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Preliminary Program
Published Online: 21 February 2003

Preliminary Program: Monday
 May 19

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Industry-Supported Breakfast Symposia
IS28. Impairment of Structural Plasticity in Severe Mood Disorders: Causal or Collateral? (Part 1) Supported by Abbott Laboratories
    A. Stress, Glucocorticoids, and Neuron Damage: Current Status Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D.
    B. Regulation of Functional Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain Fred Gage, M.D.
    C. Neuromorphometric and Neuropathological Abnormalities in Mood Disorders Wayne C. Drevets, M.D.
IS29. Impulsivity, Aggression, and Suicide: Versatility of Lithium and Mood Stabilizers (Part 1) Supported by Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc.
    A. Treating Impulsivity in Impulse Control and Personality Disorders Eric Hollander, M.D.
    B. Primary and Secondary Disorders of Aggression in Youth: Mood Stabilizers, Atypicals, and Stimulants Hans Steiner, M.D.
    C. Strategies for Augmentation of Psychopharmacological Interventions in Youth With Disorders of Aggression Kirti Saxena, M.D.
IS30. Bipolar Disorder in Women: Special Considerations and Evolving Treatment (Part 1) Supported by GlaxoSmithKline
    A. Bipolar Disorder in Women: Phenomenology and Response to Treatment Ruta M. Nonacs, M.D.
    B. Course and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy Lee S. Cohen, M.D.
IS31. Managing the Spectrum of Psychotic Disorders (Part 1) Supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
    A. Clinical Considerations in the Management of First-Episode and Acute Exacerbation of Schizophrenia Ira D. Glick, M.D.
    B. Challenges in the Management of Psychosis in Special Populations J. Michael Ryan, M.D.
IS32. Treating Depression: What Matters? (Part 1) Supported by Eli Lilly and Company
    A. Brain Matters Helen S. Mayberg, M.D.
    B. Gender Matters Susan G. Kornstein, M.D.
    C. Time Matters Beny Lafer, M.D.
IS33. Evidence-Based Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders (Part 1) Supported by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
    A. Evidence-Based Medicine: What Is It? K. Ranga R. Krishnan, M.D.
    B. Evidence-Based Medicine and Depression Treatments Michael E. Thase, M.D.
    C. Evidence-Based Medicine: Schizophrenia Richard S. Keefe, Ph.D.
IS34. Managing Anxiety and Sleep: A New Era for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (Part 1) Supported by Cephalon Inc.
    A. Nuances of Inhibition: Gamma-aminobutyric Acid in the Human Brain Philip T. Ninan, M.D.
    B. Gamma-aminobutyric Acid Mechanisms in Sleep Disorders Jed E. Black, M.D.
Residents’ Session: Meet the Experts: Sunny Side-Up
7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration/Course Enrollment Open
8 a.m.-Noon
CME Courses 35-42
9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Clinical Case Conference 1. Earlene E. Strayhorn, M.D., on Diagnostic and Treatment Issues in the Care of an Adolescent With Comorbid Bipolar Disorder and ADHD (Open to APA members only.)
Debate 1. Resolved: Personality Disorder Nomenclature Should Be Deleted in DSM-V Moderator: John S. McIntyre, M.D. Affirmative: John M. Oldham, M.D.; Negative: Roger Peele, M.D.
Discussion Groups
    1. Margaret G. Spinelli, M.D., on Infanticide: Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives of Mothers Who Kill (Meet the Authors)
    2. Donna E. Stewart, M.D., on Depression in Perimenopausal Women
    3. Pedro Ruiz, M.D., on Cross-Cultural Psychiatry: The Acculturation Process
    4. Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D., on Some Recent Advancements in Psychopharmacology
Focus Live
Co-chairpersons: Deborah Hales, M.D., Mark H. Rapaport, M.D., on Bipolar Disorder
    L2. Labeling the Dissenter as Mad: Forensic Psychiatry in China and Its Political Abuses Robin Munro, M.D., APA’s Patient Advocacy Award Lecture
    L3. The Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture Series
Master Educator Clinical Consultations
    1. Godfrey D. Pearlson, M.D., on Schizophrenia: What Is It? What Are its Boundaries? Why Does It Persist in the Gene Pool? (Open to APA members only.)
