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Preliminary Program
Published Online: 17 February 2012

May 8, Tuesday




SM21. Understanding the Person Behind the Illness: An Approach to Psychodynamic Formulation Chair: William H. Campbell, M.D., M.B.A.

9 A.M.-10:30 A.M.


CC5. Dementia With Behavioral Disturbance Chair: David A. Casey, M.D.


SCR22. Pregnancy and Postpartum
1. Intra-Familial Study of Pregnancy Complications in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Venkataramana Bhat, M.D.
2. Antipsychotics During Pregnancy: Relation to Fetal and Maternal Metabolic Effects Robert Bodèn, M.D., Ph.D.
3. Does New Jersey’s Screening Law Increase the Detection of Postpartum Depression? Jane Sofair, M.D.


W93. Treating Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia in the Era of Black-Box Warnings Chair: Rajesh R. Tampi, M.D., M.S.
W94. Building Resilience: Responding to College Student Mental Health Needs Chair: Doris M. Iarovici, M.D.
W95. Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration: Roles of the Key Team Members Chair: Lori Raney, M.D.
W96. Ethical Dilemmas in Psychiatric Practice Ethics Committee; Chair: Burton V. Reifler, M.D.
W97. Incarceration of Black Males: The Effects of Untreated Bipolar, ADHD, and Substance Abuse Disorders APA Caucus of Black Psychiatrists; Chairs: Napoleon B. Higgins, M.D., Ericka L. Goodwin, M.D.
W98. Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Weight Loss Chair: Sarah Johnson, M.D.
W99. Brief Psychotherapeutic Strategies to Enhance Psychopharmacological Treatments Chairs: R. Rao Gogineni, M.D., Amit Gupta, M.D.
W100. Boot Camp for Burnout: Strategies to Promote Resilience and Wellness for Psychiatrists Association of Women Psychiatrists; Chairs: Eva Szigethy, M.D., Ph.D., Patricia I. Ordorica, M.D.
W101 Update on Movement Disorders: Clinical Features and Diagnosis Chair: Vasant P. Dhopesh, M.D.
W102. A Tale of Two Specialties: The Integration of Oncology and Psychiatry Chairs: Sarah E. Parsons, D.O., Mary Helen Davis, M.D.


L20. Does Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Have a Future as a Psychotherapeutic Modality? A Future Perspective on Past Outcomes Frontiers of Science Lecture; Peter Fonagy, Ph.D.
L21. Solomon Carter Fuller Award Lecture James S. Jackson, Ph.D.
L22. Developmental Risk for Anxiety and Depression: A Translational Neuroscience Approach Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecture; Ned H. Kalin, M.D.


SI12. Sports Psychiatry: Strategies for Life Balance and Peak Performance (Meet the Author) Chair: David McDuff, M.D.
SI13. The Interplay of Love and Aggression (Meet the Author) Chair: Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.



A5. Advances in Child Psychopharmacology Chairs: Molly K. McVoy, M.D., Robert L. Findling, M.D.
1. Early-Onset Psychotic Disorders, Evaluation, and Treatment Nitin Gogtay, M.D.
2. Psychopharmacology of Autism and PDD Molly K. McVoy, M.D.
3. Treatment of ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Solomon Zaraa, D.O.
4. Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Moira Rynn, M.D.
5. Treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders Tiffany Thomas, M.D.


MW8. The Cycle of Inner-City Violence in Bunuel’s “Los Olvidados” Chairs: Annelle B. Primm, M.D., Bruce Sklarew, M.D.


