel, M.D.
IW116. Stress Disability Assessment and Compensation Seeking: Elusive Truth Chairperson: Landy F. Sparr, M.D.
IW117. Strategies for Promoting Collaborative Research in Developing Countries Co-Chairpersons: Victoria E. Wells, M.D., and Lawson R. Wulsin, M.D.
IW118. Oxymoron: Fine University and So-So Public Care Co-Chairpersons: Karl S. Burgoyne, M.D., and Milton H. Miller, M.D.
IW119. Multisystemic Therapy: Integrating Psychiatry Co-Chairpersons: Debbie R. Carter, M.D., and Erica Viggiano, M.S.W.
IW120. Community Reintegration for Severely Mentally Ill Patients Leaving Jail Co-Chairpersons: Thomas A. Klotz, M.D., and Brock H. Summers, M.D.
9 a.m-11 a.m.
Media Session
Session 28. The Secrets of Longevity
49. How to Live to Be 100
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
CME Courses 100-102
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Discussion Group
24. Laura W. Roberts, M.D., on Evidence-Based Ethics Issues in Psychiatry
25. Ann E. Norwood, M.D., on My Experiences as a Military Psychiatrist (For Residents Only)
Master Education Clinical Consultation
21. Malkah T. Notman, M.D., on Gender Issues in Psychotherapy: When Are They Important and What to Do About Them (Open to APA members only.)
Media Session
Session 29. Living and Dying
50. The Andre Show
51. At Death’s Door
Medical Update 4.Timothy G. Hammond, M.B., on Generation Bioproducts and Drug Testing Modalities Developed Using Studies in Space
Research Consultation 3.Anita L.H. Clayton, M.D., on Sexual Dysfunction
Scientific and Clinical Report Sessions
Session 33. Promotion of Mental Health
98. Popular Health Advice: A Historical Survey Laura D. Hirshbein, M.D.
99. A Systematic Review of Screening for Depression in Primary Care Bradley N. Gaynes, M.D.
100. Medical Students’ Mental and Physical Health Promotion: A North American School Survey Evelyn S. Stewart, M.D.
Session 34. Psychic and Somatic Issues in Psychiatry
101. Overweight Status of Parents: A Longitudinal Study of Offspring Adiposity Debra L. Safer, M.D.
102. Integrating Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology in the Treatment of Migraines Scott M. Davis, M.D.
103. Unremitting Depression: Cingulate Dysfunction and the Cleft-Self on Trial Leo I. Jacobs, M.D.
Session 35. Issues in Psychopharmacology
104. Prolactin Levels in Patients Taking Risperidone and Ziprasodone Jambur V. Ananth, M.D.
105. A Placebo-Controlled, Long-Term Trial of Methylphenidate in the Treatment of Adults With ADHD Paul H. Wender, M.D.
106. Use of Intravenous Lorazepam in Patients With Catatonia-Like Syndromes Ramaswamy Viswanathan, M.D.
Session 36. Forensics
107. Schizophrenia and Mass Homicide: Who, What, and Why From Case Histories Michael M. Welner, M.D.
108. Behavioral Treatment of the Aggressive Mentally Ill Inmate Robert L. Trestman, M.D.
109. Disability Evaluations in the U.S. Air Force David M. Walker, M.D.
Session 37. Mood Disorders and Reproductive Issues
110. A Simple Screen to Identify Postpartum Major Depression Kathleen S. Peindl, Ph.D.
111. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Antepartum Depression: A Controlled Trial Margaret G. Spinelli, M.D.
112. Diminished Prolactin Secretion and Response to Fluoxetine Treatment Roy H. Perlis, M.D.
Session 38. Suicide and the Life Cycle
113. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Suicidal Behavior in BPD Paul H. Soloff, M.D.
