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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 100
  • Number 3
  • November 1943


Publication date: 01 November 1943


1. One hundred soldiers admitted to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital during 1942 were studied. 2. Men who had previous hospitalizations for mental illness and those showing other signs of maladjustment prior to induction tended to break down after a longer ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


1. The precipitating factor in 99 per cent of these cases cannot be said to be due to any excessive stress or strain as found in actual combat. 2. No one outstanding or abnormal factor is found in family or personal histories. 3. It is believed that in ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


1. Neuropsychiatric patients suffering from alcoholism, epilepsy, neurasthenia gastrica, and especially dementia præcox, have a greater than normal tendency to voluntarily enlist in the army rather than wait for induction. 2. Neuropsychiatric patients ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


One hundred and fifty cases of enuresis among recruits at the Norfolk Naval Training Station were studied. It was found that enuresis is not a clinical entity in itself but a manifestation of a deep seated personality disturbance. In addition to the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


Some general aspects of the management of human society are discussed and it is pointed out that basic knowledge concerning human behavior must be incorporated in public administration as well as matters of supplies, wages and man-hours of labor. It is ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


Results of the follow up study of 279 patients who received electroshock therapy indicate that this treatment is very effective in the treatment of involutional melancholia and manic-depressive psychosis. The percentage of recoveries reported for this ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


1. Sodium amytal is effective in the management of the resistive and apprehensive patient, and the post convulsive excitement. It can be used to elicit prognostic productions. More patients can be treated during a given time period. 2. Our preliminary ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


Dr. Kalinowsky in his summary discussed complications chiefly. In 1500 patients he has observed two cases with fractures of the long bones of the body but has seen no fatalities. In summing up Dr. Kennedy stated that he had never seen intellectual ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


Electroencephalograms of 86 cases of post-traumatic epilepsy were analysed with particular reference to the localization of abnormal electrical discharge. Pre-operative and post-operative studies were made on 32 of these patients on whom operation had ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


About one-half (48%) of late post-traumatic cases have abnormal EEGs. The presence of fracture or unconsciousness does not appreciably alter this percentage. Post-traumatic cases with epilepsy have a higher percentage of abnormal EEGs. and post-traumatic ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


During the last two years twelve children were studied and treated for severe emotional disturbances following mild upper respiratory infections. An attempt has been made to describe the observed emotional disturbances characterized by compulsive, ...

Publication date: 01 November 1943


Distortion of the body image due to the presence of edema consistently gives rise to ideas of unpleasant emotional tone. There is a tendency to reject and disown the edematous parts of the body, to repress the knowledge of the distortion of the body image,...

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