S70. The Role of Psychiatrists in the Prevention of Violence at the Level of Nations, Communities, and Individuals
1. Violence and Schizophrenia: Therapeutic Variations and Different Societal Influences Result in Variable Expression Between the U.S.A. and Other Countries Peter F. Buckley, M.D.
2. Public Mental Health and Violence: Links, Challenges, and Solutions Dinesh Bhugra, M.B.B.S, Ph.D.
3. Building an Alliance for a Safer Future: A Public Health Approach to Addressing Violence and Reducing Health Inequalities in Scottish Society Denise Coia, M.D.
4. Violence and Mental Illness: Putting Theory Into Practice in a Local Community Sue Bailey, M.D.
S71. Updates on Reproductive Issues in Women’s Mental Health
1. Violence Against Women and Promoting Mental Health Helen E. Herrman, M.D., M.B.
2. Abortion Trauma: Deconstructing the Myth Nada L. Stotland, M.D., M.P.H.
3. Emotional Aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology Malkah T. Notman, M.D.
4. Decision Making Regarding Psychopharmacology in Pregnancy and Postpartum Gail E. Robinson, M.D.
5. Therapeutic Management, Psych-otropic Medication, and the Postpartum Gisele Apter, M.D., Ph.D.
S72. The Changing Face of Terrorism
1. Mothers of the Mujahideen: Why They Kill Farhana Qazi, M.A.
2. The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children in Palestinian Terrorism Anat Berko, Ph.D.
3. Trauma and Vulnerability to Extremist Violence Schuyler W. Henderson, M.D., M.P.H.
4. Lone Wolves, Radicalization Online, and the Virtual Community of Hatred Jerrold M. Post, M.D.
5. Walking Away: The Disengagement and De-Radicalization of Terrorists John G. Horgan, Ph.D.
6. Preventing Terrorist Recruitment Through Promoting Family and Community Resilience in Muslim Diasporas Stevan Weine, M.D.
S73. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Relevant to Psychiatry
1. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Integrative Health Care for Psychiatry and Neurology Nisha N. Money, M.D.
2. Medical Acupuncture’s New Potential in Psychological Health Joseph M. Helms, M.D.
3. Treating Pain and PTSD With Acupuncture Robert L. Koffman, M.D., M.P.H.
4. The Therapeutic Use of Animals in Medicine and Psychiatry Elspeth C. Ritchie, M.D., M.P.H.
S74. Research Advances in Psychiatric Pharmacogenomics
1. Personalized Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Advances in the Pharma cogenetics of Lithium Response John R. Kelsoe, M.D.
2. Progress Toward Use of Pharmacogenetic Information to Avoid Antipsychotic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia and Weight Gain James L. Kennedy, M.D.
3. Pharmacogenomics in the Search for New ADHD Treatment Targets James T. McCracken, M.D.
4. Increasing the Precision of the Pharmacogenomic Prediction of Anti-depressant Response David A. Mrazek, M.D.
S75. Developments in Forensic Psychiatry in the United States and France: Vive La Difference!
1. A New Law for Psychiatric Treatment in France: First Impressions After Nine Months Francois C. Petitjean, M.D.
2. Outlier Commitment Groups Carl P. Malmquist, M.D.
3. Data on Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalizations in France Prior to the July 2011 Law Raphael Gourevitch, M.D., Ph.D.
4. Mental Health Law Reform in the United States Richard J. Bonnie, J.D.
5. What Do We Know About Compulsory Community Treatment? Marc Antoine Crocq, M.D.
6. Compare and Contrast the New French Civil Commitment Law With Civil Commitment Practices in the United States J effrey Janofsky, M.D.
S76 Genetic and Epigenetic Factors in Suicidal Behavior: Effects of Early and Late Environmental Stressors
1. Developmental Vulnerability to Suicidal Behavior Philippe Courtet, M.D., Ph.D.
2. The Role of Life Events in Precipitating Suicide Attempts and Completed Suicide Mercedes P. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D.
3. Epigenetic Regulation of Genes Involved in Stress Response by Early-Life Adversity: Implications on Suicide Risk Gustavo Turecki, M.D., Ph.D.
4. A Prospective Study of the Role of Life Events in Precipitating Suicidal Behavior Maria A. Oquendo, M.D.
S77. Moral Treatment to Recovery: The Ivy League Hospitals Look at Contemporary Ethical Issues in Psychiatry
1. A Historic Overview of the Inception of Moral Treatment David S. Roby, M.D.
2. Confidentiality of Mental Health Records After Death Patricia R. Recupero, M.D., J.D.
3. Distinctive Competencies Frederick W. Engstrom, M.D.
4. Safe and Satisfied Patients, Circa 2012 Philip J. Wilner, M.D.
5. Superintendent of the Asylum to Recovery Coach: The Psychiatrist’s Role Virginia L. Susman, M.D.
S78. Personalized Medicine: An Update U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
1. The Role of Pharmacogenetics in Treating Alcohol Dependence With Ondansetron Bankole A. Johnson, M.D., Ph.D.
2. SSRIs: Widely Prescribed Medications That May Adversely Affect a Subgroup of Alcoholics Henry R. Kranzler, M.D.