114. Multiplicity of Suicide Attempts in Bipolar Disorder Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.
115. Suicidal Youth With First Emergency Room Presentations: Six-Month Outcome Predictions Ian G. Manion, Ph.D.
Session 39. Patient and Physician Autonomy
116. Managed Care and Malpractice Liability Today Eugene L. Lowenkopf, M.D.
117. Parity Disparity: Mental Health Insurance Coverage Decision Making Bentson H. McFarland, M.D.
118. The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Autonomy, Gender, and Preferred Physician Style Kalman J. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Session 40. Women’s Health Issues
119. Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Health of Multi-Ethnic Midlife Women Joyce T. Bromberger, Ph.D.
120. Topiramate in PMDD Mohammad Z. Hussain, M.D.
121. Verapamil Effectiveness in Women With Bipolar Disorder Katherine L. Wisner, M.D.
Component Workshops
CW53. Coping With Medical Illness APA Committee on Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Primary Care Education Chairperson: Francisco Fernandez, M.D.
CW54. More Alive Than Dead: Changing Strategies in HIV Psychotherapy APA New York County District Branch’s AIDS Committee Co-Chairpersons: Kristina Jones, M.D., and Kenneth B. Ashley, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW121. Should Substance Abuse Treatment Be Coerced? Chairperson: Mitchell S. Rosenthal, M.D.
IW122. Mind Meets Brain in Practice: The McLean Multidisciplinary Neuropsychiatric Consultation Service Chairperson: Bruce Price, M.D.
IW123. Community Meetings on an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit Co-Chairpersons: Christopher L. Lange, M.D., and John C. Bradley, M.D.
IW124. Integrating Behavioral Health With Primary Care Through Disease Management Co-Chairpersons: Arthur L. Lazarus, M.D., and David S. Brody, M.D.
IW125. Career Advancement for Women Psychiatrists: The Role of Mentorship Co-Chairpersons: Anu A. Matorin, M.D., and Sandra Sexson, M.D.
IW126. Subjectivity: Crucial Key to the Therapeutic Alliance Chairperson: Vincenzo R. Sanguineti, M.D.
IW127. Leadership in Organizational Transitions Chairperson: Stewart Gabel, M.D.
IW128. Mind and Brain Do Not Need to Be Integrated if We Don’t Segregate Them in the First Place Chairperson: Michael A. Schwartz, M.D.
IW129. Hallucinogens: Illicit Use, Religious Use, and Current Psychiatric Research Co-Chairpersons: Charles S. Grob, M.D., and John H. Halpern, M.D.
IW130. Rehabilitation Education: International Comparisons Chairperson: Zebulon C. Taintor, M.D.
IW131. Crimes of Infamy: Personal Insights Chairperson: Phillip J. Resnick, M.D.
Noon-1:30 p.m.
9. Mental Illness: Surgeon General’s Report on Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Chairperson: Carl C. Bell, M.D.
Noon-2 p.m.
New Research Poster Session 10
12:30 p.m.-2 p.m.
Media Program
Session 30. Coming Out: A Struggle for Acceptance
52. Looking for Common Ground
53. Summer in My Veins
2 p.m.-5 p.m.
S90. Management of Schizophrenia With Comorbid Disorders
A. Management of Schizophrenia With Depression Samuel G. Siris, M.D.
B. Management of Schizophrenia With Anxiety Disorders Michael Y. Hwang, M.D.
C. Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse Douglas M. Ziedonis, M.D.
D. Clinical Management of Persistent Aggressive Behavior in Schizophrenia Leslie L. Citrome, M.D.
E. Long-Term Outcome: Influence of Comorbid Conditions Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D.
S91. When a Substance Abuser Presents in Your Office: What Do You Do?
