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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 103
  • Number 6
  • May 1947


Publication date: 01 May 1947


1. Observations on the effect of breathing low oxygen are reported in a series of 67 patients and 42 controls, in whom changes in central nervous system activity were measured by the EEG and changes in behavior by the interaction chronogram. 2. Most ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


Electroencephalographic recordings from the base of the brain give valuable supplementary information to data obtained from conventional scalp recordings. Various locations of the deep lead are possible—subsphenoid, spheno-ethmoidal or subfrontal. Several ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


1. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (M. Inventory) was evaluated by application to 416 United States Army enlisted personnel. Results in this study present convincing evidence that the test is a valuable psychometric adjunct to clinical ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


The Rorschach test records of 60 post-traumatic, brain injured patients have been compared with those of 100 control patients in an effort to find factors characteristic of organic cerebral alterations. Piotrowski's ten signs of cerebral disturbance have ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


Many of the manuals on the Rorschach present data for "normal" subjects which explicitly or implicitly are given as normal reference points. These reference points differ somewhat from manual to manual. They differ a good deal from the Rorschach data ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


A brief test of adult intelligence designed for psychiatric examiners is reported. The test (Preliminary Test of Intelligence) consists of vocabulary, comprehension, similarities and differences, and arithmetic items and can be administered and scored in ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


The autokinetic phenomenon is the visual experience of apparent movement of a stationary object, and can be observed most effectively by looking at a fixed pin-point light in a totally dark room. The phenomenon is offered here as a projective measure of ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


Brief psychotherapeutic interviews try to utilize the dynamic knowledge of the individual patient's past life and to apply it to a satisfactory adjustment to the present. His hopes and plans for the future are constantly taken into consideration. ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


1. The electroencephalographic distributions for 160 children with primary behavior disorders, 139 adults with psychopathic personality and 98 parents of 58 patients were presented. 2. These were contrasted with the electroencephalographic distributions ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


A 27-year-old combat soldier was admitted to a general hospital overseas because of hysterical blindness. He proved to be a good hypnotic subject and vision was restored after one session. In a subsequent hypnotic session a second degree burn with blister ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


One hundred fifteen hyperthyroid patients were studied from a psychological viewpoint. The presence of phobias was discerned to be a presenting symptom. The majority of patients presenting phobias were women. Eight men were found to have this complaint. ...

Publication date: 01 May 1947


One psychotic pregnant female was treated by electroshock therapy between the fourth and sixth months of pregnancy, without the use of supplementary medication. A total of 17 treatments, with major convulsions, was given. This patient went into labor at ...

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