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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 130
  • Number 4
  • April 1973


Publication date: 01 April 1973


The expression "learning disabilities" is widely used and easily understood, but it may be applied to various handicaps. The author discusses the details of one particular handicap—reading disability—with implications that apply to the whole group in ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The hypothesis that separation in early life predisposes one to later psychopathology was tested using two groups of rhesus monkeys of similar age. The experimental group had undergone the stress of early life separation and confinement in a vertical ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The author briefly reviews the literature on the relationship between the administration of phenothiazines and the appearance of tardive dyskinesia. He presents three case reports which illustrate that the relationship is not understood well enough to ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Twenty-three acute schizophrenic inpatients were given a standardized 15-minute "free verbalization" interview during the acute phase and again during partial recovery. During the acute phase, patients tended to get lost in a vivid, overwhelming flood of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Groups of seven to ten volunteer alcoholic patients were studied and treated on a closed ward where alcohol was available. Of 66 patients who completed the program, 44 percent did not drink at any time, 33 percent drank throughout the drinking phase of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


In a study of treatment efficacy for 40 patients with air travel phobia, three behavior therapy techniques—aversion relief, systematic desensitization, and habituation—proved equally effective in significantly reducing the phobia, while group ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


In the authors' opinion, one of the most serious problems facing American psychiatry is the importation of large numbers of foreign medical graduates to staff the country's mental hospitals. This paper reviews the magnitude of the problem, the utilization ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


As part of an environmental health survey, 300 urban adults were asked how they would deal with a child who set fires. Respondents who were young, of upper socioeconomic status, and with numerous interpersonal relationships and low degrees of alienation ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Various epidemiological studies have noted the high rate of migration of Eskimo women from their native villages into cities and large rural towns and also their higher rate of psychopathology compared to Eskimo men. The author explores both trends and ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Hostility and depression are important factors associated with suicide attempts. Efforts to determine their respective importance, however, have been hindered because they are correlated to some extent with each other and with age and sex. The authors ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The authors have identified a component of the syndrome of depression—the cognitive element of negative expectations—as a stronger indicator of suicidal intent than depression itself. This not only suggests a solution to the puzzling question of why there ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The authors report a new treatment approach for suicide attempters in which the patient's condition, the measures taken to save his life, and the reactions of his family are recorded on videotape when the patient is brought to the emergency room. After ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The author's literature survey suggests that the incidence of suicide among psychiatric residents is probably similar to that among residents in other specialties and may not be very different from that of other males in the same age group. However, the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


To determine the importance of imitation in the act of suicide, the authors replicated a study by Motto that dealt with the relationship of suicide rates to the cessation of newspaper publication caused by a strike. Using the population of New York City ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


An articulated human service career "lattice," utilizing three two-year modules, has been developed in Maryland, extending from community college mental health associate programs through baccalaureate and master's degree modules. Graduates of the several ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Thirteen patients with tardive dyskinesia were treated with either haloperidol or tetrabenazine for 18 weeks. Haloperidol produced a statistically significant reduction in the frequency of oral dyskinesia, though the effect was most striking during the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Alcoholism is a frequent complication of methadone treatment. In this study, the reinforcing properties of methadone were employed therapeutically to maintain patients on disulfiram. In the experimental condition, alcoholic methadone patients were given ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


Study of a random sample of 184 undergraduate women revealed that marijuana users differed significantly from nonusers in various aspects of physical and emotional health, the use of a variety of other drugs, means of coping with anxiety and depression, ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


In order to help others in the field arrive at a more precise knowledge of what constitutes a satisfactory curriculum of postgraduate training in child psychiatry, the author presents the content of a recently designed two-year program. It has been ...

Publication date: 01 April 1973


The Capgras syndrome in a 32-year-old woman is described. While showing some affective and schizophrenic features, the syndrome appears to have retained its purity over a period of eight years. A good remission has been maintained recently through the use ...

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