American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 120
- Number 6
- December 1963
Publication date: 01 December 1963
Pages521–527We would like to suggest that these findings have bearing on work in community development of all kinds, and especially for work in those areas of the world where profound changes are taking place with thundering rapidity. It seems that it is possible to ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages528–532We report a case of schizophrenia in triplets in which 2 monozygotic sisters are affected and a fraternal brother is not. Prolonged clinical investigation of the family has revealed major differences in the form, symptomatology, and depth or regression ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages533–5391. A major problem exists concerning the use of psychiatric facilities by people in economically deprived areas. It is suggested that the walk-in clinic may be a means of meeting this need; however, studies have indicated that people from such an area ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages540–547The Navy's experience over the past 20 years in psychiatric assessment is subjected to a systematic review, and an effort is made to identify variables which are critical to the effectiveness of such programs. While the Navy's experience in assessment ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages553–5601. The psychosomatic role of the family doctor is reviewed. 2. Psychopharmacology has opened up a broader role for the family doctor. 3. Treatment of selected patients with major mental illnesses can now be carried out under psychiatric supervision by the ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages561–566This study of a population of 378 patients selected for family care homes revealed a predomination of older women and younger men diagnosed schizophrenic reaction who had a median hospitalization of almost 2 years. When these patients returned from family ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages571–577Studies are described of two human patients under treatment with ICSS. Their subjective reports in association with stimulation to reward areas of the brain are presented. The data indicate that patients will [See Figure 6. in Source PDF] [See Figure 7. ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages578–582A study of the effects of discontinuing or reducing maintenance medication in chronic schizophrenic men provided an opportunity to evaluate the clinical usefulness of one of the rapid semi-quantitative urine tests (FPN). The rate of excretion of ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages583–589Records of all the medical students who left the Northwestern University Medical School during the 5-year period 1955-1960 were studied. Their average pre-medical grades and medical college aptitude test scores when compared to the same averages of the ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages590–5911. A multi-disciplinary program was developed for clinical study of psychoactive drugs with children. 2. D-amphetamine tended to be more effective than chlordiazepoxide in the reduction of the manifestations of the hyperkinetic syndrome. 3. Both ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages592–594The findings in this survey do not support those reported by Cranswick, et al. The slight deviations from normal values in 3 of 25 patients (1 below normal and 2 above) are clinically and statistically insignificant. On the basis of the PBI determinations ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages594–5951. Protryptyline (MK-240) is an effective antidepressant. 2. Its major usefulness appears to be for patients with retardation and apathy without agitation. Patients with marked agitation did poorly; in some patients agitation emerged as the depression was ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages595–597Thorazine is not an epileptogenic agent, instead it acts synergistically with Dilantin and Mysoline to reduce both the number and severity of grand mal seizures. An incidental finding was that Dilantin significantly alters the behavior of a number of ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages597–599Imipramine in 25 mg. daily doses was found to be an effective agent for the control of enuresis. In a double-blind study, 17 of 23 (74%) severely enuretic boys showed marked improvement on the drug compared to the placebo when each medication was given ... date: 01 December 1963
Pages601–602Orthostatic hypotension with tachycardia, of moderate proportions, is reported as accompanying the use of doses of chlordiazepoxide (Librium) of 200 to 500 mgm. daily. Drug was continued in use, with the patient remaining recumbent, and some adaptation ...