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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 1
  • July 1970


Publication date: 01 July 1970


In a large survey of college student drug use in the Denver-Boulder metropolitan area, almost one-third of students admitted to having used illegal drugs. The most commonly used illegal drug was marijuana, which had been used by 26 percent of the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


In this systems approach to the syndrome of school refusal, the author illustrates how a unifying theory can be applied to a specific clinical problem in psychiatry. The approach allows for an assessment of the contributions by various levels of the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


The author questions the efficacy of the Board examinations in identifying "safe professional competency." The lack of helpful feedback from the examinations, the uncertainty about the behaviors that contribute to competence in clinical practice, the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


Chemically reduced catecholamine levels in cats unexpectedly resulted in an increase in paradoxical sleep. This and the probability that catecholamine disturbances are involved in depressive illness led the authors to theorize on the role of paradoxical ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


When the treatment of an acute schizophrenic episode is considered, prime emphasis is usually placed on the acute psychotic state as the major occurrence. The author stresses the need to focus also on what he calls the "compensated-transition" phase and ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


Comparative measurement of the body-buffer zones of eight violent and six non-violent prisoners showed the zones of the violent group to be almost four times larger. In the violent group the rear zones were larger than the front zones; in the non-violent ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


One of the outstanding inadequacies of DSM-II, according to the author, is the lack of specificity in the definition of terms. For example, there is no definition of syndrome, symptom, or symptom complex, although the first two of these are frequently ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


One attempt to resolve the military'S manpower shortages in the mental health field has been increased use of the paraprofessional specialist. The authors describe the Army's ten-week program of paraprofessional training for enlisted soldiers and the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


In the continuing effort to translate clinical observations into more accurate nosological metaphors, the term "neurosis" has been remarkably long-lived. The author seeks an explanation for its durability in tracing the historical vicissitudes of its use, ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


The author evaluated 57 schizophrenic children clinically and psychologically before and after a six-month administration of niacinamide. They were separated into three groups: those given niacinamide, those given niacinamide plus a tranquilizer, and ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


Arranging air transportation for the mentally ill is frequently a difficult procedure. The authors sent questionnaires to the medical directors of seven airlines, inquiring about their policies in transporting the mentally ill. They summarize the airlines'...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


The authors demonstrate a significant relationship between EEG patterns of psychiatric patients and the degree and quality of their social behavior. Normal EEG patients are more popular than those with either a 14 and 6 EEG pattern, who tend to be ...

Publication date: 01 July 1970


The spine of the June 1970 issue of the Journal contains an error; correcting it will be especially important to librarians. The page numbers for that issue are listed as 1736-1766. They should be listed as 1736-1840.

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