3. Alcohol Dependence and Personalized Medicine: Leveraging Neurobiological Phenotypes to Uncover Genetic Predictors Kent Hutchinson, M.D.
4. Functional Polymorphism of the Mu Opioid Receptor Gene (OPRM1) Influences Reinforcement Learning in Humans Elliot Stein, Ph.D.
S79. American Psychiatry and Human Rights in the 21st Century: Services to Special Populations American Association for Social Psychiatry
1. Human Rights and Racial/Ethnic Disparities Andres J. Pumariega, M.D.
2. Human Rights and Mental Health of Women Beverly J. Fauman, M.D.
3. Human Rights and Services to Special Populations: Children and Youth Consuelo C. Cagande, M.D.
4. Addressing Health Disparities in Immigrant and Refugee Children in the United States Eugenio M. Rothe, M.D.
S80. Update in HIV and AIDS Psychiatry Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
1. HIV Through the Life Cycle: Childhood, Adolescence, and Reproductive Health Suad Kapetanovic, M.D.
2. HIV Through the Life Cycle: Aging of HIV Population Adriana Carvalhal, M.D., Ph.D.
3. Update in HIV and AIDS Psychiatry: Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Care Kelly L. Cozza, M.D.
4. Psychiatric Disorders Jordi Blanch, Ph.D.
5. Multimorbid Medical Illness: Non-HIV and HIV-Related Joseph Z. Lux, M.D.
6. Update in HIV and AIDS Psychiatry: Palliative and End-of-Life Care H arold W. Goforth, M.D.
S81. Improving Quality of Care for Patients With Psychiatric Illness: Combining and Integrating Psycho-pharmacological, Individual, and Family Therapy
1. Combining Pharmacotherapy With Other Modalities Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D.
2. Combining Individual Therapy With Other Modalities Glen O. Gab-bard, M.D.
3. Family Intervention by Psychiatrists as a Routine Component of Patient Care Gabor I. Keitner, M.D.
S82. Integrated Care and the Future of Psychiatry: Teaching Psychiatry Residents and Fellows to Work at the Interface of Mental Health and Primary Care American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training
1. Training Challenges for Residents in Psychosomatic Medicine Posed by New Models of Health Care Delivery: Integrated Care and the “Medical Home” Marshall Forstein, M.D.
2. Training Challenges for Residents and Fellows in Psychosomatic Medicine Posed by New Models of Health Care Delivery: Integrated Care and the “Medical Home” Robert C. Joseph, M.D., M.S.
3. Mental Health Integration in a Pediatric Primary Care Clinic: Providing Care and Cross-Training Pediatric and Child Psychiatry Residents Emily Frosch, M.D.
4. Impact of Integrated Psychiatry-Primary Medical Care Training on Resident Comfort With General Medical Concerns in Patients With Mental Disorders Kristen Snyder, M.D.
5. Integrated Care and the Future of Psychiatry: Educating Psychiatrists to Work at the Interface of Mental Health and Primary Care Jaesu Han, M.D.
6. Using an Elective Rotation in an Integrated Care Program to Foster Development of Resident Psychiatrist Consulting Skills Anna Ratzliff, M.D., Ph.D.
S83. Assessment of Substance Use Disorder Patient Outcomes Based on Longitudinal Registry/EMR Data U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse
1. Overview of Methodologies Used to Assess Large Registry Databases Donald Stablein, Ph.D.
2. Substance Use Disorders and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders Among Young Psychiatric Patients: Findings From a Large Electronic Health Records Database Li-Tzy Wu, D.Sc., M.A.
3. Presentation of European and Australian Cohorts That Assess the Risk and Associated Influences on Mortality During and After Opioid Treatments Matt Hickman, M.Sc., Ph.D.
4. Presentation of EMR System in Italy and Outcome Studies Using Its Data Roberto Mollica, M.D.
5. Using National VA Patient Databases and Registries to Evaluate Care and Outcomes for Patients With Mental and Substance Use Disorders Frederic Blow, Ph.D.
S84. Mentalizing: Current Core Concepts
1. Mentalizing: Current Key Constructs Howard E. Book, M.D.
2. How Mentalization Contributes to Good Psychiatric Management John G. Gunderson, M.D.
3. A Role for Mentalizing in Psychiatric and Medical Education Jon J. Hunter, M.D.
4. Generic Mentalization-Based Interventions: How to Foster a Mentalizing Stance in Your Patients Patrick Luyten, Ph.D.
S85. Psychosocial Treatments for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Improving the Prognosis Beyond Medications
1. Anything Besides Medication? An Overview of Alternatives to Pharmaco-therapy in the Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Darryl C. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
2. The Assessment of Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder Eric A. Youngstrom, Ph.D.
3. Functional Impairment, Stress, and Psychosocial Intervention in Bipolar Disorder David J. Miklowitz, Ph.D.
4. A Child and Family-Focused CBT for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Development and Preliminary Results Sally Weinstein, Ph.D.