    2. Glen O. Gabbard, M.D., on Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders (Open to APA members only.)
New Research Young Investigators’ Poster Session 1
Component Workshops
    CW1. Restraints: Strategies to Reduce and Optimize Patient Safety APA Committee on Standards and Survey Procedures Chairperson: Charles E. Riordan, M.D.
    CW2. Early Intervention Following Mass Violence: Designing an Effective Approach APA Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster Chairperson: John S. Kennedy, M.D.
    CW3. Patient Safety in Psychiatry: Minimizing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion APA Council on Quality Co-Chairpersons: Alfred Herzog, M.D., Miles F. Shore, M.D.
Issue Workshops
    IW1. Teaching Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Effective Training in Unexpected Settings Chairperson: Donna M. Sudak, M.D.
    IW2. Understanding Transgendered Youth: Treatment and Service Strategies Co-Chairpersons: Richard R. Pleak, M.D., Sarah E. Herbert, M.D.
    IW3. Moral Aspects of Clinical Practice: A Functional Approach Chairperson: John R. Peteet, M.D.
    IW4. Multiculturality Squared: Training Multicultural Residents to Treat Multicultural Patients Co-Chairpersons: Susan Stabinsky, M.D., Harvey Stabinsky, M.D.
    IW5. Santeria as a Religion in Mental Health Patients Chairperson: Jose M. Soto, M.D.
    IW6. Risk-Management Issues in Psychiatric Practice Chairperson: Alan I. Levenson, M.D.
    IW7. Meditation: Theory, Therapy, Research, and Practice Chairperson: Roger N. Walsh, M.D.
    IW8. Institute of Medicine Study: Incorporating Research Into Residency Training Chairperson: Joel Yager, M.D.
    IW9. Expanding Telepsychiatry Beyond Patient Care: Opportunities and Challenges Co-Chairpersons: R. Andrew Harper III, M.D., Anu A. Matorin, M.D.
    IW10. Nonsexual Boundary Violations Chairperson: Malkah T. Notman, M.D.
    IW11. Psychological Management of Psychosis Chairperson: Eric R. Marcus, M.D.
    IW12. Working Through in Psychotherapy Chairperson: Steven H. Lipsius, M.D.
    IW13. Depression and the Physician: When Being a “Good” Doctor Is Not Enough Chairperson: Michael F. Myers, M.D.
    IW14. Innovative Treatment in Bulimia Nervosa Co-Chairpersons: Waguih W. Ishak, M.D., McLeod F. Gwynette, M.D.
    IW15. Management of Disinhabition in Dementia Co-Chairpersons: Theron C. Bowers Jr., M.D., Sheila M. Loboprabhu, M.D.
    IW16. Preparing Psychiatrists for Mass-Casualty Events Chairperson: Kenneth S. Thompson, M.D.
    IW17. Implementing Web-Based Psychopharmacology Algorithms: Problems and Solutions Co-Chairpersons: David N. Osser, M.D., Peter D. Anderson, Pharm.D.
    IW18. Telepsychiatry With the Developmentally Disabled: Teaching, Training, and Treating Chairperson: Roxanne F. Szeftel, M.D.
    IW19. Ethnic Biodiversity in Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Chairperson: Jeffrey N. Wilkins, M.D.
    IW20. Distinguishing Mental Illness From Bad Behavior in Prisoners Chairperson: Lee H. Rome, M.D.
    IW21. Lessons Learned From September 11 Chairperson: David C. Lindy, M.D.
    IW22. A Psychiatrist’s View on Artists and the Arts Chairperson: Frans de Jonghe, Ph.D.
