American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 110
- Number 6
- December 1953
Publication date: 01 December 1953
Pages443–447Interviews of ward personnel and families of patients were conducted to determine the quantity and quality of patients' leisure-time pursuits; to determine the degree of personnel's awareness of these pursuits; and to determine the sources utilized by ... date: 01 December 1953
Pages454–459This survey demonstrates the value of pilot studies of the kind described. They should be followed by other thorough investigations. Until recently the state hospitals were considered "end of the road" institutions. They are now going through a new ... date: 01 December 1953
Pages460–464Fear of losing independence and individual identity precipitates emotional difficulties in aging people. These disturbances often occur long before actual incapacity. The time and degree of aging is individual. Our cultural attitude generally and ...