9 A.M.-4 P.M.



MC05. Update on Pediatric Psychopharmacology Chair: Christopher J. Kratochvil, M.D.

11 A.M.-12:30 P.M.


L23. Basic Sciences and Interviewing Skills: Educational Conundrums? Vestermark Award Lecture; Bryce Templeton, M.D.
L24. Value-Based Mental Health Care Delivery APA Guest Lecture; Michael Porter, M.B.A., Ph.D.
L25. Can We Safely Deliver the DSM-5 Into the 21st Century? Steven E. Hyman, M.D.


F6. NIDA Addiction Performance Project Chair: Nora D. Volkow, M.D.


SCR23. Professional Issues
1. Burnout Among Psychiatrists and Pediatricians at LAC and USC Medical Center Torang Sepah, M.D.
2. Learning From a Case-Based Workshop for Interprofessional Audience Diana Kljenak, M.D.
3. Psychotherapy Practices of Psychiatrists in the United States: Patterns, Trends, and Reported Barriers to Psychotherapy Joyce West, Ph.D., M.P.P.
SCR24. Psychosomatics
1. Frequency of Depression and Anxiety in Dissociative Conversion Disorder Patients Reporting at a Tertiary Care Psychiatric Facility of Fauji Foundation Mazhar Malik, M.B.B.S
2. The Relationship of Health Anxiety to State Anxiety, Depression, Somatic Symptom Burden, and Disability in a Tertiary Psychosomatic Medicine Population Jeffrey Staab, M.D., M.S.
3. Developing an Emergency Psychiatry Consultation Service Within a C-L Program: Impact and Change Henry Weisman, M.D.


SI14. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Open Forum: Come Discuss PTSD With the Editors of the Recent Text Clinical Manual for Management of PTSD (Meet the Author) Chair: David M. Benedek, M.D.
SI15. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents (Meet the Author) Chair: Eva Szigethy, M.D., Ph.D.


W103. Role of Gender and Culture in Professional Psychiatry Chair: Nyapati R. Rao, M.D., M.S.
W104. A Primer on Psychotherapy in the Medically Ill Chair: Sanjeev Sock-alingam, M.D.
W105. The Cobbler’s Children: Dealing With Mental Illness in Our Own Families Chair: Julia Frank, M.D.
W106. Extended Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders: An Update U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Chair: James R. McKay, Ph.D.
W107. Resolving Ethical Challenges and Promoting Mental Health Recovery APA/The Scattergood Foundation; Chair: Phyllis Solomon, Ph.D.
W108. Great Performances: Malingering in Fiction Chair: Sherif Soliman, M.D.
W109. Strengthening Resilience and Developing Posttraumatic Growth in Children, Adults, and Communities Following Disasters Chair: Howard J. Osofsky, M.D., Ph.D.
W110. Medi-Medi: A Ghost Story Chair: Rodrigo A. Muñoz, M.D.
W111. TMS Beyond the FDA Label: Consensus Guidelines for Best Clinical Practice Chair: Irving M. Reti, M.B.B.S.

