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Preliminary Program
Published Online: 15 February 2002

Preliminary Program: Tuesday May 21

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Industry-Supported Breakfast Symposia
IS25. Clinical Challenges in Depression (Part 2) Supported by GlaxoSmithKline
A. Can Long-Term Outcome Be Improved in Depression? The Role of Side Effects and Compliance Prakash S. Masand, M.D.
B. Helping Patients With Sexual Dysfunction During Antidepressant Treatment Lori Calabrese, M.D.
IS26. Novel Antipsychotic Drugs: Advances in the Treatment of Psychotic Spectrum Disorders (Part 2) Supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
A. The Role of Antipsychotics in Acute Mania John M. Zajecka, M.D.
B. Clinical Challenges in Managing Psychosis in the Elderly Dilip V. Jeste, M.D.
IS27. Antipsychotic Pharmacotherapy and the Hippocratic Oath: Above All Do No Harm (Part 2) Supported by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
A. Avoiding Neuroendocrine Disruptions With Atypical Antipsychotic Agents David C. Henderson, M.D.
B. Emerging Bioethical Issues in Antipsychotic Pharmacotherapy: Do Unto Others Henry A. Nasrallah, M.D.
IS28. Understanding Sleep Medicine: What the Psychiatrist Needs to Know (Part 2) Supported by Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
A. Sleep, Safety, and Public Policy Mark R. Rosekind, Ph.D.
B. Innovative Strategies in the Management of Insomnia Karl Doghramji, M.D.
IS29. One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Depression Therapies for the 21st Century (Part 2) Supported by Eli Lilly and Company
A. Depression and Substance Use Kathleen T. Brady, M.D.
B. Adapting Psychotherapies to a Patient’s Individual Needs Ellen Frank, Ph.D.
C. Putting the Pieces Together: Treatments for the Present and Future David L. Dunner, M.D.
IS30. Breaking the Silence of Children’s Mental Illness: National Initiatives, Early Detection, and New Pharmacotherapies (Part 2) Supported by Janssen Pharmaceutica
A. Antipsychotic Pharmacotherapy in Children and Adolescents: What Is the Evidence for Long-Term Safety? Robert L. Findling, M.D.
B. Parenting Children With Mental Disorders: Partnering With Clinicians Ellen Kingsley, M.A.
7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration/Course Enrollment Open
8 a.m.-Noon
CME Courses 57-64
9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Clinical Case Conference 2. Robert J. Boland, M.D., and Colin J. Harrington, M.D., on Depression in the Medical Setting Revisited: The Problem of the Depressive Spectrum Disorders (Open to APA members only.)
Resolved: Political Correctness Has No Place in Medicine
Moderator: Patricia I. Ordorica, M.D.
Affirmative: Sally L. Satel, M.D.
Negative: Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D.
Discussion Groups
10. Carol A. Bernstein, M.D., on Surviving Residency: Perspectives From the Training Office
11. Silvia Hafliger, M.D., on Living Organ Donation: Psychiatric Aspects and Ethical Dilemmas for Donor and Recipient
12. Paula T. Trzepacz, M.D., on Delirium: Phenomenology, Neuropathogenesis, and Treatment Interrelationships
13. Stuart C. Yudofsky, M.D., on Neuropsychiatry and the Future of Psychiatry (Meet the Authors)
14. Robert I. Simon, M.D., and Daniel W. Shuman, M.D., on Retrospective Assessment of Mental States in Litigation: Predicting the Past (Meet the Authors)
L8. You Are 24 and You Have What? Mary Jane Massie, M.D., Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture Series
L9. Title to Be Determined James P. Comer, M.D., APA’s Benjamin Rush Award Lecture
L10. Title to Be Determined
Master Educator Clinical Consultations
5. Kenneth Z. Altshuler, M.D., on the Psychotherapies: Do Similarities Outweigh Differences? (Open to APA members only.)
6. Lisa A. Mellman, M.D., on Brief Dynamic Therapy: for the Patient or for Managed Care? (Open to APA members only.)
Media Sessions
Session 10. Planetary Pressures
13. Six Billion and Beyond
Session 11. Up Close and Personal
14. Slippery Blisses
15. Personal Space: Exploring Human Proxemics
Component Workshops
CW19. Health Care Legislation: The Role for the 21st-Century Black Psychiatrist APA Committee of Black Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: Michelle O. Clark, M.D., Lishan Workeneh, M.D.
CW20. How to Launch a Successful Private Practice: Part I APA Committee of Early Career Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: William E. Callahan Jr., M.D., Keith W. Young, M.D.
CW21. Medical Student Education in Addiction: Competencies and Resources APA Committee on Training and Education in Addiction Psychiatry and American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Co-Chairpersons: Jonathan I. Ritvo, M.D., Richard S. Schottenfeld, M.D.
CW22. Discussion: Surgeon General’s Report on American Indians and Alaska Natives APA Committee of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: Frank W. Brown, M.D., Yvonne L. De Cory-Woronoff, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW29. Working With Parents During Their Baby’s First Year of Life Chairperson: James M. Murphy, M.D.
IW30. The Neurobiology of Learning: Implications for Teaching Chairperson: Janet E. Osterman, M.D.
IW31. Exploring the Media’s Role in Imitation Violence Chairperson: Paul A. Kettl, M.D.