A. Inpatient Versus Outpatient Treatment for Abuse: A Reexamination Laura F. McNicholas, M.D.
B. The Dually Diagnosed Patient Richard N. Rosenthal, M.D.
C. Evaluation and Treatment of the Cocaine-Dependent Patient Roger D. Weiss, M.D.
D. The Initial Evaluation of Substance Use in Adolescents Joyce A. Tinsley, M.D.
E. Family and Social Support: Network Therapy Marc Galanter, M.D.
S92. Treatments Reducing Personality Dysfunction Association for Research in Personality Disorders
A. Drug Treatment of Personality Disorder Traits James H. Reich, M.D.
B. The Interrupted Career Group Elsa F. Ronningstam, Ph.D.
C. Treating Emotional Dysregulation John Livesley, M.D.
D. Treatment of a Personality Disorder Associated With Trauma David P. Bernstein, Ph.D.
E. An Independent, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Dialectical Behavior Clive J. Robins, Ph.D.
S93. Social Anxiety in Schizophrenia Assessment and Treatment
A. A Comparison of Social Anxiety Symptom Patterns in Schizophrenia and Social Anxiety Disorder Robert G. Stern, M.D.
B. Schizophrenia With Comorbid Social Phobia: Epidemiology and Service Use William E. Narrow, M.D.
C. Treating Social Anxiety in Schizophrenia: A Group-Based Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Approach David Castle, M.D.
D. Social Anxiety and Premorbid Personality in Schizophrenic Patients Treated With Clozapine Stefano Pallanti, M.D.
E. Interpersonal Sensitivity, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Insight Into Illness in Psychotic Patients Stefano Pini, M.D.
S94. Clinical Applications of Cultural Psychiatry
A. Cultural Issues in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Jon M. Streltzer, M.D.
B. Culture and Addiction Joseph J. Westermeyer, M.D.
C. Cultural Aspects of Geriatric Psychiatry Iqbal Ahmed, M.D.
D. Cultural Psychiatry on Inpatient Units: The Ethnic/Minority Programs at the University of California at San Francisco/San Francisco General Hospital Francis G. Lu, M.D.
E. Ethnic/Cultural Considerations for Psychopharmacotherapy Keh-Ming Lin, M.D.
F. Culture and Practice of Psychotherapy Wen-Shing Tseng, M.D.
S95. The Difficult-to-Treat Psychiatric Patient
A. The Difficult-to-Treat Patient With Eating Disorders Katherine A. Halmi, M.D.
B. The Difficult-to-Treat Patient With PTSD Randall D. Marshall, M.D.
C. The Difficult-to-Treat Patient With Bipolar Disorder Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D.
S96. Bipolar Depression
A. Bipolar Depression: Phenomenology and Diagnosis Hagop S. Akiskal, M.D.
B. The Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder L. Trevor Young, M.D.
C. Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Depression Russell T. Joffe, M.D.
D. ECT in Bipolar Disorders Charles H. Kellner, M.D.
S97. Psychiatric Practice in Prison
A. Psychiatrists Inside Prison: The Lay of the Land Lee H. Rome, M.D.
B. Do Mentally Ill Criminals Belong in Prison? James E. Dillon, M.D.
C. Existential and Spiritual Issues for People in Prison Fleet W. Maull, M.A.
D. Correctional Health Care Standards: A Historical Review and Recent Developments Jeffrey L. Metzner, M.D.
E. Treatment, Training, and Clinical Studies in a Prison-Based Mental Health Unit Richard S. Jackson, M.D.
S98. Reducing Duration of Untreated First Psychosis: The Treatment and Intervention in Psychosis Study (TIPS)
A. Early Detection and Intervention: Rationale Thomas H. McGlashan, M.D.
B. Does Duration of Untreated Psychosis Bias Schizophrenia Study Samples? Per Vaglum, M.D.
C. Reducing Duration of Untreated Psychosis: The TIPS Historical Control Study Tor K. Larsen, M.D.
D. TIPS Study: Duration of Untreated Psychosis and Baseline Clinical Severity in First-Episode Psychosis Ingrid Melle, M.D.
E. TIPS: Stability of Cognitive Functioning in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis Stein Opjordsmoen, M.D.