1 P.M.-5 P.M.


1:30 P.M.-3 P.M.


AM5. Update on Sleep Disorders: What’s New Under the Moon Chair: Karl Doghramji, M.D.


CC6. PTSD and the U.S. Soldier Today Chairs: Elspeth C. Ritchie, M.D., M.P.H., Marvin A. Oleshansky, M.D.


L26. Goodness of the Physician: From Hippocrates to Hi-Tech APA Guest Lecture; Sherwin B. Nuland, M.D.


SCR25. Schizophrenia, Part 1
1. Epidemiology of Schizophrenia Patients Initiating Long-Acting Injectable Versus Oral Antipsychotics Among the U.S. Medicare and Non-Medicare Populations Bruce Wong, M.D.
2. Glycine Reuptake Inhibitor (GRI) Enhances NMDA Receptor Activity: A Novel Approach to the Treatment of Schizophrenia Daniela Alberati, Ph.D.
3. Metformin for Treatment of Anti-psychotic-Induced Amenorrhea and Weight Gain in Female Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study Renrong Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
SCR26. Schizophrenia, Part 2
1. Drug Compliance and Associated Outcomes in Schizophrenia Patients Before and After the Initiation of Depot Antipsychotic Agents Steve Offord, Ph.D.
2. Clinical Deficits Underlying the Denial of Aggression and Symptoms in Patients With Schizophrenia Randomized to Clozapine, Olanzapine, and Haloperidol Menahem Krakowski, M.D., Ph.D.
3. Primary Polydipsia in a Chronic Psychiatric Outpatient Population Felicia Iftene, M.D., Ph.D.


SI16. TMS and ECT in Clinical Practice: Q & A Chair: John O’Reardon, M.D.


W112. Small, Medium, or Large? A Panel Discussion With Psychiatrists From Three Different College Campuses Chairs: Farah Munir, D.O., Susan Kimmel, M.D.
W113. Assessment of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents Chairs: Magdalena Romanowicz, M.D., Timothy Lineberry, M.D.
W114. Psychiatrists and the New Media: Gaining Control of Our Specialty’s Public Image Chair: Steven R. Daviss, M.D.
W115. From Utilization Analysis to Quality Management in Mental Health Care Research Chair: Wolfgang Gaebel, M.D.
W116. Lost in Translation: Taking Cultural Sensitivity From Theory to the Bedside APA Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning; Chairs: Puja Chadha, M.D., Jason E. Cheng, M.D.
W117. Malpractice Defense: Strategies for Success Chairs: Abe M. Rychik, J.D., Eugene L. Lowenkopf, M.D.
W118. Learning to Practice What We Preach: Translating Neurocognitive and Social Psychological Studies of Racism and Sexism Into Our Everyday Practice Chair: Annelle B. Primm, M.D., M.P.H.
W119. ABPN and APA Perspectives on Maintenance of Certification Chair: Larry R. Faulkner, M.D.

2 P.M.-4 P.M.


2 P.M.-5 P.M.


PS4. Prevention in Geriatric Psychiatry Chair: Dilip V. Jeste, M.D.
1. Successful Psychosocial Aging Dilip V. Jeste, M.D.
2. Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Murray A. Raskind, M.D.
3. The “Vascular Depression” Hypothesis: Mechanisms, Treatment Development, and Prevention George S. Alexopoulos, M.D.
4. Depression Prevention Strategies in Later Life: Overview of a Young Field Charles Reynolds, M.D.
5. Can We Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? Gary W. Small, M.D.


