American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 109
- Number 7
- January 1953
Publication date: 01 January 1953
Pages481–4851. Questionnaires were sent to physicians who were enrolled in the Navy's 3 months' intensive training courses in neuropsychiatry during World War II. Of the 221 "live" questionnaires sent to 36 states and the District of Columbia there were 189 returns, ... date: 01 January 1953
Pages486–4901. The Briggs Law is a state law of Massachusetts, providing for automatic examination of those who are accused of a serious crime or repeated crimes. 2. Since its first effective operation in 1921, there have been 14,570 cases reported for examination. ... date: 01 January 1953
Pages514–517Virulent spirochetes have been demonstrated to persist in the blood of untreated syphilitic rabbits for over 4 years and even in the face of negative serologic tests. The treponema immobilization test, a specific test for treponema pallida, has been ...