F. TIPS: First-Episode Psychosis Diagnostic Stability Over One Year Ulrik Haahr, M.D.
S99. Toward a Neurobiology of Dissociation
A. Dissociation and Child Development Frank W. Putnam Jr., M.D.
B. Dissociation, Childhood Abuse, and Heart Rate in Delinquent Youths Cheryl Koopman, Ph.D.
C. Depersonalization: HPA Axis Dysregulation and Association Cortex Dysfunction Daphne Simeon, M.D.
D. Neural Responses to Emotional Expressions in Depersonalization Mary L. Phillips, M.D.
E. Psychopharmacologic Insights Into Dissociation John H. Krystal, M.D.
S100. Stability Versus Change in Personality Traits and Disorders: A Developmental View
A. Linking Childhood Personality With Maladaptation Across Time Rebecca L. Shiner, Ph.D.
B. Change in Personality Disorder Symptoms Between Adolescence and Adulthood Jeffrey G. Johnson, Ph.D.
C. The Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders: Predictors of Change, Hints About Mechanism Mark F. Lenzenweger, Ph.D.
D. Two-Year Stability of Personality Disorder Criteria M. Tracie Shea, Ph.D.
E. Personality Stability/Change and the Natural Course of Axis II Personality Disorders Paul T. Costa, Ph.D.
S101. Bulimia Nervosa: Recent Research Findings in Biology and Treatment
A. Binge Eating, Mood Regulation, and 5HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa David C. Jimerson, M.D.
B. Eating Disorders: Genes or Jeans? Walter H. Kaye, M.D.
C. Psychobiology of Satiety in Bulimia Nervosa B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.
D. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Pharmacotherapy in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa Allan S. Kaplan, M.D.
E. New Treatment Approaches for Bulimia Nervosa James E. Mitchell, M.D.
S102. BPD: Integrating Mind and Body
A. Heterogeneity Within BPD John M. Oldham, M.D.
B. Emotion, Motivation, and the Borderline Personality: A Neurobiology Perspective Regina Pally, M.D.
C. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on BPD John F. Clarkin, Ph.D.
D. Cultural Perspectives on the Borderline Personality Leslie A. Horton, M.D.
S103. Integrating Clinical Research With Clinical Practice: National Institute of Mental Health Effectiveness Trials
A. National Institute of Mental Health Approaches to Intervention Trials Barry D. Lebowitz, Ph.D.
B. The Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder Gary S. Sachs, M.D.
C. Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR * D) A. John Rush, M.D.
D. Effectiveness Trials of Antipsychotic Drugs Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
S104. New Antidepressants: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
A. Unmet Need: What Justifies the Search for a New Antidepressant? John F. Greden, M.D.
B. Methodological Challenges in the Study of New Antidepressants John H. Greist, M.D.
C. Is There Room to Improve Monoamine-Based Therapies? Mark A. Demitrack, M.D.
D. Beyond Monoamine-Based Therapies: Clues to New Approaches Phil Skolnick, Ph.D.
S105. Changing Perspectives for Psychiatric Diagnosis: Implications for Therapeutic Innovation
A. Alzheimer Disease Subsyndromes Peter V. Rabins, M.D.
B. Psychiatric Syndromes in Alzheimer’s Disease: Cause or Effect? Brian Lalor, M.D.
C. FDA Perspective: Psychiatric Syndromes in Alzheimer’s Disease Thomas P. Laughren, M.D.
D. Development of Psychiatric Treatments: Industry Challenges and Opportunities Alan F. Breier, M.D.
E. Shifting Paradigms: Promoting Research Jason T. Olin, Ph.D.
F. Policy and Psychopharmacology: A Collaboration Paradigm That Meets Public Health Needs Rick A. Martinez, M.D.
S106. How Psychiatry Defines Evil
A. Psychiatry’s Efforts to Define and Understand Evil Michael M. Welner, M.D.
B. Personality and Evil: Psychiatric Understanding Michael H. Stone, M.D.
C. Psychological Testing and Evil Bruce Ebert, Ph.D.
D. The Depravity Scale: Development and Potential in Assessment Michael M. Welner, M.D.

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Go to Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News
Pages: 60 - 68


Published online: 16 February 2001
Published in print: February 16, 2001


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