S86. Psychiatry and Cancer Update
1. Circadian Cortisol as a Predictor of Response to Psychotherapy for Depression and PTSD Among Breast Cancer Survivors David Spiegel, M.D.
2. Spiritual and Religious Coping With Cancer David W. Kissane, M.D.
3. Update on Pediatric Psycho-Oncology Margaret L. Stuber, M.D.
4. How to Communicate With Patients and Families Walter F. Baile, M.D.
5. Treatment of Delirium in Cancer Patients William Breitbart, M.D.
S87. Controversies in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Separating Facts From Myths
1. Clinical Considerations in ASD: What Are the Implications of the Changes in Diagnostic Criteria? Shafali S. Jeste, M.D.
2. Epidemiology of ASD: Why the Rise in Prevalence? Bennett L. Leventhal, M.D.
3. Genetics of ASD: Is It All in the Genes? Daniel Geschwind, M.D.
4. Early Signs and Biomarkers of ASD: How Early Can We Detect the Disorder? Charles Nelson, Ph.D.
S88. Rapid Urbanization: Impact on Mental Health (For APA Members Only) Chair: Jitendra Kumar Trivedi, M.D., M.R.C.
1. Impact on Mental Health by Rapid Urbanization in Western and Central Asia Mohit Ahmad, M.D.
2. Impact on Mental Health by Rapid Urbanization in Southern Asia Jitendra Kumar Trivedi, M.D., M.R.C.
3. Impact on Mental Health by Rapid Urbanization in Eastern Asia Harishchandra Gambheera, M.D.
4. Impact on Mental Health by Rapid Urbanization in Australasia and the South Pacific Mohan Isaac, M.D., D.P.M.
S89. Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations and the Social Determinants of Mental Health
1. Development of the “Barriers to Health and Mental Health Care Access Questionnaire” for Use Among Immigrant Latino Women Kaney K.F. Fedovskiy, M.D., M.P.H.
2. Securing Civil Commitment Between Sovereign Nations Monica Taylor-Desir, M.D., M.P.H.
3. Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations and the Social Determinants of Mental Health Nhi-Ha T. Trinh, M.D.
4. Racial/Ethnic Disparities, Social Support, and Depression: Examining a Social Determinant of Mental Health Ruth S. Shim, M.D., M.P.H.
S90. Assisted Outpatient Treatment for Persons With Severe Mental Illness: The Data and the Controversy
1. Is Assisted Outpatient Treatment Effective? Marvin S. Swartz, M.D.
2. Unpacking the Controversy About Assisted Outpatient Treatment Jeffrey W. Swanson, Ph.D.
3. Reviewing New Data on the Cost and Benefits of Assisted Outpatient Treatment Richard A. Van Dorn, Ph.D.
S91. Choosing the Right Treatment for Substance Abuse
1. Choosing the Right Treatment for Cocaine Dependence Adam Bisaga, M.D.
2. Choosing Treatment for Cannabis Dependence Frances R. Levin, M.D.
3. Combining Medications and Psychosocial Interventions in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Edward V. Nunes, M.D.
4. Treatment of Chronic Pain and Opioid Dependence: Role for Opioid Agonists and Antagonists Maria A. Sullivan, M.D., Ph.D.
5. Detecting and Managing Sedative-Hypnotic and Prescription Stimulant Abuse John J. Mariani, M.D.
S92. Update on Body Dysmorphic Disorder
1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Clinical Features, Assessment, and Proposed Changes for DSM-5 Katharine A. Phillips, M.D.
2. Abnormalities of Visual and Emotional Processing in Body Dysmorphic Disorder Jamie Feusner, M.D.
3. Neuropsychopharmacology of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Eric Hollander, M.D.
4. Information-Processing Biases and Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Sabine Wilhelm, Ph.D.
5. Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery David Sarwer, Ph.D.
S93. There Is No Such Thing as a “Med Check” American Association of Community Psychiatrists
1. An Overview of Shared Decision Making Lisa A. Mistler, M.D., M.S.
2. From California: Challenges and Paradoxes Bernadette M. Grosjean, M.D.
3. Group Meetings in Behavioral Health That Include Prescribing and Discussing Medication as Part of the Treatment/Recovery Plan Benjamin Crocker, M.D.
4. Only in New York: Turning It Into 15 Minutes of Fame Hunter L. McQuistion, M.D.
S94. Reclaiming the Role of Motherhood for Women With Serious Mental Illness
1. Mothers With Serious Mental Illness in a State Psychiatric Hospital Setting Nikole S. Benders-Hadi, M.D.
2. Assessing Parenting Capability in Mothers With Mental Illness Laura Miller, M.D.
3. Exploring How Peer Support Can Expand Parenting Opportunities for Women With Serious Mental Health Diagnoses in Marginal Social Circumstances, Part 1 Mary Jane Alexander, Ph.D.