    IW23. Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: An Enjoyable Exchange of Ideas Co-Chairpersons: Lawrence K. Richards, M.D., Abraham L. Halpern, M.D.
    IW24. Youth Violence: Principles of Prevention Co-Chairpersons: Paul J. Fink, M.D., Carl C. Bell, M.D.
9 a.m.-Noon
Continuous Clinical Case Conference 1. Richard L. Munich, M.D., and Efram Bleibers, M.D., on Treatment of the VIP Patient: Two Patients, Two Therapists (Part 1) (Open to APA members only.)
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
CME Courses 43-50
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Exhibits Open
Publishers’ Bookfair Open
APA Resource Center Open
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Advances in Psychiatry
APA Scientific Program Committee and APA Council on Research on Research Advances in Psychiatry: An Update for the Clinician Chairperson: Herbert Pardes, M.D. Co-Chairperson: Geetha Jayaram, M.D.
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Discussion Groups
    5. Patricia Judd, on A Developmental Model of BPD: Understanding Variations in Course and Outcome (Meet the Authors)
    6. Leah J. Dickstein, M.D., on Gender and Cultural Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment
    7. John M. Oldham, M.D., on Understanding the Severe Personality Disorders
    8. Marc A. Schuckit, M.D., on New Developments in Substance Dependence: Genetics, Criteria, and Treatment
    9. Marcia K. Goin, M.D., on Borderline Personality Disorder (For residents only)
Focus Live
Co-chairpersons: Deborah Hales, M.D., Mark H. Rapaport, M.D., on Substance Abuse
    L4. Making Health Care Safe Lucian Leape, M.D.
    L5. Community Psychiatry: 1963-2003 Carl C. Bell, M.D., Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture Series
Master Educator Clinical Consultations
    3. Lori Althsuler, M.D., on Treating Bipolar Depression (Open to APA members only.)
    4. Albert C. Gaw, M.D., on Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychiatric Care (Open to APA members only.)
Medical Update 1. Nyapati R. Rao, M.D., on Ethnicity and Pharmacogenetics
    1. Keh-Ming Lin, M.D., on Ethnicity and Pharmacogenetics
Scientific and Clinical Report Sessions
Session 1. Addiction Psychiatry
    2. Differences in Peripheral Noradrenergic Function Among Actively Drinking and Recently Abstinent Alcohol-Dependent Individuals Anup M. Desai, M.D.
    3. Changes in Peripheral Noradrenaline and 5HT Levels and Craving During Alcohol Withdrawal Ashwin A. Patkar, M.D.
    4. Effect of Modafinil on Cocaine Abstinence and Treatment Retention in Cocaine Dependence: Preliminary Results From an Open-Label Study Charles A. Dackis, M.D.
Session 2. Consultation-Liaison and Emergency Psychiatry
    5. Quetiapine Treatment of Hallucinations and Agitation of Lewy Body Disease Andrius Baskys, M.D.
    6. Survey of Practice Preferences in the Pharmacotherapy of Delirium Michael W. Kiang, M.D.
    7. Hyponatremia Associated With the Use of Antidepressants in Geriatric Patients Subramoniam Madhusoodanan, M.D.
Session 3. Personality Disorders
    8. Sexual Aversion Among Borderline Patients and Axis II Comparison Subjects Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D.
    9. Effects of Personality Disorders on Functioning and Well-Being in MDD Andrew E. Skodol II, M.D.
    10. Supportive Therapy for BPD Patients With Self-Injurious Behavior David J. Hellerstein, M.D.
Session 4. Anxiety Disorders
    11. The Prevalence of PTSD in Canada Michael A. Van Ameringen, M.D.
    12. A New Self-Report Screening Tool for DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis Catherine L. Mancini, M.D.