IW32. We Can Improve Care for Those With Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders Chairperson: Katherine E. Watkins, M.D.
IW33. Couples Treatment by Parallel Coordinated Individual Psychotherapy Chairperson: Michael C. Hughes, M.D.
IW34. Motion Pictures: The Therapeutic Modality of the 21st Century Chairperson: M. Fuat Ulus, M.D.
IW35. Innovative Strategies in Third-Year Medical Student Psychiatric Education Chairperson: Molly J. Hall, M.D.
IW36. National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse Report: 30 Years Later Chairperson: J. Thomas Ungerleider, M.D.
IW37. Bridging the Gap: Depression, Chronic Medical Disease, Culture, and Ethnicity Chairperson: Annelle B. Primm, M.D.
IW38. Olfactory Dysfunction in Psychiatry and Neurology Co-Chairpersons: Teodor T. Postolache, M.D., Richard L. Doty, Ph.D.
IW39. Neurobehavioral Sequelae of Trauma to the Frontal Lobes Chairperson: Marilyn F. Kraus, M.D.
IW40. Cultural Competence in Psychiatric Residency Training Programs Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Chairperson: Francis G. Lu, M.D.
IW41. A Legal Primer for Psychiatrists Involved in Issues of Sexual Orientation Co-Chairpersons: John E. Fryer, M.D., Mark-Allen Taylor, J.D.
IW42. Ten Years of Teaching About Boundaries: What Have We Learned? Chairperson: Gregg E. Gorton, M.D.
IW43. Evidence-Based Treatment for Marijuana Dependence Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Co-Chairpersons: Thomas F. Babor, Ph.D., Kathleen M. Carroll, Ph.D.
IW44. Enhancing and Funding Mental Health Services: New Freedom Initiative Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Co-Chairpersons: Mary Jane England, M.D., Eileen Elias, M.D.
IW45. Buprenorphine: A New Office-Based Treatment for Opioid Dependence Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Co-Chairpersons: Herbert D. Kleber, M.D., H. Westley Clark, M.D.
IW46. Improving the Quality of Service in a Medicaid HMO Chairperson: James M. Schuster, M.D.
IW47. Implementations of DBT in Correctional Environments Chairperson: Robert L. Trestman, M.D.
IW48. Hepatitis C in Addiction Psychiatry Chairperson: Vasant P. Dhopesh, M.D.
IW49. Group Psychotherapy for Substance Abusers Co-Chairpersons: David W. Brook, M.D., Henry I. Spitz, M.D.
IW50. World Federation of Psychiatric Trainees: Satisfaction and International Exchange in Psychiatric Education Co-Chairpersons: Victor J.A. Buwalda, M.D., Michelle B. Riba, M.D.
IW51. Spiritual Dimension and Religious Issues in an Urban CMHC Clinical Practice Haitian-American Psychiatric Association Chairperson: Jean B. Tropnas, M.D.
IW52. Ethics of Pharmaceutical Involvement in Psychiatric Education Chairperson: Nalini V. Juthani, M.D.
IW53. The Portrayal of Psychiatry in Recent American Films Chairperson: Steven E. Pflanz, M.D.
IW54. HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Mental Illness, and Substance Abuse: Converging Illness Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Chairperson: Marshall Forstein, M.D.
IW55. Addiction Treatment 2002: New Directions Chairperson: Richard J. Frances, M.D.
IW56. Tarasoff Revisited: Changing Trends in Duty to Warn Third Parties Chairperson: Chowallur D. Chacko, M.D.
IW57. Implementing an Effective Truancy-Reduction Program Chairperson: Stephen M. Soltys, M.D.
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Research Advances in Medicine
Title to Be Determined: Chairperson: Peter A. Shapiro, M.D. Co-Chairperson: James L. Levenson, M.D. Participant: Eric Rose, M.D., Frontiers of Science Lecturer
9 a.m.-Noon
Continuous Clinical Case Conference James W. Lomax II, M.D., Glen O. Gabbard, M.D, and Irma J. Bland, M.D., on Lives and Treatments: Two Patients, Two Therapists: Part II (Open to APA members only.)
Telecommunications Session
1. Applications of Advanced Information Technologies
2. Evidence-Based Medicine and Telepsychiatry
3. Introduction to Evidence-Based Mental Health
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Review of Psychiatry: Section 1: Emergency Psychiatry Chairperson: Michael H. Allen, M.D.
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
CME Courses 65-69
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Exhibits Open
Publishers’ Bookfair Open
APA Resource Center Open
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Discussion Groups
15. Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., on Treatment of Trauma Survivors: Theory Versus Practice (Meet the Authors)
16. Frances R. Levin, M.D., on Treating Substance Abusers With Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: Potential Pitfalls
17. Thomas N. Wise, M.D., on Depression in the Medically Ill
18. Elisabeth J. S. Kunkel, M.D., on Managing Depression and Anxiety in Patients With Cancer and Other Medical Illnesses
19. Karen K. Milner, M.D., on Integrating Physical-Mental Health Care: The WCHO Experience
L11. Healing Through Social and Spiritual Affiliation: Marc Galanter, M.D., APA/NIMH Vestermark Psychiatry Educator Award Lecture
L12. Dying Well: Beyond Symptoms and Suffering, Human Development at the End of Life: Ira R. Byock, M.D., Frontiers of Science Lecture Series
Master Educator Clinical Consultations
7. Jerald Kay, M.D., on Integrating Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy (Open to APA members only.)
8. Lawrence Hartmann, M.D., on Child and Adolescent Clinical Work: Integrating Bio, Psycho, and Social (Open to APA members only.)