4. Exploring How Peer Support Can Expand Parenting Opportunities for Women With Serious Mental Health Diagnoses in Marginal Social Circumstances, Part 2 Jacki McKinney, M.S.W.
S95. Geriatric Bipolar Disorder: Pharmacotherapy of Late-Life Bipolar Mania
1. Geriatric Bipolar Disorder: Overview of Rationale and Study Design John L. Beyer, M.D.
2. Tolerability of Lithium and Valproate in Geri-BD Participants Robert C. Young, M.D.
3. Antimanic Effects of Lithium and Valproate for the Treatment of Late-Life Mania and Hypomania: Geriatric Bipolar Disorder, a Randomized, Controlled Trial Laszlo Gyulai, M.D.
4. Cognitive Function and Medical Comorbidity in Elders With Bipolar Disorder Participating in Geri-BD Ariel Gildengers, M.D.
S96. Controversies in the Underdiagnosis Versus Overdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
1. Diagnostic Error in Bipolar Disorder: The Inherent Limits of Criteria-Based Diagnoses and Its Impact on Overdiagnosis and Underdiagnoses Mark Zimmerman, M.D.
2. Why Affective Instability Is Different From Bipolarity Joel Paris, M.D.
3. Clinician Versus Patient-Rated MDQ Screening for Bipolar Disorder at Hospitalization: Sources of Discordance Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D., M.S.
4. Indices of Bipolar Disorder in 5,635 Patients Seeking Treatment for a Major Depressive Episode Charles Bowden, M.D.
S97. American Psychiatry and Human Rights in the 21st Century: The Clinical Process American Association for Social Psychiatry
1. Human Rights and Mental Health Consumers Charles W. Huffine, M.D.
2. Human Rights and Managed Care Steven Moffic, M.D.
3. Human Rights and Access to Preventive Services Carl C. Bell, M.D.
4. Health System Reform and Human Rights Steven S. Sharfstein, M.D., M.P.A.
S98. HIV Neuropsychiatry
1. HIV/AIDS Medical Update Steven Douglas, M.D.
2. Neuropsychiatric Overview Marshall Forstein, M.D.
3. Neurocognitive Decline Karl Goodkin, M.D., Ph.D.
4. Psychopharmacology Stephen J. Ferrando, M.D.
S99. Updated Applications of Expert Psychiatric Testimony in Criminal Justice
1. Introduction of Speakers and Overview of Presentations Clarence Watson, M.D., J.D.
2. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Applications of Psychiatric Testimony in Criminal Cases Kenneth J. Weiss, M.D.
3. Legal Relevance of Brain Function: Admissibility of Nuclear Imaging Following Traumatic Brain Injury Susan E. Rushing, M.D., J.D.
4. Admissibility of Functional Neuroimaging Evidence in U.S. Courts Octavio Choi, M.D., Ph.D.
5. Violent Parasomnias and Their Forensic Issues Elena T. Del Busto, M.D.
6. The Role of the Expert in Criminal Juvenile Justice Nicole A. Foubister, M.D.
S100. Somatic Symptom Disorders: Treatments That Work
1. Treatment of Hypochondriasis: CBT, SSRI, or Both? Results From an NIMH-Funded Randomized Study Brian A. Fallon, M.D., M.P.H.
2. Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Somatic Symptom Disorders: State of Evidence and Videotape Illustration Allan A. Abbass, M.D.
3. Functional Movement Disorders: Successful Treatment With a Rehabilitation Protocol Jeff Thompson, M.D.
4. Group Therapy Treatment of Functional Somatic Syndromes and Somatoform Disorders Using CBT, Mindfulness, and ACT in a Specialized Setting Per C. Fink
5. Somatoform Disorders: Patients’ Perspectives Maria Harmandayan, M.D.
S101. Obesity and Bipolar Disorder: Phenomenological Implications, Common Neurobiological Substrates, and the Effect of Bariatric Surgery
1. Obesity in Bipolar Disorder: The Causative Effects of Trauma and Consequences to Cognition Roger McIntyre, M.D.
2. Bipolar Disorder and Obesity: The Contribution of Eating Disorders Susan McElroy, M.D.
3. Bariatric Surgery and Psychiatric Utilization Among Patients With Bipolar Disorder Ameena T. Ahmed, M.D., M.P.H.
S102. Psychiatry in Deradicalizing Violent Extremists World Psychiatric Association
1. Psychological Factors in Violent Extremism Z ebulon Taintor, M.D.
2. Psychiatry in Deradicalizing Violent Extremists: An Analysis of the Saboon Rehabilitation Project Feriha N. Peracha, Ph.D., M.Sc.
3. Integrative Rural Development Program by Swat Relief Initiative Zebunisa A. Jilani
4. Building the Capacity of Civil Society of Pakistan to Work on Counterradicalization and Deradicalization Programs Farrokh K. Captain, M.B.A.
5. Preventing Radicalization to Extremist Violence Through Raising Integrative Complexity Sara Savage, Ph.D.

