American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 119
- Number 4
- October 1962
Publication date: 01 October 1962
Pages299–305This paper reported the results of a series of concurrent investigations in Baltimore dealing with the prevalence rates for various psychiatric disorders in the white and nonwhite population. The findings based on a community survey, and state, private ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages317–322While there are similarities between the combat patients and the non-combat controls, a clear-cut picture emerges of the combat veteran syndrome with a severely disabling condition involving startle reactions, sleep difficulties, dizziness, blackouts, ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages328–335Comprehensive community mental health programs follow the pattern of public health philosophy which places the need for community service paramount to individual considerations. Public support and professional participation are seen as the cornerstones of ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages336–341A series of studies which illustrate the value of Onychomys leucogaster as a laboratory animal for study of aggression have been reviewed. The aggressive behavior of this animal follows a highly predictable pattern and can be readily quantified. ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages351–3571. An investigation of the reliability of psychiatric diagnoses was designed to minimize factors that would artificially lower or inflate the rate of concordance. A series of 153 patients were examined independently by paired psychiatrists and diagnoses ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages358–3591. Medical study of 40 patients failed to produce evidence of an allergic mechanism or a causative physical agent in the etiology of their chronic urticaria. 2. Chronic urticaria may be viewed as a regressive, physiological expression of unconscious ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages363–366This work demonstrates that there is a biphasic effect on brain tissue respiration with respect to time interval after chlorpromazine administration to an intact animal. The first phase, lasting about 16 hours in the rat, reflects an inhibition of ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages367–3681. Five of twelve patients with severe compulsive rituals showed improvement in symptomatology on high doses of trifluoperazine. 2. Blood and urine studies remained stable throughout the study. 3. Minor dystonic side effects were noted that were readily ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages369–3701. Meprobamate in high dosage seems to be of value in the treatment of some chronic schizophrenic patients. If it is, it will exert its clinical effects in a relatively short time. 2. High dosage meprobamate seems efficacious in the facilitation of ... date: 01 October 1962
Pages374–375Four deaths associated and presumably linked with the administration of chlorpromazine is presented. Although the phenothiazines, which have so changed the outlook for psychiatric patients, can usually be administered with only the occurrence of minor ...