Media Session
Session 13. Victims at an Early Age
17. Making Visible the Hidden: Serving Child Victims in the Health Care Community
18. Take This Heart
Medical Update 2. Elinore F. McCance-Katz, M.D., and Robert Maslansky, M.D., on Cardiac Effects of Opioid Addiction Pharmacotherapy Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Research Consultation 1. Steven P. Roose, M.D., on Depressed Patients With Heart Disease and Late-Life Depression
Scientific and Clinical Report Sessions
Session 13. Gender Issues
37. Meat Consumption and Risk of Depression: A Prospective, Population-Based Study Antti Tanskanen, M.D.
38. A Multinational Study of the Emergence of Gender Differences in Depression Terrance J. Wade, Ph.D.
39. Efficacy and Safety of Sildenafil Citrate in Men With Depression and Erectile Dysfunction: Six-Month, Open-Label Treatment Study Stuart N. Seidman, M.D.
Session 14. Bipolar Treatment Issues
40. End-Stage Chronic Renal Failure From Prolonged Lithium Therapy Gregory Braden, M.D.
41. Topiramate in the Treatment of Refractory Bipolar Depression Mohammad Z. Hussain, M.D.
42. Prescribing Practices in Bipolar Disorder Bonnie L. Szarek, R.N.
Session 15. Drug Therapy of ADHD
43. Once-Daily Administration of Atomoxetine: A New Treatment for ADHD David Michelson, M.D.
44. ADHD Treatment With a Once-Daily Formulation of Methylphenidate Hydrochloride: A Two-Year Study Timothy E. Wilens, M.D.
45. Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Adderall Extended Release in Children With ADHD Mark C. Chandler, M.D.
Session 16. Cultural Issues in Violence
46. Partner Violence and Risk of Major Depression in Chinese-American Women Madelyn H. Hicks, M.D.
47. Violence in Colombia: Mental Health Impact in Children Ruby C. Castilla-Puentes, M.D.
48. Epidemiology, Trauma, and Transcultural Psychiatry Joop De Jong, M.D.
Session 17. Bipolar Disorder
49. Increased Rates of Antipsychotic-Induced EPS in Mood Disorders: Myth or Reality? Patrizia A. Cavazzoni, M.D.
50. Cyclothymia in Atypical Depression: The Borderline-Bipolar II Connection Giulio Perugi, M.D.
51. Substance Use and Perceived Symptom Improvement in Bipolar Disorder Roger D. Weiss, M.D.
Session 18. Predictors of Outcome
52. Outcome of Early-Phase Psychosis Concurrent With Substance Use Carol L.M. Caton, Ph.D.
53. Predictors of Syndromal and Functional Recovery in Patients With First-Episode Mania Mauricio F. Tohen, M.D.
54. High Birth Weight as a Predictor of Schizophrenia: A 31-Year Follow-Up Kristiina Moilanen, M.D.
Session 19. Behavior and Cognitive Therapy
55. Does Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment Improve Personality Measures in Panic Disorder Patients? Frederico Cavaglia, M.S.C.
56. Visually Enhanced Psychosexual Therapy Frank G. Sommers, M.D.
57. Dichotomous Thinking and Thought Suppression in Managing Anger David M. Magder, M.D.
Session 20. Ethical and Explanatory Models in Psychiatry
58. Principles of Clinical Explanation in 21st-Century Psychiatry David H. Brendel, M.D.
59. Experience of Research Participation by Patients With Severe Mental Illness Russell S. Omens, Psy.D.
60. Attitudes of Physicians Toward Gifts From the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Pilot Study Amarsingh M. Ghorpade, M.D.
Session 21. Religion, Spirituality, and Psychiatry
61. Effects of Falun Gong Practice on Physical and Mental Health Jing-Duan Yang, M.D.
62. Moral Conflict as a Component of Anxiety and Worry Jerome L. Kroll, M.D.
Session 22. Uses of Modafinil
63. Effect of Modafinil on Mood and Quality of Life in Patients With Narcolepsy Philip M. Becker, M.D.
64. Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Modafinil for Daytime Sleepiness Mary B. O’Malley, M.D.
65. Modafinil Enhances Motivation in the Absence of Overt Sleepiness Matthew S. Miller, Ph.D.
Session 23. Cross-Cultural Psychiatry: Asian Issues
66. Integrating Psychiatry and Primary Care Improves Treatment Acceptability Among Asian Americans Albert Yeung, M.D.
67. Anger Discomfort in Japanese, Chinese, and Caucasian Females Alayne Yates, M.D.
68. Anatomy of Jeong Christopher K. Chung, M.D.
Session 24. Epidemiology
69. The Burden of Hepatitis C Among Mentally Ill Persons in Long-Term Care Elsie J. Freeman, M.D.
70. Double Jeopardy: Mental Illness, Medical Conditions, and Early Death Elsie J. Freeman, M.D.
71. Prevalence and Symptom Patterns of Depression Among College Students Shamsah B. Sonawalla, M.D.
Component Workshops
CW23. Mental Health Care for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders APA Committee of Asian-American Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: Nang Du, M.D., Surinder S. Nand, M.D.