    13. Sexual Aversion Disorders in Primary Anxiety Disorders Chris Watson, B.K.I.N.
Session 5. Evolving Issues in Atypical Antipsychotics
    14. Effects on Weight Change of Switching From Olanzapine to Quetiapine Prakash S. Masand, M.D.
    15. A Three-Week Comparison of Olanzapine Versus Risperidone in the Treatment of Bipolar Mania: Improvement in Manic and Depressive Symptoms and Treatment Adherence Robert W. Baker, M.D.
    16. Olanzapine/Fluoxetine Combination and Olanzapine in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression Mauricio F. Tohen, M.D.
Session 6. Measuring Mood Disorders
    17. Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire and Anxiety Disorder Comorbidity in MDD Dost Ongur, M.D.
    18. Difference in Subjective/Objective Sadness Predicts Drug Response Anand Pandya, M.D.
    19. Identifying Depression in Older Inpatients With the Geriatric Depression Scale and Structured Clinical Interview George Fulop, M.D.
Session 7. Psychiatric Education and Telepsychiatry
    20. Psychiatry Training in Primary Care: Current Status and Satisfaction Hoyle Leigh, M.D.
    21. Retrospective Evaluation of Telemental Health Care Services for Remote Military Populations Brian J. Grady, M.D.
    22. What Increases the Frequency at Which Medical Students Ask Addiction Questions? Kathleen M. Stack, M.D.
Component Workshops
    CW4. Ambulatory Detoxification From Opioids: Doing It Well and Getting Paid Too APA Committee on Treatment Services for Patients With Addictive Disorders Co-Chairpersons: George F. Kolodner, M.D., Samuel M. Silverman, M.D.
    CW5. Practice Settings for Early Career Psychiatrists: A Primer APA Assembly Committee of Early Career Psychiatrists Chairperson: Jeffrey A. Naser, M.D.
    CW6. The Research Base for New Diagnostic Criteria for Depression APA Committee on Psychiatric Diagnosis and Assessment Co-Chairpersons: Darrel A. Regier, M.D., Norman Sartorius, M.D.
    CW7. Mood Disorders in Physicians, An Update: How to Identify, Diagnose, and Provide Treatment APA Corresponding Committee on Physician Health, Illness, and Impairment Chairperson: John A. Fromson, M.D.
    CW8. Medicare Update 2003 APA Medicare Advisory Corresponding Committee Chairperson: Edward Gordon, M.D.
    CW9. Using Radio to Combat Stigma and Improve the Image of Psychiatry APA Alliance Co-Chairpersons: Harvey L. Ruben, M.D., Jo Ellen Fasanello
Issue Workshops
    IW25. Long-Term Structured Care: A Family Perspective Co-Chairpersons: H. Richard Lamb, M.D., Carla Jacobs
    IW26. Imminent Risk of Suicide in Correctional Facilities Chairperson: Karl E. Weaver, M.D.
    IW27. The Impact of Suicide on Clinicians Chairperson: Eric M. Plakun, M.D.
    IW28. Evidence-Based Medicine: An Application in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Co-Chairpersons: Norman E. Alessi, M.D., Robert A. Kowatch, M.D.
    IW29. Psychotherapy With African-American Patients: Training Perspectives Co-Chairpersons: Anu A. Matorin, M.D., Irma J. Bland, M.D.
    IW30. Mind-Body Connection in Traditional Chinese Medicine Co-Chairpersons: Jing-Duan Yang, M.D., Daniel A. Monti, M.D.
    IW31. Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders Chairperson: Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.
    IW32. Discussing the Concept of Mental Health Courts Chairperson: Lawrence K. Richards, M.D.
    IW33. Learning Psychotherapy in Private Practice Co-Chairpersons: Bernard D. Beitman, M.D., Rodrigo A. Munoz, M.D.
    IW34. Patient Responsibility for Addiction to Prescribed Substances Chairperson: Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
Noon-1:30 p.m.
