American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 110
- Number 4
- October 1953
Publication date: 01 October 1953
Pages261–268Heredity investigations, normal characterology, and clinical experience speak strongly in favor of the existence of well defined types of constitution that play an important role in pathology and criminology. By constitution is here meant the total psycho-... date: 01 October 1953
Pages269–276More than 1,000 lobotomized patients have been followed for periods of 1 to 16 years, then divided into those with good social achievement and those with poor social achievement. The records were analyzed in an effort to determine the factors responsible ... date: 01 October 1953
Pages281–2891. Twenty-one consecutive ward patients admitted to the ophthalmologic service for senile cataract extraction were studied by a team of observers. Each patient was given an EEG and an amytal test for organic brain disease. Prior to operation each patient ... date: 01 October 1953
Pages296–3001. Mental and intellectual deterioration are typical for psychoses in advanced life. Thus, an approach based on logical argumentation fails to facilitate contact with the elderly psychotic. 2. The emotional sphere is often not so much affected as the ...