CW24. Survivor MUR: Who Gets Voted In? APA Assembly Committee of Representatives of Minority/Underrepresented Groups Chairperson: Jeffrey Akaka, M.D.
CW25. Ambulatory Detoxification From Alcohol: How to Do It Well and Get Paid Too APA Committee on Treatment Services for Addicted Patients Co-Chairpersons: George F. Kolodner, M.D., Samuel M. Silverman, M.D.
CW26. The Terrorist Crisis of 2001: Use and Impact of Electronic Communication APA Committee on Information Technology, APA New York County District Branch, and the Psychiatric Society for Informatics Co-Chairpersons: Ronnie S. Stangler, M.D., Julie K. Schulman, M.D.
CW27. Kids, Schools, and Parents: From the 20th Century Into the 21st Century APA Committee on History and Library Chairperson: Richard J. Thurrell, M.D.
CW28. The Mental Health Carveout: Strategies to Erase the Stigma APA Work Group on Carveouts Co-Chairpersons: Lawrence B. Lurie, M.D., Jonathan E. Gudeman, M.D.
CW29. Mission Impossible II: When the Disordered Child Becomes an Adult APA Committee on Children With Mental or Developmental Disorders Chairperson: Roxanne C. Dryden-Edwards, M.D.
CW30. Clinician Safety APA Task Force on Psychiatric Aspects of Violence Chairperson: Arthur Z. Berg, M.D.
CW31. How to Launch a Successful Private Practice: Part II APA Committee of Early Career Psychiatrists Co-Chairpersons: William E. Callahan Jr., M.D., Keith W. Young, M.D.
Issue Workshops
IW58. Psychodynamics in Treatment-Refractory Depression Co-Chairpersons: Eric M. Plakun, M.D., Edward R. Shapiro, M.D.
IW59. The Art of the Unconscious: Shakespeare, Poetry, Film, and Psychiatry Co-Chairpersons: Steven E. Pflanz, M.D., Charles R. Joy, M.D.
IW60. Use of Restraints in Psychiatric Practice: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives Chairperson: Ann Marie T. Sullivan, M.D.
IW61. Methamphetamine Treatment: What Psychiatrists Need to Know Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Chairperson: Richard A. Rawson, M.D.
IW62. From Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist to Psychoanalytic Organizational Corporate Consultant: An Introductory Workshop Chairperson: Howard E. Book, M.D.
IW63. Role of Amytal in Conversion Disorder Chairperson: Sadiq H. Al-Samarrai, M.D.
IW64. Minority Psychiatrists Who Have Suffered Mental Illness: Overcoming Stigma National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Co-Chairpersons: Michael F. Myers, M.D., Leah J. Dickstein, M.D.
IW65. The Challenge of Parental Mental Illness Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Chairperson: Judith Katz-Leavy, M.Ed.
IW66. Aftermath of Professional Boundary Violations: Treatment of Victims Chairperson: Gail E. Robinson, M.D.
IW67. A Recipe for Academic/Personal Success: Some Key Ingredients Association for Academic Psychiatry Chairperson: Linda L.M. Worley, M.D.
IW68. The Body in 21st-Century Psychiatry: Diagnostic Dimensions and Therapeutic Challenges Co-Chairpersons: Elena B. Bezzubova, M.D., Barton J. Blinder, M.D.
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Media Session
Session 12. After Apartheid
16. Long Night’s Journey Into Day
Noon-1:30 p.m.
5. Homosexuality and Religion: Healing the Wound Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists and APA Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Chairperson: Daniel W. Hicks, M.D.
6. The Death Penalty and the Road to Execution: Psychological Issues for Correctional Officers; Appropriate and Inappropriate Roles for Psychiatrists Chairperson: Robert Michels, M.D.
8. The Challenges of Identifying and Interviewing Potential Substance Abusers Chairperson: Joseph H. Autry III, M.D. Co-Chairperson: H. Westley Clark, M.D.
Noon-2 p.m.
New Research Poster Session 6
1 p.m.-2 p.m.
Media Sessions
Session 14. We Are What We Eat
19. A World of Food: Tastes and Taboos in Different Cultures
Session 15. Attack on America: Looking Back, Looking Forward
20. World Trade Center and Pentagon Disasters
1 p.m.-5 p.m.
CME Courses 70-78
2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
L13. What Can Late Life Teach Us About Depression George S. Alexopoulos, M.D., Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture Series
L14. Women’s Leadership in Medicine and Psychiatry Carol C. Nadelson, M.D., APA’s Alexandra Symonds Award Lecture
2 p.m.-5 p.m.
Media Sessions
Session 16. Womanhood. . . Sisterhood
21. Standing on My Sisters’ Shoulders
22. Women of the Wall
23. Loyalties
Session 17. Psychiatry Goes to the Movies
24. Remember the Titans
S27. New Treatment Target in Schizophrenia: Update on Social Anxiety
A. Shyness, Sociability, and Social Dysfunction in Schizophrenia Joel Goldberg, Ph.D.
B. Comparison and Assessment Procedures of Primary Versus Comorbid Social Anxiety Stefano Pallanti, M.D.
C. Determining and Treating Social Anxiety in Psychosis David Castle, M.D.
D. The Relationship of Social Anxiety to Level of Function Over Time in Patients With Schizophrenia Robert G. Stern, M.D.