    1. Working With Organized Medicine—the AMA and State Medical Societies Chairperson: Kenneth M. Certa, M.D.
    2. The Placebo Effect: Science, Belief, and Clinical Practice Co-Chairpersons: Philip R. Muskin, M.D., Andrew F. Leuchter, M.D.
    3. Music and the Mind: George Gershwin Chairperson: Richard Kogan, M.D.
1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
New Research Young Investigators’ Oral/Slide Sessions 2-4
1 p.m.-5 p.m.
CME Courses 51-59
2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
    L6. Schizophrenia Is More Than a Neurodevelopmental Disease Robin M. Murray, M.B., International Psychiatrist Lecture Series
    L7. Title to Be Determined Juan J. Lopez-Ibor Jr., M.D., APA’s Simon Bolivar Award Lecture
2 p.m.-5 p.m.
Advances in Psychotherapy: An Update on Psychotherapy Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders Chairperson: Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.
Presidential Symposium
Moral and Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry Chairperson: Deborah Spitz, M.D.
S1. Borderline Patients at the Border of Treatability
    A. Managing the Real Risk of Suicide in Borderline Patients John G. Gunderson, M.D.
    B. Treatment Utilization by Patients With Severe BPD Donna S. Bender, Ph.D.
    C. Eroticized Transferences in Therapy With Borderline Patients Frank E. Yeomans, M.D.
    D. The Almost-Untreatable Narcissistic Patient Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.
    E. An Empirical Approach to the Border of Treatability in BPD Patients John F. Clarkin, Ph.D.
    F. Borderline Patients With Antisocial Features: Special Treatment Issues Michael H. Stone, M.D.
S2. Mineral/Vitamin Modification of Mental Disorders and Brain Function
    A. Nutrients Alter IQ and Mood in Healthy Volunteers: A Plausible Hypothesis? David Benton, Ph.D.
    B. Influence of Micronutrients on Antisocial Behavior of Young-Adult Prisoners C. Bernard Gesch, C.Q.S.W.
    C. Nutrient Treatment of Adult Bipolar Disorder and Childhood Mood Lability Bonnie J. Kaplan, Ph.D.
    D. Clinical Questions and Concerns Raised by Micronutrient Treatments Charles W. Popper, M.D.
S3. BPD: Neuroscience to Treatment and Back
    A. The McLean Screening Instrument for BPD Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D.
    B. Biology of BPD: Toward a Rational Pharmaco/Psychotherapy Larry J. Siever, M.D.
    C. Neural Substrates of Emotional Dysregulation in BPD Nelson H. Donegan, Ph.D.
    D. Pharmacotherpy for BPD: New Opportunities S. Charles Schulz, M.D.
    E. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Patients Meeting Criteria for BPD Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D.
S4. Pathological Body Sculpting in the Athlete International Society for Sport Psychiatry
    A. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes: The Making and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts and Figure Skaters Joan Ryan
