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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 129
  • Number 6
  • December 1972


Publication date: 01 December 1972


A questionnaire survey comparing 112 middle-aged men who had made ten or more visits to a psychiatrist with 531 men who did not revealed that occupational failure, never marrying, and heavy alcohol use (all indirect indicators of mental illness) were not ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The author recalls this year's anniversaries of events and individuals prominent in the history of medicine, psychiatry, and psychology and briefly examines their practical or theoretical contributions to the field.

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The self-regulation of American psychiatry has evolved into a form of professional protectionism that fails to ensure appropriate and competent psychiatric service providers. Despite an elaborate regulatory facade, the fact remains that to practice as a ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The efforts leading up to the formation of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1934 reflected the two professions' attempts to protect the public interest and to separate persons who were adequately trained in the two specialties from those ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Three chronic alcoholics took part in a 32-day study in which relationships between experimentally imposed stress and alcohol consumption, mood, and psychopathology were explored. Subjects drank most when stress and socialization periods coincided; they ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


In the course of longitudinal studies of patients with manic-depressive illness, the authors regularly observed clear features of depression during periods of acute mania. The relationship of depression to mania in 20 hospitalized patients was ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Intensive study of the family communication patterns in the search for a kidney transplant donor revealed that, in a significant number of cases, communication is effectively blocked. The authors followed 83 transplant patients and their families ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


In a direct comparison of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) responses and mental status interview content, MMPI statements were judged to overlap only 40 percent of standard mental status items, with a range of agreement from three to 87 ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


In the military a change of command is particularly stressful for the members of the unit involved. A comparison of units, some of which showed few increases in the indices of organizational stress and some of which showed great increases, revealed a ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Past studies of amok have focused on the psychopathology of incarcerated survivors; this study, which compares amok with other forms of homicide in Laos, emphasizes social factors as well. Results indicate that objective criteria can be developed for amok ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The psychiatric emergency service at the Orange County (Calif.) Medical Center provides emergency service for periods from one to two hours up to a day or more on the unit. Comparisons were made between patients seen only once over the first four months ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The author describes the development of a team approach to crisis intervention. By mobilizing family support, the team was usually able to bring about the resolution of the patient's crisis without resorting to hospitalization. This approach has also ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The authors describe a follow-up clinic for pediatric patients who have been hospitalized; an attempt is made to transform the acute crisis of hospitalization into a therapeutic relationship aimed at ameliorating intrapsychic and intrafamily problems. ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Two groups of young adults were followed for two and a half years after their first psychiatric hospitalizations. The first group received traditional modes of treatment; the second group was hospitalized after the institution of a crisis intervention ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Hotlines represent a coalescence of the traditional and the counter-culture models of crisis intervention. Hotline staff members who are oriented toward counter-culture values tend to relate easily to callers in a nondirective, nonauthoritarian manner. ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


The authors report on six patients with diazepam (Valium) toxicity. All showed symptoms of tremulousness, apprehension, insomnia, depression, and (later) ego-alien suicidal ideation. None had a history of previous psychiatric disorder, and all were taking ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Although psychiatrists advocate that physicians be honest with their patients. they themselves frequently withhold information from their patients. Their fear may stem from uncertainty about various aspects of an illness or a desire not to alienate the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


A study of hysteria (Briquet's syndrome) in 500 psychiatric clinic patients showed that men and women differ with regard to the number of symptoms reported and to the distribution of symptoms by age. Young women reported a disproportionately greater ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Manipulation of the therapist by the patient can sometimes be effectively handled by the therapist's counter-manipulating. The author presents three case reports of patients who manifested behavior that was pathologic but that was perhaps the best ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


An anonymous drug questionnaire was administered to 2,256 men enlisted in the Army who were either entering or leaving Viet Nam. The percentage of respondents who reported flashbacks arising from the use, of "acid" (LSD and STP) was 23 percent; ...

Publication date: 01 December 1972


Psychological test data from individuals who had discontinued using hallucinogens with those from individuals who were still using them were compared. While the continuers had a tendency toward higher risk-taking behavior, the two samples could not be ...

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