S28. Psychotic Symptoms in Chronic PTSD: Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Treatment
A. Psychotic Features, Illness Severity, and Atypical Antipsychotics in PTSD Mark B. Hamner, M.D.
B. Adjunctive Risperidone Treatment in Combat Veterans With Chronic PTSD Daniella David, M.D.
C. Racial Differences in Psychotic Symptoms Among Combat Veterans With PTSD Christopher B. Frueh, Ph.D.
D. Familial and Biological Characteristics of Psychotic PTSD Fredric J. Sautter, Ph.D.
S29. New Developments in Medications for the Treatment of Substance Abuse American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
A. Overview of Medication Developments for Alcohol and Drug Dependence Henry R. Kranzler, M.D.
B. Buprenorphine for Opioid Dependence Eric C. Strain, M.D.
C. Stimulant Treatment of Cocaine Dependence Frances R. Levin, M.D.
D. Ondansetron Is Effective in Treating Biological Alcoholism Bankole A. Johnson, M.D.
E. Anticonvulsants in Substance-Use Disorders Kathleen T. Brady, M.D.
S30. Hyperarousal and BPD: New Studies on Origins, Imaging, Taxonomy, and Treatment
A. Construct Validity of BPD Carlos M. Grilo, Ph.D.
B. Borderline Symptoms in Maltreated Children Joan Kaufman, Ph.D.
C. Exploring the Phenomenological Interface of BPD and PTSD Seth R. Axelrod, Ph.D.
D. Neural Substrates of Affective Dysregulation in BPD Nelson H. Donegan, Ph.D.
E. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for BPD Adrian Preda, M.D.
F. The BPD Status Change Scale: An Interview to Assess Change and Functioning Charles A. Sanislow, Ph.D.
S31. False Memory Syndrome: Recovery and Family Reconciliation
A. The False Memory Foundation and Its Survey of Family Reconciliations Pamela Freyd
B. Recovered Memory Accusers of Incest: Interactions With Their Families Harold I. Lief, M.D.
C. Memory and Hypnosis: Facts and Fictions Herbert Spiegel, M.D.
D. Recovered Memory in the Courts Alan A. Stone, M.D.
E. The Recovered Memory Craze Onset and Offset From 1990-98 Paul R. McHugh, M.D.
S32. Course and Treatment of BPD
A. Course of Diagnoses and Impairment in Patients With BPD Andrew E. Skodol II, M.D.
B. BPD and MDD: Their Co-Occurrence and Implications for Treatment John G. Gunderson, M.D.
C. Principles of Psychotherapy for BPD Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.
D. A Comparison of Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapy for BPD John F. Clarkin, Ph.D.
E. Do Patients With BPD Receive Appropriate Medications? John M. Oldham, M.D.
S33. Darwinian Evolution: Affective Temperament and Clinical Considerations
A. Affective Temperaments: Evolutionary Significance Hagop S. Akiskal, M.D.
B. Evolutionary Epidemiology and the Neuropsychiatry of Manic Depression Daniel R. Wilson, M.D.
C. Affective Disorders as Communicational State: Brain Research Implications Russell J. Gardner Jr., M.D.
D. Evolutionary Trait Variation: Implications for Clinical Care and Research Michael McGuire, M.D.
S34. Successful Clinical Applications of Telepsychiatry
A. The Invisible Interface of Telepsychiatry: Is It Really? Norman E. Alessi, M.D.
B. Sustaining an Extensive Prison Telepsychiatry Network William M. Tucker, M.D.
C. Telepsychiatry: A Canadian Perspective on Program Design and Implementation Harry Karlinsky, M.D.
D. Success of Telepsychiatry With Geriatric Patients Beverly N. Jones, M.D.
S35. Depression and the Transition to Perimenopause: The Harvard Study of Moods and Cycles
A. The Methods and Characteristics of Women Participants in the Harvard Study of Moods and Cycles Bernard L. Harlow, Ph.D.
B. The Impact of a Mood Disorder on Reproductive Function During the Menopausal Transition Lee S. Cohen, M.D.
C. Depression and Its Influence on Menopausal Transitions: Clinical and Public Health Implications Claudio N. Soares, M.D.
D. Psychosocial Predictors of Depression in the Harvard Study of Moods and Cycles Michael W. Otto, Ph.D.
S36. The Psychological Wounds of National Trauma: Causes, Consequences, and Treatments
A. Hate-Mongering Leaders and Vulnerable Followers: The Psychopolitics of Hatred Jerrold M. Post, M.D.
B. Processing Collective Trauma: Israeli Society and the Mental Health Community Arie Nadler, Ph.D.
C. The Enemy’s Daughter: Psychological Effects of Stalinism on Female Children of Political Prisoners Jana H. Svehlova, Ph.D.
