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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 125
  • Number 12
  • June 1969


Publication date: 01 June 1969


A one-year follow-up of academic and medical records was accomplished for 362 students who, over a three-year period, enrolled in college with a history of prior psychiatric treatment. While students with such history who had not interrupted their ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


A follow-up study of 100 children and adolescents treated in a residential setting revealed that about two-thirds had made ordinary or marginal adjustment and about one-half had clearly been helped. Low IQ carried a grim prognostic significance, ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


A double-blind study of 537 patients evaluated the relative efficacy of four drugs—chlordiazepoxide, chlorpromazine, hydroxyzine, and thiamine—commonly used in treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms, specifically to prevent delirium tremens and convulsions. ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


What will be the future of public mental hospitals as community mental health center programs expand? The authors suggest that their emerging role lies in joining the community's network of human services by adapting present organizational structures to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


Although Benjamin Rush disclaimed any tendency toward superstitious belief in dreams, he seems in fact often to have fallen under the spell of his own dreams and to have been quite affected by them. A common theme in Rush's dreams was the attempt to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The authors examine the process of mourning in a culture whose religions sanction the implied presence of the deceased through ancestor worship, as compared to a culture where this is not acceptable or encouraged. Most of 20 Japanese widows interviewed ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The Neighborhood Health Center is described as a program delivering family-oriented comprehensive health care of high quality to large groups of poor people. Because of the way services are conceived and organized, the center offers an opportunity to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The Spanish-American's perception of the "Anglo" as cold, exploitive, and insincere leads both to underutilization of available psychiatric services among this group and to special problems in the treatment of those who do seek help. The author presents ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


In an interview study of 223 young urban Negro men, the authors found that increasing degrees of alcohol use were associated with increasing evidence of social deviance. Absence of the father from the childhood home and failure to complete high school ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The authors describe some of the observations they made while working with California high school students in the area of drug abuse. Preventive programs, they emphasize, must include the development of open communication about drugs. Applying the ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


After establishing a group therapy program for geriatric outpatients, the author found that: 1) relatively brief socialization opportunities can provide these patients with a significant degree of support; 2) small doses of medication can provide rapid ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center has been training mental health professionals, semiprofessionals (primarily graduate students in mental health disciplines), nonprofessional volunteers, and various community groups for about a decade. The author ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


During a nine-month period, the authors saw 45 patients who came to the emergency room of the hospital seeking help in controlling their assaultive and destructive impulses. Some had feelings of global hostility and feared "running amok"; in other cases, ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


After reviewing the mental health implications of unregulated fertility in the areas of illegitimacy, premarital pregnancy, poverty, postpartum psychosis, and overpopulation, the author concludes that family planning services can be an important addition ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


In seven reported cases coordination difficulties and changes in affect and behavior developed following the concurrent administration of isoniazid and disulfiram. The authors suggest the possibility that these compounds, when administered in combination, ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


Of 1,847 institutions responding to a survey by the Task Force on Continuing Education for Psychiatrists, 51 sponsored courses meeting the questionnaire's criteria. Sponsors were distributed geographically in the same relative density as psychiatrists. ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


After presenting material classified at varied levels of obscenity to groups of raters, the authors concluded that the judgment of obscenity is determined by characteristics of the material being viewed (e.g., quality, artistic merit, attractiveness) as ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


The authors, studying predictions of psychological state formed solely from dynamic formulations, found no correlation between correct predictions and length of professional psychiatric experience. They question the misuse of deductive reasoning and ...

Publication date: 01 June 1969


On page 1363 of the April issue, in "Family History Studies: V. The Genetics of Mania," by Dr. Theodore Reich and associates, the captions of figures 1 and 2 have been reversed. The caption for figure 1 should read, "The Calvert Family Tree, Showing ...

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