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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 111
  • Number 10
  • April 1955


Publication date: 01 April 1955


1. A group of experienced psychiatrists interviewed, for 20 minutes each, 886 highly selected officer candidates. On the basis of the information gained in the interview, they estimated the probable success of each candidate in the position of Junior ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


Clinical observations led the author to the following conclusions: 1. Present-day psychiatric treatment methods have no specific, but have, to a certain degree, selective actions. 2. Electroconvulsive treatment relieves all forms of depressions and is ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


Mental illness in patients over 65 years is not necessarily "organic" and irreversible. So-called "functional" psychoses in the elderly respond well to electroconvulsive therapy and a high percentage of cases can be restored to the community at the pre-...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


The results of stellate ganglion infiltration in 8 patients, suffering from psychosis with cerebral arteriosclerosis or senile psychosis, are discussed. The rationale of this treatment is presented and a number of papers dealing with the effect of this ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


In spite of the different opinions as to the diagnosis and prognoses in the 25 cases included in this team study, the following positive conclusions are agreed upon by all members of the team: In those cases, which in the United States are usually ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


The results we have recorded represent no new discoveries. The beneficial effects of suitable occupation in mental illness have been known since the time of Pinel. It is our contention, however, that the staffing and administrative problems of mental ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


1. Six cases of Ganser's syndrome are described, one occurring in a male prisoner, 5 occurring in civilian patients of whom 4 were women and one a man. 2. Three patients who are described in detail developed the syndrome intercurrently during other ...

Publication date: 01 April 1955


A study with the use of a whole protein supplement and dextrose solution administered orally or by intubation as an adjunct in interruption of insulin coma was conducted to determine if this procedure was more efficacious in reducing the frequency and ...

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