D. Telling Histories: Survivors’ Testimonies of Political Violence Stevan M. Weine, M.D.
E. Countering Sequelae of Culturecide in Kosovo James L. Griffith, M.D.
F. Recovery From the Cambodian Holocaust: The Role of Political, Religious, and Medical Leaders David S. Liebling, M.D.
S37. Understanding Psychological Trauma: Multidisciplinary Perspective
A. The Cognitive-Affective Science of Trauma and Development Dan J. Stein, M.D.
B. Variable for Aging Demand Rearing in Primates: Relevance to Trauma Jeremy D. Coplan, M.D.
C. Ethnocultural Factors in PTSD Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, M.D.
D. Contemporary Psychodynamic Perspective on Trauma Arieh Y. Shalev, M.D.
E. Integrating Therapeutic Models for Psychological Trauma Randall D. Marshall, M.D.
S38. Beyond the Surgeon General’s Report: Psychiatry for a Diverse Population Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
A. Policy Implications of the Surgeon General’s Report for a Diverse Population Kana Enomoto, M.A.
B. Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Jeanne Miranda, Ph.D.
C. Interface Between Biology, Pharmacology, and Culture William B. Lawson, M.D.
D. Alcohol and Drug Use in College Samples: Racial Differences Deborah Deas, M.D.
E. Influence of Culture on Child Development and Early Psychopathology in the 21st Century Harry H. Wright, M.D.
S39. Defining Evil: Clinical and Forensic Implications
A. Dilemmas in Defining Depravity at the Criminal Law and Psychiatry Interface Michael M. Welner, M.D.
B. Sadistic Mothers and Fathers: Parents at the Edge of Evil Michael H. Stone, M.D.
C. Theology Challenges to Defining Depravity: Can Accountability Meet Therapy and Redemption? Lawrence Gesy, M.D.
D. Depravity at the Workplace: Clinical and Forensic Implications Joseph P. Merlino, M.D.
E. The Depravity Scale: Validating a Psychiatric and Forensic Measure of Evil Actions Michael M. Welner, M.D.
S40. The Therapeutic Misconception in Research: Barrier or Necessity?
A. An Empirical Study of Therapeutic Misconception Charles Lidz, Ph.D.
B. Decisional Capacity and Therapeutic Misconception in Alzheimer’s Disease Scott Y. Kim, M.D.
C. Historical Perspectives on the Therapeutic Misconception Gary S. Belkin, M.D.
D. Therapeutic Misconception and Therapeutic Intent: Where Do the Problems Lie? Donna T. Chen, M.D.
S41. Combined Treatment: Dynamic Psychotherapy and Medication American College of Psychoanalysts and APA Illinois Psychiatric Society
A. Dilemmas for Psychiatrists Doing Split Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy Malkah T. Notman, M.D.
B. The Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Dynamic Complex Brenda C. Solomon, M.D.
C. The Teaching and Learning of Conjoint Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy Sidney H. Weissman, M.D.
D. When the Well-Meaning Psychiatrist Becomes the Patient’s Negative Other Jerome A. Winer, M.D.
S42. America Attacked: The American Psychiatric Association and Its Members Respond APA Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disasters
A. The American Psychiatric Association Leadership Responds to the Terrorism: Lessons Learned Richard K. Harding, M.D.
B. The St. Vincent’s Psychiatric Response to the September 11th Terrorist Attack Spencer Eth, M.D.
C. New York City Responds to the Attack on the World Trade Center Neal L. Cohen, M.D.
D. Psychiatry at Ground Zero Vivian B. Pender, M.D.
E. Psychiatric Intervention at the Pentagon Following the September 11th Terrorist Attack Stephen J. Cozza, M.D.
S43. What’s New in Eating Disorders: A Clinical Research Treatment Update
A. Treatment of Bulimia in a Primary Care Setting B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.
B. Optimizing Treatment for Binge-Eating Disorders Michael J. Devlin, M.D.
C. Partial Hospitalization for Anorexia Nervosa: Who Gains, How, and at What Cost? Angela S. Guarda, M.D.
D. Family-Based Treatment for Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa Katherine L. Loeb, Ph.D.
E. Bulimia Nervosa in Adolescents: Do Adult Treatments Translate to Teens? Lisa A. Kotler, M.D.
S44. Evidence-Based Psychiatry: Principles, Examples, and Critiques in the U.S. and France French Federation of Psychiatry
A. Principles of Evidence-Based Practice: U.S. Style Robert A. Rosenheck, M.D.
B. Effective Implementation of Guidelines: An Example of Suicide Prevention in France Jacques Glikman, M.D.
C. Assertive Community Treatment as Evidence-Based Practice Robert E. Drake, M.D.
D. The French Sectorization System: What Evidence? Francois C. Petitjean, M.D.
E. The Efficacy-Effectiveness Gap Limits Confidence in Evidence-Based Practices Lisa B. Dixon, M.D.
F. Evidence-Based Medicine in the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia: A Critical Point of View J. M. Vanelle
S45. Collaborative Practice in Psychiatry: Data and Principles for Practice
A. Collaborative Practice for Bipolar Disorder: A Multisite Controlled Trial Mark S. Bauer, M.D.
B. Using Collaborative Care Models to Improve the Treatment of Schizophrenia Alexander S. Young, M.D.
C. Collaborative Management of Depression Gregory E. Simon, M.D.
D. Improving Depression Care for Older Adults Jurgen Unutzer, M.D.
E. Collaborative Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain Benjamin H. K. Balderson, Ph.D.
S46. How to Launch a Successful Private Practice: Part III APA Assembly Committee of Early Career Psychiatrists
A. Personal Factors Leading to a Successful Private Practice Ann S. Maloney, M.D.
B. Office Location and Design for Efficiency and Success Barry W. Wall, M.D.
C. Streamlining Overhead and Managing Your Business in Private Practice Keith W. Young, M.D.
D. Marketing Your Unique Private Practice William E. Callahan Jr., M.D.
S47. Major Depression: Current Guidelines, Practices, and Effectiveness Research
A. Evidence-Based Treatment Guidelines for MDD Alan J. Gelenberg, M.D.
B. Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) A. John Rush, M.D.