3:30 P.M.-5 P.M.


AM6. Arrhythmias in the Psychiatric Patient: What to Know and How to Treat Chair: Rajat Deo, M.D., M.R.T.


L27. Glutamate, Dopamine, and Alcoholism: From Vulnerability to Treatment APA Frontiers of Science Lecture; John H. Krystal, M.D.
L28. APA Award for Research in Psychiatry Lecture Neal Swerdlow, M.D., Ph.D.


SCR27. Stigma
1. Utilizing Theatre to Modify Stigma: A Knowledge Translation Study in Bipolar Disorder Sagar Parikh, M.D.
2. Quantification of Stigma for Clinical Assessment: A Paradigm Shift in Anti-Stigma Intervention Amresh Shrivastava, M.D.
3. Cyberspace: A Frontier for Confronting Mental Health Stigma in Ethnic Minority Populations Sarah Vinson, M.D.
SCR28. Suicide
1. Insomnia, Anxiety, and Suicidal Ideation Stephen Woolley, D.Sc., M.P.H.
2. Coping With Challenges of Risk Assessment: Toward a New Scale, SIS-MAP Amresh Shrivastava, M.D.
3. Smoking and Suicidal Behavior in Patients With Schizophrenia Jyoti Kanwar, M.D.


SI17. Psychological Effects of the Long War: Strategies for Mitigation Chair: Elspeth C. Ritchie, M.D., M.P.H.


W120. Developing a Career in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Chair: Ara M. Anspikian, M.D.
W121. Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis in Practice by Psychiatrists: Basic Techniques Chairs: Shanaya Rathod, M.D., David G. Kingdon, M.D.
W122. Cannabinoid and Opioid Systems in Integrated Treatment for Pain and Substance Abuse, Part 1 Chair: Lawrence K. Richards, M.D.
W123. The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal: How to Be Involved Chair: Sarah M. Fayad, M.D.
W124. Bath Salts: Not Intended for Human Consumption, Seriously! Chairs: Annette M. Matthews, M.D., Neisha A. D’Souza, M.D.
W125. Integrating Psychiatric and General Medical Care: Military and Civilian Models APA Lifers; Chairs: Sheila Hafter Gray, M.D., Stephen C. Scheiber, M.D.
W126. Learning to Treat Patients With Self-Harm Behaviors: Two Models for Teaching DBT to Psychiatry Residents Chairs: Beth S. Brodsky, M.D., Ph.D., Deborah L. Cabaniss, M.D.
W127. Psychotherapeutic Strategies for Countering Stigma: What Social Neuroscience Can Teach Us Chair: James L. Griffith, M.D.
W128. Overcoming “Resistance” in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia Chair: Vishal Madaan, M.D.

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Psychiatric News
Pages: 50a - 55


Published online: 17 February 2012
Published in print: February 17, 2012


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