    B. Eating Disorders in the Male Athlete Antonia L. Baum, M.D.
    C. Risk Factors for Anabolic-Adrogenic Steroid Abuse: A Case-Control Study Harrison G. Pope Jr., M.D.
S5. Compulsive Buyers: Treating the Casualties of Consumerism
    A. Phenomenology and Epidemiology of Compulsive Buying Donald W. Black, M.D.
    B. Examination and Explanation of the Triggers for Compulsive Buying Disorders Ronald J. Faber, Ph.D.
    C. Pharmacotherapy for Compulsive Buying Kim D. Bullock, M.D.
    D. Group Psychotherapy for Compulsive Shopping: Pilot Data Heidi Hartston, Ph.D.
    E. A One-Year Naturalistic Follow-Up of Patients With Compulsive Buying Disorder Elias Aboujaoude, M.D.
S6. Quality of Care for Children and Adolescents
    A. Estimating Quality of ADHD Treatment In Primary Care and Mental Health Settings Regina Bussing, M.D.
    B. Quality of Care for Children in Routine Psychiatric Practice Farifteh F. Duffy, Ph.D.
    C. Quality of Care for Children and Adolescents With MDD William E. Narrow, M.D.
    D. The Use of Multiple Informants in Quality of Care: Are They Interchangeable? Maritza Rubio-Stipec, Sc.D.
S7. Practicing Psychiatry in 2003
    A. The Future of Psychiatry Brian Crowley, M.D.
    B. The ABCs of Private Practice Garry M. Vickar, M.D.
    C. Private and Public Psychiatric Patient Advocacy Lee H. Beecher, M.D.
    D. The Practice of Complete Psychiatry Ronald D. Abramson, M.D.
S8. Challenges in Cross-Cultural Psychiatry: Focus on Depression and Ethnopsychopharmacology
    A. Impact of Cultural Beliefs on the Treatment of Depressed Chinese Americans Albert Yeung, M.D.
    B. Diagnosis and Treatment of Depressive Disorders in the Asian-Indian Population Shamsah B. Sonawalla, M.D.
    C. Management of Depression in the Hispanic Population David Mischoulon, M.D.
    D. Principles of Ethnopsychoparmacology David C. Henderson, M.D.
S9. Core Competencies: How They Fit Into Certification and Recertification
    A. History of the Core Competency Movement Thomas A.M. Kramer, M.D.
    B. ABPN Works on Core Competencies Daniel K. Winstead, M.D.
    C. The Relationship Between Core Competencies and Maintenance of Certification James H. Scully Jr., M.D.
S10. Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Where Is the Boundary?
    A. Pharmaceutical Promotion: Effects on the Practice of Psychiatry Amy C. Brodkey, M.D.
    B. Academia, Medical Education, and the Pharmaceutical Industry Frederick S. Sierles, M.D.
    C. The Pharmaceutical Industry and Public Psychiatry Practice Robert M. Factor, M.D.
    D. Industry-Sponsored Medical Education: When Educators Serve Two Masters Diana M. Koziupa, M.D.
S11. Evaluating Clinical Competence: Current Options, Future Directions
    A. Encompassing Assessment of Competency Siegfried Streufert, Ph.D.
    B. Evaluating Competence in Psychotherapy John Manring, M.D.
    C. Toward Improved Evaluations: Training Competency Usha G. Satish, Ph.D.
S12. OCD Spectrum Illnesses: What Does It Mean? Does It Help Our Treatment?
    A. BDD and Hypochondriasis: Are They Part of the OCD Spectrum? Fugen Neziroglu, Ph.D.
    B. ADHD and OCD: Cognitive Characteristics Paul D. Arnold, M.D.
    C. Complex Psychopathology and Descriptive Symptomatology in Children Jose A. Yaryura-Tobias, M.D.
    D. A Preliminary Investigation of the Genetic Basis of Grooming Disorders Margaret A. Richter, M.D.
S13. Evolution of the Social Brain: Implications for Medical Education and Treatment The World Psychiatric Association’s Psychotherapy Section