C. Results From the Texas Medication Algorithm Project MDD Treatment Module Madhukar H. Trivedi, M.D.
D. The Treatment of MDD in Routine Practice Joyce C. West, M.P.P.
S48. Depression Care in Medical Settings: Approaches for the Future
A. Inter-relationships of Mental Health and Primary Care Harold A. Pincus, M.D.
B. Improving Outcomes of Depression With Stepped-Care Principles Wayne J. Katon, M.D.
C. Depression Breakthrough Series: Quality Improvement in Primary Care Dissemination Project David J. Katzelnick, M.D.
D. The MacArthur Initiative on Depression in Primary Care Thomas E. Oxman, M.D.
E. Depression in Patients With Congestive Heart Failure Steven A. Cole, M.D.
S49. Global Psychiatry and Patients’ Rights: Informed Consent
A. Overview of Informed Consent: A Public Perspective Debra Lappin, M.D.
B. Constrained Consent: The Law and Research in Special Populations Rosemary Quigley, J.D.
C. National and International Application of Standard Federal Regulations for Conduct of Research Harold I. Eist, M.D.
D. World Psychiatric Association Committee to Review the Abuse of Psychiatry Marianne C. Kastrup, M.D.
E. Cultural Factors and Informed Consent Norman Sartorius, M.D.
S50. The Psychiatric Treatment of HIV Disease in the Third Decade of AIDS APA Commission on AIDS
A. HIV Treatment Update Marshall Forstein, M.D.
B. CNS Manifestations Karl Goodkin, M.D.
C. Mood and Anxiety Disorders Stephen J. Ferrando, M.D.
D. The Multiply Diagnosed HIV Patient and Drug-Drug Interactions Francine Cournos, M.D.
S51. American Psychiatric Association’s Responses to the Surgeon General’s Reports on Mental Health
A. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General Zebulon C. Taintor, M.D.
B. Suicide: An American Psychiatric Association Plan of Action Selby C. Jacobs, M.D.
C. Child and Adolescent Disorders: Treatment and Prevention G. Pirooz Sholevar, M.D.
D. Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General Carl C. Bell, M.D.
E. Mental Health: Cultural Issues Altha J. Stewart, M.D.
S52. Social Anxiety Disorder and Comorbid Major Depression
A. Perspectives on Social Phobia and Depressive Comorbidity Murray B. Stein, M.D.
B. Implications of Comorbid Social Phobia for Major Depressive Subtypes and Course Jonathan E. Alpert, M.D.
C. Interpersonal Sensitivity in SAD Gerlinde C. Harb, M.S.
D. Social Phobia and Comorbidity With Depression: A Dichotic Listening Study Gerard E. Bruder, Ph.D.
E. Citalopram Treatment of Comorbid Social Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression Franklin R. Schneier, M.D.
S53. Adaptations to Severe Stress: Normal Responses and Therapeutic Strategies
A. Preschool Witnesses of Domestic Violence: Pathways to Recovery Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph.D.
B. The Effect of Trauma on the Grieving Process in Children When One Parent Kills the Other Guinevere Tufnell, M.R.C.
C. Gender Similarities and Differences in the Stress Reaction of Kurdish and Swedish Boys and Girls Viveka Sundelin-Wahlsten, Ph.D.
D. Coping With the Diagnosis and Progression of Cancer David Spiegel, M.D.
E. Natural Healing Processes in the Essays of 111 Columbine Students at 2-3 Weeks Lenore C. Terr, M.D.
S54. Family Treatment Outcomes of Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders: Cultural Issues
A. Engagement and Retention in Family Therapy for Mexican-American Adolescents Luis Vargas, Ph.D.
B. Outcomes of Treating Southwestern Latino Youth: Salient Questions Joan D. Koss-Chioino, Ph.D.
C. Involving Parents and Adolescents in Adolescent Drug-Abuse Treatment Michael S. Robbins, Ph.D.
D. Clinical Trial Outcomes for Treatment of Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Abuse Holly B. Waldron, Ph.D.
E. Trauma Exposure and Consequences: The Case of Latino Adolescents Jose M. Canive, M.D.
S55. Combination Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: Rationales and Controversies
A. The Rationale for Combining Medications in the Management of Bipolar Disorder Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D.
B. Complex Combination Therapy in Refractory Bipolar Illness Robert M. Post, M.D.
C. The Use of Atypical Antipsychotics Plus Standard Mood Stabilizers in Bipolar Disorder Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.
D. Bipolar Depression: Mood Stabilizers Alone, or Antidepressant Augmentation? S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.