    A. Stressed Students Benefit From Focused Social Boosting Signals Russell Gardner, M.D.
    B. Feeling and Healing: Emotional and Social Expression Among Cancer Patients David Spiegel, M.D.
    C. The Sociodynamics of Personal Identity and Therapeutic Change John O. Beahrs, M.D.
    D. Nature Disrupted: Darwin and the Borderline Personality Mark T. Erickson, M.D.
    E. The Evolved Social Brain and Child Development John R. Evaldson, M.D.
S14. Abortion: Scientific Data to Inform Clinical Care
    A. An Overview of Abortion in the U.S. Stanley Henshaw, Ph.D.
    B. Surgical and Medical Abortion in the 21st Century: Update for Psychiatrists Karen Meckstroth, M.D.
    C. Female Feticide: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Geetha Jayaram, M.D.
    D. Abortion and the Law Jennifer Dalven, J.D.
    E. Abortion and Psychiatry: Caring for Women and Families Nada L. Stotland, M.D.
S15. Spirituality and World View in Clinical Practice
    A. The Weltanschauung of Sigmund Freud: Clinical Implications Armand M. Nicholi Jr., M.D.
    B. The Clinical Assessment of the Patient’s World View Irving S. Wiesner, M.D.
    C. Diagnosis and Formulation: Integrating Spiritual and Religious Perspectives Mark E. Servis, M.D.
    D. Therapeutic Implications of World View John R. Peteet, M.D.
    E. Clinical Perspectives on Specific World Views John R. Peteet, M.D.
S16. Cognitive Therapy in Novel Clinical Situations: Rationale, Issues, and Controversies
    A. Developing Cognitive Therapy for Adults With ADHD: Why Bother? Stephen P. McDermott, M.D.
    B. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Individuals With Schizophrenia Jan L. Scott, M.D.
    C. Psychiatric Aspects in Oncology: End-of-Life Decisions Anton C. Trinidad, M.D.
S17. Eating Disorders 2003: From Laboratory to Practice
    A. Update: Genetics of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Walter H. Kaye, M.D.
    B. Realities and Consternations of Outpatient Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa Katherine A. Halmi, M.D.
    C. Feeding Laboratory Studies in Patients With Eating Disorders James E. Mitchell, M.D.
    D. Are Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders Related? David B. Herzog, M.D.
    E. Common and Uncommon Mistakes in Managing Eating Disorders Joel Yager, M.D.
S18. Advances in the Treatment of Childhood Traumatic Grief
    A. Assessing and Treating Preschool Traumatic Grief After Domestic Violence Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph.D.
    B. Assessment and Group-Based Treatment of Traumatically Bereaved Adolescents Christopher M. Layne, Ph.D.
    C. Intervention for Child Survivors of Suicide Cynthia R. Pfeffer, M.D.
    D. Terrorism and the Treatment of Childhood Traumatic Grief: Lessons Learned From 9/11 Robin F. Goodman, Ph.D.
S19. Novel Clinical Perspectives on the Pathophysiology and Treatment of PTSD
    A. Animal Models of PTSD: Can Basic Science Inform the Clinic? Frederick Petty, M.D.
    B. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Neurohormonal Modulation in PTSD and Treatment With Anticonvulsants Lori L. Davis, M.D.
    C. Topiramate Therapy for PTSD Jeffrey L. Berlant, M.D.
S20. Integrating Interpersonal Neurobiology in Psychiatric Training and Practice
    A. Integrating Neuroscience Into Clinical Practice Marilyn B. Benoit, M.D.
    B. Integrating Brain, Mind, and Environment in Psychiatric Education Eugene V. Beresin, M.D.
    C. The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Louis Cozolino, Ph.D.
    D. Interpersonal Neurobiology in the Palm of Your Hand Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
    E. Living Without Empathy: The Mirror Neurons Nancy S. Wolf, M.D.
S21. Update on Treatment of Stimulant Abuse
    A. Recovery-Oriented Psychosocial Treatments Douglas M. Ziedonis, M.D.
    B. Therapy and Placement Approaches for Cocaine-Abuse Treatment David R. Gastfriend, M.D.
    C. Pharmacological Treatment of Substance Abuse David A. Gorelick, M.D.
    D. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Stimulant Abusers Richard N. Rosenthal, M.D.
    E. Methamphetamine Abuse: Update 2003 Steven L. Batki, M.D.
S22. Interferon-Induced Neuropsychiatric Side Effects: New Data and Treatments
    A. Interferon-Induced Depression: A Critical Analysis Gregory M. Asnis, M.D.
    B. Prediction and Prevention of Interferon Alpha-Induced Depressive Symptoms Charles Raison, M.D.
    C. Interferon Alpha-Induced Fronto-Striatal Dysfunction: From Symptoms to Neural Correlates Lucile Capuron, Ph.D.
    D. Animal Models of Interferon-Induced Depression: A Role for Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Richard De La Garza II, Ph.D.