E. Augmenting Treatment of Bipolar Disorder With Psychotherapy Ellen Frank, Ph.D.
S56. Pain in the Addicted Patient: Basic Science, the Law, and Treatment Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
A. Neurobiology of Pain David Borsook, M.D.
B. Addiction Mechanisms: Receptors, Neurotransmitters, and Pathways Eliot L. Gardner, Ph.D.
C. Relieving Pain While Preventing Diversion David E. Joranson, M.S.W.
D. Addiction, Physical Dependence, and Tolerance With Opioid Pain Management Howard A. Heit, M.D.
E. Approach to the Pain Patient With the Disease of Addiction Seddon R. Savage, M.D.
Telecommunications Session
4. Title to Be Determined
5. Individual and Group Psychotherapy Via Telepsychiatry
2 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Review of Psychiatry: Section 2: The Many Faces of Depression in Childhood and Adolescence Co-Chairpersons: David Shaffer, M.D., Bruce D. Waslick, M.D.
Bipolar Disorder in Youth: A Critical Review Gabrielle Carlson, M.D.
Child and Adolescent Suicide and Suicidal Behavior David Shaffer, M.D.
Pharmacological Treatment of Children and Adolescents With MDD Boris Birmaher, M.D.
Psychotherapy for Depression and Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents Laura Mufson, Ph.D.
Depression in Children and Adolescents: An Overview Bruce D. Waslick, M.D.
3 p.m.-5 p.m.
New Research Poster 7
7 p.m.-10 p.m.
Industry-Supported Symposia
IS31. Bipolar Depression and Rapid Cycling: Current Management Strategies Supported by GlaxoSmithKline
A. The Underestimated Need and Treatment Challenges of Bipolar Depression Mark A. Frye, M.D.
B. Stabilizing Mood in Bipolar Disorder From Below Baseline Over Long Periods Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.
C. Rapid Cycling: Clinical Presentation and Treatment Approaches Robert M. Post, M.D.
D. Managing Common Benign and Uncommon Serious Adverse Effects Terence A. Ketter, M.D.
IS32. The New Neurobiology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders Supported by GlaxoSmithKline
A. Clinical Relevance of Norepinephrine in Mood Disorders Kerry J. Ressler, M.D.
B. Childhood Trauma and the Neurobiology of Mood Disorders Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D.
C. Advances in Functional Brain Imaging in Depression and Anxiety Ranga K. Krishnan, M.D.
D. Neurobiology, Sleep, and Mood Disorders: A New Look David J. Kupfer, M.D.
E. Stress, Neurogenesis, and the Adult Brain Elizabeth Gould, Ph.D.
IS33. Managing the Aggressive Patient Supported by Janssen Pharmaceutica
A. A Rationale for Treating Symptoms Versus Syndromes: Aggression as Common Ground Across Disorders Douglas H. Hughes, M.D.
B. Evidence-Based Approach to Pharmacotherapy of the Aggressive Child Jorge L. Armenteros, M.D.
C. Aggression and Psychiatric Disorders: Confronting the War Within Robert R. Conley, M.D.
D. Strategies and Interventions for Late-Life Aggression Soo Borson, M.D.
E. Long-term Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Therapy Prakash S. Masand, M.D.
IS34. Treating Fear: Perspectives on the Biology and Therapy of Anxiety Disorders Supported by Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc.
A. Neurobiology of Fear and Social Anxiety Justine M. Kent, M.D.
B. Developmental Antecedents of Anxiety Disorders Daniel Pine, M.D.
C. New Developments in Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Disorders Jonathan R.T. Davidson, M.D.
D. Accelerating Response and Treating Comorbidity in Anxiety Eric Hollander, M.D.
E. Minimizing Side Effects and Enhancing Compliance of Antianxiety Treatments Francisco A. Moreno, M.D.
IS35. Raising Expectations in Schizophrenia: Enhancing Long-Term Outcomes Supported by Pfizer Inc.
A. Acute Psychosis: Challenges and Treatment Alan J. Mendelowitz, M.D.
B. Long-Term Treatment Goals Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D.
C. Adverse Effects Profile of New Antipsychotic Agents Daniel E. Casey, M.D.
D. Mechanisms of Medication-Associated Glucose Metabolism Impairment David C. Henderson, M.D.
E. Schizophrenia and Increased Cardiovascular Disease Charles H. Hennekens, M.D.
IS36. Clinical Differences in Serotonin and Norepinephrine Drugs in Depression Supported by Eli Lilly and Company
A. Serotonin and Norepinephrine Mechanisms in Depression Pedro L. Delgado, M.D.
B. Clinical Efficacy of Serotonin and Norepinephrine Antidepressants J. Craig Nelson, M.D.
C. Treatment Implications of the Serotonin Spectrum Disorders John H. Greist, M.D.
D. Treatment Implications of the Norepinephrine Spectrum Disorders James J. Hudziak, M.D.
E. Combining Serotonin and Norepinephrine Actions to Improve Outcome Gerard Sanacora, M.D.
IS37. Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia: Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines Supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
A. The Pathophysiology of Abnormal Behavior and Mood in Dementia Mustafa M. Husain, M.D.
B. Impact of Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Sleep Disturbance in Alzheimer’s Disease P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D.
C. Dementia With Lewy Bodies: The Frontiers of Effective Treatment and Diagnosis Martin K. Farlow, M.D.
D. Treating Behavioral Disturbances Observed in Alzheimer’s Disease: Pharmacological and Nonpharmacologic Interventions Steven G. Potkin, M.D.

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Psychiatric News
Pages: 24 - 37


Published online: 15 February 2002
Published in print: February 15, 2002


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