S23. Roads to Healing in Mental Health in the Americas Inter-American Council of Psychiatric Organizations
    A. Folkloric Roots of Latin-American Psychiatry: The Concept of Illness and Healing Carlos Leon-Andrade, M.D.
    B. Diagnostic Issues in Latin-American Patients: Are We on the Right Road? Miguel R. Jorge, M.D.
    C. The Promise of Psychoeducation and Psychopharmacology in the Lives of Latin-American Patients Ruben J. Hernandez-Serrano, M.D.
    D. Psychotherapy: The Application of a Transcultural Healing Technique Amelia E. Musacchio, M.D.
    E. The Promise of Science and Its Delivery in the Americas Andres Meerlein, M.D.
S24. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders: Questions for DSM-V
    A. Gender Identity Disorder in Children and Adolescents: A Critical Review Darryl B. Hill, Ph.D.
    B. Disordering Gender Identity: Issues of Diagnostic Reform Katherine Wilson, Ph.D.
    C. DSM-IV-TR and the Paraphilias: An Argument for Removal Charles A. Moser, M.D.
S25. Confronting Crises in Education, Mental Health, and Juvenile Justice
    A. Noticing National Problems Through Study of California Juvenile Incarceration Data Lawrence K. Richards, M.D.
    B. The Fresno-Controlled Prevention Study for Children Philip F. Kader, B.A.
    C. The Fresno-Controlled Study: Data Analysis, Conclusions, and Predictions Merle Canfield, Ph.D.
    D. Preventing Incarceration: Early Prevention for Preschoolers Karen T. Carey, Ph.D.
    E. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Risperidone on Conduct Problems in Children Michael G. Aman, Ph.D.
    F. Courts as Case Managers: An End to Trans-institutionalization? Patrick H. Gardner, J.D.
S26. Psychiatry and the Power of Advocacy
    A. Inspiring Psychiatrists to Empower Their Patients Elizabeth A. Baxter, M.D.
    B. Understanding the Process of Advocating to Policy Makers Patrice A. Harris, M.D.
    C. A Model Presentation: Access to Medications Andrew J. McLean, M.D.
    D. Is Advocacy Required in Correctional Systems? Charles A. Buscema, M.D.
    E. Forging Alliances Outside of the Point of Care David Nelson, M.P.P.
S27. Applying Decision Science and Game Theory to Clinical Psychiatry
    A. Toward a Mathematical Psychiatry: The Use and Limitations of Formal Decision Models Laurence V. Amsel, M.D.
    B. Decision Modes and Psychiatry Therapy: The Importance of Knowing How Patients Decide Elke V. Weber, Ph.D.
    C. The Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decision Making Antoine Bechara, M.D.
    D. The Neuromodulation of Emotional Cues in Human Choice Robert D. Rogers, M.D.
    E. Ethnic Differences in Estimating Utilities of Symptom Reduction in Psychosis Leslie L. Lenert, M.D.
S28. Schizophrenia: Current Guidelines, Practices, and Effectiveness Research
    A. Overview of Best Practices: Current Treatment Guidelines and Protocols for Schizophrenia Anthony F. Lehman, M.D.
    B. Research Gaps and Current Research Initiatives to Improve the Treatment of Schizophrenia Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
    C. Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Clinical Decisions in Treating Schizophrenia Mark Olfson, M.D.
    D. The Treatment of Schizophrenia in Routine Psychiatric Practice Joyce C. West, Ph.D.
3 p.m.-5 p.m.
New Research Young Investigators’ Poster Session 5
6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
L8. Convocation of Distinguished Fellows Charles Krauthammer, M.D., William C. Menninger Memorial Lecture

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Published In

Go to Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News
Pages: 21 - 35


Published online: 21 February 2003
Published in print: February 21, 2003


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